package org.xmpp.jnodes.smack; import org.jivesoftware.smack.*; import org.jivesoftware.smack.filter.PacketFilter; import org.jivesoftware.smack.filter.PacketIDFilter; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.IQ; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Packet; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence; import org.jivesoftware.smack.provider.ProviderManager; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.ServiceDiscoveryManager; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.packet.DiscoverItems; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.packet.DiscoverInfo; import org.xmpp.jnodes.RelayChannel; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; public class SmackServiceNode implements ConnectionListener, PacketListener { private final XMPPConnection connection; private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, RelayChannel> channels = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, RelayChannel>(); private final Map<String, TrackerEntry> trackerEntries = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap<String, TrackerEntry>()); private long timeout = 60000; private final static ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); private final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor scheduledExecutor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1); private final AtomicInteger ids = new AtomicInteger(0); static { ProviderManager.getInstance().addIQProvider(JingleChannelIQ.NAME, JingleChannelIQ.NAMESPACE, new JingleNodesProvider()); ProviderManager.getInstance().addIQProvider(JingleTrackerIQ.NAME, JingleTrackerIQ.NAMESPACE, new JingleTrackerProvider()); } public SmackServiceNode(final XMPPConnection connection, final long timeout) { this.connection = connection; this.timeout = timeout; setup(); } public SmackServiceNode(final String server, final int port, final long timeout) { final ConnectionConfiguration conf = new ConnectionConfiguration(server, port, server); conf.setSASLAuthenticationEnabled(false); conf.setSecurityMode(ConnectionConfiguration.SecurityMode.disabled); connection = new XMPPConnection(conf); this.timeout = timeout; } public void connect(final String user, final String password) throws XMPPException { connect(user, password, false, Roster.SubscriptionMode.accept_all); } public void connect(final String user, final String password, final boolean tryCreateAccount, final Roster.SubscriptionMode mode) throws XMPPException { connection.connect(); connection.addConnectionListener(this); if (tryCreateAccount) { try { connection.getAccountManager().createAccount(user, password); try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Do Nothing } } catch (final XMPPException e) { // Do Nothing as account may exists } } connection.login(user, password); connection.getRoster().setSubscriptionMode(mode); setup(); } private void setup() { scheduledExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() { public void run() { for (final RelayChannel c : channels.values()) { final long current = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long da = current - c.getLastReceivedTimeA(); final long db = current - c.getLastReceivedTimeB(); if (da > timeout || db > timeout) { removeChannel(c); } } } }, timeout, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); connection.addPacketListener(this, new PacketFilter() { public boolean accept(Packet packet) { return packet instanceof JingleChannelIQ || packet instanceof JingleTrackerIQ; } }); } public void connectionClosed() { closeAllChannels(); scheduledExecutor.shutdownNow(); } private void closeAllChannels() { for (final RelayChannel c : channels.values()) { removeChannel(c); } } private void removeChannel(final RelayChannel c) { channels.remove(c.getAttachment()); c.close(); } public void connectionClosedOnError(Exception e) { closeAllChannels(); } public void reconnectingIn(int i) { } public void reconnectionSuccessful() { } public void reconnectionFailed(Exception e) { } protected IQ createUdpChannel(final JingleChannelIQ iq) { try { final RelayChannel rc = RelayChannel.createLocalRelayChannel("", 10000, 40000); final int id = ids.incrementAndGet(); final String sId = String.valueOf(id); rc.setAttachment(sId); channels.put(sId, rc); final JingleChannelIQ result = new JingleChannelIQ(); result.setType(IQ.Type.RESULT); result.setTo(iq.getFrom()); result.setFrom(iq.getTo()); result.setPacketID(iq.getPacketID()); result.setHost(rc.getIp()); result.setLocalport(rc.getPortA()); result.setRemoteport(rc.getPortB()); result.setId(sId); return result; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return JingleChannelIQ.createEmptyError(); } } public void processPacket(final Packet packet) { System.out.println("Received: " + packet.toXML()); if (packet instanceof JingleChannelIQ) { final JingleChannelIQ request = (JingleChannelIQ) packet; if (request.isRequest()) { connection.sendPacket(createUdpChannel(request)); } } else if (packet instanceof JingleTrackerIQ) { final JingleTrackerIQ iq = (JingleTrackerIQ) packet; if (iq.isRequest()) { final JingleTrackerIQ result = createKnownNodes(); result.setPacketID(packet.getPacketID()); result.setFrom(packet.getTo()); result.setTo(packet.getFrom()); connection.sendPacket(result); } } } public XMPPConnection getConnection() { return connection; } public static JingleChannelIQ getChannel(final XMPPConnection xmppConnection, final String serviceNode) { if (xmppConnection == null || !xmppConnection.isConnected()) { return null; } final JingleChannelIQ iq = new JingleChannelIQ(); iq.setFrom(xmppConnection.getUser()); iq.setTo(serviceNode); PacketCollector collector = xmppConnection.createPacketCollector(new PacketIDFilter(iq.getPacketID())); xmppConnection.sendPacket(iq); JingleChannelIQ result = (JingleChannelIQ) collector.nextResult(Math.round(SmackConfiguration.getPacketReplyTimeout() * 1.5)); collector.cancel(); return result; } public static JingleTrackerIQ getServices(final XMPPConnection xmppConnection, final String serviceNode) { if (xmppConnection == null || !xmppConnection.isConnected()) { return null; } final JingleTrackerIQ iq = new JingleTrackerIQ(); iq.setFrom(xmppConnection.getUser()); iq.setTo(serviceNode); PacketCollector collector = xmppConnection.createPacketCollector(new PacketIDFilter(iq.getPacketID())); xmppConnection.sendPacket(iq); Packet result = collector.nextResult(Math.round(SmackConfiguration.getPacketReplyTimeout() * 1.5)); collector.cancel(); return result instanceof JingleTrackerIQ ? (JingleTrackerIQ) result : null; } private static void deepSearch(final XMPPConnection xmppConnection, final int maxEntries, final String startPoint, final MappedNodes mappedNodes, final int maxDepth, final int maxSearchNodes, final String protocol, final ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> visited) { if (xmppConnection == null || !xmppConnection.isConnected()) { return; } if (mappedNodes.getRelayEntries().size() > maxEntries || maxDepth <= 0) { return; } if (startPoint.equals(xmppConnection.getUser())) { return; } if (visited.size() > maxSearchNodes) { return; } JingleTrackerIQ result = getServices(xmppConnection, startPoint); visited.put(startPoint, startPoint); if (result != null && result.getType().equals(IQ.Type.RESULT)) { for (final TrackerEntry entry : result.getEntries()) { if (entry.getType().equals(TrackerEntry.Type.tracker)) { mappedNodes.getTrackerEntries().put(entry.getJid(), entry); deepSearch(xmppConnection, maxEntries, entry.getJid(), mappedNodes, maxDepth - 1, maxSearchNodes, protocol, visited); } else if (entry.getType().equals(TrackerEntry.Type.relay)) { if (protocol == null || protocol.equals(entry.getProtocol())) { mappedNodes.getRelayEntries().put(entry.getJid(), entry); } } } } } public static MappedNodes aSyncSearchServices(final XMPPConnection xmppConnection, final int maxEntries, final int maxDepth, final int maxSearchNodes, final String protocol, final boolean searchBuddies) { final MappedNodes mappedNodes = new MappedNodes(); final Runnable bgTask = new Runnable(){ @Override public void run() { searchServices(new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(), xmppConnection, maxEntries, maxDepth, maxSearchNodes, protocol, searchBuddies, mappedNodes); } }; executorService.submit(bgTask); return mappedNodes; } public static MappedNodes searchServices(final XMPPConnection xmppConnection, final int maxEntries, final int maxDepth, final int maxSearchNodes, final String protocol, final boolean searchBuddies) { return searchServices(new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(), xmppConnection, maxEntries, maxDepth, maxSearchNodes, protocol, searchBuddies, new MappedNodes()); } private static MappedNodes searchServices(final ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> visited, final XMPPConnection xmppConnection, final int maxEntries, final int maxDepth, final int maxSearchNodes, final String protocol, final boolean searchBuddies, final MappedNodes mappedNodes) { if (xmppConnection == null || !xmppConnection.isConnected()) { return null; } searchDiscoItems(xmppConnection, maxEntries, xmppConnection.getServiceName(), mappedNodes, maxDepth - 1, maxSearchNodes, protocol, visited); // Request to Server deepSearch(xmppConnection, maxEntries, xmppConnection.getHost(), mappedNodes, maxDepth - 1, maxSearchNodes, protocol, visited); // Request to Buddies if (xmppConnection.getRoster() != null && searchBuddies) { for (final RosterEntry re : xmppConnection.getRoster().getEntries()) { for (final Iterator<Presence> i = xmppConnection.getRoster().getPresences(re.getUser()); i.hasNext();) { final Presence presence =; if (presence.isAvailable()) { deepSearch(xmppConnection, maxEntries, presence.getFrom(), mappedNodes, maxDepth - 1, maxSearchNodes, protocol, visited); } } } } return mappedNodes; } private static void searchDiscoItems(final XMPPConnection xmppConnection, final int maxEntries, final String startPoint, final MappedNodes mappedNodes, final int maxDepth, final int maxSearchNodes, final String protocol, final ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> visited) { final DiscoverItems items = new DiscoverItems(); items.setTo(startPoint); PacketCollector collector = xmppConnection.createPacketCollector(new PacketIDFilter(items.getPacketID())); xmppConnection.sendPacket(items); DiscoverItems result = (DiscoverItems) collector.nextResult(Math.round(SmackConfiguration.getPacketReplyTimeout() * 1.5)); if (result != null) { final Iterator<DiscoverItems.Item> i = result.getItems(); for (DiscoverItems.Item item = i.hasNext() ? : null; item != null; item = i.hasNext() ? : null) { deepSearch(xmppConnection, maxEntries, item.getEntityID(), mappedNodes, maxDepth, maxSearchNodes, protocol, visited); } } collector.cancel(); } public static class MappedNodes { final Map<String, TrackerEntry> relayEntries = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap<String, TrackerEntry>()); final Map<String, TrackerEntry> trackerEntries = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap<String, TrackerEntry>()); public Map<String, TrackerEntry> getRelayEntries() { return relayEntries; } public Map<String, TrackerEntry> getTrackerEntries() { return trackerEntries; } } ConcurrentHashMap<String, RelayChannel> getChannels() { return channels; } public JingleTrackerIQ createKnownNodes() { final JingleTrackerIQ iq = new JingleTrackerIQ(); iq.setType(IQ.Type.RESULT); for (final TrackerEntry entry : trackerEntries.values()) { if (!entry.getPolicy().equals(TrackerEntry.Policy._roster)) { iq.addEntry(entry); } } return iq; } public void addTrackerEntry(final TrackerEntry entry) { trackerEntries.put(entry.getJid(), entry); } public void addEntries(final MappedNodes entries) { for (final TrackerEntry t : entries.getRelayEntries().values()) { addTrackerEntry(t); } for (final TrackerEntry t : entries.getTrackerEntries().values()) { addTrackerEntry(t); } } public Map<String, TrackerEntry> getTrackerEntries() { return trackerEntries; } public TrackerEntry getPreferedRelay() { for (final TrackerEntry trackerEntry : trackerEntries.values()) { if (TrackerEntry.Type.relay.equals(trackerEntry.getType())) { return trackerEntry; } } return null; } }