package com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.publisher; /** * jCumulus is a Java port of Cumulus OpenRTMP * * Copyright 2011 OpenRTMFP * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License received along this program for more * details (or else see * * * This file is a part of jCumulus. */ import com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.ISession; import com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.packet.*; import com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.pipe.C; import com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.application.VideoWriter; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class FlowWriter { private static final Logger G = Logger.getLogger(FlowWriter.class); private static J S = new J(); private int J; private boolean K; private int C; private byte I[]; private ISession H; private boolean B; private L A; private final List P = new ArrayList(); private int N; private final List O = new ArrayList(); private int L; private int M; private int D; private int F; private Double E; private String R; private int Q; public FlowWriter(byte abyte0[], ISession d) { A = new L(); K = false; J = 0; N = 0; L = 0; B = false; E = Double.valueOf(0.0D); Q = 0; C = 0; H = d; I = abyte0; F = 0; M = 0; D = 0; d.B(this); } public com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.application.AudioWriter B() { return new com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.application.AudioWriter(I, H); } public VideoWriter K() { return new VideoWriter(I, H); } public void F() { B = true; I(); } public void D(String s) { G.warn((new StringBuilder()).append("FlowWriter ").append(J).append(" has failed : ").append(s).toString()); N = L = M = D = 0; I(); if(B) { return; } else { H.B(this); return; } } public void I() { } public void C() { if(B) return; if(N > 0) if(D() != 0); B = true; A(); } protected com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.A C(String s, String s1) { return A("_result", s, s1); } public com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.A A(String s, String s1) { return A("onStatus", s, s1); } public com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.A B(String s, String s1) { return A("_error", s, s1); } public void A(AudioPacket a) { int i = a.J(); if(i == 0) { G.error("Negative acknowledgment"); D("Negative acknowledgment"); return; } int j = L; int k = a.J(); int l = L + 1; if(k > N) { G.error((new StringBuilder()).append("Acknowledgment received ").append(k).append(" superior than the current sending stage ").append(N).append(" on flowWriter ").append(J).toString()); L = N; } else if(k <= L) { if(a.I() == 0) G.debug((new StringBuilder()).append("Acknowledgment ").append(k).append(" obsolete on flowWriter ").append(J).toString()); } else { L = k; } int i1 = L; int j1 = a.H(); while(a.I() > 0) i1 += a.J() + a.J() + 2; if(j1 != a.H()) a.E(j1); int k1 = 0; int l1 = 0; boolean flag = false; boolean flag1 = true; boolean flag2 = false; synchronized(O) { ListIterator listiterator = O.listIterator(); do { if(flag2 || !listiterator.hasNext()) break; I i2 = (I); if(i2.B().size() == 0) { G.error((new StringBuilder()).append("Message ").append(l + 1).append(" is bad formatted on flowWriter ").append(J).toString()); } else { Integer ainteger[] = (Integer[])i2.B().keySet().toArray(new Integer[0]); Integer integer = ainteger[0]; int j2 = 0; do { if(j2 >= ainteger.length) break; if(L >= l) { i2.B().remove(ainteger[0]); ainteger = (Integer[])i2.B().keySet().toArray(new Integer[0]); j2 = 0; if(j2 < ainteger.length) integer = ainteger[j2]; D++; l++; continue; } do { if(flag2 || k1 != 0) break; if(k1 == 0) if(a.I() > 0) { k1 = a.J() + 1; l1 = k + 1; k = l1 + k1 + a.J(); } else { flag2 = true; break; } if(l1 > N) { G.error((new StringBuilder()).append("Lost information received ").append(l1).append(" have not been yet sent on flowWriter ").append(J).toString()); flag2 = true; break; } if(l1 > L) break; k1--; l1++; } while(true); if(flag2) break; if(l1 != l) { if(flag) { l++; if(j2 < ainteger.length - 1) { j2++; integer = ainteger[j2]; } flag1 = true; } else { L = l; } } else if(!i2.A()) { if(flag) { j2++; integer = ainteger[j2]; l++; flag1 = true; } else { G.debug((new StringBuilder()).append("FlowWriter ").append(J).append(" : message ").append(l).append(" lost").toString()); D--; M++; L = l; } k1--; l1++; } else { flag = true; if(((Integer)i2.B().get(integer)).intValue() >= i1 || k == l1 + 2) { l++; flag1 = true; k1--; l1++; if(j2 < ainteger.length - 1) { j2++; integer = ainteger[j2]; } } else { G.debug((new StringBuilder()).append("FlowWriter ").append(J).append(" : stage ").append(l).append(" repeated").toString()); int k2 = integer.intValue(); Packet b1 = i2.A(k2); int i3 = b1.I(); i2.B().put(integer, Integer.valueOf(N)); int j3 = i3; byte byte0 = 0; if(k2 > 0) byte0 |= com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.publisher.E.M.intValue(); if(j2 < ainteger.length - 1) { j2++; integer = ainteger[j2]; byte0 |= com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.publisher.E.C.intValue(); j3 = integer.intValue() - k2; } b2 = H.B(); int k3 = j3 + 4; if(!flag1 && k3 > b2.D()) { H.A(false); flag1 = true; } if(flag1) k3 += D(l); if(k3 > b2.D()) H.A(false); k3 -= 3; A(H.A(((byte)(flag1 ? 16 : 17)), k3, null), l, byte0, flag1, b1, j3); i3 -= j3; flag1 = false; k1--; l1++; l++; } } } while(true); if(i2.B().size() == 0) { if(i2.A()) F--; if(D > 0) { Packet b = i2.D(); int l2 = b.I(); A(D, M, b, l2); D = M = 0; } listiterator.remove(); } } } while(true); } if(k1 > 0 && a.I() > 0) G.error((new StringBuilder()).append("Some lost information received have not been yet sent on flowWriter ").append(J).toString()); if(F == 0) A.B(); else if(L > j || flag) A.A(); } public void A(int i) { if(i >= D()) { G.error((new StringBuilder()).append("Impossible to cancel ").append(i).append(" message on flowWriter ").append(J).toString()); return; } synchronized(P) { for(int j = i; j < P.size(); j++) P.remove(i); } } public void A(byte abyte0[], int i) { A(abyte0, i, ((byte []) (null)), 0); } public void A(byte abyte0[], int i, byte abyte1[], int j) { if(B || I == null || H.A()) return; G g = new G(abyte0, i, abyte1, j); synchronized(P) { P.add(g); } A(); } private K H() { if(B || I == null || H.A()) return S; K k = new K(); synchronized(P) { P.add(k); } return k; } public A(boolean flag) { K k = H(); if(!flag) { k.E().B((byte)4); k.E().A(0); } return k.E(); } public com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.F B(String s) { K k = H(); k.E().B((byte)15); k.E().B((byte)0); k.E().A(0); k.F().A(s); return k.F(); } private void A( a, String s, double d) { a.B((byte)20); a.A(0); a.B((byte)2); a.D(s.getBytes()); a.B((byte)0); a.A(d); a.B((byte)5); } public com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.F A(String s) { K k = H(); A(k.E(), s, 0.0D); return k.F(); } public com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.F J() { K k = H(); A(k.E(), "_result", E.doubleValue()); return k.F(); } com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.A A(String s, String s1, String s2) { K k = H(); A(k.E(), s, E.doubleValue()); String s3 = R; if(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(s1)) { s3 = (new StringBuilder()).append(s3).append(".").toString(); s3 = (new StringBuilder()).append(s3).append(s1).toString(); } boolean flag = k.F().D(); k.F().B(true); com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.A a = new com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.flow.A(k.F()); if(s.equals("_error")) a.A("level", "error"); else a.A("level", "status"); a.A("code", s3); if(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(s2)) a.A("description", s2); k.F().B(flag); return a; } public void A() { B(false); } public void B(boolean flag) { boolean flag1 = !H.A(this); synchronized(P) { for(Iterator iterator = P.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { I i = (I); if(i.A()) { F++; A.C(); } int j = 0; Packet b = i.D(); int k = b.I(); do { b1 = H.B(); if(b1.D() < 12) { H.A(false); flag1 = true; } boolean flag2 = flag1; int l = k; int i1 = l + 4; N++; if(flag2) i1 += D(N); byte byte0 = 0; if(j > 0) byte0 |= com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.publisher.E.M.intValue(); if(i1 > b1.D()) { byte0 |= com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.publisher.E.C.intValue(); l = b1.D() - (i1 - l); i1 = b1.D(); flag1 = true; } else { flag1 = false; } i1 -= 3; A(H.A(((byte)(flag2 ? 16 : 17)), (short)i1, this), N, byte0, flag2, b, l); i.B().put(Integer.valueOf(j), Integer.valueOf(N)); k -= l; j += l; } while(k > 0); synchronized(O) { O.add(i); } } P.clear(); } if(flag) H.A(true); } int D(int i) { int j = com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.pipe.C.A(J); j += com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.pipe.C.A(i); if(L > i) G.error((new StringBuilder()).append("stageAck ").append(L).append(" superior to stage ").append(i).append(" on flowWriter ").append(J).toString()); j += com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.pipe.C.A(i - L); j += L <= 0 ? I.length + (C != 0 ? 4 + com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.pipe.C.A(C) : 2) : 0; return j; } public void A( b, int i, byte byte0, boolean flag, Packet b1, int j) { if(L == 0 && flag) byte0 |= com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.publisher.E.N.intValue(); if(j == 0) byte0 |= com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.publisher.E.H.intValue(); if(B) byte0 |= com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.publisher.E.E.intValue(); G.debug((new StringBuilder()).append("FlowWriter ").append(J).append(" stage ").append(i).toString()); b.B(byte0); if(flag) { b.D(J); b.D(i); b.D((byte0 & com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.publisher.E.H.intValue()) == 0 ? i - L : 0); if(L == 0) { b.C(I); if(C > 0) { b.B((byte)(1 + com.jcumulus.server.rtmfp.pipe.C.A(C))); b.B((byte)10); b.D(C); } b.B((byte)0); } } if(j > 0) b.B(b1.F(j)); } protected void A(int i, int j, Packet b, int k) { } public int D() { synchronized (this.P) { return this.P.size(); } } public int E() { return J; } public void B(int i) { J = i; } public void C(int i) { C = i; } public void C(String s) { R = s; } public void A(Double double1) { E = double1; } public byte[] G() { return I; } }