package org.voicebridge; import java.util.*; import java.text.ParseException; import*; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.sun.voip.server.*; import com.sun.voip.client.*; import com.sun.voip.*; public class Application implements CallEventListener { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Application.class); private String version = ""; private Config config; private Map< String, Object > callObjects = new HashMap< String, Object >(); private Map< String, CallParticipant > callPartipants = new HashMap< String, CallParticipant >(); private static ArrayList<ConferenceMonitor> conferenceMonitors = new ArrayList<ConferenceMonitor>(); private static ArrayList<Object> incomingCallListeners = new ArrayList<Object>(); private static ArrayList<Object> outgoingCallListeners = new ArrayList<Object>(); public boolean appStart(File pluginDirectory) { try{ String logDir = pluginDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + ".." + File.separator + ".." + File.separator + "logs" + File.separator; loginfo(String.format("VoiceBridge logs %s", logDir)); config = Config.getInstance(); config.initialise(); String webHome = pluginDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + ".." + File.separator + ".." + File.separator + "resources" + File.separator + "spank" + File.separator + "rayo"; System.setProperty("com.sun.voip.server.LOGLEVEL", "99"); System.setProperty("com.sun.voip.server.FIRST_RTP_PORT", "3200"); System.setProperty("com.sun.voip.server.LAST_RTP_PORT", "3899"); System.setProperty("com.sun.voip.server.FIRST_VIDEOBRIDGE_RTP_PORT", "3900"); System.setProperty("com.sun.voip.server.LAST_VIDEOBRIDGE_RTP_PORT", "3999"); System.setProperty("com.sun.voip.server.Bridge.logDirectory", logDir); System.setProperty("com.sun.voip.server.BRIDGE_LOG", "bridge.log"); System.setProperty("com.sun.voip.server.LOGLEVEL", "99"); System.setProperty("com.sun.voip.server.PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS", config.getPublicHost()); System.setProperty("com.sun.voip.server.PROTOCOL", config.getDefaultProtocol()); System.setProperty("com.sun.voip.server.SIP_PORT", config.getDefaultSIPPort()); System.setProperty("com.sun.voip.server.Bridge.recordDirectory", webHome + File.separator + "recordings"); System.setProperty("com.sun.voip.server.Bridge.soundsDirectory", webHome + File.separator + "sounds"); System.setProperty("com.sun.voip.server.Bridge.soundPath", "/com/sun/voip/server/sounds:" + webHome + File.separator + "sounds"); System.setProperty("freetts.voices", ""); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty("javax.sip.STACK_NAME", "JAIN SIP 1.1"); properties.setProperty("javax.sip.RETRANSMISSION_FILTER", "on"); properties.setProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.TRACE_LEVEL", "99"); properties.setProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.MIN_KEEPALIVE_TIME_SECONDS", "360"); properties.setProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.SERVER_LOG", logDir + "sip_server.log"); properties.setProperty("gov.nist.javax.sip.DEBUG_LOG", logDir + "sip_debug.log"); properties.setProperty("javax.sip.IP_ADDRESS",config.getPrivateHost()); Bridge.setPublicHost(config.getPublicHost()); Bridge.setPrivateHost(config.getPrivateHost()); Bridge.setBridgeLocation("LCL"); new SipServer(config, properties); FreeTTSClient.initialize(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return true; } public void appStop() { loginfo( "VoiceBridge stopping"); Object service = this; synchronized (incomingCallListeners) { boolean removeIncomingCallHandler = false; for (Object theService : incomingCallListeners) { if (theService == service) { removeIncomingCallHandler = true; } } if (removeIncomingCallHandler) { monitorIncomingCalls(false); } monitorOutgoingCalls(false); } synchronized(conferenceMonitors) { ArrayList<ConferenceMonitor> monitorsToRemove = new ArrayList<ConferenceMonitor>(); for (ConferenceMonitor m : conferenceMonitors) { if (service == m.getService()) { monitorsToRemove.add(m); } } for (ConferenceMonitor m : monitorsToRemove) { loginfo("Removing conference monitor for " + m.getConferenceId()); conferenceMonitors.remove(m); } } CallHandler.shutdown(); config.terminate(); } public void callEventNotification(CallEvent callEvent) { loginfo( "VoiceBridge callEventNotification " + callEvent.toString()); if (conferenceMonitors.size() > 0) { notifyConferenceMonitors(callEvent); } Application.reportCallEventNotification(null, callEvent, "monitorCallStatus"); } public static void reportCallEventNotification(Object service, CallEvent callEvent, String monitorName) { if ( service != null ) { String myEvent = CallEvent.getEventString(callEvent.getEvent()); String callState = callEvent.getCallState().toString(); String info = callEvent.getInfo() == null ? "" : callEvent.getInfo(); String dtmf = callEvent.getDtmfKey() == null ? "" : callEvent.getDtmfKey(); String treatmentdId = callEvent.getTreatmentId() == null ? "" : callEvent.getTreatmentId(); int noOfCalls = callEvent.getNumberOfCalls(); String callId = callEvent.getCallId() == null ? "" : callEvent.getCallId(); String confId = callEvent.getConferenceId() == null ? "" : callEvent.getConferenceId(); String callInfo = callEvent.getCallInfo() == null ? "" : callEvent.getCallInfo(); //service.invoke("callsEventNotification", new Object[] {monitorName, myEvent, callState, info, dtmf, treatmentdId, String.valueOf(noOfCalls), callId, confId, callInfo }); } } public static void registerNotification(String status, ProxyCredentials credentials) {"registerNotification " + status + " " + credentials.getXmppUserName()); try { Config.updateStatus(credentials.getXmppUserName(), status); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("registerNotification " + e); } } public void manageCallParticipant(String uid, String parameter, String value) { loginfo("VoiceBridge manageParticipant"); if ( callPartipants.containsKey(uid) == false) { callPartipants.put(uid, new CallParticipant()); reportInfo("Call Participant " + uid + " created"); } CallParticipant cp = callPartipants.get(uid); try { parseCallParameters(parameter, value, cp, uid); reportInfo("manageCallParticipant processing " + parameter + " value: " + value); } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } } public void manageVoiceBridge(String parameter, String value) { loginfo("VoiceBridge manageConference"); try { parseBridgeParameters(parameter, value); reportInfo("manageVoiceBridge processing " + parameter + " value: " + value); } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } } private void makeOutgoingCall(CallParticipant cp, String uid) { loginfo("VoiceBridge makeOutgoingCall"); try { if (validateAndAdjustParameters(cp)) { if (cp.getSecondPartyNumber() == null) { OutgoingCallHandler outgoingCallHandler = new OutgoingCallHandler(this, cp); outgoingCallHandler.start(); callObjects.put(uid, outgoingCallHandler); reportInfo("Outgoing call made to " + cp.getPhoneNumber() + " id: " + cp.getCallId()); } else { TwoPartyCallHandler twoPartyCallHandler = new TwoPartyCallHandler(this, cp); twoPartyCallHandler.start(); callObjects.put(uid, twoPartyCallHandler); reportInfo("Two party call made to " + cp.getPhoneNumber() + " id: " + cp.getCallId()); } } } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } } private void migrateCall(CallParticipant cp) { loginfo("VoiceBridge migrateCall"); try { if (validateAndAdjustParameters(cp)) { if (cp.migrateCall()) { new CallMigrator(this, cp).start(); reportInfo("Call migrated to " + cp.getSecondPartyNumber() + " id: " + cp.getCallId()); } else { reportError("Call participant is not configured for migration"); } } } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } } private void reportError(String error) { logerror("VoiceBridge " + error); } private void reportInfo(String info) { loginfo(info); } private void loginfo( String s ) { s ); System.out.println( s ); } private void logerror( String s ) { log.error( s ); System.out.println( "[ERROR] " + s ); } private void parseBridgeParameters(String parameter, String value) { if ("nAvg".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { LowPassFilter.setNAvg(getInteger(value)); } catch (Exception e) { reportError("parseBridgeParameters : nAvg " + value + " is not numeric" ); } return; } if ("lpfv".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { LowPassFilter.setLpfVolumeAdjustment(getDouble(value)); } catch (Exception e) { reportError("parseBridgeParameters : lpfv " + value + " is not numeric" ); } return; } if ("forceGatewayError".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { SipTPCCallAgent.forceGatewayError(stringToBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("addCallToWhisperGroup".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { String[] tokens = value.split(":"); if (tokens.length != 2) { reportError("You must specify both a whisperGroupId and a callId"); return; } String whisperGroupId = tokens[0]; String callId = tokens[1]; CallHandler callHandler = CallHandler.findCall(callId); if (callHandler == null) { reportError("Invalid callId: " + callId); return; } try { callHandler.getMember().addCall(whisperGroupId); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("allowShortNames".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { ConferenceManager.setAllowShortNames(stringToBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("bridgeLocation".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { Bridge.setBridgeLocation(value); return; } if ("cancelCall".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { CallHandler.hangup(value, "User requested call termination"); return; } if ("cancelMigration".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { CallMigrator.hangup(value, "User requested call termination"); return; } if ("cnThresh".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { CallHandler.setCnThresh(getQualifierString(value), getInteger(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("comfortNoiseType".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { MemberSender.setComfortNoiseType(getInteger(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("comfortNoiseLevel".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { RtpPacket.setDefaultComfortNoiseLevel((byte) getInteger(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("commonMixDefault".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { WhisperGroup.setCommonMixDefault(stringToBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("conferenceInfoShort".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { reportInfo(ConferenceManager.getAbbreviatedConferenceInfo()); return; } if ("conferenceInfo".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { reportInfo(ConferenceManager.getDetailedConferenceInfo()); return; } if ("createConference".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { String[] tokens = value.split(":"); if (tokens.length < 2) { reportError("Missing parameters"); return; } String conferenceId = tokens[0]; if (tokens[1].indexOf("PCM") != 0 && tokens[1].indexOf("SPEEX") != 0) { reportError("invalid media specification"); return; } String mediaPreference = tokens[1]; String displayName = null; if (tokens.length > 2) { displayName = tokens[2]; } try { ConferenceManager.createConference(conferenceId, mediaPreference, displayName); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("createWhisperGroup".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { String[] tokens = value.split(":"); if (tokens.length < 2) { reportError("You must specify both a conferenceId and a whisperGroupId"); return; } try { String conferenceId = tokens[0]; String whisperGroupId = tokens[1]; double attenuation = WhisperGroup.getDefaultAttenuation(); if (tokens.length == 3) { attenuation = getDouble(tokens[2]); } ConferenceManager.createWhisperGroup(conferenceId, whisperGroupId, attenuation); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError("Can't create Whisper group " + tokens[1] + " " + e.getMessage()); } return; } if ("deferMixing".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { MemberReceiver.deferMixing(getBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("destroyWhisperGroup".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { String[] tokens = value.split(":"); if (tokens.length != 2) { reportError("You must specify both a conferenceId and a whisperGroupId"); return; } try { ConferenceManager.destroyWhisperGroup(tokens[0], tokens[1]); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("callAnswerTimeout".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { CallSetupAgent.setDefaultCallAnswerTimeout(getInteger(value)); } catch (Exception e) { reportError("callAnswerTimeout " + value + " is not numeric" ); } return; } if ("doNotRecord".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { boolean booleanValue = getBoolean(value); String callId = getQualifierString(value); if (callId == null) { reportError("Call id is missing"); return; } try { CallHandler.setDoNotRecord(callId, booleanValue); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { reportError("Invalid callId specified: " + value); } } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("dtmfSuppression".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { boolean booleanValue = getBoolean(value); String callId = getQualifierString(value); if (callId == null) { reportError("Call id is missing"); return; } try { CallHandler.setDtmfSuppression(callId, booleanValue); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { reportError("Invalid callId specified: " + value); } } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("drop".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { int integerValue = getInteger(value); String callId = getQualifierString(value); if (callId == null) { reportError("Call id is missing"); return; } try { CallHandler.setDropPackets(callId, integerValue); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { reportError("Invalid callId specified: " + value); } } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("duplicateCallLimit".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { CallHandler.setDuplicateCallLimit(getInteger(value)); } catch (Exception e) { reportError("duplicateCallLimit " + value + " is not numeric" ); } return; } if ("directConferencing".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { IncomingCallHandler.setDirectConferencing(getBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("distributedConferenceInfo".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { reportInfo(ConferenceManager.getDistributedConferenceInfo()); return; } if ("dropDb".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { ConferenceManager.dropDb(); return; } if ("enablePSTNCalls".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { CallHandler.enablePSTNCalls(getBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("endConference".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { ConferenceManager.endConference(value); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("firstRtpPort".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { ConferenceMember.setFirstRtpPort(getInteger(value)); } catch (Exception e) { reportError("firstRtpPort " + value + " is not numeric" ); } return; } if ("setForcePrivateMix".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { MixManager.setForcePrivateMix(getBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("forwardData".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { String[] tokens = value.split(":"); if (tokens.length < 2) { reportError("Missing parameters: " + value); return; } CallHandler dest = CallHandler.findCall(tokens[0]); if (dest == null) { reportError("Invalid callId: " + tokens[0]); return; } CallHandler src = CallHandler.findCall(tokens[1]); if (src == null) { reportError("Invalid callId: " + tokens[1]); return; } src.getMember().getMemberReceiver().addForwardMember(dest.getMember().getMemberSender()); } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("forwardDtmfKeys".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { MemberReceiver.setForwardDtmfKeys(getBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("gc".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { System.gc(); return; } if ("gcs".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { reportInfo(CallHandler.getCallStateForAllCalls()); return; } if ("getCallState".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { String callId = getString(value); CallHandler callHandler = CallHandler.findCall(callId); if (callHandler == null) { reportError("Invalid callId: " + callId); return; } reportInfo(callHandler.getCallState()); return; } if ("getAllAbbreviatedMixDescriptors".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { reportInfo(CallHandler.getAllAbbreviatedMixDescriptors()); return; } if ("getAbbreviatedMixDescriptors".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { String callId = getString(value); CallHandler callHandler = CallHandler.findCall(callId); if (callHandler == null) { reportError("Invalid callId: " + callId); return; } reportInfo(callHandler.getMember().getAbbreviatedMixDescriptors()); return; } if ("getAllMixDescriptors".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { reportInfo(CallHandler.getAllMixDescriptors()); return; } if ("getMixDescriptors".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { String callId = getString(value); CallHandler callHandler = CallHandler.findCall(callId); if (callHandler == null) { reportError("Invalid callId: " + callId); return; } reportInfo(callHandler.getMember().getMixDescriptors()); return; } if ("getStatistics".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { /* { String.valueOf(ConferenceManager.getNumberOfConferences()), String.valueOf(ConferenceManager.getTotalMembers()), String.valueOf(CallHandler.getTotalSpeaking()), String.valueOf(Math.round(ConferenceSender.getTimeBetweenSends() * 10000) / 10000.), String.valueOf(Math.round(ConferenceSender.getAverageSendTime() * 10000) / 10000.), String.valueOf(Math.round(ConferenceSender.getMaxSendTime() * 10000) / 10000.) }); */ } if ("getBriefConferenceInfo".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { reportInfo(ConferenceManager.getBriefConferenceInfo()); return; } if ("gc".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { System.gc(); return; } if ("incomingCallTreatment".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { IncomingCallHandler.setIncomingCallTreatment(value); return; } if ("incomingCallVoiceDetection".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { IncomingCallHandler.setIncomingCallVoiceDetection(getBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("internationalPrefix".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { if (value.equals("\"\"") || value.equals("''")) { value = ""; } config.setInternationalPrefix(value); return; } if ("internalExtenLength".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { config.setInternalExtenLength(getInteger(value)); } catch (Exception e) { reportError("internalExtenLength " + value + " is not numeric" ); } } if ("conferenceJoinTreatment".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { String[] tokens = value.split(":"); if (tokens.length != 2) { reportError("conferenceJoinTreatment requires two inputs"); return; } ConferenceManager.setConferenceJoinTreatment(tokens[1], tokens[0]); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("conferenceLeaveTreatment".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { String[] tokens = value.split(":"); if (tokens.length != 2) { reportError("conferenceLeaveTreatment requires two inputs"); return; } ConferenceManager.setConferenceLeaveTreatment(tokens[1], tokens[0]); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("lastRtpPort".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { ConferenceMember.setLastRtpPort(getInteger(value)); } catch (Exception e) { reportError("lastRtpPort " + value + " is not numeric" ); } return; } if ("loneReceiverPort".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { ConferenceManager.setLoneReceiverPort(getInteger(value)); } catch (Exception e) { reportError("loneReceiverPort " + value + " is not numeric" ); } return; } if ("longDistancePrefix".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { if (value.equals("\"\"") || value.equals("''")) { value = ""; } config.setLongDistancePrefix(value); return; } if ("migrateToBridge".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { String[] tokens = value.split(":"); if (tokens.length != 3) { reportError("migrateToBridge requires three inputs"); return; } String bridge = tokens[0]; String port = tokens[1]; String callId = tokens[2]; CallHandler callHandler = CallHandler.findCall(callId); if (callHandler == null) { reportError("Invalid callId: " + callId); return; } CallParticipant cp = callHandler.getCallParticipant(); if (cp.getInputTreatment() != null) { cp.setPhoneNumber(null); } /* BridgeConnector bridgeConnector; int serverPort; try { serverPort = Integer.parseInt(port); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { reportError("Invalid bridge server port: " + port); return; } try { bridgeConnector = new BridgeConnector(bridge, serverPort, 5000); } catch (IOException e) { reportError("Unable to connect to bridge " + bridge + " " + e.getMessage()); return; } callHandler.suppressStatus(true); try { String s = cp.getCallSetupRequest(); s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1); // get rid of last new line bridgeConnector.sendCommand(s); } catch (IOException e) { reportError("Unable to send command to bridge: " + e.getMessage()); return; } bridgeConnector.addCallEventListener(requestHandler); // XXX need to figure out how to deal with Private Mixes now that the call has moved! */ } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("senderThreads".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { ConferenceSender.setSenderThreads(getInteger(value)); } catch (Exception e) { reportError("senderThreads " + value + " is not numeric" ); } return; } if ("minJitterBufferSize".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { String[] tokens = value.split(":"); if (tokens.length != 2) { reportError("minJitterBufferSize requires two inputs"); return; } int minJitterBufferSize = getInteger(tokens[0]); CallHandler callHandler = CallHandler.findCall(tokens[1]); if (callHandler == null) { reportError("Invalid callId: " + tokens[1]); return; } callHandler.getMember().getMemberReceiver().setMinJitterBufferSize(minJitterBufferSize); } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("maxJitterBufferSize".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { String[] tokens = value.split(":"); if (tokens.length != 2) { reportError("maxJitterBufferSize requires two inputs"); return; } int minJitterBufferSize = getInteger(tokens[0]); CallHandler callHandler = CallHandler.findCall(tokens[1]); if (callHandler == null) { reportError("Invalid callId: " + tokens[1]); return; } callHandler.getMember().getMemberReceiver().setMaxJitterBufferSize(minJitterBufferSize); } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("monitorCallStatus".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { boolean booleanValue = getBoolean(value); String callId = getQualifierString(value); if (callId == null) { reportError("Call id is missing"); return; } try { CallHandler callHandler = CallHandler.findCall(callId); if (callHandler == null) { reportError("No such callId: " + callId); return; } if (booleanValue == true) { callHandler.addCallEventListener(this); } else { callHandler.removeCallEventListener(this); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { reportError("Invalid callId specified: " + value); } } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("monitorConferenceStatus".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { boolean booleanValue = getBoolean(value); String conferenceId = getQualifierString(value); if (conferenceId == null) { reportError("conferenceId id is missing"); return; } monitorConferenceStatus(conferenceId, booleanValue); } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("monitorIncomingCalls".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { boolean booleanValue = getBoolean(value); if (monitorIncomingCalls(booleanValue) == false) { reportInfo("There is already an incoming call monitor!"); return; } } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("monitorOutgoingCalls".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { boolean booleanValue = getBoolean(value); monitorOutgoingCalls(booleanValue); } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("muteCall".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { boolean booleanValue = getBoolean(value); String callId = getQualifierString(value); if (callId == null) { reportError("Call id is missing"); return; } try { CallHandler callHandler = CallHandler.findCall(callId); if (callHandler == null) { reportError("No such callId: " + callId); return; } CallHandler.setMuted(callId, booleanValue); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { reportError("Invalid callId specified: " + value); } } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("muteWhisperGroup".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { boolean booleanValue = getBoolean(value); String callId = getQualifierString(value); if (callId == null) { reportError("Call id is missing"); return; } try { CallHandler callHandler = CallHandler.findCall(callId); if (callHandler == null) { reportError("No such callId: " + callId); return; } CallHandler.setMuteWhisperGroup(callId, booleanValue); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { reportError("Invalid callId specified: " + value); } } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("muteConference".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { boolean booleanValue = getBoolean(value); String callId = getQualifierString(value); if (callId == null) { reportError("Call id is missing"); return; } try { CallHandler callHandler = CallHandler.findCall(callId); if (callHandler == null) { reportError("No such callId: " + callId); return; } CallHandler.setConferenceMuted(callId, booleanValue); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { reportError("Invalid callId specified: " + value); } } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("numberOfCalls".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { String[] tokens = value.split(":"); if (tokens.length != 1) { reportError("You must specify a conference id"); return; } CallEvent event = new CallEvent(CallEvent.NUMBER_OF_CALLS); event.setNumberOfCalls(ConferenceManager.getNumberOfMembers(tokens[0])); //callEventNotification(event); } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("outsideLinePrefix".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { if (value.equals("\"\"") || value.equals("''")) { value = ""; } config.setOutsideLinePrefix(value); return; } if ("receiverPause".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { ConferenceReceiver.setReceiverPause(getInteger(value)); } catch (Exception e) { reportError("pause " + value + " is not numeric" ); } return; } if ("pauseTreatmentToCall".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { String[] tokens = value.split(":"); CallHandler callHandler = CallHandler.findCall(tokens[0]); if (callHandler == null) { reportError("Invalid callId: " + tokens[0]); return; } String treatmentId = null; if (tokens.length > 1) { treatmentId = tokens[1]; } callHandler.getMember().pauseTreatment(treatmentId, true); } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("pauseTreatmentToConference".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { String treatment = getTreatment(value); value = value.substring(treatment.length()); String conferenceId = getQualifierString(value); if (conferenceId == null) { reportError("conferenceId must be specified: " + value); return; } ConferenceManager.pauseTreatment(conferenceId, treatment, true); } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("playTreatmentToCall".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { String treatment = getTreatment(value); double volume[] = getVolume(value); value = value.substring(treatment.length()); String callId = getQualifierString(value); if (callId == null) { reportError("callId must be specified: " + value); return; } try { CallHandler.playTreatmentToCall(callId, treatment); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { reportError("Invalid callId specified: " + value); return; } catch (IOException e) { reportError("Unable to read treatment file " + treatment + " " + e.getMessage()); return; } } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("playTreatmentToConference".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { String treatment = getTreatment(value); double volume[] = getVolume(value); value = value.substring(treatment.length()); String conferenceId = getQualifierString(value); if (conferenceId == null) { reportError("conference Id must be specified: " + value); return; } try { ConferenceManager.playTreatment(conferenceId, treatment); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { reportError("Invalid conference Id specified: " + value); return; } } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("playTreatmentToAllConferences".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { String treatment = getTreatment(value); double volume[] = getVolume(value); value = value.substring(treatment.length()); try { ConferenceManager.playTreatmentToAllConferences(treatment); } catch (Exception e) { reportError("Error playing treatment : " + value); return; } } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("transferCall".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { String callId = getString(value); if (callId == null) { reportError("Call id is missing"); return; } try { CallHandler callHandler = CallHandler.findCall(callId); if (callHandler == null) { reportError("No such callId: " + callId); return; } String conferenceId = getQualifierString(value); IncomingCallHandler.transferCall(callId, conferenceId); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { reportError("Invalid callId specified: " + value); } } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("sendDtmfKey".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { String callId = getString(value); if (callId == null) { reportError("Call id is missing"); return; } try { CallHandler callHandler = CallHandler.findCall(callId); if (callHandler == null) { reportError("No such callId: " + callId); return; } String dtmfKey = getQualifierString(value); callHandler.dtmfKeys(dtmfKey); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { reportError("Invalid callId specified: " + value); } } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } } private void parseCallParameters(String parameter, String value, CallParticipant cp, String uid) { if ("makeCall".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { makeOutgoingCall(cp, uid); } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("migrateCall".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { migrateCall(cp); } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("cancelCall".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { CallHandler.hangup(cp.getCallId(), "User requested call termination"); return; } if ("sendDtmfKey".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { CallHandler callHandler = CallHandler.findCall(cp.getCallId()); callHandler.dtmfKeys(value); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { reportError("Invalid callId specified: " + value); } return; } if ("conferenceJoinTreatment".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setConferenceJoinTreatment(value); return; } if ("conferenceLeaveTreatment".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setConferenceLeaveTreatment(value); return; } if ("callAnsweredTreatment".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setCallAnsweredTreatment(value); return; } if ("callanswertimeout".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { cp.setCallAnswerTimeout(getInteger(value)); } catch (Exception e) { reportError("callAnswerTimeout " + value + " is not numeric" ); } return; } if ("calltimeout".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { cp.setCallTimeout(getInteger(value) * 1000); } catch (Exception e) { reportError("callTimeout " + value + " is not numeric" ); } return; } if ("callendtreatment".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setCallEndTreatment(value); return; } if ("callestablishedtreatment".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setCallEstablishedTreatment(value); return; } if ("callid".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setCallId(value); return; } if ("conferenceid".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { String[] tokens = value.split(":"); cp.setConferenceId(tokens[0].trim()); if (tokens.length > 1) { cp.setMediaPreference(tokens[1]); } if (tokens.length > 2) { cp.setConferenceDisplayName(tokens[2]); } } catch (Exception e) { reportError("conferenceId " + value + " is invalid" ); } return; } if ("displayname".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setDisplayName(value); return; } if ("distributedbridge".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { cp.setDistributedBridge(stringToBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("donotrecord".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { cp.setDoNotRecord(stringToBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("dtmfdetection".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { cp.setDtmfDetection(stringToBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("dtmfsuppression".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { cp.setDtmfSuppression(stringToBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("forwarddatafrom".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setForwardingCallId(value); return; } if ("ignoretelephoneevents".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { cp.setIgnoreTelephoneEvents(stringToBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("inputtreatment".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setInputTreatment(value); return; } if ("encryptkey".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setEncryptionKey(value); return; } if ("encryptalgorithm".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setEncryptionAlgorithm(value); return; } if ("firstConferenceMemberTreatment".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setFirstConferenceMemberTreatment(value); return; } if ("handlesessionprogress".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { cp.setHandleSessionProgress(stringToBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("joinconfirmationkey".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { MemberReceiver.setJoinConfirmationKey(value); } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("joinconfirmationtimeout".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { cp.setJoinConfirmationTimeout(getInteger(value)); } catch (Exception e) { reportError("callAnswerTimeout " + value + " is not numeric" ); } return; } if ("mediapreference".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setMediaPreference(value); return; } if ("migrate".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { String callId = getFirstString(value); cp.setCallId(callId); /* * The second party number may be a sip address * with colons. So we treat everything after the * first colon as the second party number. */ int ix; if ((ix = value.indexOf(":")) < 0) { reportError("secondPartyNumber must be specified: " + value); return; } String secondPartyNumber = value.substring(ix + 1); if (secondPartyNumber == null) { reportError("secondPartyNumber must be specified: " + value); return; } try { cp.setSecondPartyNumber(secondPartyNumber); cp.setMigrateCall(true); } catch (Exception e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("mute".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { cp.setMuted(stringToBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("mutewhispergroup".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { cp.setMuteWhisperGroup(stringToBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("muteconference".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { cp.setConferenceMuted(stringToBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("name".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setName(value); return; } if ("phonenumber".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setPhoneNumber(value); return; } if ("phonenumberlocation".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setPhoneNumberLocation(value); } if ("protocol".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("SIP") == false && value.equalsIgnoreCase("NS") == false && value.equalsIgnoreCase("WebRtc") == false && value.equalsIgnoreCase("Rtmfp") == false && value.equalsIgnoreCase("Speaker") == false) { reportError("Invalid protocol: " + value); return; } cp.setProtocol(value); return; } if ("recorder".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { cp.setRecorder(stringToBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("recorddirectory".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setRecordDirectory(value); return; } if ("remotecallid".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setRemoteCallId(value); return; } if ("voiceDetectionWhileMuted".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { cp.setVoiceDetectionWhileMuted(stringToBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("useConferenceReceiverThread".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { cp.setUseConferenceReceiverThread(stringToBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("voiceDetection".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { cp.setVoiceDetection(stringToBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("whisperGroup".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setWhisperGroupId(value); return; } if ("voipGateway".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setVoIPGateway(value); return; } if ("secondPartyCallId".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setSecondPartyCallId(value); return; } if ("sipProxy".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setSipProxy(value); return; } if ("secondPartyCallId".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setSecondPartyCallId(value); return; } if ("secondPartyCallEndTreatment".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setSecondPartyCallEndTreatment(value); return; } if ("secondPartyName".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setSecondPartyName(value); return; } if ("secondPartyNumber".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setSecondPartyNumber(value); return; } if ("secondPartyTreatment".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { cp.setSecondPartyTreatment(value); return; } if ("secondpartyVoiceDetection".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { cp.setSecondPartyVoiceDetection(stringToBoolean(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { reportError(e.toString()); } return; } if ("secondPartyTimeout".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter)) { try { cp.setSecondPartyTimeout(getInteger(value)); } catch (Exception e) { reportError("setSecondPartyTimeout " + value + " is not numeric" ); } return; } } private String getString(String value) { int n; if ((n = value.lastIndexOf(":")) > 0) { value = value.substring(0, n); } return value; } private double[] getVolume(String value) throws ParseException { String v = new String(value); int n; if ((n = v.indexOf(":volume=")) < 0) { return null; } v = v.substring(n + 8); String[] tokens = v.split(":"); double[] volume = new double[tokens.length]; for (int i = 0; i < volume.length; i++) { try { volume[i] = Double.parseDouble(tokens[i]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ParseException("Invalid floating point value: " + tokens[i], 0); } } return volume; } private String getTreatment(String value) { String v = new String(value); int n; if ((n = v.indexOf(":volume=")) >= 0) { v = v.substring(0, n); } if ((n = v.lastIndexOf(":")) < 0) { /* * There's no ":", so the whole string is the treatment */ return v; } String s = v.substring(0, n); if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("f") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("file") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("d") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("dtmf") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("t") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("tts")) { /* * The only ":" is preceded by the type of treatment. * The whole string is the treatment. */ return v; } /* * The treatment is the string up to the last ":". */ return s; } private boolean getBoolean(String value) throws ParseException { int n; if ((n = value.indexOf(":")) > 0) { value = value.substring(0, n); } return stringToBoolean(value); } private boolean stringToBoolean(String value) throws ParseException { if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("t")) { return true; } if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("false") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("F")) { return false; } throw new ParseException("Invalid boolean value, must be true or false: " + value, 0); } private int getInteger(String value) throws ParseException { int n; if ((n = value.indexOf(":")) > 0) { value = value.substring(0, n); } int i = 0; try { i = Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ParseException("Invalid integer value: " + value, 0); } return i; } private String getQualifierString(String value) { int n; if (value == null) { return null; } if ((n = value.lastIndexOf(":")) >= 0) { return value.substring(n+1); } return null; } private double getDouble(String value) throws ParseException { int n; if ((n = value.indexOf(":")) > 0) { value = value.substring(0, n); } double f = 0.0; try { f = Double.parseDouble(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ParseException("Invalid double value: " + value, 0); } return f; } private String getFirstString(String value) { int ix; if ((ix = value.indexOf(":")) < 0) { return value; } return value.substring(0, ix); } private boolean validateAndAdjustParameters(CallParticipant cp) throws ParseException { String callId = cp.getCallId(); if (callId == null) { cp.setCallId(CallHandler.getNewCallId()); } else { if (callId.equals("0")) { reportError("Zero is an invalid callId"); return false; } if (cp.migrateCall() == false) { CallHandler callHandler = CallHandler.findCall(callId); if (callHandler != null) { if (callHandler.isCallEnding() == false) { reportError("CallId " + callId + " is already in use"); return false; } else { reportError("Reusing callId for ending call " + callId); } } } } handleCallAttendant(cp); cp.setSecondPartyNumber(config.formatPhoneNumber(cp.getSecondPartyNumber(), cp.getPhoneNumberLocation())); if (cp.migrateCall() == false) { if (cp.getProtocol() == null || "SIP".equals(cp.getProtocol())) { cp.setPhoneNumber(config.formatPhoneNumber(cp.getPhoneNumber(), cp.getPhoneNumberLocation())); if (cp.getPhoneNumber() == null) { if (cp.getInputTreatment() == null) { reportError("You must specify a phone number or a soft phone URI"); return false; } else { if (cp.getInputTreatment().equals("null")) { cp.setInputTreatment(""); } cp.setPhoneNumber(cp.getInputTreatment()); cp.setProtocol("NS"); } } } } if (cp.getName() == null || cp.getName().equals("")) { cp.setName("Anonymous"); } if (cp.migrateCall() == true) { if (cp.getCallId() == null || cp.getSecondPartyNumber() == null) { reportError("You must specify old and new phone numbers to migrate a call"); return false; } } if (cp.getConferenceId() == null && cp.getSecondPartyNumber() == null) { reportError("You must specify a conference Id"); return false; } if (cp.getDisplayName() == null) { if (cp.getSecondPartyNumber() == null) { cp.setDisplayName(cp.getConferenceId()); } else { if (cp.getSecondPartyName() != null) { cp.setDisplayName(cp.getSecondPartyName()); } else { cp.setDisplayName(cp.getSecondPartyNumber()); } } } /* * For two party calls. */ if (cp.getConferenceId() != null) { if (cp.getSecondPartyTreatment() != null) { cp.setConferenceJoinTreatment(cp.getSecondPartyTreatment()); } if (cp.getSecondPartyCallEndTreatment() != null) { cp.setConferenceLeaveTreatment( cp.getSecondPartyCallEndTreatment()); } } if (cp.getSecondPartyNumber() != null) { if (cp.getConferenceId() == null) { cp.setConferenceId(cp.getPhoneNumber()); } } return true; } /* * Some Sun sites such as China have an automated call attendent * which asks the user to enter the extension again. * * If a phone number has ">" in it, we replace the phone number * to call with everything before the ">" and set the call * answer treatment to be dtmf keys of everything after the ">". */ private void handleCallAttendant(CallParticipant cp) { String phoneNumber = cp.getPhoneNumber(); int ix; if (phoneNumber != null && phoneNumber.indexOf("sip:") < 0 && phoneNumber.indexOf("@") < 0) { if ((ix = phoneNumber.indexOf(">")) > 0) { /* * Must have 5 digit extension */ if (phoneNumber.length() >= ix + 1 + 5) { cp.setCallAnsweredTreatment("dtmf:" + phoneNumber.substring(ix + 1)); cp.setPhoneNumber(phoneNumber.substring(0, ix)); } } } phoneNumber = cp.getSecondPartyNumber(); if (phoneNumber != null && phoneNumber.indexOf("sip:") < 0 && phoneNumber.indexOf("@") < 0) { if ((ix = phoneNumber.indexOf(">")) > 0) { /* * Must have 5 digit extension */ if (phoneNumber.length() >= ix + 1 + 5) { cp.setSecondPartyTreatment("dtmf:" + phoneNumber.substring(ix + 1)); cp.setSecondPartyNumber(phoneNumber.substring(0, ix)); } } } } private void monitorConferenceStatus(String conferenceId, boolean monitor) { if (monitor) { synchronized(conferenceMonitors) { loginfo("adding conference monitor for " + conferenceId); conferenceMonitors.add(new ConferenceMonitor(null, conferenceId)); } } else { synchronized(conferenceMonitors) { ArrayList<ConferenceMonitor> monitorsToRemove = new ArrayList<ConferenceMonitor>(); for (ConferenceMonitor m : conferenceMonitors) { if (null != m.getService()) { continue; } if (conferenceId.equals(m.getConferenceId())) { monitorsToRemove.add(m); } } for (ConferenceMonitor m : monitorsToRemove) { loginfo("Removing conference monitor for " + conferenceId); conferenceMonitors.remove(m); } } } } public void monitorOutgoingCalls(boolean monitor) { synchronized(outgoingCallListeners) { if (monitor == true) { outgoingCallListeners.add(this); } else { outgoingCallListeners.remove(this); } } } public boolean monitorIncomingCalls(boolean monitor) { synchronized(incomingCallListeners) { if (monitor == true) { if (incomingCallListeners.contains(this)) { reportError("Client already has an incomingCallListener"); return false; } incomingCallListeners.add(this); IncomingCallHandler.setDirectConferencing(false); loginfo("adding incoming call monitor, setting directConferencing to false"); } else { if (incomingCallListeners.contains(this) == false) { return false; } incomingCallListeners.remove(this); if (incomingCallListeners.size() == 0) { IncomingCallHandler.setDirectConferencing(true); loginfo("removing last incoming call monitor setting directConferencing to true"); } } } return true; } public static void notifyConferenceMonitors(CallEvent callEvent) { //System.out.println("notifyConferenceMonitors " + callEvent.toString()); synchronized(conferenceMonitors) { /* * Notify conference listeners */ String conferenceId = callEvent.getConferenceId(); String s = callEvent.toString(); if (conferenceId == null) { int ix; String search = "ConferenceId='"; if ((ix = s.indexOf(search)) < 0) { return; } conferenceId = s.substring(search.length()); int end; if ((end = conferenceId.indexOf("'")) < 0) { return; } conferenceId = conferenceId.substring(0, end); } for (ConferenceMonitor m : conferenceMonitors) { if (conferenceId.equals(m.getConferenceId())) { Application.reportCallEventNotification(m.getService(), callEvent, "monitorConferenceStatus"); } } } } public static void incomingCallNotification(CallEvent callEvent) { //System.out.println("incomingCallNotification " + callEvent.toString()); synchronized (incomingCallListeners) { for (Object service : incomingCallListeners) { Application.reportCallEventNotification(service, callEvent, "monitorIncomingCalls"); } } notifyConferenceMonitors(callEvent); } public static void outgoingCallNotification(CallEvent callEvent) { //System.out.println("outgoingCallNotification " + callEvent.toString()); synchronized(outgoingCallListeners) { for (Object service : outgoingCallListeners) { Application.reportCallEventNotification(service, callEvent, "monitorOutgoingCalls"); } } } class ConferenceMonitor { private Object service; private String conferenceId; public ConferenceMonitor(Object service, String conferenceId) { this.service = service; this.conferenceId = conferenceId; } public Object getService() { return service; } public String getConferenceId() { return conferenceId; } } }