package com.javamonitor; import static com.javamonitor.JmxHelper.queryString; import static com.javamonitor.mbeans.Server.httpPortAttribute; import static com.javamonitor.mbeans.Server.nameAttribute; import static com.javamonitor.mbeans.Server.serverObjectName; import static java.lang.Integer.parseInt; import static java.lang.System.getProperty; import static; import static; import static java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; /** * The data collector and interface to the collector server. * * @author Kees Jan Koster <> */ final class Collector { private static final Logger log = getLogger(Collector.class .getName()); /** * We locate and configure the use of an HTTP proxy, if configured. The * standard proxy system properties seem to get ignored by our way of * opening the connection, so we use the properties to explicitly create and * use a proxy. * <p> * I considered introducing Java-monitor-specific settings, but I like this * solution better. It makes the probe follow the normal way to configure * proxies. * <p> * See also * */ private final Proxy proxy; private static final String JAVA_MONITOR_URL = "javamonitor.url"; private URL pushUrl = null; private String account = null; private final String uniqueId; private String session = null; private final Collection<Item> items = new LinkedList<Item>(); /** * Create a new collector. * * @param url * The URL to push to. * @param uniqueId * The unique ID to use instead of port number, or * <code>null</code> to use the port number. */ Collector(final String uniqueId) { this.uniqueId = uniqueId; final String proxyHost = getProperty("http.proxyHost"); final int proxyPort = parseInt(getProperty("http.proxyPort", "80")); final String proxyUser = getProperty("http.proxyUser"); final String proxyPass = getProperty("http.proxyPassword", ""); if (proxyHost != null) { proxy = new Proxy(HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(proxyHost, proxyPort));"using proxy " + proxy); if (proxyUser != null) { Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() { @Override protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { return new PasswordAuthentication(proxyUser, proxyPass .toCharArray()); } }); } } else { proxy = NO_PROXY; } } /** * Sign in with the collector server and ask for permission to send * statistics. * * @return <code>true</code> if the configuration was stale and we need to * reconfigure. <code>false</code> if we may just reuse the existing * list. * @throws OnHoldException * When we were put on hold by the server. * @throws Exception * When there was a problem. */ boolean push() throws Exception, OnHoldException { init(); final Properties request = queryItems(); request.put("account", account); request.put("localIp", getLocalIp()); if (uniqueId != null) { request.put("lowestPort", uniqueId); } else { final String lowestPort = queryString(serverObjectName, httpPortAttribute); if (lowestPort != null) { request.put("lowestPort", lowestPort); } } request.put("appserver", queryString(serverObjectName, nameAttribute)); if (session != null) { request.put(SESSION, session); } final Properties response = push(request); return parse(response); } /** * Retrieve the local IP address. If we just used InetAddress.getLocalhost() * we end up with in many cases, so instead we open a connection * to the Java-monitor servers and use the local IP address of that * connection. * <p> * We do not reuse the connection, because the JVM may be running on a * laptop that moves from network to network. * * @return The local IP address of this JVM. * @throws UnknownHostException * When we could not determine the local IP address. * @throws IOException * When we could not determine the local IP address. */ private String getLocalIp() throws UnknownHostException, IOException { Socket s = null; try { if (getProperty("http.proxyHost") != null) { s = new Socket(getProperty("http.proxyHost"), parseInt(getProperty("http.proxyPort", "80"))); } else { int port = 80; if (pushUrl.getPort() != -1) { port = pushUrl.getPort(); } s = new Socket(pushUrl.getHost(), port); } s.setSoTimeout(TWO_MINUTES); return s.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress(); } finally { if (s != null) { try { s.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore errors here... } } } } private void init() throws Exception { if (account == null) { BufferedReader in = null; try { in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(Collector.class .getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("uuid"))); account = in.readLine(); } finally { if (in != null) { in.close(); } } } if (pushUrl == null) { BufferedReader in = null; try { final String urlString; if (System.getProperty(JAVA_MONITOR_URL) != null) { urlString = getProperty(JAVA_MONITOR_URL); } else { in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( Collector.class.getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream("pushUrl"))); urlString = in.readLine(); } pushUrl = new URL(urlString); } finally { if (in != null) { in.close(); } } } } /** * Create a list of items to be pushed out to the server. As we go, we * remove items that don't resolve to a value properly. * * @return The data to be sent to the server. */ private Properties queryItems() { final Properties data = new Properties(); final Iterator<Item> itemIterator = items.iterator(); while (itemIterator.hasNext()) { final Item item =; try { int uniquefier = 0; for (final ObjectName objectName : JmxHelper.queryNames(item .getObjectName())) { final String key = item.getId() + (uniquefier > 0 ? ":" + uniquefier : ""); final String actualObjectName = item.getObjectName() .equals(objectName.toString()) ? "" : objectName .toString(); final Object value = JmxHelper.query(objectName, item .getAttribute()); if (value == null) { data.put(key, "|0||" + actualObjectName); } else { data.put(key, value + "|" + getClassId(value) + "||" + actualObjectName); } uniquefier++; } // only push static items once per session if (!item.isPeriodic()) { itemIterator.remove(); } } catch (Throwable e) { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw)); data.put(item.getId(), "||" + e.getClass().getName() + ": " + sw.toString() + "|"); itemIterator.remove(); } } return data; } private static int getClassId(final Object value) { if (value instanceof Byte || value instanceof Short || value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Long) { return 1; } if (value instanceof Float || value instanceof Double) { return 2; } if (value instanceof Boolean) { return 3; } return 4; // String } private static final String ONHOLD = "onhold"; private static final String SESSION = "session"; private boolean parse(final Properties response) throws OnHoldException { if (response.get(ONHOLD) != null) { throw new OnHoldException((String) response.get(ONHOLD)); } if (response.get(SESSION) != null) { session = (String) response.remove(SESSION); items.clear(); for (final Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : response.entrySet()) { final String[] parts = ((String) entry.getValue()).split("\\|"); items.add(new Item(entry.getKey().toString(), parts[0], parts[1], Boolean.parseBoolean(parts[2]))); } return true; } return false; } /** * We set the timeout on the connection to be a few minutes. This way we are * robust against network issues that cause probes to wait for data * indefinitely. */ private static final int TWO_MINUTES = 2 * 60 * 1000; private Properties push(final Properties request) throws IOException { HttpURLConnection connection = null; PrintStream out = null; InputStream in = null; try { connection = (HttpURLConnection) pushUrl.openConnection(proxy); connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); connection.setDoOutput(true); connection.setConnectTimeout(TWO_MINUTES); connection.setReadTimeout(TWO_MINUTES); connection.setRequestProperty("Connection", "close"); out = new PrintStream(connection.getOutputStream()); request.storeToXML(out, null); out.flush(); in = connection.getInputStream(); final Properties response = new Properties(); response.loadFromXML(in); return response; } finally { if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore... } } if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore... } } if (connection != null) { try { connection.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore... } } } } }