package org.jivesoftware.openfire.plugin.gojara.messagefilter.processors; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.interceptor.PacketRejectedException; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.plugin.gojara.permissions.PermissionManager; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.plugin.gojara.utils.XpathHelper; import org.xmpp.packet.IQ; import org.xmpp.packet.Packet; /** * If the access to external components or gateways is limited to a special * group in GoJara settings we have to filter the disco#infos from the server to * the client. If the user is not on the list we are hiding the specified info * and remove the item containing the gateways subdomain * * @author Holger Bergunde * @author axel.frederik.brand */ public class WhitelistProcessor extends AbstractRemoteRosterProcessor { private PermissionManager _permissions; private Set<String> watchedSubdomains; public WhitelistProcessor(Set<String> activeTransports) { _permissions = new PermissionManager(); watchedSubdomains = activeTransports;"Created WhitelistProcessor"); } /** * If this is valid disco#items package for this Use-Case we iterate through * the nodes and check if we have to remove nodes, this way they are not * shown to the user receiving this disco#items. * * @param subdomain * not the actual Subdomain here, as we have to use our set. */ @Override public void process(Packet packet, String subdomain, String to, String from) throws PacketRejectedException { IQ myPacket = (IQ) packet; if (myPacket.getType().equals(IQ.Type.result) && (from.length() == 0 || from.equals(_server.getServerInfo().getXMPPDomain()))) { Log.debug("Processing packet in Whitelistprocessor for " + to + "Packet: " + packet.toString()); Element root = myPacket.getChildElement(); List<Node> nodes = XpathHelper.findNodesInDocument(root.getDocument(), "//discoitems:item"); for (Node node : nodes) { String node_domain = node.valueOf("@jid"); if (watchedSubdomains.contains(node_domain)) { if (_permissions.isGatewayLimited(node_domain) && !_permissions.allowedForUser(node_domain, myPacket.getTo())) root.remove(node); } } } } }