/* * Copyright 2006-2010 Daniel Henninger. All rights reserved. * * This software is published under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL), * a copy of which is included in this distribution. */ package net.sf.kraken.protocols.xmpp.packet; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.PacketExtension; /** * @author Daniel Henninger */ public class GoogleUserSettingExtension implements PacketExtension { public GoogleUserSettingExtension() { } public GoogleUserSettingExtension(Boolean autoAcceptSuggestions, Boolean mailNotifications, Boolean archivingEnabled) { this.autoAcceptSuggestions = autoAcceptSuggestions; this.mailNotifications = mailNotifications; this.archivingEnabled = archivingEnabled; } public static String ELEMENT_NAME = "usersetting"; public static String NAMESPACE = "google:setting"; public String getElementName() { return ELEMENT_NAME; } public String getNamespace() { return NAMESPACE; } private Boolean autoAcceptSuggestions = null; private Boolean mailNotifications = null; private Boolean archivingEnabled = null; public Boolean getAutoAcceptSuggestions() { return autoAcceptSuggestions; } public void setAutoAcceptSuggestions(Boolean autoAcceptSuggestions) { this.autoAcceptSuggestions = autoAcceptSuggestions; } public Boolean getMailNotifications() { return mailNotifications; } public void setMailNotifications(Boolean mailNotifications) { this.mailNotifications = mailNotifications; } public Boolean getArchivingEnabled() { return archivingEnabled; } public void setArchivingEnabled(Boolean archivingEnabled) { this.archivingEnabled = archivingEnabled; } public String toXML() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("<").append(getElementName()).append(" xmlns=\"").append(getNamespace()).append("\">"); if (autoAcceptSuggestions != null) { buf.append("<autoacceptsuggestions value=\"").append(autoAcceptSuggestions ? "true" : "false").append("\"/>"); } if (mailNotifications != null) { buf.append("<mailnotifications value=\"").append(mailNotifications ? "true" : "false").append("\"/>"); } if (archivingEnabled != null) { buf.append("<archivingenabled value=\"").append(archivingEnabled ? "true" : "false").append("\"/>"); } buf.append("</").append(getElementName()).append(">"); return buf.toString(); } }