package com.reucon.openfire.plugin.archive.impl; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import org.jivesoftware.database.DbConnectionManager; import org.jivesoftware.openfire.archive.ConversationManager; import org.jivesoftware.util.JiveConstants; import org.jivesoftware.util.JiveGlobals; import org.jivesoftware.util.Log; import org.xmpp.packet.JID; import com.reucon.openfire.plugin.archive.ArchivedMessageConsumer; import com.reucon.openfire.plugin.archive.PersistenceManager; import com.reucon.openfire.plugin.archive.model.ArchivedMessage; import com.reucon.openfire.plugin.archive.model.ArchivedMessage.Direction; import com.reucon.openfire.plugin.archive.model.Conversation; import com.reucon.openfire.plugin.archive.model.Participant; import com.reucon.openfire.plugin.archive.xep0059.XmppResultSet; /** * Manages database persistence. */ public class JdbcPersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager { public static final int DEFAULT_MAX = 1000; public static final String SELECT_MESSAGES_BY_CONVERSATION = "SELECT DISTINCT " + "ofConversation.conversationID, " + ", " + "ofConversation.isExternal, " + "ofConversation.startDate, " + "ofConversation.lastActivity, " + "ofConversation.messageCount, " + "ofConParticipant.joinedDate, " + "ofConParticipant.leftDate, " + "ofConParticipant.bareJID, " + "ofConParticipant.jidResource, " + "ofConParticipant.nickname, " + "ofMessageArchive.fromJID, " + "ofMessageArchive.toJID, " + "ofMessageArchive.sentDate, " + "ofMessageArchive.body " + "FROM ofConversation " + "INNER JOIN ofConParticipant ON ofConversation.conversationID = ofConParticipant.conversationID " + "INNER JOIN ofMessageArchive ON ofConParticipant.conversationID = ofMessageArchive.conversationID " + "WHERE ofConversation.conversationID = ? AND ofConParticipant.bareJID = ? ORDER BY ofMessageArchive.sentDate"; // public static final String SELECT_MESSAGES_BY_CONVERSATION = // "SELECT messageId,time,direction,type,subject,body " // + "FROM archiveMessages WHERE conversationId = ? ORDER BY time"; public static final String SELECT_CONVERSATIONS = "SELECT " + "ofConversation.conversationID, " + ", " + "ofConversation.isExternal, "+ "ofConversation.lastActivity, " + "ofConversation.messageCount, " + "ofConversation.startDate, " + "ofConParticipant.bareJID, " + "ofConParticipant.jidResource," + "ofConParticipant.nickname, " + "ofConParticipant.bareJID AS fromJID, " + "ofMessageArchive.toJID, " + "min(ofConParticipant.joinedDate) AS startDate, " + "max(ofConParticipant.leftDate) as leftDate " + "FROM ofConversation " + "INNER JOIN ofConParticipant ON ofConversation.conversationID = ofConParticipant.conversationID " + "INNER JOIN (SELECT conversationID, toJID FROM ofMessageArchive union all SELECT conversationID, fromJID as toJID FROM ofMessageArchive) ofMessageArchive ON ofConParticipant.conversationID = ofMessageArchive.conversationID "; public static final String SELECT_CONVERSATIONS_GROUP_BY = " GROUP BY ofConversation.conversationID,, ofConversation.isExternal, ofConversation.lastActivity, ofConversation.messageCount, ofConversation.startDate, ofConParticipant.bareJID, ofConParticipant.jidResource, ofConParticipant.nickname, ofConParticipant.bareJID, ofMessageArchive.toJID"; // public static final String SELECT_CONVERSATIONS = "SELECT DISTINCT " + "ofConversation.conversationID, " + ", " // + "ofConversation.isExternal, " + "ofConversation.startDate, " + "ofConversation.lastActivity, " + "ofConversation.messageCount, " // + "ofConParticipant.joinedDate, " + "ofConParticipant.leftDate, " + "ofConParticipant.bareJID, " + "ofConParticipant.jidResource, " // + "ofConParticipant.nickname, " // + "ofConParticipant.bareJID as fromJID, " // + "ofMessageArchive.toJID " // + "FROM ofConversation " // + "INNER JOIN ofConParticipant ON ofConversation.conversationID = ofConParticipant.conversationID " // + "INNER JOIN (SELECT conversationID, toJID FROM ofMessageArchive " // + "union all " // + "SELECT conversationID, fromJID as toJID FROM ofMessageArchive) ofMessageArchive ON ofConParticipant.conversationID = ofMessageArchive.conversationID"; // public static final String SELECT_CONVERSATIONS = // "SELECT c.conversationId,c.startTime,c.endTime,c.ownerJid,c.ownerResource,c.withJid,c.withResource," // + " c.subject,c.thread " + "FROM archiveConversations AS c"; public static final String COUNT_CONVERSATIONS = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ofConversation.conversationID) FROM ofConversation " + "INNER JOIN ofConParticipant ON ofConversation.conversationID = ofConParticipant.conversationID " + "INNER JOIN (SELECT conversationID, toJID FROM ofMessageArchive " + "union all " + "SELECT conversationID, fromJID as toJID FROM ofMessageArchive) ofMessageArchive ON ofConParticipant.conversationID = ofMessageArchive.conversationID"; // public static final String COUNT_CONVERSATIONS = // "SELECT count(*) FROM archiveConversations AS c"; public static final String CONVERSATION_ID = "ofConversation.conversationID"; // public static final String CONVERSATION_ID = "c.conversationId"; public static final String CONVERSATION_START_TIME = "ofConversation.startDate"; // public static final String CONVERSATION_START_TIME = "c.startTime"; public static final String CONVERSATION_END_TIME = "ofConversation.lastActivity"; // public static final String CONVERSATION_END_TIME = "c.endTime"; public static final String CONVERSATION_OWNER_JID = "ofConParticipant.bareJID"; // public static final String CONVERSATION_OWNER_JID = "c.ownerJid"; public static final String CONVERSATION_WITH_JID = "ofMessageArchive.toJID"; // public static final String CONVERSATION_WITH_JID = "c.withJid"; public static final String MESSAGE_ID = "ofMessageArchive.messageID"; public static final String MESSAGE_SENT_DATE = "ofMessageArchive.sentDate"; public static final String MESSAGE_TO_JID = "ofMessageArchive.toJID"; public static final String MESSAGE_FROM_JID = "ofMessageArchive.fromJID"; public static final String SELECT_ACTIVE_CONVERSATIONS = "SELECT DISTINCT " + "ofConversation.conversationID, " + ", " + "ofConversation.isExternal, " + "ofConversation.startDate, " + "ofConversation.lastActivity, " + "ofConversation.messageCount, " + "ofConParticipant.joinedDate, " + "ofConParticipant.leftDate, " + "ofConParticipant.bareJID, " + "ofConParticipant.jidResource, " + "ofConParticipant.nickname, " + "ofMessageArchive.fromJID, " + "ofMessageArchive.toJID, " + "ofMessageArchive.sentDate, " + "ofMessageArchive.body " + "FROM ofConversation " + "INNER JOIN ofConParticipant ON ofConversation.conversationID = ofConParticipant.conversationID " + "INNER JOIN ofMessageArchive ON ofConParticipant.conversationID = ofMessageArchive.conversationID " + "WHERE ofConversation.lastActivity > ?"; public static final String SELECT_ACTIVE_CONVERSATIONS_ORACLE = "select SUBSET.conversationID," + "," + "SUBSET.isExternal," + "SUBSET.startDate," + "SUBSET.lastActivity," + "SUBSET.messageCount," + "SUBSET.joinedDate," + "SUBSET.leftDate," + "SUBSET.bareJID," + "SUBSET.jidResource," + "SUBSET.nickname," + "SUBSET.fromJID," + "SUBSET.toJID," + "SUBSET.sentDate," + "MAR.body from (" + "SELECT DISTINCT ofConversation.conversationID as conversationID," + " as room," + "ofConversation.isExternal as isExternal," + "ofConversation.startDate as startDate," + "ofConversation.lastActivity as lastActivity," + "ofConversation.messageCount as messageCount," + "ofConParticipant.joinedDate as joinedDate," + "ofConParticipant.leftDate as leftDate," + "ofConParticipant.bareJID as bareJID," + "ofConParticipant.jidResource as jidResource," + "ofConParticipant.nickname as nickname," + "ofMessageArchive.fromJID as fromJID," + "ofMessageArchive.toJID as toJID," + "ofMessageArchive.sentDate as sentDate," + "ofMessageArchive.MESSAGEID as msgId " + "FROM ofConversation " + "INNER JOIN ofConParticipant ON ofConversation.conversationID = ofConParticipant.conversationID " + "INNER JOIN ofMessageArchive ON ofConParticipant.conversationID = ofMessageArchive.conversationID " + "where ofConversation.lastActivity > ? ) SUBSET " + "INNER JOIN ofMessageArchive MAR ON MAR.conversationID = SUBSET.conversationID " + "where MAR.MESSAGEID = SUBSET.msgId " + "and MAR.sentDate = SUBSET.sentDate " + "and MAR.fromJID = SUBSET.fromJID " + "and MAR.toJID = SUBSET.toJID"; // public static final String SELECT_ACTIVE_CONVERSATIONS = // "SELECT c.conversationId,c.startTime,c.endTime,c.ownerJid,c.ownerResource,withJid,c.withResource," // + " c.subject,c.thread " // + "FROM archiveConversations AS c WHERE c.endTime > ?"; public static final String SELECT_PARTICIPANTS_BY_CONVERSATION = "SELECT DISTINCT " + "ofConversation.conversationID, " + "ofConversation.startDate, " + "ofConversation.lastActivity, " + "ofConParticipant.bareJID " + "FROM ofConversation " + "INNER JOIN ofConParticipant ON ofConversation.conversationID = ofConParticipant.conversationID " + "INNER JOIN ofMessageArchive ON ofConParticipant.conversationID = ofMessageArchive.conversationID " + "WHERE ofConversation.conversationID = ? ORDER BY ofConversation.startDate"; // public static final String SELECT_PARTICIPANTS_BY_CONVERSATION = // "SELECT participantId,startTime,endTime,jid FROM archiveParticipants WHERE conversationId =? ORDER BY startTime"; public static final String SELECT_MESSAGES = "SELECT DISTINCT " + "ofMessageArchive.fromJID, " + "ofMessageArchive.toJID, " + "ofMessageArchive.sentDate, " + "ofMessageArchive.stanza, " + "ofMessageArchive.messageID, " + "ofConParticipant.bareJID " + "FROM ofMessageArchive " + "INNER JOIN ofConParticipant ON ofMessageArchive.conversationID = ofConParticipant.conversationID " + "WHERE (ofMessageArchive.stanza IS NOT NULL OR ofMessageArchive.body IS NOT NULL) "; public static final String SELECT_MESSAGE_ORACLE = "SELECT " + "ofMessageArchive.fromJID, " + "ofMessageArchive.toJID, " + "ofMessageArchive.sentDate, " + "ofMessageArchive.stanza, " + "ofMessageArchive.messageID " + "FROM ofMessageArchive"; public static final String SELECT_CONVERSATIONS_BY_OWNER = "SELECT DISTINCT ofConParticipant.conversationID FROM ofConParticipant WHERE " + CONVERSATION_OWNER_JID + " = ?"; public static final String COUNT_MESSAGES = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ofMessageArchive.messageID) " + "FROM ofMessageArchive " + "INNER JOIN ofConParticipant ON ofMessageArchive.conversationID = ofConParticipant.conversationID " + "WHERE (ofMessageArchive.stanza IS NOT NULL OR ofMessageArchive.body IS NOT NULL) "; public boolean createMessage(ArchivedMessage message) { /* read only */ return false; } public int processAllMessages(ArchivedMessageConsumer callback) { return 0; } public boolean createConversation(Conversation conversation) { /* read only */ return false; } public boolean updateConversationEnd(Conversation conversation) { /* read only */ return false; } public boolean createParticipant(Participant participant, Long conversationId) { return false; } public List<Conversation> findConversations(String[] participants, Date startDate, Date endDate) { final List<Conversation> conversations = new ArrayList<Conversation>(); return conversations; } public Date getAuditedStartDate(Date startDate) { long maxRetrievable = JiveGlobals.getIntProperty("conversation.maxRetrievable", ConversationManager.DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIEVABLE) * JiveConstants.DAY; Date result = startDate; if (maxRetrievable > 0) { Date now = new Date(); Date maxRetrievableDate = new Date(now.getTime() - maxRetrievable); if (startDate == null) { result = maxRetrievableDate; } else if (startDate.before(maxRetrievableDate)) { result = maxRetrievableDate; } } return result; } public Collection<Conversation> findConversations(Date startDate, Date endDate, String ownerJid, String withJid, XmppResultSet xmppResultSet) { final TreeMap<Long, Conversation> conversations; final StringBuilder querySB; final StringBuilder whereSB; final StringBuilder limitSB; conversations = new TreeMap<Long, Conversation>(); querySB = new StringBuilder(SELECT_CONVERSATIONS); whereSB = new StringBuilder(); limitSB = new StringBuilder(); startDate = getAuditedStartDate(startDate); if (startDate != null) { appendWhere(whereSB, CONVERSATION_START_TIME, " >= ?"); } if (endDate != null) { appendWhere(whereSB, CONVERSATION_END_TIME, " <= ?"); } if (ownerJid != null) { appendWhere(whereSB, CONVERSATION_OWNER_JID, " = ?"); } if (withJid != null) { appendWhere(whereSB, CONVERSATION_WITH_JID, " = ?"); } if (xmppResultSet != null) { Integer firstIndex = null; int max = xmppResultSet.getMax() != null ? xmppResultSet.getMax() : DEFAULT_MAX; xmppResultSet.setCount(countConversations(startDate, endDate, ownerJid, withJid, whereSB.toString())); if (xmppResultSet.getIndex() != null) { firstIndex = xmppResultSet.getIndex(); } else if (xmppResultSet.getAfter() != null) { firstIndex = countConversationsBefore(startDate, endDate, ownerJid, withJid, xmppResultSet.getAfter(), whereSB.toString()); firstIndex += 1; } else if (xmppResultSet.getBefore() != null) { firstIndex = countConversationsBefore(startDate, endDate, ownerJid, withJid, xmppResultSet.getBefore(), whereSB.toString()); firstIndex -= max; if (firstIndex < 0) { firstIndex = 0; } } firstIndex = firstIndex != null ? firstIndex : 0; if (DbConnectionManager.getDatabaseType() == DbConnectionManager.DatabaseType.sqlserver) { limitSB.append(" BETWEEN ").append(firstIndex+1); limitSB.append(" AND ").append(firstIndex+max); } else { limitSB.append(" LIMIT ").append(max); limitSB.append(" OFFSET ").append(firstIndex); } xmppResultSet.setFirstIndex(firstIndex); } if (whereSB.length() != 0) { querySB.append(" WHERE ").append(whereSB); } querySB.append(SELECT_CONVERSATIONS_GROUP_BY); if (DbConnectionManager.getDatabaseType() == DbConnectionManager.DatabaseType.sqlserver) { querySB.insert(0,"SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "+CONVERSATION_ID+") AS RowNum FROM ( "); querySB.append(") ofConversation ) t2 WHERE RowNum"); } else { querySB.append(" ORDER BY ").append(CONVERSATION_ID); } querySB.append(limitSB); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = DbConnectionManager.getConnection(); pstmt = con.prepareStatement(querySB.toString()); bindConversationParameters(startDate, endDate, ownerJid, withJid, pstmt); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); Log.debug("findConversations: SELECT_CONVERSATIONS: " + pstmt.toString()); while ( { Conversation conv = extractConversation(rs); conversations.put(conv.getId(), conv); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { Log.error("Error selecting conversations", sqle); } finally { DbConnectionManager.closeConnection(rs, pstmt, con); } if (xmppResultSet != null && conversations.size() > 0) { xmppResultSet.setFirst(conversations.firstKey()); xmppResultSet.setLast(conversations.lastKey()); } return conversations.values(); } private void appendWhere(StringBuilder sb, String... fragments) { if (sb.length() != 0) { sb.append(" AND "); } for (String fragment : fragments) { sb.append(fragment); } } private int countConversations(Date startDate, Date endDate, String ownerJid, String withJid, String whereClause) { StringBuilder querySB; querySB = new StringBuilder(COUNT_CONVERSATIONS); if (whereClause != null && whereClause.length() != 0) { querySB.append(" WHERE ").append(whereClause); } Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = DbConnectionManager.getConnection(); pstmt = con.prepareStatement(querySB.toString()); bindConversationParameters(startDate, endDate, ownerJid, withJid, pstmt); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { return rs.getInt(1); } else { return 0; } } catch (SQLException sqle) { Log.error("Error counting conversations", sqle); return 0; } finally { DbConnectionManager.closeConnection(rs, pstmt, con); } } private int countConversationsBefore(Date startDate, Date endDate, String ownerJid, String withJid, Long before, String whereClause) { StringBuilder querySB; querySB = new StringBuilder(COUNT_CONVERSATIONS); querySB.append(" WHERE "); if (whereClause != null && whereClause.length() != 0) { querySB.append(whereClause); querySB.append(" AND "); } querySB.append(CONVERSATION_ID).append(" < ?"); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { int parameterIndex; con = DbConnectionManager.getConnection(); pstmt = con.prepareStatement(querySB.toString()); parameterIndex = bindConversationParameters(startDate, endDate, ownerJid, withJid, pstmt); pstmt.setLong(parameterIndex, before); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { return rs.getInt(1); } else { return 0; } } catch (SQLException sqle) { Log.error("Error counting conversations", sqle); return 0; } finally { DbConnectionManager.closeConnection(rs, pstmt, con); } } private int bindConversationParameters(Date startDate, Date endDate, String ownerJid, String withJid, PreparedStatement pstmt) throws SQLException { int parameterIndex = 1; if (startDate != null) { pstmt.setLong(parameterIndex++, dateToMillis(startDate)); } if (endDate != null) { pstmt.setLong(parameterIndex++, dateToMillis(endDate)); } if (ownerJid != null) { pstmt.setString(parameterIndex++, ownerJid); } if (withJid != null) { pstmt.setString(parameterIndex++, withJid); } return parameterIndex; } @Override public Collection<ArchivedMessage> findMessages(Date startDate, Date endDate, String ownerJid, String withJid, XmppResultSet xmppResultSet) { final boolean isOracleDB = isOracleDB(); final StringBuilder querySB; final StringBuilder whereSB; final StringBuilder limitSB; final TreeMap<Long, ArchivedMessage> archivedMessages = new TreeMap<Long, ArchivedMessage>(); querySB = new StringBuilder( isOracleDB ? SELECT_MESSAGE_ORACLE : SELECT_MESSAGES ); whereSB = new StringBuilder(); limitSB = new StringBuilder(); // Ignore legacy messages appendWhere(whereSB, MESSAGE_ID, " IS NOT NULL "); startDate = getAuditedStartDate(startDate); if (startDate != null) { appendWhere(whereSB, MESSAGE_SENT_DATE, " >= ?"); } if (endDate != null) { appendWhere(whereSB, MESSAGE_SENT_DATE, " <= ?"); } if (ownerJid != null) { if( isOracleDB ) { appendWhere( whereSB, "ofMessageArchive.conversationID in ( ", SELECT_CONVERSATIONS_BY_OWNER, " )" ); } else { appendWhere(whereSB, CONVERSATION_OWNER_JID, " = ?"); } } if(withJid != null) { appendWhere(whereSB, "( ", MESSAGE_TO_JID, " = ? OR ", MESSAGE_FROM_JID, " = ? )"); } if (whereSB.length() != 0) { querySB.append(" AND ").append(whereSB); } if (DbConnectionManager.getDatabaseType() == DbConnectionManager.DatabaseType.sqlserver) { querySB.insert(0,"SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "+MESSAGE_SENT_DATE+") AS RowNum FROM ( "); querySB.append(") ofMessageArchive ) t2 WHERE RowNum"); } else { querySB.append(" ORDER BY ").append(MESSAGE_SENT_DATE); } if (xmppResultSet != null) { Integer firstIndex = null; int max = xmppResultSet.getMax() != null ? xmppResultSet.getMax() : DEFAULT_MAX; int count = countMessages(startDate, endDate, ownerJid, withJid, whereSB.toString()); boolean reverse = false; xmppResultSet.setCount(count); if (xmppResultSet.getIndex() != null) { firstIndex = xmppResultSet.getIndex(); } else if (xmppResultSet.getAfter() != null) { firstIndex = countMessagesBefore(startDate, endDate, ownerJid, withJid, xmppResultSet.getAfter(), whereSB.toString()); firstIndex += 1; } else if (xmppResultSet.getBefore() != null) { int messagesBeforeCount = countMessagesBefore(startDate, endDate, ownerJid, withJid, xmppResultSet.getBefore(), whereSB.toString()); firstIndex = messagesBeforeCount; firstIndex -= max; // Reduce result limit to number of results before (if less than a page remaining) if(messagesBeforeCount < max) { max = messagesBeforeCount; } reverse = true; if (firstIndex < 0) { firstIndex = 0; } } firstIndex = firstIndex != null ? firstIndex : 0; if (DbConnectionManager.getDatabaseType() == DbConnectionManager.DatabaseType.sqlserver) { limitSB.append(" BETWEEN ").append(firstIndex+1); limitSB.append(" AND ").append(firstIndex+max); } else if( isOracleDB() ) { try { final Statement statement = DbConnectionManager.getConnection().createStatement(); final ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery( "select VERSION from PRODUCT_COMPONENT_VERSION P where P.PRODUCT like 'Oracle Database%'" );; final String versionString = resultSet.getString( "VERSION" ); final String[] versionParts = versionString.split( "\\." ); final int majorVersion = Integer.parseInt( versionParts[ 0 ] ); final int minorVersion = Integer.parseInt( versionParts[ 1 ] ); if( ( majorVersion == 12 && minorVersion >= 1 ) || majorVersion > 12 ) { limitSB.append(" LIMIT ").append(max); limitSB.append(" OFFSET ").append(firstIndex); } else { querySB.insert( 0, "SELECT * FROM ( " ); limitSB.append( " ) WHERE rownum BETWEEN " ) .append( firstIndex + 1 ) .append( " AND " ) .append( firstIndex + max ); } } catch( SQLException e ) { Log.warn( "Unable to determine oracle database version using fallback", e ); querySB.insert( 0, "SELECT * FROM ( " ); limitSB.append( " ) WHERE rownum BETWEEN " ) .append( firstIndex + 1 ) .append( " AND " ) .append( firstIndex + max ); } } else { limitSB.append(" LIMIT ").append(max); limitSB.append(" OFFSET ").append(firstIndex); } xmppResultSet.setFirstIndex(firstIndex); if(isLastPage(firstIndex, count, max, reverse)) { xmppResultSet.setComplete(true); } } querySB.append(limitSB); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = DbConnectionManager.getConnection(); pstmt = con.prepareStatement(querySB.toString()); bindMessageParameters(startDate, endDate, ownerJid, withJid, pstmt); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); Log.debug("findMessages: SELECT_MESSAGES: " + pstmt.toString()); while( { Date time = millisToDate(rs.getLong("sentDate")); ArchivedMessage archivedMessage = new ArchivedMessage(time, null, null, null); archivedMessage.setId(rs.getLong("messageID")); archivedMessage.setStanza(rs.getString("stanza")); archivedMessages.put(archivedMessage.getId(), archivedMessage); } } catch(SQLException sqle) { Log.error("Error selecting conversations", sqle); } finally { DbConnectionManager.closeConnection(rs, pstmt, con); } if (xmppResultSet != null && archivedMessages.size() > 0) { xmppResultSet.setFirst(archivedMessages.firstKey()); xmppResultSet.setLast(archivedMessages.lastKey()); } return archivedMessages.values(); } private boolean isOracleDB() { return DbConnectionManager.getDatabaseType() ==; } private Integer countMessages(Date startDate, Date endDate, String ownerJid, String withJid, String whereClause) { StringBuilder querySB; querySB = new StringBuilder(COUNT_MESSAGES); if (whereClause != null && whereClause.length() != 0) { querySB.append(" AND ").append(whereClause); } Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = DbConnectionManager.getConnection(); pstmt = con.prepareStatement(querySB.toString()); bindMessageParameters(startDate, endDate, ownerJid, withJid, pstmt); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { return rs.getInt(1); } else { return 0; } } catch (SQLException sqle) { Log.error("Error counting conversations", sqle); return 0; } finally { DbConnectionManager.closeConnection(rs, pstmt, con); } } private Integer countMessagesBefore(Date startDate, Date endDate, String ownerJid, String withJid, Long before, String whereClause) { StringBuilder querySB; querySB = new StringBuilder(COUNT_MESSAGES); querySB.append(" AND "); if (whereClause != null && whereClause.length() != 0) { querySB.append(whereClause); querySB.append(" AND "); } querySB.append(MESSAGE_ID).append(" < ?"); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { int parameterIndex; con = DbConnectionManager.getConnection(); pstmt = con.prepareStatement(querySB.toString()); parameterIndex = bindMessageParameters(startDate, endDate, ownerJid, withJid, pstmt); pstmt.setLong(parameterIndex, before); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { return rs.getInt(1); } else { return 0; } } catch (SQLException sqle) { Log.error("Error counting conversations", sqle); return 0; } finally { DbConnectionManager.closeConnection(rs, pstmt, con); } } private int bindMessageParameters(Date startDate, Date endDate, String ownerJid, String withJid, PreparedStatement pstmt) throws SQLException { int parameterIndex = 1; if (startDate != null) { pstmt.setLong(parameterIndex++, dateToMillis(startDate)); } if (endDate != null) { pstmt.setLong(parameterIndex++, dateToMillis(endDate)); } if (ownerJid != null) { pstmt.setString(parameterIndex++, ownerJid); } if (withJid != null) { // Add twice due to OR operator pstmt.setString(parameterIndex++, withJid); pstmt.setString(parameterIndex++, withJid); } return parameterIndex; } public Collection<Conversation> getActiveConversations(int conversationTimeout) { final Collection<Conversation> conversations; final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); conversations = new ArrayList<Conversation>(); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = DbConnectionManager.getConnection(); pstmt = con.prepareStatement( isOracleDB() ? SELECT_ACTIVE_CONVERSATIONS_ORACLE : SELECT_ACTIVE_CONVERSATIONS ); pstmt.setLong(1, now - conversationTimeout * 60L * 1000L); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { conversations.add(extractConversation(rs)); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { Log.error("Error selecting conversations", sqle); } finally { DbConnectionManager.closeConnection(rs, pstmt, con); } return conversations; } public List<Conversation> getConversations(Collection<Long> conversationIds) { final List<Conversation> conversations; final StringBuilder querySB; conversations = new ArrayList<Conversation>(); if (conversationIds.isEmpty()) { return conversations; } querySB = new StringBuilder(SELECT_CONVERSATIONS); querySB.append(" WHERE "); querySB.append(CONVERSATION_ID); querySB.append(" IN ( "); for (int i = 0; i < conversationIds.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) { querySB.append("?"); } else { querySB.append(",?"); } } querySB.append(" )"); querySB.append(SELECT_CONVERSATIONS_GROUP_BY); querySB.append(" ORDER BY ").append(CONVERSATION_END_TIME); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = DbConnectionManager.getConnection(); pstmt = con.prepareStatement(querySB.toString()); int i = 0; for (Long id : conversationIds) { pstmt.setLong(++i, id); } rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { conversations.add(extractConversation(rs)); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { Log.error("Error selecting conversations", sqle); } finally { DbConnectionManager.closeConnection(rs, pstmt, con); } return conversations; } public Conversation getConversation(String ownerJid, String withJid, Date start) { return getConversation(null, ownerJid, withJid, start); } public Conversation getConversation(Long conversationId) { return getConversation(conversationId, null, null, null); } private Conversation getConversation(Long conversationId, String ownerJid, String withJid, Date start) { Conversation conversation = null; StringBuilder querySB; Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; querySB = new StringBuilder(SELECT_CONVERSATIONS); querySB.append(" WHERE "); if (conversationId != null) { querySB.append(CONVERSATION_ID).append(" = ? "); } else { querySB.append(CONVERSATION_OWNER_JID).append(" = ?"); if (withJid != null) { querySB.append(" AND "); querySB.append(CONVERSATION_WITH_JID).append(" = ? "); } if (start != null) { querySB.append(" AND "); querySB.append(CONVERSATION_START_TIME).append(" = ? "); } } querySB.append(SELECT_CONVERSATIONS_GROUP_BY); try { con = DbConnectionManager.getConnection(); pstmt = con.prepareStatement(querySB.toString()); int i = 1; if (conversationId != null) { pstmt.setLong(1, conversationId); } else { pstmt.setString(i++, ownerJid); if (withJid != null) { pstmt.setString(i++, withJid); } if (start != null) { pstmt.setLong(i++, dateToMillis(start)); } } rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); Log.debug("getConversation: SELECT_CONVERSATIONS: " + pstmt.toString()); if ( { conversation = extractConversation(rs); } else { return null; } rs.close(); pstmt.close(); pstmt = con.prepareStatement(SELECT_PARTICIPANTS_BY_CONVERSATION); pstmt.setLong(1, conversation.getId()); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); Log.debug("getConversation: SELECT_PARTICIPANTS_BY_CONVERSATION: " + pstmt.toString()); while ( { for (Participant participant : extractParticipant(rs)) { conversation.addParticipant(participant); } } rs.close(); pstmt.close(); pstmt = con.prepareStatement(SELECT_MESSAGES_BY_CONVERSATION); pstmt.setLong(1, conversation.getId()); pstmt.setString(2, conversation.getOwnerJid()); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); Log.debug("getConversation: SELECT_MESSAGES_BY_CONVERSATION: " + pstmt.toString()); while ( { ArchivedMessage message; message = extractMessage(rs); message.setConversation(conversation); conversation.addMessage(message); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { Log.error("Error selecting conversation", sqle); } finally { DbConnectionManager.closeConnection(rs, pstmt, con); } return conversation; } private String getWithJidConversations(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { String bareJid = rs.getString("bareJID"); String fromJid = rs.getString("fromJID"); String toJid = rs.getString("toJID"); String room = rs.getString("room"); String result = null; if (bareJid != null && fromJid != null && toJid != null) { if (room != null && !room.equals("")) { result = room; } else if (fromJid.contains(bareJid)) { result = toJid; } else { result = fromJid; } } return result; } private Direction getDirection(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { Direction direction = null; String bareJid = rs.getString("bareJID"); String fromJid = rs.getString("fromJID"); String toJid = rs.getString("toJID"); if (bareJid != null && fromJid != null && toJid != null) { if (bareJid.equals(fromJid)) { /* * if message from me to withJid then it is to the withJid participant */ direction =; } else { /* * if message to me from withJid then it is from the withJid participant */ direction = Direction.from; } } return direction; } private Conversation extractConversation(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { final Conversation conversation; long id = rs.getLong("conversationID"); Date startDate = millisToDate(rs.getLong("startDate")); String ownerJid = rs.getString("bareJID"); String ownerResource = null; String withJid = getWithJidConversations(rs); String withResource = null; String subject = null; String thread = String.valueOf(id); conversation = new Conversation(startDate, ownerJid, ownerResource, withJid, withResource, subject, thread); conversation.setId(id); return conversation; } private Collection<Participant> extractParticipant(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { Collection<Participant> participants = new HashSet<Participant>(); Date startDate = millisToDate(rs.getLong("startDate")); String participantJid = rs.getString("bareJID"); Date endDate = millisToDate(rs.getLong("lastActivity")); if (participantJid != null) { Participant participant = new Participant(startDate, participantJid); participant.setEnd(endDate); participants.add(participant); } // String withJid = getWithJid(rs); // if (withJid != null) { // Participant participant = new Participant(startDate, participantJid); // participant.setEnd(endDate); // participants.add(participant); // } return participants; } private ArchivedMessage extractMessage(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { final ArchivedMessage message; Date time = millisToDate(rs.getLong("sentDate")); Direction direction = getDirection(rs); String type = null; String subject = null; String body = rs.getString("body"); String bareJid = rs.getString("bareJID"); JID withJid = null; if (Direction.from == direction) { withJid = new JID(rs.getString("fromJID")); } message = new ArchivedMessage(time, direction, null, withJid); // message.setId(id); // message.setSubject(subject); message.setBody(body); return message; } private Long dateToMillis(Date date) { return date == null ? null : date.getTime(); } private Date millisToDate(Long millis) { return millis == null ? null : new Date(millis); } /** * Determines whether a result page is the last of a set. * * @param firstItemIndex index (in whole set) of first item in page. * @param resultCount total number of results in set. * @param pageSize number of results in a page. * @param reverse whether paging is being performed in reverse (back to front) * @return whether results are from last page. */ private boolean isLastPage(int firstItemIndex, int resultCount, int pageSize, boolean reverse) { if(reverse) { // Index of first item in last page always 0 when reverse if(firstItemIndex == 0) { return true; } } else { if((firstItemIndex + pageSize) >= resultCount) { return true; } } return false; } }