package org.jivesoftware.xmpp.workgroup.interceptor; import org.xmpp.packet.Packet; /** * Packet interceptors that will print to the stdout the intercepted packets. This monitor * may be useful to debug problems or just monitor the activity in certain parts of the * application. Howerver, notice that printing to the stdout is an expensive operation which * will block other threads until the print has been finished. * * @author Gaston Dombiak */ public class TrafficMonitor implements PacketInterceptor { private boolean readEnabled = true; private boolean sentEnabled = true; private boolean onlyNotProcessedEnabled = true; public void interceptPacket(String workgroup, Packet packet, boolean read, boolean processed) { if ((readEnabled && read) || (sentEnabled && !read)) { if (onlyNotProcessedEnabled && processed) { return; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("Workgroup: ").append(workgroup); builder.append(" Read: ").append(read); builder.append(" Processed: ").append(processed); builder.append(" Packet: ").append(packet.toXML()); System.out.println(builder.toString()); } } /** * Returns true if packets that were received will be printed to the console. * * @return true if packets that were received will be printed to the console. */ public boolean isReadEnabled() { return readEnabled; } /** * Sets if packets that were received will be printed to the console. * * @param readEnabled true if packets that were received will be printed to the console. */ public void setReadEnabled(boolean readEnabled) { this.readEnabled = readEnabled; } /** * Returns true if packets that were sent will be printed to the console. * * @return true if packets that were sent will be printed to the console. */ public boolean isSentEnabled() { return sentEnabled; } /** * Sets if packets that were sent will be printed to the console. * * @param sentEnabled true if packets that were sent will be printed to the console. */ public void setSentEnabled(boolean sentEnabled) { this.sentEnabled = sentEnabled; } /** * Returns true if only the packets that were not processed will be printed to the console. * * @return true if only the packets that were not processed will be printed to the console. */ public boolean isOnlyNotProcessedEnabled() { return onlyNotProcessedEnabled; } /** * Sets if only the packets that were not processed will be printed to the console. * * @param onlyNotProcessedEnabled true if only the packets that were not processed will be * printed to the console. */ public void setOnlyNotProcessedEnabled(boolean onlyNotProcessedEnabled) { this.onlyNotProcessedEnabled = onlyNotProcessedEnabled; } }