package org.jivesoftware.util; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import java.util.*; /** * Utilities to extract data from a web.xml file. * * @author Guus der Kinderen, */ public class WebXmlUtils { private final static Logger Log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( WebXmlUtils.class ); public static Document asDocument( File webXML ) throws DocumentException { // Make the reader non-validating so that it doesn't try to resolve external DTD's. Trying to resolve // external DTD's can break on some firewall configurations. SAXReader saxReader = new SAXReader( false); try { saxReader.setFeature( "", false ); } catch (SAXException e) { Log.warn("Error setting SAXReader feature", e); } return webXML ); } /** * Retrieves the names of all servlets from a web.xml document. * * Returns a list that contains 'sessioncreate' and 'sessiondestroy' from this web.xml document: * <servlet> * <servlet-name>sessioncreate</servlet-name> * <servlet-class>SessionCreateServlet</servlet-class> * </servlet> * <servlet> * <servlet-name>sessiondestroy</servlet-name> * <servlet-class>SessionDestroyServlet</servlet-class> * </servlet> * * @param webXml web.xml document, parsed as XML (cannot be null) * @return The name of the filter class, or null when no such class was defined. */ public static List<String> getServletNames( Document webXml ) { return getNames( "servlet", webXml ); } /** * Retrieves the names of all filters from a web.xml document. * * Returns a list that contains 'message' from this web.xml document: * <filter> * <filter-name>message</filter-name> * <filter-class>com.acme.filter.MessageFilter</filter-class> * </filter> * * @param webXml web.xml document, parsed as XML (cannot be null) * @return The name of the filter class, or null when no such class was defined. */ public static List<String> getFilterNames( Document webXml ) { return getNames( "filter", webXml ); } private static List<String> getNames( String type, Document webXml ) { final List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Element> elements = webXml.getRootElement().elements( type ); // all elements of 'type' (filter or servlet). for ( final Element element : elements ) { final String name = element.elementTextTrim( type + "-name" ); if ( name != null && !name.isEmpty() ) { result.add( name ); } } return result; } /** * Retrieves the class name for a particular servlet from a web.xml document. * * Returns 'SessionCreateServlet' for 'sessioncreate' of this web.xml document: * <servlet> * <servlet-name>sessioncreate</servlet-name> * <servlet-class>SessionCreateServlet</servlet-class> * </servlet> * <servlet> * <servlet-name>sessiondestroy</servlet-name> * <servlet-class>SessionDestroyServlet</servlet-class> * </servlet> * * @param webXml web.xml document, parsed as XML (cannot be null) * @param servletName The name of the servlet (cannot be null or empty). * @return The name of the filter class, or null when no such class was defined. */ public static String getServletClassName( Document webXml, String servletName ) { return getClassName( "servlet", webXml, servletName ); } /** * Retrieves the class name for a particular filter from a web.xml document. * * Returns 'com.acme.filter.MessageFilter' for 'message' of this web.xml document: * <filter> * <filter-name>message</filter-name> * <filter-class>com.acme.filter.MessageFilter</filter-class> * </filter> * * @param webXml web.xml document, parsed as XML (cannot be null) * @param filterName The name of the filter (cannot be null or empty). * @return The name of the filter class, or null when no such class was defined. */ public static String getFilterClassName( Document webXml, String filterName ) { return getClassName( "filter", webXml, filterName ); } private static String getClassName( String type, Document webXml, String typeName ) { String className = null; final List<Element> elements = webXml.getRootElement().elements( type ); // all elements of 'type' (filter or servlet). for ( final Element element : elements ) { final String name = element.elementTextTrim( type + "-name" ); if ( typeName.equals( name ) ) { className = element.elementTextTrim( type + "-class" ); break; } } if (className == null || className.isEmpty() ) { return null; } return className; } /** * Retrieves a map of init param/values for a particular servlet from a web.xml document. * * For filter 'message' of this web.xml document, returns a map with two entries: foo-> bar, test->value. * <servlet> * <servlet-name>sessioncreate</servlet-name> * <servlet-class>SessionCreateServlet</servlet-class> * <init-param> * <param-name>foo</param-name> * <param-value>bar</param-value> * </init-param> * <init-param> * <param-name>test</param-name> * <param-value>value</param-value> * </init-param> * </servlet> * * Parameters with no or empty name are ignored. When multiple parameters have the same name, only one of them is * returned. * * @param webXml web.xml document, parsed as XML (cannot be null) * @param servletName The name of the servlet (cannot be null or empty). * @return A map (possibly empty, but never null). */ public static Map<String, String> getServletInitParams( Document webXml, String servletName ) { return getInitParams( "servlet", webXml, servletName ); } /** * Retrieves a map of init param/values for a particular filter from a web.xml document. * * For filter 'message' of this web.xml document, returns a map with two entries: foo-> bar, test->value. * <filter> * <filter-name>message</filter-name> * <filter-class>com.acme.filter.MessageFilter</filter-class> * <init-param> * <param-name>foo</param-name> * <param-value>bar</param-value> * </init-param> * <init-param> * <param-name>test</param-name> * <param-value>value</param-value> * </init-param> * </filter> * * Parameters with no or empty name are ignored. When multiple parameters have the same name, only one of them is * returned. * * @param webXml web.xml document, parsed as XML (cannot be null) * @param filterName The name of the filter (cannot be null or empty). * @return A map (possibly empty, but never null). */ public static Map<String, String> getFilterInitParams( Document webXml, String filterName ) { return getInitParams( "filter", webXml, filterName ); } private static Map<String, String> getInitParams( String type, Document webXml, String typeName ) { final Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>(); final List<Element> elements = webXml.getRootElement().elements( type ); // all elements of 'type' (filter or servlet). for ( final Element element : elements ) { final String name = element.elementTextTrim( type + "-name" ); if ( typeName.equals( name ) ) { final List<Element> initParamElements = element.elements( "init-param" ); for ( final Element initParamElement : initParamElements ) { final String pName = initParamElement.elementTextTrim( "param-name" ); final String pValue = initParamElement.elementTextTrim( "param-value" ); if ( pName == null || pName.isEmpty() ) { Log.warn( "Unable to add init-param that has no name" ); } else { result.put( pName, pValue ); } } } } return result; } /** * Retrieves all URL patterns that apply to a specific servlet. * * @param webXml web.xml document, parsed as XML (cannot be null) * @param servletName The name of the servlet (cannot be null or empty). * @return A collection (possibly empty, but never null). */ public static Set<String> getServletUrlPatterns( Document webXml, String servletName ) { return getUrlPatterns( "servlet", webXml, servletName ); } /** * Retrieves all URL patterns that apply to a specific filter. * * @param webXml web.xml document, parsed as XML (cannot be null) * @param filterName The name of the filter (cannot be null or empty). * @return A collection (possibly empty, but never null). */ public static Set<String> getFilterUrlPatterns( Document webXml, String filterName ) { return getUrlPatterns( "filter", webXml, filterName ); } private static Set<String> getUrlPatterns( String type, Document webXml, String typeName ) { final Set<String> result = new HashSet<>(); final List<Element> elements = webXml.getRootElement().elements( type + "-mapping" ); // all elements of 'type'-mapping (filter-mapping or servlet-mapping). for ( final Element element : elements ) { final String name = element.elementTextTrim( type + "-name" ); if ( typeName.equals( name ) ) { final List<Element> urlPatternElements = element.elements( "url-pattern" ); for ( final Element urlPatternElement : urlPatternElements ) { final String urlPattern = urlPatternElement.getTextTrim(); if ( urlPattern != null ) { result.add( urlPattern ); } } // A filter can also be mapped to a servlet (by name). In that case, all url-patterns of the corresponding servlet-mapping should be used. if ( "filter".equals( type ) ) { final List<Element> servletNameElements = element.elements( "servlet-name" ); for ( final Element servletNameElement : servletNameElements ) { final String servletName = servletNameElement.getTextTrim(); if ( servletName != null ) { result.addAll( getUrlPatterns( "servlet", webXml, servletName ) ); } } } break; } } return result; } }