package; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator; import; import java.sql.BatchUpdateException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Copy part of a PostgreSQL Chado database into an HSQLDB file * that can be used for testing. * * @author rh11 * */ public class BuildTestDatabase { //private static final String SCHEMA = "public"; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(; /** * Usage: java BuildTestDatabase <source URL> <username> <password> <target name> [<organism ID>] * <p> * Copies the schema and non-organism-specific data from the supplied database into a specified * HSQLDB file. If an organism ID is supplied, the data for that organism are also copied. * * @param args * @throws SQLException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { if (args.length != 4 && args.length != 5) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Usage: java BuildTestDatabase [--only-schema] <source URL> <username> <password> <target name> [<organism ID>]"); } boolean onlySchema = args[0].equals("--only-schema"); int argBase = onlySchema ? 1 : 0; String sourceUrl = args[argBase + 0]; String sourceUsername = args[argBase + 1]; String sourcePassword = args[argBase + 2]; String targetDatabaseName = args[argBase + 3]; int organismId = -1; if (!onlySchema && args.length > 4) { organismId = Integer.parseInt(args[4]); } URL url = BuildTestDatabase.class.getResource("/"); if (url == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find classpath resource /"); } System.out.printf("Configuring Log4J from '%s'\n", url); PropertyConfigurator.configure(url); Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver"); Class.forName("org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"); Connection source = DriverManager.getConnection(sourceUrl, sourceUsername, sourcePassword); Connection target = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hsqldb:file:test-data/hsqldb/" + targetDatabaseName); source.setReadOnly(true); BuildTestDatabase buildTestDatabase = new BuildTestDatabase(source, target, organismId); buildTestDatabase.copySchema(true); //!onlySchema); //Build the Audit schema buildTestDatabase.createSchema("audit"); buildTestDatabase.copySchema("audit", true); if (!onlySchema) { buildTestDatabase.copyPublicSchemaData(); } target.createStatement().execute("shutdown"); target.close(); } private Connection source, target; private DatabaseMetaData sourceMeta; private final String organismIdString; private BuildTestDatabase(Connection source, Connection target, int organismId) throws SQLException { this.source = source; = target; this.sourceMeta = source.getMetaData(); if (organismId >= 0) { this.organismIdString = String.valueOf(organismId); } else { this.organismIdString = null; } } private void copyPublicSchemaData() throws SQLException { for (String tableName: "cv cvterm db organism phylotree".split("\\s+")) { copyTableData(tableName, null); } copyTableData("public", "phylonode", null, "phylonode_id"); // We need parent nodes before children copyTableData("public", "dbxref", "dbxref_id in (select dbxref_id from cvterm)"); copyTableData("public", "pub", "uniquename = 'null'"); if (organismIdString != null) { copyOrganismData(); } } private void copyOrganismData() throws SQLException { copyTableData("pub", "uniquename <> 'null'"); copyTableData("dbxref", "dbxref_id in (" + " select feature.dbxref_id from feature where organism_id = " + organismIdString +" union" +" select feature_dbxref.dbxref_id" +" from feature" +" join feature_dbxref using (feature_id)" +" where feature.organism_id = " + organismIdString +" union" +" select pub_dbxref.dbxref_id" +" from feature" +" join feature_pub using (feature_id)" +" join pub_dbxref using (pub_id)" +" where feature.organism_id = " + organismIdString +")"); copyTableData("feature", "organism_id = " + organismIdString); for (String tableName: "featureloc featureprop feature_cvterm feature_dbxref feature_pub".split("\\s+")) { copyTableData(tableName, "feature_id in (" + " select feature_id from feature" + " where organism_id = " + organismIdString + ")"); } copyTableData("feature_cvtermprop", "feature_cvterm_id in (" +" select feature_cvterm.feature_cvterm_id" +" from feature_cvterm" +" join feature using (feature_id)" +" where feature.organism_id = " + organismIdString +")"); copyTableData("feature_relationship", "subject_id in (select feature_id from feature where organism_id = " + organismIdString + ")" +" and object_id in (select feature_id from feature where organism_id = " + organismIdString + ")"); copyTableData("feature_relationshipprop", "feature_relationship_id in (" +" select feature_relationship.feature_relationship_id" +" from feature_relationship" +" join feature s on feature_relationship.subject_id = s.feature_id" +" join feature o on feature_relationship.object_id = o.feature_id" +" where s.organism_id = " + organismIdString +" and o.organism_id = " + organismIdString +")"); copyTableData("pub_dbxref", "pub_id in (" +" select feature_pub.pub_id" +" from feature" +" join feature_pub using (feature_id)" +" where feature.organism_id = " + organismIdString +")"); copyTableData("analysis", "analysis_id in (" +" select analysis.analysis_id " +" from analysis" +" join analysisfeature on analysis.analysis_id = analysisfeature.analysis_id" +" join feature on feature.feature_id = analysisfeature.feature_id" +" where organism_id = " + organismIdString +")"); copyTableData("analysisfeature", "feature_id in (" +" select feature_id " +" from feature" +" where organism_id = " + organismIdString +")"); } private void copyTableData(String tableName, String condition) throws SQLException { copyTableData("public", tableName, condition); } private void copyTableData(String schema, String tableName, String condition) throws SQLException { copyTableData(schema, tableName, condition, null); } private void copyTableData(String schema, String tableName, String condition, String order) throws SQLException { copyTableData(schema, tableName, condition, order, true); } private void copyTableData(String schema, String tableName, String condition, String order, boolean batch) throws SQLException {"Copying contents of table '%s' (%s)", tableName, condition)); String selectStatement = "select * from \""+tableName+"\""; if (condition != null) { selectStatement += " where (" + condition + ")"; } if (order != null) { selectStatement += " order by " + order; } Statement sourceSt = source.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = sourceSt.executeQuery(selectStatement); ResultSetMetaData rsMeta = rs.getMetaData(); int numberOfColumns = rsMeta.getColumnCount(); String[] columnNames = getColumnNames(rsMeta); String insertStatement = insertStatement(schema, tableName, rsMeta); logger.trace(String.format("Preparing insert (%d cols): %s", numberOfColumns, insertStatement)); PreparedStatement targetSt = target.prepareStatement(insertStatement); int numberOfRows = 0; while ( { numberOfRows++; for (int columnIndex = 1; columnIndex <= numberOfColumns; columnIndex++) { String columnName = columnNames[columnIndex - 1]; Object value = rs.getObject(columnIndex); logger.trace(String.format("[%s@%d].%s = '%s'", tableName, numberOfRows, columnName, value)); targetSt.setObject(columnIndex, value); } if (batch) { targetSt.addBatch(); logger.trace(""); } else { targetSt.executeUpdate(); logger.trace("!"); } } if (batch) { executeBatch(targetSt, String.format("Copy of '%s'", tableName));"Inserted %d rows", numberOfRows)); } targetSt.close(); sourceSt.close(); } private void executeBatch(PreparedStatement st, String description) throws SQLException { logger.trace("Executing batch insert"); try { int[] insertResults = st.executeBatch(); logger.debug(String.format("Batch execution returned %d results", insertResults.length)); for (int r: insertResults) { if (r <= 0) { logger.warn("Insert failed"); } } } catch (BatchUpdateException e) { /* getUpdateCounts() will return EITHER counts for the successes before the first failure, * OR results for all elements of the batch, with a failure code for the failed ones. Which * of these it does is driver-dependent. So we first look for a failure code, and if we don't * find one we assume that we just have the results for the successes. */ int[] updateCounts = e.getUpdateCounts(); boolean failureFound = false; for (int i=0; i < updateCounts.length; i++) { if (updateCounts[i] == Statement.EXECUTE_FAILED) { failureFound = true; logger.error(String.format("%s failed on item #%d", description, i + 1)); Throwable t = e; do { logger.error("Caused by", t); } while (null != (t = t.getCause())); } } if (!failureFound) { logger.error(String.format("%s failed on item #%d", description, updateCounts.length + 1)); Throwable t = e; do { logger.error("Caused by", t); } while (null != (t = t.getCause())); } throw e; } } private String insertStatement (String schema, String tableName, ResultSetMetaData rsMeta) throws SQLException { StringBuilder columns = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder placeholders = new StringBuilder(); for (int columnIndex = 1; columnIndex <= rsMeta.getColumnCount(); columnIndex++) { String columnName = rsMeta.getColumnName(columnIndex); if (columnIndex > 1) { columns.append(", "); placeholders.append(", "); } columns.append(columnName); placeholders.append('?'); } return String.format("insert into %s.%s (%s) values (%s)", schema, tableName, columns, placeholders); } private String[] getColumnNames(ResultSetMetaData rsMeta) throws SQLException { int numberOfColumns = rsMeta.getColumnCount(); String[] columnNames = new String[numberOfColumns]; for (int columnIndex = 1; columnIndex <= numberOfColumns; columnIndex++) { columnNames[columnIndex - 1] = rsMeta.getColumnName(columnIndex); } return columnNames; } private void createSchema(String schema)throws SQLException{ Statement st = target.createStatement(); String createStatement = String.format("create schema %s authorization dba", schema); logger.trace(createStatement); st.execute(createStatement); st.close(); logger.debug(String.format("Schema %s successfully created", schema)); } private void copySchema(boolean createCached) throws SQLException { copySchema("public", createCached); } private void copySchema(String schema, boolean createCached) throws SQLException { Set<String> tableNames = new HashSet<String>(); ResultSet tables = sourceMeta.getTables(null, schema, null, new String[] {"TABLE", "SEQUENCE"}); while ( { String tableName = tables.getString("TABLE_NAME"); String tableType = tables.getString("TABLE_TYPE"); if (tableType.equals("TABLE")) { tableNames.add(tableName); createTable(schema, tableName, createCached); } else if (tableType.equals("SEQUENCE")) { createSequence(schema, tableName); } else { throw new RuntimeException( String.format("Encountered table '%s' of unrecognised type '%s'", tableName, tableType)); } } tables.close(); for (String tableName: tableNames) { createForeignKeys(schema, tableName); createIndices(schema, tableName); createCheckConstraints(schema, tableName); } } private void createTable(String schema, String tableName, boolean createCached) throws SQLException {"Creating table \"%s\" in schema \"%s\"", tableName, schema)); Statement st = target.createStatement(); st.execute(String.format("drop table %s.%s if exists cascade", schema, tableName)); st.close(); st = target.createStatement(); String createStatement = createStatementForTable(schema, tableName, createCached); logger.trace(createStatement); st.execute(createStatement); st.close(); } private void createSequence(String schema, String sequenceName) throws SQLException { int nextval = getNextVal(String.format("%s.%s", schema, sequenceName));"Creating sequence '%s.%s' with starting value %d", schema, sequenceName, nextval)); Statement statement = target.createStatement(); statement.execute(String.format("create sequence %s.%s start with %d", schema, sequenceName, nextval)); statement.close(); } private int getNextVal(String sequenceName) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement st = source.prepareStatement("select nextval(?::regclass)"); try { st.setString(1, sequenceName); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();; return rs.getInt(1); } finally { try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(e); } } } private void createForeignKeys(String schema, String tableName) throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = sourceMeta.getImportedKeys(null, schema, tableName); String currentConstraint = null; String targetTable = null; StringBuilder sourceColumns = null; StringBuilder targetColumns = null; while ( { String pkTableName = rs.getString ("PKTABLE_NAME"); String pkColumnName = rs.getString("PKCOLUMN_NAME"); String fkColumnName = rs.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME"); short keySeq = rs.getShort("KEY_SEQ"); short updateRule = rs.getShort("UPDATE_RULE"); short deleteRule = rs.getShort("DELETE_RULE"); // Ignore DEFERRABILITY, because HSQLDB doesn't support deferred constraints String constraintName = rs.getString("FK_NAME"); if (keySeq == 1) { if (targetTable != null) { String constraintText = String.format("foreign key (%s) references %s (%s)", sourceColumns, targetTable, targetColumns); String updateAction = decodeCascadeRule(updateRule); if (updateAction != null) { constraintText += " on update " + updateAction; } String deleteAction = decodeCascadeRule(deleteRule); if (deleteAction != null) { constraintText += " on delete " + deleteAction; }"Adding foreign key %s -> %s", tableName, targetTable)); if (currentConstraint == null) { addConstraint(schema, tableName, constraintText); } else { addConstraint(schema, tableName, String.format("constraint \"%s\" %s", currentConstraint, constraintText)); } } currentConstraint = constraintName; targetTable = pkTableName; sourceColumns = new StringBuilder(); targetColumns = new StringBuilder(); } else { sourceColumns.append(", "); targetColumns.append(", "); } sourceColumns.append(fkColumnName); targetColumns.append(pkColumnName); } rs.close(); } private void createIndices(String schema, String tableName) throws SQLException { String indexName = null; StringBuilder columns = null; ResultSet rs = sourceMeta.getIndexInfo(null, schema, tableName, false, false); while ( { short indexType = rs.getShort("TYPE"); if (indexType == DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexStatistic) { continue; } short pos = rs.getShort("ORDINAL_POSITION"); String columnName = rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); boolean isUnique = !rs.getBoolean("NON_UNIQUE"); if (pos == 1) { if (columns != null) { createIndex(tableName, indexName, columns.toString(), isUnique); } indexName = rs.getString("INDEX_NAME"); columns = new StringBuilder(); } else { columns.append(", "); } columns.append(columnName); } rs.close(); } private void createIndex(String tableName, String indexName, String columns, boolean unique) throws SQLException { if (columns.contains("(")) { logger.debug(String.format("Ignoring index %s (%s) on table %s", indexName, columns, tableName)); return; } String createIndex; if (unique) { createIndex = String.format("create unique index \"%s\" on %s (%s)", indexName, tableName, columns); } else { createIndex = String.format("create index \"%s\" on %s (%s)", indexName, tableName, columns); } logger.trace(createIndex); Statement st = target.createStatement(); st.executeUpdate(createIndex); st.close(); } private static final String CHECK_CONSTRAINTS_SQL = "select pg_namespace.nspname as schema" +" , pg_class.relname as table_name" +" , pg_constraint.conname as constraint_name" +" , pg_constraint.consrc as condition" +" from pg_constraint" +" join pg_namespace on pg_constraint.connamespace = pg_namespace.oid" +" join pg_class on pg_constraint.conrelid = pg_class.oid" +" where pg_constraint.contype = 'c'" +" and pg_namespace.nspname = ?" +" and pg_class.relname = ?"; private void createCheckConstraints(String schema, String tableName) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement st = source.prepareStatement(CHECK_CONSTRAINTS_SQL); st.setString(1, schema); st.setString(2, tableName); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { String constraintName = rs.getString("constraint_name"); String condition = rs.getString("condition"); //re-format the condition condition = condition.replace("::text", ""); addConstraint(schema, tableName, String.format("constraint \"%s\" check (%s)", constraintName, condition)); } st.close(); } private String decodeCascadeRule(short action) { switch(action) { case DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade: return "cascade"; case DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetDefault: return "set default"; case DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetNull: return "set null"; default: return null; } } private void addConstraint(String schema, String tableName, String constraint) throws SQLException { logger.trace(constraint); Statement st = target.createStatement(); st.executeUpdate(String.format("alter table %s.%s add %s", schema, tableName, constraint)); st.close(); } private String createStatementForTable(String schema, String tableName, boolean createCached) throws SQLException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String create = createCached ? "create cached table " : "create table "; sb.append(create + schema + "." + tableName + " (\n"); ResultSet columns = sourceMeta.getColumns(null, schema, tableName, null); boolean first = true; while ( { String columnName = columns.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); String columnType = columns.getString("TYPE_NAME"); int columnSize = columns.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE"); boolean notNull = columns.getString("IS_NULLABLE").equals("NO"); String defaultValue = columns.getString("COLUMN_DEF"); if (first) { first = false; sb.append(" "); } else { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(columnDefinition(tableName, columnName, columnType, columnSize, notNull, defaultValue)); sb.append('\n'); } if (!tablesWithIdentityColumn.contains(tableName)) { String primaryKey = primaryKeyForTable(schema, tableName); if (primaryKey != null) { sb.append(", "); sb.append(primaryKey); } } sb.append(")\n"); return sb.toString(); } private String primaryKeyForTable(String schema, String tableName) throws SQLException { StringBuilder columns = new StringBuilder(); ResultSet rs = sourceMeta.getPrimaryKeys(null, schema, tableName); String keyName = null; while ( { String columnName = rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); if (keyName == null) { keyName = rs.getString("PK_NAME"); } if (!rs.isFirst()) { columns.append(", "); } columns.append(columnName); } rs.close(); if (columns.length() == 0) { return null; } if (keyName == null) { return String.format("primary key (%s)", columns); } else { return String.format("constraint \"%s\" primary key (%s)", keyName, columns); } } /** * Maps PostgreSQL types to the corresponding HSQLDB type. */ private static Map<String,String> typeNameMap = new HashMap<String,String>() {{ put("serial", "identity"); put("int2", "smallint"); put("int4", "integer"); put("int8", "bigint"); put("text", "longvarchar"); put("float4", "float"); put("float8", "double"); put("bpchar", "char"); put("bool", "boolean"); }}; /** * Maps PostgreSQL default values to the equivalent HSQLDB function. */ private static Map<String,String> defaultValueMap = new HashMap<String,String>() {{ put("\"current_user\"()", "current_user"); put("now()", "now"); put("''::text", "''"); put("''::character varying", "''"); put("'DELETE'::character varying", "'DELETE'"); put("'INSERT'::character varying", "'INSERT'"); put("'UPDATE'::character varying", "'UPDATE'"); }}; private Set<String> tablesWithIdentityColumn = new HashSet<String>(); private String columnDefinition(String tableName, String columnName, String columnType, int columnSize, boolean notNull, String defaultValue) { if (typeNameMap.containsKey(columnType)) { columnType = typeNameMap.get(columnType); } if ("identity".equals(columnType)) { defaultValue = null; if (tablesWithIdentityColumn.contains(tableName)) { logger.warn(String.format("Table '%s' has more than one identity column; HSQLDB only allows one per table.\nColumn '%s' will not be auto-incremented.", tableName, columnName)); columnType = "integer"; } else { tablesWithIdentityColumn.add(tableName); } } if (defaultValue != null) { if (defaultValueMap.containsKey(defaultValue)) { defaultValue = defaultValueMap.get(defaultValue); } columnType += " default " + defaultValue; } if (notNull) { columnType += " not null"; } if (columnType.equals("varchar") || columnType.equals("char")) { return String.format("%s %s(%d)", columnName, columnType, columnSize); } return String.format("%s %s", columnName, columnType); } }