package org.genedb.db.loading.auxiliary; import java.sql.SQLException; public class ClearSignalP extends Clear { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Clear.main(ClearSignalP.class, args); } ClearSignalP(String organismCommonName, String analysisProgram) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { super(organismCommonName, analysisProgram); } private static final String DELETE_PROPS_SQL = "delete from featureprop" +" using cvterm prop_type join cv prop_type_cv using (cv_id)" +" , feature join organism using (organism_id)" +" where featureprop.type_id = prop_type.cvterm_id" +" and feature.feature_id = featureprop.feature_id" +" and = 'genedb_misc'" +" and in (" +" 'SignalP_prediction'" +" , 'signal_peptide_probability'" +" , 'signal_anchor_probability'" +" , 'PlasmoAP_score'" +" )" +" and organism.common_name = ?"; private static final String DELETE_SIGNAL_PEPTIDE_FEATURES_SQL = "delete from feature" +" using cvterm feature_type" +" join cv feature_type_cv using (cv_id)" +" join dbxref feature_type_dbxref using (dbxref_id)" +" , organism" +" where feature_type.cvterm_id = feature.type_id" +" and feature_type_dbxref.accession = '0000418'" // signal_peptide +" and = 'sequence'" +" and feature.organism_id = organism.organism_id" +" and organism.common_name = ?"; @Override protected DeleteSpec[] getDeleteSpecs() { return new DeleteSpec[] { new DeleteSpec("SignalP feature properties", DELETE_PROPS_SQL), new DeleteSpec("Signal peptide features", DELETE_SIGNAL_PEPTIDE_FEATURES_SQL), }; } }