package org.genedb.querying.tmpquery; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.genedb.query.sql.SqlQuery; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowCallbackHandler; /** * * Returns all the genes, their children and their grand-children, which have got timelastmodified stamps greater than a certain date, for a particular organism. * * @author gv1 * */ public class ChangedGeneFeaturesQuery extends SqlQuery { private Date date; private int organismId; private String type; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ChangedGeneFeaturesQuery.class); public void setDate(Date date) { = date; } public void setOrganismId(int organismId) { this.organismId = organismId; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public ChangedGeneFeaturesQuery() { String queryString = " SELECT " + " f.uniquename as transcriptuniquename, " + " as type, " + " mrna.uniquename as mrnauniquename, " + " gene.uniquename as geneuniquename, " + " fcp_detail.value as changedetail, " + " to_date (fcp_date.value, 'YYYYMMDD' ) as changedate, " + " fcp_user.value as changeuser " + " FROM feature f " + " JOIN feature_cvterm fc ON f.feature_id = fc.feature_id " + " JOIN cvterm ctype ON f.type_id = ctype.cvterm_id AND = 'polypeptide' " + " JOIN cvterm fctype ON fc.cvterm_id = fctype.cvterm_id " + " JOIN cv fctypecv ON fctypecv.cv_id = fctype.cv_id AND = 'annotation_change' " + " JOIN feature_cvtermprop fcp_date ON fc.feature_cvterm_id = fcp_date.feature_cvterm_id AND fcp_date.type_id = (select cvterm.cvterm_id from cvterm join cv on cv.cv_id = cvterm.cv_id and = 'feature_property' where = 'date' ) " + " JOIN feature_cvtermprop fcp_detail ON fc.feature_cvterm_id = fcp_detail.feature_cvterm_id AND fcp_detail.type_id = (select cvterm.cvterm_id from cvterm join cv on cv.cv_id = cvterm.cv_id and = 'genedb_misc' where = 'qualifier' ) " + " JOIN feature_cvtermprop fcp_user ON fc.feature_cvterm_id = fcp_user.feature_cvterm_id AND fcp_user.type_id = (select cvterm.cvterm_id from cvterm join cv on cv.cv_id = cvterm.cv_id and = 'genedb_misc' where = 'curatorName' ) " + " LEFT JOIN feature_relationship fr ON fr.subject_id = f.feature_id and fr.type_id IN (42, 69) " + " LEFT JOIN feature mrna ON fr.object_id = mrna.feature_id " + " LEFT JOIN feature_relationship fr2 ON fr2.subject_id = fr.object_id and fr2.type_id IN (42, 69) " + " LEFT JOIN feature gene ON fr2.object_id = gene.feature_id AND gene.type_id IN ('792', '423') " + " WHERE f.organism_id = ? " + " AND to_date (fcp_date.value, 'YYYYMMDD' ) >= ? " ; this.setSql(queryString); } @Override public void processCallBack(RowCallbackHandler callBack) { String the_sql = sql; if (type == null) { args = new Object [] { organismId, date }; } else { the_sql += " AND = ? "; args = new Object [] { organismId, date, type }; } super.processCallBack(the_sql, args, callBack); } }