package org.genedb.web.mvc.model.load; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class GeneMapper extends FeatureMapper { Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GeneMapper.class); public static final String GENE_TYPE_SQL = " select cvterm_id " + " from cvterm cvt, cv " + " where cvt.cv_id = cv.cv_id " + " and in ('gene', 'pseudogene')" + " and = 'sequence'"; public static final String SQL = " select fl.*, f.*, as cvtname, as cvname " + " from feature f, featureloc fl, cvterm cvt, cv " + " where f.feature_id = fl.feature_id" + " and f.type_id = cvt.cvterm_id " + " and cvt.cv_id = cv.cv_id " + " and f.type_id in (" + GENE_TYPE_SQL + " )"; public static final String SQL_WITH_PARAMS = " select fl.*, f.*, as cvtname, as cvname " + " from feature f, featureloc fl, cvterm cvt, cv " + " where f.feature_id = fl.feature_id" + " and f.type_id = cvt.cvterm_id " + " and cvt.cv_id = cv.cv_id " + " and f.organism_id = ? " + " and f.type_id in (" + GENE_TYPE_SQL + ")"; public static final String GET_GENES_SQL_WITH_LIMIT_AND_OFFSET_PARAMS = " select fl.*, f.*, as cvtname, as cvname " + " from feature f, featureloc fl, cvterm cvt, cv " + " where f.feature_id = fl.feature_id" + " and f.type_id = cvt.cvterm_id " + " and cvt.cv_id = cv.cv_id " + " and f.organism_id = ? " + " and f.type_id in (" + GENE_TYPE_SQL + ")" + " limit ?" + " offset ?"; public static final String SQL_WITH_GENE_ID_PARAMS = " select fl.*, f.*, as cvtname, as cvname " + " from feature f, featureloc fl, cvterm cvt, cv " + " where f.feature_id = fl.feature_id" + " and f.type_id = cvt.cvterm_id " + " and cvt.cv_id = cv.cv_id " + " and f.feature_id in (:placeholders)"; public static final String SQL_WITH_TRANSCRIPT_ID_PARAM = " select fl.*, f.*, as cvtname, as cvname " + " from feature f, featureloc fl, cvterm cvt, cv " + " where f.feature_id = fl.feature_id" + " and f.type_id = cvt.cvterm_id " + " and cvt.cv_id = cv.cv_id " + " and f.feature_id in (" + " select object_id" + " from feature_relationship fr" + " where fr.subject_id = ?)"; @Override public FeatureMapper mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { FeatureMapper gene = super.mapRow(rs, rowNum); gene.setFmax(rs.getInt("fmax")); gene.setFmin(rs.getInt("fmin")); gene.setSourceFeatureId(rs.getInt("srcfeature_id")); gene.setStrand(rs.getInt("strand")); gene.setCvtName(rs.getString("cvtname")); gene.setCvName(rs.getString("cvname")); return gene; } }