package org.genedb.db.loading; import org.genedb.db.dao.OrganismDao; import org.genedb.db.dao.SequenceDao; import org.gmod.schema.feature.AbstractGene; import org.gmod.schema.feature.Polypeptide; import org.gmod.schema.feature.ProductiveTranscript; import org.gmod.schema.feature.ProteinMatch; import org.gmod.schema.feature.Transcript; import org.gmod.schema.mapped.Analysis; import org.gmod.schema.mapped.AnalysisFeature; import org.gmod.schema.mapped.FeatureRelationship; import org.gmod.schema.mapped.Organism; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.SessionFactoryUtils; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Load orthologue data from a simple tab-separated file. * Each line of the file has four or five fields: * <ol> * <li> Source organism, * <li> source feature, * <li> target organism or <code>cluster</code>, * <li> target feature or cluster name, * <li> the percentage identity (optional) * </ol> * The source feature field should contain the uniqueName of a transcript * or polypeptide. * For a simple orthologue, the third and fourth fields contain the name of the * target organism and target feature (transcript or polypeptide); * for orthologue clusters, the third field contains the word "cluster" * and the fourth field the name of the cluster. * <p> * Details of the analysis should be specified as properties: * <dl> * <dt><code>load.dataset</code></dt><dd>The name of the orthologue dataset being loaded, e.g. "Plasmodium" (Required)</dd> * <dt><code>load.analysis.program</code></dt><dd>The program used to perform the analysis (Required for automatic predictions)</dd> * <dt><code>load.analysis.programVersion</code></dt><dd>The version of the program that was used (Defaults to "unknown")</dd> * <dt><code>load.analysis.algorithm</code></dt><dd>The name of the algorithm (Optional)</dd> * </dl> * If no analysis program is specified, load.orthologues.manual must be specified to indictate that the file contains manually curated orthologues. * <p> * There are also a couple of optional properties that control the behaviour of the loader: * <dl> * <dt><code>load.orthologues.notFoundNotFatal</code></dt><dd>If this property is set, it is not a fatal error if a gene mentioned * in the input file does not exist. This can be useful when gene models have been deleted or renamed since the orthologue * data were generated.</dd> * <dt><code>load.orthologues.geneNames</ * code></dt><dd>Treat the names in the input file as gene names, rather than polypeptide * or transcript names.</dd> * <dt><code>load.analysis.paralogues</code></dt><dd>Load as paralogues not orthologues. NB: Paralogues will overwrite orthologues with the same dataset name.</dd> * <dt><code>load.orthologues.manual</code></dt><dd>Load as manually curated orthologues. load.analysisProgram is no longer required.</dd> * </dl> * * @author rh11 * */ public class LoadOrthologues extends FileProcessor { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LoadOrthologues.class); public static void main(String[] args) throws MissingPropertyException, IOException, ParsingException, SQLException { if (args.length > 0) { logger.warn("Ignoring command-line arguments"); } String inputDirectory = getRequiredProperty("load.inputDirectory"); String fileNamePattern = getPropertyWithDefault("load.fileNamePattern", ".*\\.ortho"); String analysisProgram = getPropertyWithDefault("load.analysis.program", null); String analysisProgramVersion = getPropertyWithDefault("load.analysis.programVersion", null); String analysisAlgorithm = getPropertyWithDefault("load.analysis.algorithm", null); String datasetName = getPropertyWithDefault("load.dataset", null); boolean geneNames = hasProperty("load.orthologues.geneNames"); boolean notFoundNotFatal = hasProperty("load.orthologues.notFoundNotFatal"); boolean loadAsParalogues = hasProperty("load.orthologues.paralogues"); boolean manualOrthologues = hasProperty("load.orthologues.manual"); if (analysisProgram == null) { if (analysisProgramVersion != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("load.analysis.programVersion is specified, but load.analysis.program is not"); } if (analysisAlgorithm != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("load.analysis.algorithm is specified, but load.analysis.program is not"); } if (manualOrthologues == false) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must either specify load.analysis.program (for automatic predictions) or load.orthologues.manual (for manual orthologues)"); } } else { analysisProgramVersion = "unknown"; } LoadOrthologues loadOrthologues = new LoadOrthologues(datasetName); loadOrthologues.setAnalysisProperties(analysisProgram, analysisProgramVersion, analysisAlgorithm); loadOrthologues.setGeneNames(geneNames); loadOrthologues.setNotFoundNotFatal(notFoundNotFatal); loadOrthologues.setLoadAsParalogues(loadAsParalogues); loadOrthologues.processFileOrDirectory(inputDirectory, fileNamePattern); } private final OrthologuesLoader loader; private LoadOrthologues(String datasetName) { ApplicationContext applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(new String[] {"Load.xml"}); this.loader = applicationContext.getBean("orthologuesLoader", OrthologuesLoader.class); loader.setDatasetName(datasetName); } private void setAnalysisProperties(String analysisProgram, String analysisProgramVersion, String analysisAlgorithm) { loader.setAnalysisProperties(analysisProgram, analysisProgramVersion, analysisAlgorithm); } private void setGeneNames(boolean geneNames) { loader.setGeneNames(geneNames); } private void setNotFoundNotFatal(boolean notFoundNotFatal) { loader.setNotFoundNotFatal(notFoundNotFatal); } private void setLoadAsParalogues(boolean loadAsParalogues) { loader.setLoadAsParalogues(loadAsParalogues); } @Override protected void processFile(File inputFile, Reader reader) throws IOException, ParsingException { OrthologueFile orthologueFile = new OrthologueFile(inputFile, reader); loader.load(orthologueFile); } } class OrthologueFile { class Line { int lineNumber; private String sourceOrganism; private String sourceFeature; private String targetOrganism; private String targetFeature; private Double identity = null; private Line(int lineNumber, String line) throws ParsingException { this.lineNumber = lineNumber; String[] fields = line.split("\\t"); if (fields.length != 4 && fields.length != 5) { throw new SyntaxError(file, lineNumber, String.format("Wrong number of fields (%d)", fields.length)); } sourceOrganism = fields[0]; sourceFeature = fields[1]; targetOrganism = fields[2]; targetFeature = fields[3]; if (fields.length > 4 && fields[4].length() > 0) { try { identity = Double.parseDouble(fields[4]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new SyntaxError(file, lineNumber, String.format("Could not parse identity field '%s'", fields[4])); } if (identity < 0 || identity > 100) { throw new DataError(file, lineNumber, String.format("Value of identity field '%s' is out of range", fields[4])); } } } String getSourceOrganism() { return sourceOrganism; } String getSourceFeature() { return sourceFeature; } String getTargetOrganism() { return targetOrganism; } String getTargetFeature() { return targetFeature; } Double getIdentity() { return identity; } } private File file; private List<Line> lines = new ArrayList<Line>(); public OrthologueFile(File file, Reader reader) throws IOException, ParsingException { this.file = file; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(reader); String line; int lineNumber = 0; while (null != (line = br.readLine())) { lineNumber ++; lines.add(new Line(lineNumber, line)); } } public File file() { return file; } public List<Line> lines() { return lines; } public int numberOfLines() { return lines.size(); } } @Transactional(rollbackFor=DataError.class) // Will also rollback for runtime exceptions, by default class OrthologuesLoader { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OrthologuesLoader.class); private static final int BATCH_SIZE = 50; private SequenceDao sequenceDao; private OrganismDao organismDao; private SessionFactory sessionFactory; private Organism dummyOrganism; private Analysis analysis = null; private boolean geneNames = false; private boolean notFoundNotFatal = false; private boolean loadAsParalogues = false; private String datasetName; public void setAnalysisProperties(String analysisProgram, String analysisProgramVersion, String analysisAlgorithm) { if (analysisProgram == null) { return; } analysis = new Analysis(); analysis.setProgram(analysisProgram); analysis.setProgramVersion(analysisProgramVersion); analysis.setAlgorithm(analysisAlgorithm); } public void setDatasetName(String datasetName) { this.datasetName = datasetName; } /** * If the geneNames property is set, then the identifiers in the file * are assumed to refer to genes rather than transcripts. This only * makes sense for bacteria, where the gene name uniquely identifies * a transcript. * * @param geneNames */ void setGeneNames(boolean geneNames) { this.geneNames = geneNames; } void setNotFoundNotFatal(boolean notFoundNotFatal) { this.notFoundNotFatal = notFoundNotFatal; } void setLoadAsParalogues(boolean loadAsParalogues) { this.loadAsParalogues = loadAsParalogues; } public void load(OrthologueFile orthologueFile) throws DataError { Session session = SessionFactoryUtils.getSession(sessionFactory, false); dummyOrganism = organismDao.getOrganismByCommonName("dummy"); if (analysis != null) { persistAnalysis(); } Map<String,Collection<Integer>> clustersByName = new HashMap<String,Collection<Integer>>(); int numberOfLines = orthologueFile.numberOfLines(); for (OrthologueFile.Line line: orthologueFile.lines()) { logger.trace(String.format("[%d/%d] %s:%s -> %s:%s", line.lineNumber, numberOfLines, line.getSourceOrganism(), line.getSourceFeature(), line.getTargetOrganism(), line.getTargetFeature())); processLine(orthologueFile.file(), line, clustersByName); if (line.lineNumber % BATCH_SIZE == 0) { /* If we don't clear the session regularly, * it becomes impossibly slow after a while. */ logger.trace("Flushing and clearing session"); session.flush(); session.clear(); } } loadClusters(clustersByName); } private void persistAnalysis() { SessionFactoryUtils.getSession(sessionFactory, false).persist(analysis); } private void processLine(File file, OrthologueFile.Line line, Map<String, Collection<Integer>> clustersByName) throws DataError { Polypeptide source = getPolypeptide(line.getSourceOrganism(), line.getSourceFeature(), file, line.lineNumber); if (source == null) { // A return value of null indicates a non-fatal error return; } String targetOrganismName = line.getTargetOrganism(); if (targetOrganismName.equalsIgnoreCase("cluster")) { String cluster = line.getTargetFeature(); if (!clustersByName.containsKey(cluster)) { clustersByName.put(cluster, new ArrayList<Integer>()); } clustersByName.get(cluster).add(source.getFeatureId()); } else { // Unclustered Polypeptide target = getPolypeptide(line.getTargetOrganism(), line.getTargetFeature(), file, line.lineNumber); if (target != null) { addOrthologue(source, target, line.getIdentity()); } } } private void loadClusters(Map<String, Collection<Integer>> clustersByName) { Session session = SessionFactoryUtils.getSession(sessionFactory, false); int n = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<Integer>> entry: clustersByName.entrySet()) { String clusterName = entry.getKey(); Collection<Integer> polypeptideIds = entry.getValue(); loadCluster(clusterName, polypeptideIds, null, this.loadAsParalogues); if (++n % BATCH_SIZE == 0) { /* If we don't clear the session regularly, * it becomes impossibly slow after a while. */ logger.trace("Flushing and clearing session"); session.flush(); session.clear(); } } } private Polypeptide getPolypeptide(String organism, String uniqueName, File file, int lineNumber) throws DataError { Transcript transcript; if (geneNames) { AbstractGene gene = sequenceDao.getFeatureByUniqueNameAndOrganismCommonName(uniqueName, organism, AbstractGene.class); if (gene == null) { String errorMessage = String.format("Could not find gene '%s' in organism '%s'", uniqueName, organism); if (notFoundNotFatal) { logger.error(errorMessage); return null; } throw new DataError(errorMessage); } Collection<Transcript> transcripts = gene.getTranscripts(); if (transcripts.isEmpty()) { logger.error(String.format("The gene '%s' does not have any transcripts", uniqueName)); return null; } if (transcripts.size() > 1) { logger.error(String.format("The gene '%s' has %d transcripts", uniqueName, transcripts.size())); return null; } transcript = transcripts.iterator().next(); } else { transcript = sequenceDao.getFeatureByUniqueNameAndOrganismCommonName(uniqueName, organism, Transcript.class); if (transcript == null) { Polypeptide polypeptide = sequenceDao.getFeatureByUniqueNameAndOrganismCommonName(uniqueName, organism, Polypeptide.class); if (polypeptide != null) { return polypeptide; } String errorMessage = String.format("Could not find transcript feature '%s' in organism '%s'", uniqueName, organism); if (notFoundNotFatal) { logger.error(errorMessage); return null; } throw new DataError(file, lineNumber, errorMessage); } } if (!(transcript instanceof ProductiveTranscript)) { logger.error(String.format("%s line %d: The transcript (%s) is non-coding. " + "We can't currently store orthologues for non-coding transcripts", file, lineNumber, transcript.getUniqueName())); return null; } Polypeptide polypeptide = ((ProductiveTranscript) transcript).getProtein(); if (polypeptide == null) { logger.error(String.format("%s line %d: The transcript (%s) has no associated polypeptide. Ignoring entry", file, lineNumber, transcript.getUniqueName())); return null; } return polypeptide; } private void addOrthologue(Polypeptide sourcePolypeptide, Polypeptide targetPolypeptide, Double identity) { if (this.analysis != null) { if (datasetName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("The datasetName is null - did you call setDatasetName?"); } // Since this is an algorithmically-derived orthologue, we add it as a cluster String clusterName = String.format("%s: %s -> %s", datasetName, sourcePolypeptide.getUniqueName(), targetPolypeptide.getUniqueName()); List<Integer> polypeptideIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(2); Collections.addAll(polypeptideIds, sourcePolypeptide.getFeatureId(), targetPolypeptide.getFeatureId()); loadCluster(clusterName, polypeptideIds, identity, this.loadAsParalogues); } else { // Manually-curated orthologue. Add a simple orthologous_to/paralogous_to relationship in both directions. Session session = SessionFactoryUtils.getSession(sessionFactory, false); if (this.loadAsParalogues == true) { session.persist(sourcePolypeptide.addParalogue(targetPolypeptide)); session.persist(targetPolypeptide.addParalogue(sourcePolypeptide)); } else { session.persist(sourcePolypeptide.addOrthologue(targetPolypeptide)); session.persist(targetPolypeptide.addOrthologue(sourcePolypeptide)); } } } private void loadCluster(String clusterName, Collection<Integer> polypeptideIds, Double identity, Boolean loadAsParalogues) { Session session = SessionFactoryUtils.getSession(sessionFactory, false); if (datasetName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("The datasetName is null - did you call setDatasetName?"); } String clusterUniqueName = String.format("%s:%s", datasetName, clusterName); logger.trace(String.format("Loading orthologue cluster '%s' as '%s'", clusterName, clusterUniqueName)); ProteinMatch clusterFeature = new ProteinMatch(dummyOrganism, clusterUniqueName, true, false); if (analysis != null) { AnalysisFeature analysisFeature = clusterFeature.createAnalysisFeature(analysis); analysisFeature.setIdentity(identity); } session.persist(clusterFeature); for (int polypeptideId: polypeptideIds) { logger.trace("Loading polypeptide " + polypeptideId); Polypeptide p = (Polypeptide) session.load(Polypeptide.class, polypeptideId); FeatureRelationship fr; if (loadAsParalogues == true) { logger.trace("Adding paralogue to cluster"); fr = clusterFeature.addParalogue(p); } else { logger.trace("Adding orthologue to cluster"); fr = clusterFeature.addOrthologue(p); } logger.trace("Persisting FeatureRelationship"); session.persist(fr); } } /* Spring setters */ public void setSequenceDao(SequenceDao sequenceDao) { this.sequenceDao = sequenceDao; } public void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sessionFactory) { this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; } public void setOrganismDao(OrganismDao organismDao) { this.organismDao = organismDao; } }