package org.genedb.db.loading; import org.gmod.schema.feature.Chromosome; import org.gmod.schema.feature.Contig; import org.gmod.schema.feature.Supercontig; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; /** * Retrieves and validates the arguments sent into the AGPLoader and calls the load method * * More documentation: * * @author nds * @contact */ public class LoadAGP extends FileProcessor{ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LoadAGP.class); /** * Takes no command-line arguments, but expects to find the following system properties that * determine how the loader will function. * <ul> * <li> <code>load.organismCommonName</code> * <li> <code>load.mode</code> can be set to <b>1</b> (create a toplevel feature, and add contig & gap locations on it) * or <b>2</b> (create contig and gap features based on an existing toplevel feature). * <li> <code>load.topLevel</code> tells the loader if the top level feature(s) we need to deal with for this organism is a * chromosome or supercontig. The default will be a supercontig. * <li> <code>load.childLevel</code> tells the loader what the child level features are (usually contigs, occasionally supercontigs when * they are assembled into chromosomes). The default will be a contig. * <li> <code>load.createMissingContigs</code> tells the loader if it should create missing contigs in mode 1 where, in theory, all the contigs * should already be in the database. In some cases, however, like Tcongolense it is ok to create contigs when they cannot be found as there are * no contig features in the database for it anyway. Default is no.</li> * <li> <code>load.putUnusedContigsInBin</code> tells the loader if it should put any unused child features (in mode 1) in the bin. If set to yes, * it will look for a toplevel feature of the type specified with a name like '%bin%'. Default no. * <li> <code>load.AGPFile</code> * </ul> * </p> * * The actual loading is dealt with by AGPLoader. * This can be called from the command line using * ant load-agp -Dconfig=localcopy -Dorganism=Tcongolense -Dload.mode=1 -Dload.topLevel=chromosome -Dfile=Tcongolense.agp * * @param args ignored * @throws MissingPropertyException if a required system property (as detailed above) is missing * @throws ParsingException if a AGP file cannot be parsed * @throws IOException if there's a problem opening or reading the file */ public static void main(String[] args) throws MissingPropertyException, IOException, ParsingException, SQLException { if (args.length > 0) { logger.warn("Ignoring command-line arguments"); } //PropertyConfigurator.configure("resources/classpath/"); String organismCommonName = getRequiredProperty("load.organismCommonName"); String mode = getPropertyWithDefault("load.mode", "1"); String topLevelFeatureType = getPropertyWithDefault("load.topLevel", "supercontig").toLowerCase(); String childLevelFeatureType = getPropertyWithDefault("load.childLevel", "contig").toLowerCase(); String createMissingContigs = getPropertyWithDefault("load.createMissingContigs", "no"); String fileNamePattern = getPropertyWithDefault("load.fileNamePattern", ".*\\.(agp)(?:\\.gz)?"); String putUnusedContigsInBin = getPropertyWithDefault("load.putUnusedContigsInBin", "no"); String inputDirectory = getRequiredProperty("load.inputDirectory");"Options: organismCommonName=%s, mode=%s, topLevel=%s, inputDirectory=%s", organismCommonName, mode, topLevelFeatureType, childLevelFeatureType, inputDirectory)); LoadAGP loadAGP = new LoadAGP(organismCommonName, mode, topLevelFeatureType, childLevelFeatureType, createMissingContigs, putUnusedContigsInBin); loadAGP.processFileOrDirectory(inputDirectory, fileNamePattern); } private AGPLoader loader; /** * Constructor. Gets the bean from the application context, validates the arguments and calls the AGPLoader.load method with the reader for the AGPFile. * @param organismCommonName * @param mode * @param topLevelFeatureType * @param childLevelFeatureType * @param inputAGPFileName */ private LoadAGP(String organismCommonName, String mode, String topLevelFeatureType, String childLevelFeatureType, String createMissingContigs, String putUnusedContigsInBin) throws IOException{ ApplicationContext applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(new String[] {"Load.xml"}); this.loader = applicationContext.getBean("agpLoader", AGPLoader.class); //Organism name loader.setOrganismCommonName(organismCommonName); //Mode if(mode.equals("1") || mode.equals("2")){ loader.setMode(mode); }else{ throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Unrecognised value for load.mode: %s", mode)); } //Top level: Only allows chromosome and supercontig type at the moment. Can add plasmid etc later on if (topLevelFeatureType.equals("chromosome")) { loader.setTopLevelFeatureClass(Chromosome.class); } else if (topLevelFeatureType.equals("supercontig")) { loader.setTopLevelFeatureClass(Supercontig.class); } else { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Unrecognised value for load.topLevel: %s", topLevelFeatureType)); } //Child level: Only allows contig or supercontig for now. if (childLevelFeatureType.equals("contig")) { loader.setChildLevelFeatureClass(Contig.class); } else if (childLevelFeatureType.equals("supercontig")) { loader.setChildLevelFeatureClass(Supercontig.class); } else { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Unrecognised value for load.childLevel: %s", childLevelFeatureType)); } //Check again that both the top level and child level are not set to be the same type of feature! if(childLevelFeatureType.equals(topLevelFeatureType)){ throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Both the child level and the top level feature types are set to: %s", childLevelFeatureType)); } //Should the loader create missing contigs if(createMissingContigs.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || createMissingContigs.equalsIgnoreCase("no")){ loader.setCreateMissingContigs(createMissingContigs); }else{ throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Unrecognised value for load.createMissingContigs: %s", createMissingContigs)); } //Should the loader put any unused contigs in the bin if(putUnusedContigsInBin.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || putUnusedContigsInBin.equalsIgnoreCase("no")){ loader.setCreateMissingContigs(createMissingContigs); }else{ throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Unrecognised value for load.putUnusedContigsInBin: %s", createMissingContigs)); } } @Override protected void processFile(File inputFile, Reader reader)throws IOException, ParsingException { loader.load(new AGPFile(new BufferedReader(reader))); } }