package org.genedb.web.mvc.model.types; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class FeatureCVTPropType { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FeatureCVTPropType.class); private String fctTypeName; private String fctValue; public FeatureCVTPropType(String fctTypeName, String fctValue) { super(); this.fctTypeName = fctTypeName; this.fctValue = fctValue; } @Override public String toString(){ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("("); sb.append("'"); sb.append(escape(fctTypeName)); sb.append("',"); sb.append("'"); sb.append(escape(fctValue)); sb.append("'"); sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } private String escape(String in) { logger.error(String.format("About to try and substitute '%s'", in)); return in.replaceAll("\\(", "_").replaceAll("\\)", "_"); } }