package org.genedb.db.loading; import org.genedb.db.dao.CvDao; import org.genedb.db.dao.GeneralDao; import org.genedb.db.dao.OrganismDao; import org.genedb.db.dao.PubDao; import org.genedb.util.Counters; import org.genedb.util.IterableArray; import org.gmod.schema.cfg.FeatureTypeUtils; import org.gmod.schema.feature.AbstractExon; import org.gmod.schema.feature.AbstractGene; import org.gmod.schema.feature.Centromere; import org.gmod.schema.feature.Contig; import org.gmod.schema.feature.DirectRepeatRegion; import org.gmod.schema.feature.FivePrimeUTR; import org.gmod.schema.feature.Gap; import org.gmod.schema.feature.Gene; import org.gmod.schema.feature.InvertedRepeatRegion; import org.gmod.schema.feature.MRNA; import org.gmod.schema.feature.NcRNA; import org.gmod.schema.feature.Polypeptide; import org.gmod.schema.feature.PolypeptideMotif; import org.gmod.schema.feature.ProductiveTranscript; import org.gmod.schema.feature.Pseudogene; import org.gmod.schema.feature.PseudogenicTranscript; import org.gmod.schema.feature.RRNA; import org.gmod.schema.feature.Region; import org.gmod.schema.feature.RepeatRegion; import org.gmod.schema.feature.RepeatUnit; import org.gmod.schema.feature.SECISElement; import org.gmod.schema.feature.SnRNA; import org.gmod.schema.feature.SnoRNA; import org.gmod.schema.feature.Supercontig; import org.gmod.schema.feature.TRNA; import org.gmod.schema.feature.ThreePrimeUTR; import org.gmod.schema.feature.TopLevelFeature; import org.gmod.schema.feature.Transcript; import org.gmod.schema.feature.UTR; import org.gmod.schema.mapped.Analysis; import org.gmod.schema.mapped.DbXRef; import org.gmod.schema.mapped.Feature; import org.gmod.schema.mapped.FeatureCvTerm; import org.gmod.schema.mapped.HasPubsAndDbXRefs; import org.gmod.schema.mapped.Organism; import org.gmod.schema.mapped.Pub; import org.gmod.schema.mapped.PubDbXRef; import org.gmod.schema.mapped.Synonym; import org.gmod.schema.utils.ObjectManager; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.SessionFactoryUtils; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Deals with loading an organism from an EMBL file into a Chado database. * It's expected to be configured as a singleton Spring bean. The main * calling point (and only public method, apart from the property setters) * is {@link #load(EmblFile)}. * * @author rh11 * */ class EmblLoader { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(EmblLoader.class); // Constants /** * A unique number should be appended to the uniquename of the singly * spliced transcript features in the database. We must do this because * Artemis requires each feature to have a globally unique name, and does * not work correctly if a transcript has the same uniquename as its gene. * Similarly the GFF3 feature format requires feature names to be * globally unique, and we want to be able to export our data in GFF3 format. * * For alternatively-spliced genes, on the other hand, there is no need to * append the transcript type, because the transcript will have an assigned * uniquename (the /systematic_id of the CDS) that is different from the * uniquename of the gene (the /shared_id of the CDS). */ //private enum AppendType { ALWAYS, NEVER, SINGLY_SPLICED_ONLY }; //private static final AppendType APPEND_TYPE_TO_TRANSCRIPT_UNIQUENAME = AppendType.SINGLY_SPLICED_ONLY; // Injected beans private CvDao cvDao; private GeneralDao generalDao; private OrganismDao organismDao; private PubDao pubDao; private ObjectManager objectManager; // See #afterPropertiesSet() private SessionFactory sessionFactory; private FeatureUtils featureUtils; private SynonymManager synonymManager = new SynonymManager(); // Configurable parameters private Organism organism; private Class<? extends TopLevelFeature> topLevelFeatureClass = Supercontig.class; private boolean continueOnError = false; public enum OverwriteExisting {YES, NO, MERGE} private OverwriteExisting overwriteExisting = OverwriteExisting.NO; private boolean sloppyControlledCuration = false; private boolean reportUnusedQualifiers = true; private boolean goTermErrorsAreNotFatal = false; private Collection<String> ignoredFeatures = new HashSet<String>(); private Collection<String> ignoredQualifiers = new HashSet<String>(); private Map<String,Collection<String>> ignoredQualifiersByFeatureType = new HashMap<String,Collection<String>>(); /** * Set the organism into which to load data. * * @param organismCommonName the common name of the organism */ public void setOrganismCommonName(String organismCommonName) { this.organism = organismDao.getOrganismByCommonName(organismCommonName); if (organism == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Organism '%s' not found", organismCommonName)); } } /** * Set the class of top-level feature that this EMBL file represents. * The default, if this method is not called, is <code>Supercontig</code>. * * @param topLevelFeatureClass */ public void setTopLevelFeatureClass(Class<? extends TopLevelFeature> topLevelFeatureClass) { this.topLevelFeatureClass = topLevelFeatureClass; } /** * Whether we should overwrite an existing top-level feature if it has * the same name as the one specified in this file. The default, if this * method is not called, is <code>NO</code>. * * If overwriteExisting is <code>NO</code>, the file will be skipped on the * grounds that it's already loaded. If it's <code>YES</code>, the previously * existing top-level feature, and features located on it, will * be deleted first. If it's <code>MERGE</code>, the existing top-level feature * and all features located on it will be retained, and any features * specified in this file will be loaded in addition. * * @param overwriteExisting <code>YES</code> if we should overwrite an * existing top-level feature, <code>NO</code> if not, or <code>MERGE</code> * if we should merge the contents of this file with an existing feature. */ public void setOverwriteExisting(OverwriteExisting overwriteExisting) { this.overwriteExisting = overwriteExisting; } public OverwriteExisting getOverwriteExisting() { return this.overwriteExisting; } /** * Whether to deal with controlled_curation qualifiers that don't have the expected * format. The default, if this method is not called, is <code>false</code>. * * If set to true, we simply parse any dbxref from the /controlled_curation qualifier, * and add the complete text as a /curation qualifier. * * @param sloppyControlledCuration */ public void setSloppyControlledCuration(boolean sloppyControlledCuration) { this.sloppyControlledCuration = sloppyControlledCuration; } /** * Whether GO term errors - in particular the case where the database does not contain * a term with the specified accession number - should be logged and ignored rather than * fatal. * * @param goTermErrorsAreNotFatal */ public void setGoTermErrorsAreNotFatal(boolean goTermErrorsAreNotFatal) { this.goTermErrorsAreNotFatal = goTermErrorsAreNotFatal; } /** * Whether we should continue if we encounter an error while loading a feature. * You should not usually set this option; it can be useful if you need to load * a file quickly and don't mind if some features are missing from the result. * <p> * In particular, you should <b>not</b> use this option when loading production * data! * * @param continueOnError */ public void setContinueOnError(boolean continueOnError) { if (continueOnError) { logger.warn("We will continue if an error is encountered loading a feature"); } this.continueOnError = continueOnError; } /** * Whether we should log a list of unused qualifiers once the file has been loaded. * If set to true, this list is logged as a series of WARN messages, one for each * type of feature encountered in the file that has unused qualifiers. The default * value is <code>true</code>. * * @param reportUnusedQualifiers */ public void setReportUnusedQualifiers(boolean reportUnusedQualifiers) { this.reportUnusedQualifiers = reportUnusedQualifiers; } /** * Ignore features of the named type. * * @param feature the name of the feature type to ignore */ public void ignoreFeature(String featureType) { ignoredFeatures.add(featureType); } /** * Ignore the named qualifier. * * @param qualifier the name of the qualifier to ignore */ public void ignoreQualifier(String qualifier) { ignoredQualifiers.add(qualifier); } /** * Ignore the named qualifier when it appears on a feature of the specified type. * * @param qualifier the name of the qualifier to ignore * @param featureType the type of feature on which to ignore the named qualifier */ public void ignoreQualifier(String qualifier, String featureType) { synchronized(ignoredQualifiersByFeatureType) { if (!ignoredQualifiersByFeatureType.containsKey(featureType)) { ignoredQualifiersByFeatureType.put(featureType, new HashSet<String>()); } ignoredQualifiersByFeatureType.get(featureType).add(qualifier); } } private void propagateIgnoreFeaturesAndQualifiers(FeatureTable featureTable) { for (String featureType: ignoredFeatures) { featureTable.ignoreFeature(featureType); } for (String qualifier: ignoredQualifiers) { featureTable.ignoreQualifier(qualifier); } for (Map.Entry<String,Collection<String>> entry: ignoredQualifiersByFeatureType.entrySet()) { String featureType = entry.getKey(); for (String qualifier: entry.getValue()) { featureTable.ignoreQualifier(qualifier, featureType); } } } private Session session; /** * The main calling point for this class. Takes a parsed EMBL file, and loads * it into the database. Each call to this method constitutes a separate * Hibernate transaction. Even though the EMBL file has been parsed before * this method is called, its internal consistency has not been verified. * If we encounter a problem, a <code>DataError</code> is thrown and the * transaction is rolled back. * * @param emblFile the parsed EMBL file * @throws DataError if a data problem is discovered */ public void load(EmblFile emblFile) throws DataError { //PropertyConfigurator.configure("resources/classpath/"); propagateIgnoreFeaturesAndQualifiers(emblFile.getFeatureTable()); TopLevelFeature topLevelFeature; try { topLevelFeature = getTopLevelFeature(emblFile.getAccession()); } catch (TopLevelFeatureException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); return; } doLoad(emblFile, topLevelFeature); /* Unused qualifiers can only be reported if there is a featuretable. * In some of our embl files, there are no features (E.g., Etenella * contigs) and this causes the loader to fail as it tries to look * in the featuretable for unused qualifiers. Hence, the if clause * below was modified to check if the featretable is null (the * reportUnusedQualifiers is true by default) * nds 26 august 2010 */ if (reportUnusedQualifiers && emblFile.getFeatureTable()!=null) { reportUnusedQualifiers(emblFile.getFeatureTable()); } else { logger.debug("Not reporting on unused qualifiers"); } } @Transactional(rollbackFor=DataError.class) // Will also rollback for runtime exceptions, by default private void doLoad(EmblFile emblFile, TopLevelFeature topLevelFeature) throws DataError { /* * Thanks to the @Transactional annotation, * Spring will automatically initiate a transaction when * we're called, which will be committed on successful * return or rolled back if we throw an exception. */ this.session = SessionFactoryUtils.doGetSession(sessionFactory, false); synonymManager.startSession(session); taxonomicDivision = emblFile.getTaxonomicDivision(); logger.trace("taxonomicDivision = " + taxonomicDivision); if (topLevelFeature == null) {"Creating topLevelFeature: " + emblFile.getAccession()); topLevelFeature = TopLevelFeature.make(topLevelFeatureClass, emblFile.getAccession(), organism); topLevelFeature.markAsTopLevelFeature(); topLevelFeature.setResidues(emblFile.getSequence()); session.persist(topLevelFeature); organism = (Organism) session.merge(organism); if (!organism.isPopulated()) {"Marking organism '%s' as populated", organism)); session.persist(organism.addProperty("genedb_misc", "populated")); } } else { topLevelFeature = (TopLevelFeature) session.merge(topLevelFeature); } init(topLevelFeature); EmblLocation.Join contigLocations = emblFile.getContigLocations(); if (contigLocations != null) { loadContigsAndGaps(contigLocations); } loadFeatures(emblFile.getFeatureTable()); } /** * This exception is thrown by the <code>getTopLevelFeature</code> method * * @author rh11 * */ private static class TopLevelFeatureException extends Exception { public TopLevelFeatureException(String message) { super(message); } } /** * Get the top-level feature onto which we should add our features, based on * the <code>overwriteExisting</code> policy. In the commonest case, overwriteExisting * will have its default value of <code>NO</code>, and this method will either return * </code>null</code> if the feature doesn't already exist or throw an exception if it * does. * * @param uniqueName the unique name of the top-level feature we are loading * @return the existing top-level feature to use, or <code>null</code> if we should create a new one. * @throws TopLevelFeatureException if there is a problem; i.e. the feature exists when it shouldn't, * or fails to exist (or isn't a top-level feature) when it should. */ @Transactional(rollbackFor=TopLevelFeatureException.class) // Will also rollback for runtime exceptions, by default private TopLevelFeature getTopLevelFeature(String uniqueName) throws TopLevelFeatureException { Session session = SessionFactoryUtils.doGetSession(sessionFactory, false); Feature existingTopLevelFeature = (Feature) session.createCriteria(Feature.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("organism", organism)) .add(Restrictions.eq("uniqueName", uniqueName)) .uniqueResult(); if (existingTopLevelFeature != null) { switch (overwriteExisting) { case YES: logger.trace(String.format("Deleting existing feature '%s' (ID=%d)", existingTopLevelFeature.getUniqueName(), existingTopLevelFeature.getFeatureId())); if (! (existingTopLevelFeature instanceof TopLevelFeature)) { logger.warn(String.format("Existing feature is %s, not a top-level feature", existingTopLevelFeature.getClass())); } existingTopLevelFeature.delete(); break; case NO: throw new TopLevelFeatureException(String.format("The organism '%s' already has feature '%s'", organism.getCommonName(), uniqueName)); case MERGE: if (existingTopLevelFeature instanceof TopLevelFeature) { return (TopLevelFeature) existingTopLevelFeature; } else { throw new TopLevelFeatureException(String.format("We can't merge onto the feature '%s', because it's not a top-level feature", existingTopLevelFeature.getUniqueName())); } } } else if (overwriteExisting == OverwriteExisting.MERGE) { throw new TopLevelFeatureException(String.format("Cannot MERGE because feature '%s' does not exist", uniqueName)); } session.flush(); return null; } private String taxonomicDivision; private TopLevelFeature topLevelFeature; private Map<String,AbstractGene> genesByUniqueName = new HashMap<String,AbstractGene>(); private Map<String,Transcript> transcriptsByUniqueName = new HashMap<String,Transcript>(); private NavigableMap<Integer,Contig> contigsByStart = new TreeMap<Integer,Contig>(); private Set<String> repeatRegionUniqueNames = new HashSet<String>(); private Set<String> repeatUnitUniqueNames = new HashSet<String>(); private Map<String,Integer> syntheticNcRNAIndexByType = new HashMap<String,Integer>(); /** * We want to create a single Analysis object/row for each distinct analysis program * referenced in /similarity qualifiers in this file. These are stored in this map. */ private Map<String,Analysis> similarityAnalysisByProgram = new HashMap<String,Analysis>(); /** * Reset all our local state: necessary if the user retries after an error, * or if the same EmblLoader object is used more than once (to load more than one file). * * @param topLevelFeature */ private void init(TopLevelFeature topLevelFeature) { if (topLevelFeature == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("topLevelFeature cannot be null"); } this.topLevelFeature = topLevelFeature; this.genesByUniqueName.clear(); this.transcriptsByUniqueName.clear(); this.contigsByStart.clear(); this.similarityAnalysisByProgram.clear(); this.repeatRegionUniqueNames.clear(); this.repeatUnitUniqueNames.clear(); this.syntheticNcRNAIndexByType.clear(); this.archivedFeatureIndexes.clear(); this.motifIndex = 1; this.objectManager.flush(); } private void loadContigsAndGaps(EmblLocation.Join locations) throws DataError { int pos = 0; // Position (interbase) on topLevelFeature for(EmblLocation location: locations.locations) { if (location instanceof EmblLocation.External) { EmblLocation.External externalLocation = (EmblLocation.External) location; int contigLength = externalLocation.simple.getLength(); String contigUniqueName = externalLocation.accession; Contig contig = createContig(pos, contigLength, contigUniqueName); contigsByStart.put(pos, contig); pos += contigLength; } else if (location instanceof EmblLocation.Complement) { EmblLocation complementedLocation = ((EmblLocation.Complement) location).location; if (!(complementedLocation instanceof EmblLocation.External)) { throw new DataError("The CO section should contain only external references and gaps"); } EmblLocation.External externalComplementedLocation = (EmblLocation.External) complementedLocation; int contigLength = externalComplementedLocation.simple.getLength(); String contigUniqueName = externalComplementedLocation.accession + "_reversed"; Contig contig = createContig(pos, contigLength, contigUniqueName); contigsByStart.put(pos, contig); pos += contigLength; } else if (location instanceof EmblLocation.Gap) { EmblLocation.Gap gapLocation = (EmblLocation.Gap) location; int gapLength = gapLocation.getLength(); logger.debug(String.format("Creating gap at %d-%d", pos, pos + gapLength)); Gap gap = topLevelFeature.addGap(pos, pos + gapLength); session.persist(gap); pos += gapLength; } else { throw new DataError("The CO section should contain only external references and gaps"); } } } /** * @param pos * @param contigLength * @param contigUniqueName * @return */ private Contig createContig(int pos, int contigLength, String contigUniqueName) { logger.debug(String.format("Creating contig '%s' at %d-%d", contigUniqueName, pos, pos + contigLength)); Contig contig = TopLevelFeature.make(Contig.class, contigUniqueName, organism); contig.setResidues(topLevelFeature.getResidues(pos, pos + contigLength)); session.persist(contig); topLevelFeature.addLocatedChild(contig, pos, pos + contigLength, (short) 0, 0); return contig; } private void locate(Feature feature, EmblLocation location) { locate(feature, location.getFmin(), location.getFmax(), (short) location.getStrand(), null); } private void locate(Feature feature, int fmin, int fmax, short strand, Integer phase) { topLevelFeature.addLocatedChild(feature, fmin, fmax, strand, phase); Contig contig = contigsByStart.isEmpty() ? null : contigsByStart.floorEntry(fmin).getValue(); if (contig == null || fmax > contig.getFmax()) { logger.debug(String.format("The feature '%s' (%s) is not contained in a contig", feature.getUniqueName(), feature.getName())); return; } logger.debug(String.format("The feature '%s' lies on contig '%s'", feature.getUniqueName(), contig.getUniqueName())); contig.addLocatedChild(feature, fmin - contig.getFmin(), fmax - contig.getFmin(), strand, phase, 1, 1); } private void loadFeatures(FeatureTable featureTable) throws DataError { List<FeatureTable.Feature> utrs = new ArrayList<FeatureTable.Feature>(); if (featureTable == null) { logger.error("No feature table found!"); return; } for (FeatureTable.Feature feature: featureTable.getFeatures()) { try { loadFeature(utrs, feature); } catch (DataError e) { e.setLineNumber(feature.lineNumber); if (continueOnError) { logger.error("Continuing after error", e); } else { throw e; } } } for (FeatureTable.Feature utr: utrs) { try { loadUTR(utr); } catch (DataError e) { logger.debug("Caught DataError while loading UTR. Setting line number to " + utr.lineNumber); e.setLineNumber(utr.lineNumber); throw e; } } } private void loadFeature(List<FeatureTable.Feature> utrs, FeatureTable.Feature feature) throws DataError { String featureType = feature.type; if (feature.location.getFmax() < feature.location.getFmin()) { throw new DataError("Location has fmax before fmin"); } Feature focalFeature = null; if (featureType.equals("repeat_region")) { focalFeature = loadRepeatRegion(feature); } else if (featureType.equals("repeat_unit")) { focalFeature = loadRepeatUnit(feature); } else if (featureType.equals("CDS")) { focalFeature = loadCDS((FeatureTable.CDSFeature) feature); } else if (featureType.equals("tRNA")) { focalFeature = loadNcRNA(TRNA.class, featureType, feature); } else if (featureType.equals("rRNA")) { focalFeature = loadNcRNA(RRNA.class, featureType, feature); } else if (featureType.equals("snRNA")) { focalFeature = loadNcRNA(SnRNA.class, featureType, feature); } else if (featureType.equals("snoRNA")) { focalFeature = loadNcRNA(SnoRNA.class, featureType, feature); } else if (featureType.equals("misc_RNA") || featureType.equals("ncRNA")) { focalFeature = loadNcRNA(NcRNA.class, featureType, feature); } else if (featureType.equals("3'UTR") || featureType.equals("5'UTR")) { utrs.add(feature); } else if (featureType.equals("gap")) { focalFeature = loadGap(feature); } else if (featureType.equals("CDS_motif")) { focalFeature = loadMotif(feature); } else if (featureType.equals("LTR")) { throw new DataError("Tell Robin he needs to write code for loading LTR features!"); // TODO } else if (featureType.equals("fasta_record")) { loadFastaRecord(feature); // These are often used to identify individual contigs within a bin chromosome } else if (featureType.equals("misc_feature") && feature.getQualifierValues("note").contains(new String("centromere"))){ /* Centromeres are pulled out as misc_features with note="centromere" with writedb_entry. * Here we check for this note and load the centromere. Rest of the misc features are archived. * nds, 30 Nov 2010 */ focalFeature = loadCentromere(feature); } else if (featureType.equals("misc_feature") && feature.getQualifierValues("note").contains(new String("SECIS_element"))){ /* SECIS_elements are pulled out with a note='SECIS_element' */ focalFeature = loadSECISElement(feature); } else {"Archiving %s feature", featureType)); archiveFeature(feature); } if (focalFeature != null) { archiveUnusedQualifiers(feature, focalFeature); } } private void loadFastaRecord(FeatureTable.Feature feature) { String featureUniqueName = feature.getQualifierValues("label").get(0); logger.warn(String.format("Creating archived contig feature '%s' from '%s' feature on line %d", featureUniqueName, feature.type, feature.lineNumber)); Feature focalFeature = new Region( organism, featureUniqueName, /*analysis:*/false, /*obsolete:*/true, new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); locate(focalFeature, feature.location); int rank=0; focalFeature.addFeatureProp( String.format("Archived from %s feature %s with location %s; file '%s', line %d", feature.type, featureUniqueName, feature.location, feature.getFilePath(), feature.lineNumber), "feature_property", "comment", rank++); for (String note: feature.getQualifierValues("note")) { focalFeature.addFeatureProp(note, "feature_property", "comment", rank++); } for (String colour: feature.getQualifierValues("colour")) { focalFeature.addFeatureProp(colour, "genedb_misc", "colour", rank++); } session.persist(focalFeature); archiveUnusedQualifiers(feature, focalFeature); } // Centromeres private Centromere loadCentromere(FeatureTable.Feature feature) throws DataError { EmblLocation centromereLocation = feature.location; String centromereName = feature.getUniqueName();"Adding a centromere %s at %d-%d on %s", centromereName, centromereLocation.getFmin(), centromereLocation.getFmax(), topLevelFeature.getUniqueName() )); Centromere centromere = Centromere.make(topLevelFeature, centromereName, centromereLocation.getFmin(), centromereLocation.getFmax()); session.persist(centromere); // Add any literature (duplicated effort here since the processLiterature() method is within the geneLoader). Fix later. Pattern literaturePattern = Pattern.compile("(?:PMID:)?\\s*(\\d+)(?:;.*)?"); for (String pmid: feature.getQualifierValues("literature", "citation")) { Matcher matcher = literaturePattern.matcher(pmid); if (!matcher.matches()) { throw new DataError("Failed to parse literature/citation qualifier: " + pmid); } String accession =; DbXRef dbXRef = objectManager.getDbXRef("PMID", accession); Pub pub = objectManager.getPub(String.format("PMID:%s", accession), "unfetched"); session.persist(pub.addDbXRef(dbXRef, true)); session.persist(centromere.addPub(pub)); } return centromere; } //SECIS_elements private SECISElement loadSECISElement(FeatureTable.Feature feature) throws DataError { EmblLocation secisLocation = feature.location; String secisName = feature.getUniqueName();"Adding a SECIS_element %s at %d-%d on %s", secisName, secisLocation.getFmin(), secisLocation.getFmax(), topLevelFeature.getUniqueName() )); SECISElement secisElement = new SECISElement(organism, secisName); locate(secisElement,secisLocation); session.persist(secisElement); int rank=0; for (String note: feature.getQualifierValues("note")) { if(!note.equalsIgnoreCase("SECIS_element") && !note.equalsIgnoreCase("false")){ //The note=false just means it is not obsolete secisElement.addFeatureProp(note, "feature_property", "comment", rank++); } } return secisElement; } private Counters archivedFeatureIndexes = new Counters(); private void archiveFeature(FeatureTable.Feature feature) { String featureUniqueName = String.format("%s:archived:%s:%d", topLevelFeature.getUniqueName(), feature.type, archivedFeatureIndexes.nextval(feature.type)); logger.warn(String.format("Archiving '%s' feature on line %d as '%s'", feature.type, feature.lineNumber, featureUniqueName)); Feature focalFeature = new Region( organism, featureUniqueName, /*analysis:*/false, /*obsolete:*/true, new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); locate(focalFeature, feature.location); focalFeature.addFeatureProp( String.format("Archived from %s feature with location %s; file '%s', line %d", feature.type, feature.location, feature.getFilePath(), feature.lineNumber), "feature_property", "comment", 0); session.persist(focalFeature); archiveUnusedQualifiers(feature, focalFeature); } private void archiveUnusedQualifiers(FeatureTable.Feature feature, Feature focalFeature) { int rank = 0; for (String unusedQualifier: feature.getUnusedQualifiers()) { logger.trace(String.format("Archiving qualifier on '%s': %s", focalFeature.getUniqueName(), unusedQualifier)); focalFeature.addFeatureProp(unusedQualifier, "genedb_misc", "EMBL_qualifier", rank++); } } private void reportUnusedQualifiers(FeatureTable featureTable) { Map<String,Set<String>> unusedQualifiersByFeatureType = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); // Collect unused qualifiers for (FeatureTable.Feature feature: featureTable.getFeatures()) { for (String unusedQualifier: feature.getUnusedQualifierNames()) { if (!unusedQualifiersByFeatureType.containsKey(feature.type)) { unusedQualifiersByFeatureType.put(feature.type, new HashSet<String>()); } unusedQualifiersByFeatureType.get(feature.type).add(unusedQualifier); } } // Report unused qualifiers if (unusedQualifiersByFeatureType.isEmpty()) {"No unused qualifiers to report"); return; } for (Map.Entry<String,Set<String>> entry: unusedQualifiersByFeatureType.entrySet()) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(String.format("Unused qualifiers for %s features:%n", entry.getKey())); for (String qualifierName: entry.getValue()) { message.append(String.format("\t/%s%n", qualifierName)); } logger.warn(message); } } private Gap loadGap(FeatureTable.Feature gapFeature) { EmblLocation gapLocation = gapFeature.location; logger.debug(String.format("Creating gap at %d-%d", gapLocation.getFmin(), gapLocation.getFmax())); Gap gap = topLevelFeature.addGap(gapLocation.getFmin(), gapLocation.getFmax()); session.persist(gap); int rank=0; for (String note: gapFeature.getQualifierValues("note")) { gap.addFeatureProp(note, "feature_property", "comment", rank++); } return gap; } private int motifIndex = 1; private PolypeptideMotif loadMotif(FeatureTable.Feature motifFeature) { String motifUniqueName = String.format("%s:motif:%d", topLevelFeature.getUniqueName(), motifIndex++); PolypeptideMotif motif = new PolypeptideMotif(organism, motifUniqueName); session.persist(motif); locate(motif, motifFeature.location); int rank = 0; for (String note: motifFeature.getQualifierValues("note")) { motif.addFeatureProp(note, "feature_property", "comment", rank++); } return motif; } private Feature loadRepeatRegion(FeatureTable.Feature repeatRegionFeature) throws DataError { String repeatRegionName = repeatRegionFeature.getQualifierValue("FEAT_NAME"); EmblLocation repeatRegionLocation = repeatRegionFeature.location; int fmin = repeatRegionLocation.getFmin(); int fmax = repeatRegionLocation.getFmax(); String repeatType = repeatRegionFeature.getQualifierValue("rpt_type"); final Class<? extends RepeatRegion> repeatRegionClass; if (repeatType == null) { repeatRegionClass = RepeatRegion.class; } else { repeatType = repeatType.toLowerCase(); if (repeatType.equals("direct")) { repeatRegionClass = DirectRepeatRegion.class; } else if (repeatType.equals("inverted")) { repeatRegionClass = InvertedRepeatRegion.class; } else { throw new DataError(String.format("Unknown repeat type '%s'", repeatType)); } } String repeatRegionUniqueName = String.format("%s:repeat:%d-%d", topLevelFeature.getUniqueName(), fmin, fmax); if (repeatRegionUniqueNames.contains(repeatRegionUniqueName)) { logger.warn(String.format("The repeat region '%s' already exists." + "Ignoring second (or subsequent) occurence at line %d", repeatRegionUniqueName, repeatRegionFeature.lineNumber)); return null; } repeatRegionUniqueNames.add(repeatRegionUniqueName); logger.debug(String.format("Creating repeat region '%s' (%s) of type '%s' at %d-%d", repeatRegionUniqueName, repeatRegionName, repeatRegionClass.getSimpleName(), fmin, fmax)); RepeatRegion repeatRegion = RepeatRegion.make(repeatRegionClass, organism, repeatRegionUniqueName, repeatRegionName); int rank = 0; String label = repeatRegionFeature.getQualifierValue("label"); if (label != null) { repeatRegion.addFeatureProp(String.format("/label=%s", label), "feature_property", "comment", rank++); } for(String note : repeatRegionFeature.getQualifierValues("note")) { repeatRegion.addFeatureProp(note, "feature_property", "comment", rank++); } // Add a comment for the /rpt_family, if present String rptFamily = repeatRegionFeature.getQualifierValue("rpt_family"); if (rptFamily != null) { repeatRegion.addFeatureProp(String.format("/rpt_family=%s", rptFamily), "feature_property", "comment", rank++); } session.persist(repeatRegion); locate(repeatRegion, fmin, fmax, (short)0, null); return repeatRegion; } // TODO loadRepeatUnit is very similar to loadRepeatRegion: unify? private Feature loadRepeatUnit(FeatureTable.Feature repeatUnitFeature) throws DataError { EmblLocation repeatUnitLocation = repeatUnitFeature.location; int fmin = repeatUnitLocation.getFmin(); int fmax = repeatUnitLocation.getFmax(); String repeatUnitUniqueName = String.format("%s:repeat_unit:%d-%d", topLevelFeature.getUniqueName(), fmin, fmax); if (repeatUnitUniqueNames.contains(repeatUnitUniqueName)) { logger.warn(String.format("The repeat region '%s' already exists." + "Ignoring second (or subsequent) occurence at line %d", repeatUnitUniqueName, repeatUnitFeature.lineNumber)); return null; } repeatUnitUniqueNames.add(repeatUnitUniqueName); logger.debug(String.format("Creating repeat unit '%s' at %d-%d", repeatUnitUniqueName, fmin, fmax)); RepeatUnit repeatUnit = RepeatUnit.make(RepeatUnit.class, organism, repeatUnitUniqueName, null); String colour = repeatUnitFeature.getQualifierValue("colour"); if (colour != null) { repeatUnit.addFeatureProp(colour, "genedb_misc", "colour", 0); } int rank = 0; String label = repeatUnitFeature.getQualifierValue("label"); if (label != null) { repeatUnit.addFeatureProp(String.format("/label=%s", label), "feature_property", "comment", rank++); } for (String note: repeatUnitFeature.getQualifierValues("note")) { repeatUnit.addFeatureProp(note, "feature_property", "comment", rank++); } session.persist(repeatUnit); locate(repeatUnit, fmin, fmax, (short)0, null); return repeatUnit; } // Can't define static fields in inner classes, grr. private static final Set<String> goQualifiers = new HashSet<String>(); static { Collections.addAll(goQualifiers, "aspect", "GOid", "term", "qualifier", "evidence", "db_xref", "with", "from", "date", "autocomment", "attribution"); } /** * Abstract superclass for gene loaders. * <p> * It is the responsibility of each implementing class to set at least * the fields <code>geneUniqueName</code>, <code>transcriptUniqueName</code> * and <code>geneName</code> in its constructor. * * @author rh11 * */ abstract class GeneLoader { protected FeatureTable.Feature feature; protected EmblLocation location; protected boolean isPseudo = false; protected boolean singlySpliced = true; protected boolean isObsolete = false; protected String geneUniqueName = null; protected String transcriptUniqueName = null; protected String geneName; protected Transcript transcript; /** * The focal feature is the one to which annotation is added. * This is the polypeptide where possible, or the transcript if * there is no polypeptide. */ protected Feature focalFeature; protected Integer phase = null; public GeneLoader(FeatureTable.Feature feature) { this.feature = feature; this.location = feature.location; } protected Class<? extends AbstractGene> getGeneClass() { return isPseudo ? Pseudogene.class : Gene.class; } protected abstract Class<? extends Transcript> getTranscriptClass(); protected String getTranscriptType() { /* * This assumes that transcript feature classes are annotated with term * rather than accession, which is true at the time of writing. */ return FeatureTypeUtils.getFeatureTypeForClass(getTranscriptClass()).term(); } /** * The main entry point to a gene loader. */ public Feature load() throws DataError { if (geneUniqueName == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot load a gene with no uniqueName"); } if (transcriptUniqueName == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot load a transcript with no uniqueName"); } loadTranscript(loadOrFetchGene()); return focalFeature; } private AbstractGene loadOrFetchGene() { if (topLevelFeature.getClass().equals(Gene.class)) { /* If the gene is acting as the topLevelFeature * don't create a new gene feature here * Instead return the existing topLevel gene feature */ logger.debug(String.format("The toplevel feature is a gene")); return (AbstractGene) topLevelFeature; } else if (singlySpliced) { AbstractGene gene = createSinglySplicedGene(); genesByUniqueName.put(geneUniqueName, gene); return gene; } else { if (genesByUniqueName.containsKey(geneUniqueName)) { logger.debug(String.format("Gene for shared ID '%s' already exists", geneUniqueName)); return genesByUniqueName.get(geneUniqueName); } else { // This is the first transcript, so create the gene AbstractGene gene = createGene(); genesByUniqueName.put(geneUniqueName, gene); return gene; } } } private AbstractGene createSinglySplicedGene() { if (transcriptUniqueName.contains(".")) { logger.warn(String.format( "The transcript '%s' is not alternately spliced, yet its systematic name contains a dot", transcriptUniqueName)); } return createGene(); } private AbstractGene createGene() { logger.debug(String.format("Creating gene '%s' (%s)", geneUniqueName, geneName)); AbstractGene gene = AbstractGene.make(getGeneClass(), organism, geneUniqueName, geneName); gene.setObsolete(isObsolete); //Is it obsolete?"Setting gene %s 's obsolete status to %s", gene.getUniqueName(), isObsolete)); locate(gene, location); session.persist(gene); return gene; } private void loadTranscript(AbstractGene gene) throws DataError { logger.debug(String.format("Creating transcript '%s' for gene '%s'", transcriptUniqueName, gene.getUniqueName())); /** * A unique number should be appended to the uniquename of the singly * spliced transcript features in the database. We must do this because * Artemis requires each feature to have a globally unique name, and does * not work correctly if a transcript has the same uniquename as its gene. * Similarly the GFF3 feature format requires feature names to be * globally unique, and we want to be able to export our data in GFF3 format. * * For alternatively-spliced genes, on the other hand, there is no need to * append the transcript type, because the transcript will have an assigned * uniquename (the /systematic_id of the CDS) that is different from the * uniquename of the gene (the /shared_id of the CDS). */ String actualTranscriptUniqueName; if (transcriptUniqueName.equals(gene.getUniqueName())) { // will occur for singly-spliced genes actualTranscriptUniqueName = String.format("%s.1", transcriptUniqueName); //make transcript uniquename differ from gene uniquename } else { actualTranscriptUniqueName = transcriptUniqueName; } this.transcript = gene.makeTranscript(getTranscriptClass(), actualTranscriptUniqueName, location.getFmin(), location.getFmax(), gene, location); transcript.setObsolete(isObsolete); //Is it obsolete? session.persist(transcript); focalFeature = transcript; if (transcript instanceof ProductiveTranscript) { Polypeptide polypeptide = ((ProductiveTranscript) transcript).getProtein(); if (polypeptide != null) { polypeptide.setObsolete(isObsolete); focalFeature = polypeptide; } } transcriptsByUniqueName.put(actualTranscriptUniqueName /*transcriptUniqueName */, transcript); loadExons(actualTranscriptUniqueName); processTranscriptQualifiers(); } /** * For each <code>/<qualifierName></code> qualifier, add a synonym of type * <code>synonymType</code> to the transcript. * * @param qualifierName the name of the qualifer * @param synonymType the type of synonym. Should be a term in the <code>genedb_synonym_type</code> CV * @param isCurrent whether the synonym is current or not */ protected void addTranscriptSynonymsFromQualifier(String qualifierName, String synonymType, boolean isCurrent) { Set<String> synonyms = new HashSet<String>(); for (String synonymString: feature.getQualifierValues(qualifierName)) { if (synonyms.contains(synonymString)) { logger.error(String.format("The qualifier /%s=\"%s\" is repeated on transcript '%s'", qualifierName, synonymString, transcriptUniqueName)); continue; } synonyms.add(synonymString); logger.debug(String.format("Adding %s '%s' for transcript", synonymType, synonymString)); Synonym synonym = synonymManager.getSynonym(synonymType, synonymString); session.persist(transcript.addSynonym(synonym, isCurrent, /*isInternal:*/ false)); } } /** * For each <code>/<qualifierName></code> qualifier, add a property of * the specified type to the polypeptide, if there is one, or else to the * transcript. * * @param qualifierName the qualifier name * @param propertyCvName the name of the CV to which the property term belongs. * Should be either <code>feature_property</code> for built-in Chado * properties, or <code>genedb_misc</code> for local additions. * @param propertyTermName the term name corresponding to the property to add. * If it belongs to the <code>genedb_misc</code> CV, it should be a child of * the term <code>genedb_misc:feature_props</code>. * @param isUnique whether this qualifier may appear only once. * @return the number of properties that were added * @throws DataError */ protected int processPropertyQualifier(String qualifierName, String propertyCvName, String propertyTermName, boolean isUnique) throws DataError { return processPropertyQualifier(qualifierName, propertyCvName, propertyTermName, qualifierParsers.get(qualifierName), isUnique); } protected int processPropertyQualifier(String qualifierName, String propertyCvName, String propertyTermName) throws DataError { return processPropertyQualifier(qualifierName, propertyCvName, propertyTermName, qualifierParsers.get(qualifierName), false); } private int processPropertyQualifier(String qualifierName, String propertyCvName, String propertyTermName, TermParser parser, boolean isUnique) throws DataError { Set<String> values = new HashSet<String>(); int rank = 0; for(String qualifierValue: feature.getQualifierValues(qualifierName)) { if (parser != null) { for (String normalisedValue: parser.parse(qualifierValue)) { rank = processNormalisedProperty(qualifierName, propertyCvName, propertyTermName, isUnique, values, rank, normalisedValue); } } else { rank = processNormalisedProperty(qualifierName, propertyCvName, propertyTermName, isUnique, values, rank, qualifierValue); } } return rank; } private int processNormalisedProperty(String qualifierName, String propertyCvName, String propertyTermName, boolean isUnique, Set<String> values, int rank, String normalisedValue) throws DataError { if (values.contains(normalisedValue)) { logger.warn(String.format("Qualifier /%s=\"%s\" appears more than once on feature at line %d. Ignoring subsequent occurrences.", qualifierName, normalisedValue, this.feature.lineNumber)); } else { if (isUnique && !values.isEmpty()) { throw new DataError(String.format("More than one /%s qualifier found", qualifierName)); } logger.debug(String.format("Adding %s:%s '%s' for transcript", propertyCvName, propertyTermName, normalisedValue)); values.add(normalisedValue); focalFeature.addFeatureProp(normalisedValue, propertyCvName, propertyTermName, rank++); } return rank; } protected void processCvTermQualifier(String qualifierName, String cvName, String dbName, boolean createTerms) throws DataError { processCvTermQualifier(qualifierName, cvName, dbName, createTerms, qualifierParsers.get(qualifierName)); } protected void processCvTermQualifier(String qualifierName, String cvName, String dbName, boolean createTerms, TermParser termParser) throws DataError { Set<String> terms = new HashSet<String>(); for (String term: feature.getQualifierValues(qualifierName)) { if (termParser != null) { for (String partNormalisedTerm: termParser.parse(term)) { String normalisedTerm = partNormalisedTerm.trim(); processNormalisedCvTermQualifier(qualifierName, cvName, dbName, createTerms, terms, term, normalisedTerm); } } else { processNormalisedCvTermQualifier(qualifierName, cvName, dbName, createTerms, terms, term, term); } } } private void processNormalisedCvTermQualifier(String qualifierName, String cvName, String dbName, boolean createTerms, Set<String> terms, String term, String normalisedTerm) throws DataError { String lcNormalisedTerm = normalisedTerm.toLowerCase(); if (terms.contains(lcNormalisedTerm)) { logger.warn( String.format("The qualifier /%s=\"%s\" appears more than once. Ignoring subsequent copies.", qualifierName, term)); return; } else { terms.add(lcNormalisedTerm); } FeatureCvTerm featureCvTerm = focalFeature.addCvTerm(cvName, normalisedTerm, dbName, createTerms); if (featureCvTerm == null) { throw new DataError( String.format("Failed to find term '%s' in CV '%s'", normalisedTerm, cvName)); } session.persist(featureCvTerm); } private void loadExons() throws DataError { //if you don't specify the transcriptUniqueName use the existing one taken from EMBL file loadExons(transcriptUniqueName); } /* * specifying a transcriptUniquename whe you load the exons allows the modified transcriptUniqueName (with appended .1) to be used * in making the exonUniqueName for singly spliced genes */ private void loadExons(String actualTranscriptUniqueName) throws DataError { int exonIndex = 0; for (EmblLocation exonLocation: location.getParts()) { if (exonLocation instanceof EmblLocation.External) { throw new DataError("Found an external exon (trans-splicing). We can't handle that yet."); } String exonUniqueName = String.format("%s:exon:%d", actualTranscriptUniqueName, ++exonIndex); logger.debug(String.format("Creating exon '%s' at %d-%d", exonUniqueName, exonLocation.getFmin(), exonLocation.getFmax())); AbstractExon exon = transcript.createExon(exonUniqueName, exonLocation.getFmin(), exonLocation.getFmax(), phase); exon.setObsolete(isObsolete); session.persist(exon); } } protected void processGO() throws DataError { String comment = "From EMBL file"; //default value for autocomment for (String go: feature.getQualifierValues("GO")) { GoInstance goInstance = new GoInstance(); for (String subqualifier: go.split("; ?")) { subqualifier = subqualifier.trim(); if (subqualifier.length() == 0) { continue; } int equalsIndex = subqualifier.indexOf('='); if (equalsIndex == -1) { throw new DataError(String.format("Failed to parse /GO=\"%s\"", go)); } String key = subqualifier.substring(0, equalsIndex); String value = subqualifier.substring(equalsIndex + 1); /* nds (24.6.2010):It is rare but sometimes the key here * has acquired an unnecessary space either by data errors * in Chado or in the EMBL file. * Example: au tocomment="From EMBL file" * The replace below was put in place to deal with this problem. */ key = key.replaceAll("\\s","").trim(); if (!goQualifiers.contains(key)) { throw new DataError(String.format("Failed to parse /GO=\"%s\"; don't know what to do with %s=%s", go, key, value)); } // "aspect", "GOid", "term", "qualifier", "evidence", "db_xref", "with", "date", "attribution", "residue", "autocomment" /* nds (25.6.2010): Sometimes the values have the same * problem as above but a replace cannot be applied for * all the values. I've commented out the replace below * as it's possible this was a problem specific for * Plasmodium reichenowi. */ // if(!key.equals("autocomment")){ // value = value.replaceAll("\\s","").trim(); // } if (key.equals("GOid")) { goInstance.setId(value); } else if (key.equals("date")) { goInstance.setDate(value); } else if (key.equals("evidence")) { GoEvidenceCode evidenceCode = GoEvidenceCode.parse(value); if (evidenceCode == null) { throw new DataError(String.format("Failed to parse GO evidence code '%s'", value)); } goInstance.setEvidence(evidenceCode); } else if (key.equals("qualifier")) { goInstance.addQualifier(value); } else if (key.equals("with") || key.equals("from")) { goInstance.setWithFrom(value); } else if (key.equals("aspect")) { goInstance.setSubtype(value); } else if (key.equals("attribution")) { goInstance.setAttribution(value); } else if (key.equals("residue")) { goInstance.setResidue(value); } else if (key.equals("db_xref")) { goInstance.setRef(value); /* TODO: Temp fix to avoid duplicate pubdbxref entries, * fix properly later using the object manager: nds*/ Pattern DBXREF_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(\\w+):(\\w+)"); Matcher matcher = DBXREF_PATTERN.matcher(value); if(matcher.matches() && ("PMID") ||"PUBMED"))){ seenPubAccessions.add(; } } else if (key.equals("autocomment")){ comment = value; } } if (goTermErrorsAreNotFatal) { try { featureUtils.createGoEntries(focalFeature, goInstance, comment /*"From EMBL file"*/, (DbXRef) null); } catch (DataError e) { } } else { featureUtils.createGoEntries(focalFeature, goInstance, comment /*"From EMBL file" */, (DbXRef) null); } } } /* Here are some examples of /similarity qualifiers from chromosome 1 of Trypanosoma brucei: FT /similarity="blastp; SWALL:Q26723 (EMBL:M20871); FT Trypanosoma brucei brucei; variant-specific antigen; FT ESAG3; ; id=70%; ; E()=2e-42; score=438; ; ;" FT /similarity="fasta; SWALL:P26328 (EMBL:56768); Trypanosoma FT brucei brucei; variant surface glycoprotein ILTat 1.23 FT precursor; ; length 532 aa; id=30.35%; ungapped id=32.34%; FT E()=1.2e-34; ; 537 aa overlap; query 9-528 aa; subject FT 10-530 aa" FT /similarity="fasta; SWALL:O97352 (EMBL:AJ012199); FT Trypanosoma brucei; ILTat 1.61 metacyclic VSG protein; ; FT length 518 aa; id=29.83%; ungapped id=32.99%; E()=3.6e-31; FT ; 543 aa overlap; query 2-528 aa; subject 10-516 aa" FT /similarity="blastp; SWALL:Q8WPR3 (EMBL:AL671259); FT Trypanosoma brucei; ESAG3; H25N7.29; ; id=74%; ; FT E()=4e-28; score=310; ; ;" And here are some examples from Schistosoma mansoni Smp_scaff000604, to show how minimal the provided data can sometimes be: FT /similarity="blastp; RF:XP_970827.1; ; ; ; ; id=61.0%; ; FT E()=3.9e-21; ; ; ;" FT /similarity="blastp; RF:NP_956088.1; ; ; ; ; id=58.4%; ; FT E()=1.6e-17; ; ; ;" FT /similarity="blastp; GB:BAD74067.1; ; ; ; ; id=54.4%; ; FT E()=2.6e-17; ; ; ;" And from Leishmania major chromosome 32, to show the use of multiple secondary cross-references: FT /similarity="fasta; SWALL:Q9BUG7 (EMBL:BC002634, FT AAH02634); Homo sapiens; hypothetical protein; ; length FT 322 aa; id=40.063%; ungapped id=46.691%; E()=1.2e-32; ; FT 301 aa overlap; query 23-324 aa; subject 12-298 aa" I don't know how normal this is, but there's at least one with a line-break in the middle of the E() value! (Again from Leishmania major, chromosome 32.) FT /similarity="fasta; SWALL:EAA26969 (EMBL:AABX01000759, FT EAA26969); Neurospora crassa; hypothetical protein; ; FT length 335 aa; id=38.462%; ungapped id=47.273%; E()=6.4e- FT 17; ; 303 aa overlap; query 3-306 aa; subject 13-321 aa" And here is an example from Eimeria tenella where the algorithm, program and version are all specified in the first field. FT /similarity="ComparativeBlastX_uni blastall v2.2.6; FT SWALL:A6WB28.1; ; ; ; ; ; ; E()=19.0063; ; 58 aa overlap; FT query 24-81 aa; subject 875-1042 aa" */ /* Edited regex below to understand decimal points in the raw score, and * forward slashed & hyphens in db names and accessions. Matching this * using one long regex like the one below is probably not sustainable. * TODO: Find better alternative * nds, 26 Oct 2011 */ private final Pattern similarityPattern = Pattern.compile( "(\\w+|\\w+ +\\w+ +v[\\d.]+);" + // 1. Algorithm, e.g. fasta, blastp "\\s*([\\w+\\-/]+):([\\-\\w.]+)" + // 2,3. Primary dbxref, e.g. SWALL:Q26723 "(?:\\s+\\(([\\w+\\-/]+):([\\-\\w.]+(?:,\\s*(?:[\\w+\\-/]+:)?[\\-\\w.]+)*)\\))?;" + // 4,5. Optional secondary dbxrefs, e.g. "EMBL:M20871", "EMBL:BC002634, AAH02634" "\\s*([^;]+)?;" + // 6. Organism name "\\s*([^;]+)?;" + // 7. Product name "\\s*([^;]+)?;" + // 8. Gene name "\\s*(?:length\\s+(\\d+)\\s+aa)?;" + // 9. Optional match length "\\s*(?:id=(\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3})?)%)?;" + // 10. Optional degree of identity (percentage) "\\s*(?:ungapped\\s+id=(\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3})?)%)?;" + // 11. Optional ungapped identity (percentage) "\\s*E\\(\\)=(\\d*(?:\\.\\d+)?(?:e[+-]? ?\\d+)?);" + // 12. E-value "\\s*(?:score=(\\d+\\.*\\d*))?;" + // 13. Optional score "\\s*(?:(\\d+)\\s+aa\\s+overlap)?;" + // 14. Optional overlap length (integer) "\\s*(?:query\\s+(\\d+)-\\s*(\\d+) aa)?;" + // 15,16. Optional query location "\\s*(?:subject\\s+(\\d+)-\\s*?(\\d+) aa)?"); // 17,18. Optional subject location protected void processSimilarityQualifiers() throws DataError { for (String similarityString: feature.getQualifierValues("similarity")) { processSimilarityQualifier(similarityString); } } private Map<String,Integer> numberOfSimilaritiesByPrimaryDbXRef = new HashMap<String,Integer>(); private void processSimilarityQualifier(String similarityString) throws DataError { Matcher matcher = similarityPattern.matcher(similarityString); if (!matcher.matches()) { throw new DataError(String.format("Failed to parse /similarity=\"%s\"", similarityString)); } Similarity similarity = new Similarity(); String program =; if (!similarityAnalysisByProgram.containsKey(program)) { logger.trace(String.format("Creating Analysis object for program '%s'", program)); Analysis analysis = new Analysis(); if (program.indexOf(' ') > 0) { // Program string contains spaces, so it's of the form "algorithm program version" String[] splitProgram = program.split(" +"); if (splitProgram.length != 3) { throw new DataError("Unexpected problem parsing similarity program: " + program); } analysis.setAlgorithm(splitProgram[0]); analysis.setProgram (splitProgram[1]); analysis.setProgramVersion(splitProgram[2]); } else { analysis.setProgram(program); analysis.setProgramVersion("unknown"); } similarityAnalysisByProgram.put(program, analysis); } Analysis analysis = similarityAnalysisByProgram.get(program); session.saveOrUpdate(analysis); similarity.setAnalysis(analysis); DbXRef primaryDbXRef = objectManager.getDbXRef(,; if (primaryDbXRef == null) { throw new DataError(String.format("Could not find database '%s' for primary dbxref of /similarity",; } similarity.setPrimaryDbXRef(primaryDbXRef); { // Set the unique identifier to something unique String primaryDbXRefString = primaryDbXRef.toString(); if (!numberOfSimilaritiesByPrimaryDbXRef.containsKey(primaryDbXRefString)) { numberOfSimilaritiesByPrimaryDbXRef.put(primaryDbXRefString, 1); } else { numberOfSimilaritiesByPrimaryDbXRef.put(primaryDbXRefString, 1 + numberOfSimilaritiesByPrimaryDbXRef.get(primaryDbXRefString)); } int numberOfSimilarities = numberOfSimilaritiesByPrimaryDbXRef.get(primaryDbXRefString); similarity.setUniqueIdentifier(String.format("%s_%s_%d", transcriptUniqueName, primaryDbXRefString, numberOfSimilarities)); } if ( != null) { String dbName =; for (String accession:",\\s*")) { int colonIndex = accession.indexOf(':'); if (colonIndex >= 0) { dbName = accession.substring(0, colonIndex); accession = accession.substring(colonIndex + 1); } DbXRef secondaryDbXRef = objectManager.getDbXRef(dbName, accession); if (secondaryDbXRef == null) { throw new DataError(String.format("Could not find database '%s' for secondary dbxref of /similarity",; } similarity.addDbXRef(secondaryDbXRef); } } // These three may be null, which is okay similarity.setOrganismName(; similarity.setProduct(; similarity.setGeneName(; if ( != null) { try { similarity.setLength(Integer.parseInt(; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new DataError("Failed to parse length field of /similarity: " +; } } if ( != null) { try { similarity.setId(Double.parseDouble(; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new DataError("Failed to parse id field of /similarity: " +; } } if ( != null) { try { similarity.setUngappedId(Double.parseDouble(; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new DataError("Failed to parse ungapped id field of /similarity: " +; } } String eValueString =; if (eValueString.startsWith("e") || eValueString.startsWith("E")) { eValueString = "1" + eValueString; } try { similarity.setEValue(Double.parseDouble(eValueString.replaceAll("\\s+", ""))); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new DataError("Failed to parse E() field of /similarity: " + eValueString); } if ( != null) { try { similarity.setRawScore(Double.parseDouble(; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new DataError("Failed to parse score field of /similarity: " +; } } if ( != null) { try { similarity.setOverlap(Integer.parseInt(; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new DataError("Failed to parse score field of /similarity: " +; } } if ( != null) { try { similarity.setQueryStart(Integer.parseInt(; similarity.setQueryEnd(Integer.parseInt(; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new DataError(String.format("Failed to parse query location of /similarity: %s-%s",,; } } if ( != null) { try { similarity.setTargetStart(Integer.parseInt(; similarity.setTargetEnd(Integer.parseInt(; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new DataError(String.format("Failed to parse subject location of /similarity: %s-%s",,; } } focalFeature.addSimilarity(similarity); } private final Pattern subqualifierPattern = Pattern.compile("\\G\\s*([^=]+)=\\s*([^;]*)\\s*(?:;|\\z)"); protected void processCuration() throws DataError { processPropertyQualifier("curation", "genedb_misc", "curation"); if (sloppyControlledCuration) { processControlledCurationSloppy(); } else { processControlledCurationStrict(); } } private void processControlledCurationSloppy() throws DataError { int rank = feature.getQualifierValues("curation").size(); for (String controlledCuration: feature.getQualifierValues("controlled_curation")) { String curation = String.format("[%s]", controlledCuration); logger.trace(String.format("Sloppy curation: adding /curation=\"%s\" with rank %d", curation, rank)); focalFeature.addFeatureProp(curation, "genedb_misc", "curation", rank++); Matcher matcher = subqualifierPattern.matcher(controlledCuration); while (matcher.find()) { String key =; String value =; if (key.equals("db_xref") && value.length() > 0) { if (value.indexOf(":") < 0) { value = "PMID:" + value; } logger.trace(String.format("Sloppy controlled_curation: adding dbxref for '%s'", value)); addDbXRefs(value); } } } } private Set<String> subqualifiers = new HashSet<String>() {{ Collections.addAll(this, "term", "cv", "qualifier", "evidence", "db_xref", "residue", "attribution", "date"); }}; private void processControlledCurationStrict() throws DataError { Set<String> seenQualifiedTerms = new HashSet<String>(); for (String controlledCuration: feature.getQualifierValues("controlled_curation")) { Matcher matcher = subqualifierPattern.matcher(controlledCuration); Map<String, String> valuesByKey = new HashMap<String, String>(); while (matcher.find()) { String key =; String value =; if (subqualifiers.contains(key)) { valuesByKey.put(key, value); } } if (!valuesByKey.containsKey("term")) { throw new DataError("/controlled_curation has no 'term' field"); } String term = valuesByKey.get("term"); String cv = valuesByKey.containsKey("cv") ? valuesByKey.get("cv") : "CC_genedb_controlledcuration"; String qualifiedTerm = String.format("%s:%s", cv, term); if (seenQualifiedTerms.contains(qualifiedTerm)) { logger.warn(String.format( "There is more than one /controlled_curation qualifier with term '%s' in %s feature on line %d." + "Ignoring subsequent occurences.", qualifiedTerm, feature.type, feature.lineNumber)); continue; } seenQualifiedTerms.add(qualifiedTerm); logger.trace(String.format("/controlled_curation: adding term '%s:%s' to %s", cv, term, focalFeature)); FeatureCvTerm featureCvTerm = focalFeature.addCvTerm(cv, term); featureCvTerm.addPropIfNotNull("feature_property", "date", valuesByKey.get("date")); featureCvTerm.addPropIfNotNull("genedb_misc", "attribution", valuesByKey.get("attribution")); featureCvTerm.addPropIfNotNull("genedb_misc", "evidence", valuesByKey.get("evidence")); featureCvTerm.addPropIfNotNull("genedb_misc", "qualifier", valuesByKey.get("qualifier")); if (valuesByKey.containsKey("db_xref")) { addDbXRefs(featureCvTerm, valuesByKey.get("db_xref")); } session.persist(featureCvTerm); } } private Pattern dbxrefPattern = Pattern.compile("([^:]+):(.*)"); /** * Add DbXRefs to the focal feature. * @param dbxrefs a pipe-separated list of <code>db:accession</code> * @throws DataError if the string cannot be parsed or the database does not exist */ protected void addDbXRefs(String dbxrefs) throws DataError { for (String dbxref: dbxrefs.split("\\|")) { addDbXRef(focalFeature, dbxref); } } /** * Add a DbXRef to the specified object. * @param target the object to which the reference should be added * @param dbxref a string of the form <code>db:accession</code> * @throws DataError if the string cannot be parsed or the database does not exist */ private void addDbXRef(HasPubsAndDbXRefs target, String dbxref) throws DataError { Matcher matcher = dbxrefPattern.matcher(dbxref); if (!matcher.matches()) { throw new DataError(String.format("db_xref '%s' is not of the form database:accession", dbxref)); } String dbName =; String accession =; addDbXRef(target, dbName, accession); } private void addDbXRef(HasPubsAndDbXRefs target, String dbName, String accession) throws DataError { DbXRef dbXRef = objectManager.getDbXRef(dbName, accession); if (dbXRef == null) { throw new DataError(String.format("Database '%1$s' does not exist (for dbxref '%1$s:%2$s')", dbName, accession)); } if (dbName.equals("PMID")) { // PMID is a special case; these are stored as FeaturePubs addPub(target, accession, dbXRef); } else { session.persist(target.addDbXRef(dbXRef)); } } private void addPub(HasPubsAndDbXRefs target, String accession, DbXRef dbXRef) { logger.trace(String.format("Adding publication id '%s' to %s", accession, target.toString())); Pub pub = objectManager.getPub(String.format("PMID:%s", accession), "unfetched"); session.persist(pub.addDbXRef(dbXRef, true)); session.persist(target.addPub(pub)); } private Set<String> seenPubAccessions = new HashSet<String>(); private void addPub(String accession) { if (seenPubAccessions.contains(accession)) { "Ignoring duplicate publication with accession '%s' on %s feature at line %d", accession, feature.type, feature.lineNumber)); return; } DbXRef dbXRef = objectManager.getDbXRef("PMID", accession); addPub(focalFeature, accession, dbXRef); seenPubAccessions.add(accession); } private Pattern literaturePattern = Pattern.compile("(?:PMID:)?\\s*(\\d+)(?:;.*)?"); protected void processLiterature() throws DataError { for (String pmid: feature.getQualifierValues("literature", "citation")) { Matcher matcher = literaturePattern.matcher(pmid); if (!matcher.matches()) { throw new DataError("Failed to parse literature/citation qualifier: " + pmid); } addPub(; } } /** * Add DbXRefs to the specified FeatureCvTerm. * @param dbxrefs a pipe-separated list of <code>db:accession</code> * @throws DataError */ protected void addDbXRefs(FeatureCvTerm featureCvTerm, String dbxrefs) throws DataError { for (String dbxref: dbxrefs.split("\\|")) { addDbXRef(featureCvTerm, dbxref); } } /** * Use the qualifiers of the CDS feature to add various bits of annotation * to the transcript (or to the polypeptide, if there is one). Specifically, * add synonyms, properties and products. */ protected void processTranscriptQualifiers() throws DataError { checkForPreviousSystematicIdEqualToSystematicId(); addTranscriptSynonymsFromQualifier("synonym", "synonym", true); addTranscriptSynonymsFromQualifier("previous_systematic_id", "previous_systematic_id", true); int commentRank = processPropertyQualifier("note", "feature_property", "comment"); for (String name: qualifierProperties) { processPropertyQualifier(name, "genedb_misc", name, uniqueQualifiers.contains(name)); } for (String translation: feature.getQualifierValues("translation")) { translation = translation.replaceAll("\\s+", ""); translation = translation.toUpperCase(); logger.debug(String.format("Setting translation to sequence from EMBL file : %s", translation)); focalFeature.setResidues(translation); focalFeature.addFeatureProp("Translation loaded from EMBL", "feature_property", "comment", commentRank++); } addColourToExons(); processCvTermQualifier("class", "RILEY", "RILEY", false, normaliseRileyNumber); processCvTermQualifier("product", "genedb_products", "PRODUCT", true); String label = feature.getQualifierValue("label"); if (label != null) { focalFeature.addFeatureProp(String.format("/label=%s", label), "feature_property", "comment", commentRank++); } if (taxonomicDivision.equals("PRO")) { // Bacteria don't have splicing, so a CDS feature is a gene and // a transcript and that is the end of it. One or more /gene // or /synonym qualifiers may be used to indicate synonyms. addTranscriptSynonymsFromQualifier("gene", "synonym", true); } if (feature.hasQualifier("partial")) { logger.trace(String.format("Marking feature '%s' as partial", focalFeature.getUniqueName())); focalFeature.addFeatureProp("partial", "feature_property", "comment", commentRank++); } for (String dbxrefs: feature.getQualifierValues("db_xref")) { addDbXRefs(dbxrefs); } processGO(); processSimilarityQualifiers(); processCuration(); processLiterature(); } protected void addColourToExons() throws DataError { String colour = feature.getQualifierValue("colour"); if (colour == null) { return; } String normalisedColour = colour; TermParser colourParser = qualifierParsers.get("colour"); if (colourParser != null) { if (!(colourParser instanceof TermNormaliser)) { throw new RuntimeException("The /colour parser is not a TermNormaliser?!"); } TermNormaliser colourNormaliser = (TermNormaliser) colourParser; normalisedColour = colourNormaliser.normalise(colour); } logger.trace(String.format("Adding /colour=\"%s\" to exons of '%s'", normalisedColour, transcript.getUniqueName())); for (AbstractExon exon: transcript.getExons()) { logger.trace(String.format("Adding /colour=\"%s\" to exon '%s'", normalisedColour, exon.getUniqueName())); exon.addFeatureProp(normalisedColour, "genedb_misc", "colour", 0); } } /** * Explicitly check for the case where /previous_systematic_id is equal to the * actual systematic ID, because otherwise the resulting constraint violation * error is difficult to understand and track down. * @throws DataError if so */ private void checkForPreviousSystematicIdEqualToSystematicId() throws DataError { String systematicId = feature.getQualifierValue("systematic_id"); if (systematicId == null) { return; } for (String temporarySystematicId: feature.getQualifierValues("previous_systematic_id")) { if (systematicId.equals(temporarySystematicId)) { throw new DataError("Feature has /previous_systematic_id with the same value as /systematic_id"); } } } } /** * Parse a property value. What this means will depend on the specific parser used. * The parser may return multiple values, e.g. for semicolon-separated product terms. */ private static interface TermParser { public Iterable<String> parse(String term) throws DataError; } /** * Normalise a property value. What this means will depend on the specific normaliser used. * A TermNormaliser is a special sort of TermParser for the common case where the result * is a single string. */ private static abstract class TermNormaliser implements TermParser { public abstract String normalise(String term) throws DataError; public final Iterable<String> parse(String term) throws DataError { return Collections.singleton(normalise(term)); } } /** * A term parser for products, which splits on semicolon. */ private static final TermParser productParser = new TermParser() { public Iterable<String> parse(String term) throws DataError { return IterableArray.fromArray(term.split(";\\s+")); } }; /** * A term normaliser for Riley classification numbers, which for example * will normalise "2.2.07" to "2.2.7". */ private static final TermNormaliser normaliseRileyNumber = new TermNormaliser() { private final Pattern RILEY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(\\d{1,2})\\.(\\d{1,2})\\.(\\d{1,2})"); @Override public String normalise(String term) throws DataError { Matcher matcher = RILEY_PATTERN.matcher(term); if (!matcher.matches()) { throw new DataError(String.format("Failed to parse Riley number '%s'", term)); } return String.format("%d.%d.%d", Integer.parseInt(, Integer.parseInt(, Integer.parseInt(; } }; /** * A term normaliser (and format validator) for integers. */ private static final TermNormaliser normaliseInteger = new TermNormaliser() { @Override public String normalise(String term) throws DataError { try { return String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(term)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new DataError(String.format("Failed to parse integer '%s'", term)); } } }; /** * A list of the qualifiers that correspond directly to similarly-named * properties in the <code>genedb_misc</code> CV. */ private static final List<String> qualifierProperties = new ArrayList<String>(); private static final Map<String,TermParser> qualifierParsers = new HashMap<String,TermParser>(); private static final Set<String> uniqueQualifiers = new HashSet<String>(); static { Collections.addAll(qualifierProperties, "method", "colour", "status", "blast_file", "blastn_file", "blastp+go_file", "blastp_file", "blastx_file", "fasta_file", "fastx_file", "tblastn_file", "tblastx_file", "clustalx_file", "sigcleave_file", "pepstats_file", "EC_number", "private"); Collections.addAll(uniqueQualifiers, "colour", "status"); qualifierParsers.put("colour", normaliseInteger); qualifierParsers.put("product", productParser); // Some files (e.g. Streptococcus_pneumoniae_D39.embl) have things other than integers in /status. // qualifierParsers.put("status", normaliseInteger); } class CDSLoader extends GeneLoader { public CDSLoader(FeatureTable.CDSFeature cdsFeature) throws DataError { super(cdsFeature); isPseudo = cdsFeature.isPseudo(); isObsolete = cdsFeature.isObsolete(); geneUniqueName = cdsFeature.getSharedId(); transcriptUniqueName = cdsFeature.getUniqueName(); if (taxonomicDivision.equals("PRO")) { // Bacteria don't have splicing, so a CDS feature is a gene and // a transcript and that is the end of it. One or more /gene // qualifiers may be used to indicate synonyms. The primary_name // is optional, as usual. geneName = cdsFeature.getQualifierValue("primary_name"); } else { geneName = cdsFeature.getGeneName(); } String codonStart = cdsFeature.getQualifierValue("codon_start"); if (codonStart != null) { try { phase = Integer.parseInt(codonStart) - 1; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new DataError( String.format("Could not parse value of /codon_start qualifier ('%s')", codonStart)); } if (phase < 0 || phase > 2) { throw new DataError( String.format("Value of /codon_start qualifier out of range (%d)", phase+1)); } } singlySpliced = false; if (geneUniqueName == null) { singlySpliced = true; geneUniqueName = transcriptUniqueName; } } @Override protected Class<? extends Transcript> getTranscriptClass() { return isPseudo ? PseudogenicTranscript.class : MRNA.class; } } private Feature loadCDS(FeatureTable.CDSFeature cdsFeature) throws DataError { return new CDSLoader(cdsFeature).load(); } /* Loader for non-coding RNA features */ private class NcRNALoader extends GeneLoader { private Class<? extends NcRNA> transcriptClass; private String type; public NcRNALoader(Class<? extends NcRNA> transcriptClass, String type, FeatureTable.Feature feature) throws DataError { super(feature); this.transcriptClass = transcriptClass; this.type = type; geneUniqueName = transcriptUniqueName = feature.getUniqueName(false); if (geneUniqueName == null) { geneUniqueName = transcriptUniqueName = makeSyntheticName(); } } private String makeSyntheticName() { if (syntheticNcRNAIndexByType.containsKey(type)) { syntheticNcRNAIndexByType.put(type, 1 + syntheticNcRNAIndexByType.get(type)); } else { syntheticNcRNAIndexByType.put(type, 1); } return String.format("%s_%s%d", topLevelFeature.getUniqueName(), type, syntheticNcRNAIndexByType.get(type)); } @Override protected void processTranscriptQualifiers() throws DataError { int commentRank = processPropertyQualifier("note", "feature_property", "comment"); if (TRNA.class.isAssignableFrom(transcriptClass)) { processPropertyQualifier("anticodon", "feature_property", "anticodon", true); } processPropertyQualifier("colour", "genedb_misc", "colour", true); processCvTermQualifier("product", "genedb_products", "PRODUCT", true); addColourToExons(); String label = feature.getQualifierValue("label"); if (label != null) { logger.trace(String.format("Adding /label=\"%s\" as comment on '%s'", label, focalFeature.getUniqueName())); focalFeature.addFeatureProp(String.format("/label=%s", label), "feature_property", "comment", commentRank++); } if (taxonomicDivision.equals("PRO")) { // Bacteria don't have splicing, so a CDS feature is a gene and // a transcript and that is the end of it. One or more /gene // qualifiers may be used to indicate synonyms. addTranscriptSynonymsFromQualifier("gene", "synonym", true); addTranscriptSynonymsFromQualifier("synonym", "synonym", true); } for (String dbxrefs: feature.getQualifierValues("db_xref")) { addDbXRefs(dbxrefs); } processCuration(); processLiterature(); } @Override protected Class<? extends Transcript> getTranscriptClass() { return transcriptClass; } } private Feature loadNcRNA(Class<? extends NcRNA> rnaClass, String rnaType, FeatureTable.Feature feature) throws DataError { return new NcRNALoader(rnaClass, rnaType, feature).load(); } /* UTR */ private List<UTR> loadUTR(FeatureTable.Feature utrFeature) throws DataError { String utrType = utrFeature.type; EmblLocation utrLocation = utrFeature.location; String uniqueName = utrFeature.getUniqueName(); logger.debug(String.format("Loading %s for '%s' at %s", utrType, uniqueName, utrLocation)); Transcript transcript = transcriptsByUniqueName.get(uniqueName); //Straightforward case; Transcript found by name /* Due to the various forms of old-fashioned transcript names (:mRNA, .\d:mRNA etc) it is not always * straightforward figuring out what the transcript should be for a UTR. We do a little guesswork here * to find the gene name and then look for a corresponding transcript from the list we have seen already. * This does not work for alternatively spliced genes where several transcripts match up to the gene name. * Revisit this after Smansoni has been loaded. * nds, 16th Nov 2010 & 26th Sep 2011 */ if(transcript == null){ List<String> possibleTranscriptNames = new ArrayList<String>(); String possibleGeneName; //trying to figure out what the gene name is //Various Transcript patterns Pattern withNumberAndMrna = Pattern.compile("(\\S+)\\.\\d+:mRNA"); Pattern withOnlyMrna = Pattern.compile("(\\S+):mRNA"); Matcher matcher1 = withNumberAndMrna.matcher(uniqueName); Matcher matcher2 = withOnlyMrna.matcher(uniqueName); if(matcher1.matches() ){ possibleGeneName =; }else if(matcher2.matches()){ possibleGeneName =; }else{ possibleGeneName = uniqueName; } //if(uniqueName.matches("\\S+\\.\\d:mRNA")){ //@$$! Need to escape the .! /* possibleGeneName = uniqueName.substring(0,uniqueName.length()-7); }else if(uniqueName.matches("\\S+:mRNA")){ possibleGeneName = uniqueName.substring(0,uniqueName.length()-5); }else{ possibleGeneName = uniqueName; } */ System.out.println("The possible gene name is " + possibleGeneName); for(String s: transcriptsByUniqueName.keySet()){ System.out.println("Transcript " + s); if(s.matches(possibleGeneName.concat(".\\d")) || s.matches(possibleGeneName.concat(".\\d:mRNA"))){ possibleTranscriptNames.add(s); } } if(possibleTranscriptNames.size()==1){ //No alternative splicing transcript = transcriptsByUniqueName.get(possibleTranscriptNames.get(0)); logger.warn(String.format("Assuming %s is the transcript for this UTR for %s", possibleTranscriptNames.get(0), uniqueName)); }else if (possibleTranscriptNames.size()==0){ throw new DataError(String.format("Could not find a transcript '%s' for %s", uniqueName, utrType)); }else if (possibleTranscriptNames.size() > 1) { throw new DataError(String.format("Multiple transcripts possible for this UTR", uniqueName, utrType)); } } List<UTR> utrs = new ArrayList<UTR>(); Class<? extends UTR> utrClass; if (utrType.equals("3'UTR")) { utrClass = ThreePrimeUTR.class; } else if (utrType.equals("5'UTR")) { utrClass = FivePrimeUTR.class; } else { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Unrecognised UTR feature type '%s'", utrType)); } int part = 1; List<EmblLocation> utrParts = utrLocation.getParts(); for (EmblLocation utrPartLocation: utrParts) { String utrUniqueName = String.format("%s:%dutr", transcript.getUniqueName()/*uniqueName*/, utrClass == ThreePrimeUTR.class ? 3 : 5); if (utrParts.size() > 1) { utrUniqueName += ":" + part; } logger.debug(String.format("Creating %s feature '%s' at %d-%d", utrType, utrUniqueName, utrPartLocation.getFmin(), utrPartLocation.getFmax())); UTR utr = transcript.createUTR(utrClass, utrUniqueName, utrPartLocation.getFmin(), utrPartLocation.getFmax()); utrs.add(utr); session.persist(utr); ++ part; } return utrs; } /* Setters and Spring stuff */ public void setOrganismDao(OrganismDao organismDao) { this.organismDao = organismDao; } /** * Set the ObjectManager. This is expected to be called by Spring. * We will inject the GeneralDao object into the ObjectManager ourselves from * {@link #afterPropertiesSet}, so this ObjectManager need not have the GeneralDao * injected yet. This avoids circularity. * * @param objectManager */ public void setObjectManager(ObjectManager objectManager) { this.objectManager = objectManager; } public void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sessionFactory) { this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; } public void setGeneralDao(GeneralDao generalDao) { this.generalDao = generalDao; } public void setCvDao(CvDao cvDao) { this.cvDao = cvDao; } public void setPubDao(PubDao pubDao) { this.pubDao = pubDao; } public void setFeatureUtils(FeatureUtils featureUtils) { this.featureUtils = featureUtils; } public void afterPropertiesSet() { synonymManager.setObjectManager(objectManager); /* * We cannot set the DAOs of the objectManager * directly in Load.xml, because that creates a circular * reference that (understandably) causes Spring to * throw a tantrum. Thus we inject them into * here, and pass them to the ObjectManager after Spring * configuration. */ objectManager.setGeneralDao(generalDao); objectManager.setCvDao(cvDao); objectManager.setPubDao(pubDao); } }