package org.genedb.web.tags.db; import static javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE; import static org.genedb.web.mvc.controller.TaxonManagerListener.TAXON_NODE_MANAGER; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter; import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.SimpleTagSupport; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.genedb.db.taxon.TaxonNode; import org.genedb.db.taxon.TaxonNodeManager; /** * * @author larry@sangerinstitute The Purpose of this class is to build a tree of * taxonomy for the Quick Search Function * */ public class QuickSearchTaxonomicGraphTag extends SimpleTagSupport { private String top = "Root"; // FIXME private String currentTaxonNodeName; private TreeMap<String, Integer> taxonGroup; private String hasResult; private String searchText; private String allNames; private String pseudogenes; private String product; private String baseUrl; public void setBaseUrl(String baseUrl) { this.baseUrl = baseUrl; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void doTag() throws JspException, IOException { PageContext pageContext = (PageContext) getJspContext(); TaxonNodeManager tnm = (TaxonNodeManager) getJspContext().getAttribute(TAXON_NODE_MANAGER, APPLICATION_SCOPE); // currentTaxonNodeName = pageContext.getRequest().getParameter("taxons"); // // taxonGroup = (TreeMap) getJspContext().findAttribute("taxonGroup"); // // hasResult = pageContext.getRequest().getParameter("hasresults"); boolean displayAllMatchingTaxonsWhenResultsEmpty = taxonGroup != null && taxonGroup.size() > 0 && hasResult != null && hasResult.equals("false"); TaxonNode currentNode = null; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(currentTaxonNodeName) || displayAllMatchingTaxonsWhenResultsEmpty) { currentNode = tnm.getTaxonNodeForLabel(top); if (currentNode == null) { throw new JspException("Homepage Tag: Can't identify taxonNode for '" + top + "'"); } } else { currentNode = tnm.getTaxonNodeForLabel(currentTaxonNodeName); } // Create the graph to be populated and manipulated QuickSearchTaxonNode quickSearchTaxonNode = new QuickSearchTaxonNode(); // populate with taxons buildTree(quickSearchTaxonNode, currentNode, taxonGroup); // sort in taxonomic order of closeness to the organism sought after if (displayAllMatchingTaxonsWhenResultsEmpty) { sortInOrderOfCurrentTaxon(currentTaxonNodeName, quickSearchTaxonNode); } // Get the writer JspWriter out = getJspContext().getOut(); String contextPath = ((HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest()).getContextPath(); String htmlList = transform(quickSearchTaxonNode, contextPath); out.write(htmlList); } /** * Build the taxon tree as is represented in the Taxon Manager * * @param quickSearchTaxonNode * @param taxonNode * @param taxonGroup */ public void buildTree(QuickSearchTaxonNode quickSearchTaxonNode, TaxonNode taxonNode, TreeMap<String, Integer> taxonGroup) { // populate label quickSearchTaxonNode.setLabel(taxonNode.getLabel()); if (taxonGroup.containsKey(taxonNode.getLabel())) { quickSearchTaxonNode.setMatch(taxonGroup.get(taxonNode.getLabel())); } // populate children for (TaxonNode childNode : taxonNode.getChildren()) { QuickSearchTaxonNode myChild = new QuickSearchTaxonNode(); quickSearchTaxonNode.getChildren().add(myChild); myChild.setParent(quickSearchTaxonNode); buildTree(myChild, childNode, taxonGroup); } // Sort list Collections.sort(quickSearchTaxonNode.getChildren(), new Comparator<QuickSearchTaxonNode>() { @Override public int compare(QuickSearchTaxonNode arg0, QuickSearchTaxonNode arg1) { String label0 = arg0.getLabel(); String label1 = arg1.getLabel(); return label0.compareToIgnoreCase(label1); } }); } /** * Find the node in the tree whose label/name is given * * @param taxonNodeName * @param tree * @return */ private QuickSearchTaxonNode findCurrentQuickTaxonNode(String taxonNodeName, QuickSearchTaxonNode tree) { if (tree.getLabel().equals(taxonNodeName)) { return tree; } for (QuickSearchTaxonNode child : tree.getChildren()) { QuickSearchTaxonNode found = findCurrentQuickTaxonNode(taxonNodeName, child); if (found != null) { return found; } } return null; } /** * Sort by re-arranging the sibling taxon nodes,by making each relevant node * the first in line of siblings because the left-most node always appear on * top of tree display * * @param currentTaxonNodeName * @param quickSearchTaxonNode */ private void sortInOrderOfCurrentTaxon(String currentTaxonNodeName, QuickSearchTaxonNode quickSearchTaxonNode) { QuickSearchTaxonNode currentNode = findCurrentQuickTaxonNode(currentTaxonNodeName, quickSearchTaxonNode); sortInOrderOfCurrentTaxon(currentNode); } /** * Re-arrange the siblings, make the current node or it's parent, the first * in line * * @param quickSearchTaxonNode */ private void sortInOrderOfCurrentTaxon(QuickSearchTaxonNode quickSearchTaxonNode) { QuickSearchTaxonNode parent = quickSearchTaxonNode.getParent(); if (parent != null) { parent.getChildren().remove(quickSearchTaxonNode); parent.getChildren().add(0, quickSearchTaxonNode); sortInOrderOfCurrentTaxon(parent); } } /** * Transform taxons to String * * @param quickSearchTaxonNode * @param sb */ public String transform(QuickSearchTaxonNode quickSearchTaxonNode, String contextPath) { String tree = ""; for (QuickSearchTaxonNode child : quickSearchTaxonNode.getChildren()) { tree = tree + transform(child, contextPath); } // Get the leafs where a match is found if (quickSearchTaxonNode.getChildren().size() == 0 && quickSearchTaxonNode.getMatch() != 0) { tree = "<li>" + createUrlHref(quickSearchTaxonNode, contextPath) + "</li>\n"; // Get parent nodes where a descendant has a match } else if (isMatchFoundInDescendant(quickSearchTaxonNode)) { String label = quickSearchTaxonNode.getLabel(); if (label != null && label.equalsIgnoreCase("root")) { tree = "<i>All Organisms</i>\n" + "<ul>\n" + tree + "\n</ul>"; } else { tree = "<li><i>" + label + "</i>\n" + "<ul>\n" + tree + "\n</ul>" + "</li>"; } } return tree; } /** * Find a descendant with a match * * @param ancestor * @return */ public boolean isMatchFoundInDescendant(QuickSearchTaxonNode ancestor) { for (QuickSearchTaxonNode child : ancestor.getChildren()) { if (child.getMatch() > 0) { return true; } if (isMatchFoundInDescendant(child)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Create the URL for target _parent * * @param value * @return */ private String createUrlHref(QuickSearchTaxonNode quickSearchTaxonNode, String contextPath) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<a href=\""); sb.append(baseUrl); //sb.append(contextPath); sb.append("Query/quickSearch"); //sb.append("?q=quickSearchQuery"); sb.append("?taxons="); sb.append(quickSearchTaxonNode.getLabel()); sb.append("&searchText="); sb.append(searchText); sb.append("&allNames="); sb.append(allNames); sb.append("&pseudogenes="); sb.append(pseudogenes); sb.append("&product="); sb.append(product); sb.append("\""); sb.append(" target=\"_parent\">"); sb.append("<small>"); sb.append(reformatLabel(quickSearchTaxonNode.getLabel())); sb.append("</small>"); sb.append("</a>"); sb.append("<small>"); sb.append("("); sb.append(quickSearchTaxonNode.getMatch()); sb.append(")"); sb.append("</small>"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Re-format label with a dot after first character of the Organism name * @param displayLabel * @return */ private String reformatLabel(String displayLabel){ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(displayLabel); sb.insert(1, ". "); return sb.toString(); } private class QuickSearchTaxonNode { private String label; private int match; private QuickSearchTaxonNode parent; private List<QuickSearchTaxonNode> children = new ArrayList<QuickSearchTaxonNode>(); public String getLabel() { return label; } public void setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; } public int getMatch() { return match; } public void setMatch(int match) { this.match = match; } public QuickSearchTaxonNode getParent() { return parent; } public void setParent(QuickSearchTaxonNode parent) { this.parent = parent; } public List<QuickSearchTaxonNode> getChildren() { return children; } public void setChildren(List<QuickSearchTaxonNode> children) { this.children = children; } public String toString() { if (children.size() == 0) { return String.format("<li>%s(%d)</li>", label, match); } else { String values = null; for (QuickSearchTaxonNode node : children) { values = node.toString() + "\n"; } return String.format("<ul>\n%s</ul>", values); } } } public void setCurrentTaxonNodeName(String currentTaxonNodeName) { this.currentTaxonNodeName = currentTaxonNodeName; } public void setTaxonGroup(TreeMap<String, Integer> taxonGroup) { this.taxonGroup = taxonGroup; } public void setHasResult(String hasResult) { this.hasResult = hasResult; } public void setTop(String top) { = top; } public void setSearchText(String searchText) { this.searchText = searchText; } public void setAllNames(String allNames) { this.allNames = allNames; } public void setPseudogenes(String pseudogenes) { this.pseudogenes = pseudogenes; } public void setProduct(String product) { this.product = product; } }