package org.genedb.web.utils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.genedb.util.SequenceUtils; import; import org.gmod.schema.feature.AbstractExon; import org.gmod.schema.feature.AbstractGene; import org.gmod.schema.feature.Polypeptide; import org.gmod.schema.feature.ProductiveTranscript; import org.gmod.schema.feature.Transcript; import org.gmod.schema.mapped.Feature; import org.gmod.schema.mapped.FeatureLoc; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class DownloadUtils { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DownloadUtils.class); private static int FEATURE_PREFIX_WIDTH = 22; private static int MAX_FEATURE_WIDTH = 18; private static final String FEATURE_TABLE_PREFIX = String.format("%-"+FEATURE_PREFIX_WIDTH+"s", "FT"); private static final int FASTA_WIDTH = 60; private static final int BASES_WIDTH = 10; public static void writeFasta(PrintWriter out, String header, String sequence) { out.print("> "); out.println(header); int startPos = 0; int sequenceLen = sequence.length(); while (startPos < sequenceLen) { int endPos = startPos + FASTA_WIDTH; if (endPos > sequenceLen) { endPos = sequenceLen; } out.println(sequence.substring(startPos, endPos)); startPos += FASTA_WIDTH; } } public static String writeFasta(String header, String sequence) { StringBuilder fasta = new StringBuilder(); fasta.append(">"); fasta.append(header); fasta.append("\n"); int startPos = 0; int sequenceLen = sequence.length(); while (startPos < sequenceLen) { int endPos = startPos + BASES_WIDTH; if (endPos > sequenceLen) { endPos = sequenceLen; } fasta.append(sequence.substring(startPos, endPos)); //fasta.append(" "); startPos += BASES_WIDTH; if(startPos % 60 == 0) { fasta.append("\n"); } } return fasta.toString(); } public static void writeEmblEntry(PrintWriter out, String featureType, boolean forwardStrand, int min, int max, Map<String, String> qualifiers) { if (featureType.length() > MAX_FEATURE_WIDTH) { featureType = featureType.substring(0, MAX_FEATURE_WIDTH); } out.format("FT %-"+(FEATURE_PREFIX_WIDTH-3)+"s", featureType); if (!forwardStrand) { out.print("complement("); } out.print(min - 1 +".."+max); // Interbase conversion if (!forwardStrand) { out.print(")"); } out.println(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> qualifier: qualifiers.entrySet()) { out.println(FEATURE_TABLE_PREFIX+"/"+qualifier.getKey()+"=\""+qualifier.getValue()+"\""); } } public static String writeEmblEntry(String featureType, boolean forwardStrand, int min, int max, Map<String, String> qualifiers) { StringBuilder embl = new StringBuilder(); if (featureType.length() > MAX_FEATURE_WIDTH) { featureType = featureType.substring(0, MAX_FEATURE_WIDTH); } embl.append(String.format("FT %-"+(FEATURE_PREFIX_WIDTH-3)+"s", featureType)); if (!forwardStrand) { embl.append("complement("); } embl.append(min - 1 +".."+max); // Interbase conversion if (!forwardStrand) { embl.append(")"); } embl.append("\n"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> qualifier: qualifiers.entrySet()) { embl.append(FEATURE_TABLE_PREFIX+"/"+qualifier.getKey()+"=\""+qualifier.getValue()+"\""); embl.append("\n"); } return embl.toString(); } public static String getSequence(AbstractGene gene,SequenceType sequenceType, int prime3, int prime5) { boolean reverseCompliment = false; if (gene.getRankZeroFeatureLoc().getStrand() < 0) { reverseCompliment = true; } // the following cases do not need transcripts switch (sequenceType) { case UNSPLICED_DNA: String sequence = gene.getResidues(); if (reverseCompliment) { sequence = SequenceUtils.reverseComplement(sequence); } return sequence; case INTERGENIC_3: return fetchParentSequence(gene, false, prime3, 0); case INTERGENIC_5: return fetchParentSequence(gene, false, 0, prime5); case INTERGENIC_3and5: return fetchParentSequence(gene, true, prime3, prime5); } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (Transcript transcript : gene.getTranscripts()) { String seq = getSequence(transcript, sequenceType, prime3, prime5); sb.append(seq); } return sb.toString(); } public static String getSequence(Transcript transcript, SequenceType sequenceType, int prime3, int prime5) { boolean reverseCompliment = false; if (transcript.getRankZeroFeatureLoc().getStrand() < 0) { reverseCompliment = true; } ProductiveTranscript productiveTranscript = null; if (transcript instanceof ProductiveTranscript) { productiveTranscript = (ProductiveTranscript) transcript; } switch (sequenceType) { case SPLICED_DNA: if (transcript.getResidues() != null) { return new String(transcript.getResidues()); } case UNSPLICED_DNA: String sequence = transcript.getGene().getResidues(); if (reverseCompliment) { sequence = SequenceUtils.reverseComplement(sequence); } return sequence; case PROTEIN: if (productiveTranscript == null) { return null; } try { return new String(productiveTranscript.getProtein().getResidues()); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { logger.error(npe.getStackTrace()); return null; } case INTRON_AND_EXON: if (productiveTranscript == null) { return null; } return getIntronsAndExons(productiveTranscript); case INTERGENIC_3: return fetchParentSequence(transcript, false, prime3, 0); case INTERGENIC_5: return fetchParentSequence(transcript, false, 0, prime5); case INTERGENIC_3and5: return fetchParentSequence(transcript, true, prime3, prime5); } return null; } public static String getSequence(Polypeptide polypeptide, SequenceType sequenceType, int prime3, int prime5) { Transcript transcript = polypeptide.getTranscript(); if (transcript != null) { return getSequence(transcript, sequenceType, prime3, prime5); } return null; } private static class Position { public int start; public int stop; public boolean upper = false; } /** * Retrieves the entire sequence of the transcript, with the exons capitalized. * @author gv1 * @param transcript * @return */ private static String getIntronsAndExons(ProductiveTranscript transcript) { String sequence = new String(); List<Position> positions = new ArrayList<Position>(); int lastPoint = -1; for (AbstractExon exon : transcript.getExons()) { int exonStart = exon.getStart(); if (lastPoint == -1) { lastPoint = exonStart; } int intronStart = exonStart - lastPoint; if (intronStart > 0) { Position intronPosition = new Position(); intronPosition.start = lastPoint; intronPosition.stop = exonStart; positions.add(intronPosition); //logger.debug(intronPosition.start + " ... " + intronPosition.stop); } //logger.debug(exon.getStart() + " <...> " + exon.getStop()); Position exonPosition = new Position(); exonPosition.start = exon.getStart(); exonPosition.stop = exon.getStop(); exonPosition.upper = true; positions.add(exonPosition); lastPoint = exon.getStop(); } for (Position p : positions) { String str; if (p.upper) { str = new String(transcript.getGene().getRankZeroFeatureLoc().getSourceFeature().getResidues(p.start, p.stop).toUpperCase() ); } else { str = new String(transcript.getGene().getRankZeroFeatureLoc().getSourceFeature().getResidues(p.start, p.stop) ); } sequence = sequence.concat(str); } return sequence; } // TODO Check off by one private static String fetchParentSequence(Feature t, boolean includeTranscript, int prime3, int prime5) { // + " --- " + prime5); //System.out.println(String.format("prime3:: %s prime5:: %s", prime3, prime5)); if (prime3>0 && prime5 > 0 && !includeTranscript) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't fetch sequence from both sides of a transcript but not include the transcript"); } if (prime3<0 || prime5 < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't use -ve sequence offsets"); } FeatureLoc fl = t.getRankZeroFeatureLoc(); // + " ,,, " + fl.getFmax()); int start; int end; if (includeTranscript) { start = fl.getFmin() - prime3; end = fl.getFmax() + prime5; } else { if (prime3 > 0) { start = fl.getFmin() - prime3; end = fl.getFmin(); } else { // Prime 5 end start = fl.getFmax(); end = fl.getFmax() + prime5; } } Feature parent = fl.getSourceFeature(); if (start > end) { int tmp = start; start = end; end = tmp; } int parentSequenceLength = parent.getSeqLen(); if (end > parentSequenceLength) { logger.warn(String.format("Correcting end %s to %s (the parent length)", end, parentSequenceLength)); end = parentSequenceLength; } //System.out.println(String.format("START:: %s END:: %s", start, end)); return new String(parent.getResidues(start, end, fl.getStrand() == -1)); } } //public class FastaUtils { // // public static void exportFeatureFasta(Writer w, boolean spaces, Feature feat) throws IOException { // exportFasta(w, feat.getType().getName()+":"+feat.getUniqueName(), feat.getResidues(), spaces); // } // // public static void exportFastaRegion(Writer w, String header, boolean spaces, // Feature feat, Strand strand, int min, int max) throws IOException { // String seq = feat.getResidues(min, max, (strand == Strand.REVERSE)); // exportFasta(w, header, seq, spaces); // } // // // public static void exportFasta(Writer w, String header, String seq, boolean spaces) throws IOException { // w.write('>' + header + '\n'); // int count = 0; // for (char c : seq.toCharArray()) { // if (count % 60 == 0) { // w.write('\n'); // } else { // if (spaces && count % 10 == 0) { // w.write(' '); // } // count++; // } // w.write(c); // count++; // } // } // //} //public class EmblUtils { // // public static void exportEmbl(Writer w, Feature feat, int min, int max, boolean internal, boolean strict, boolean truncateEnds) throws IOException { // exportHeader(); // exportTab(); // exportSequence(w, feat, min, max); // } // // private static void exportSequence(Writer w, Feature feat, int min, int max) throws IOException { // // TODO - ignores strand // String seq = feat.getResidues(min, max); // exportSequence(w, seq); // } // // private static void exportSequence(Writer w, String seq) throws IOException { // // XX // // SQ Sequence 29663 BP; 9792 A; 5106 C; 5232 G; 9533 T; 0 other; // // gatcacgtac atcaccttgt aagaatttat ctgcaatagt ccttcggtat tgtacattgt 60 // // ... // // tggttctgat attgaacaaa tagaactaca aaatatgcct actcctgtga aaaaataatt 29640 // // ttctttatcg ttttcatgat ccc 29663 // // // // pln(w, "XX"); // // // w.write("SQ Sequence "); // w.write(seq.length()); // w.write(" BP;"); // // TODO stats // w.write('\n'); // // for (int i = 0; i < seq.length(); i++) { // char c = seq.charAt(i); // if (i % 60 == 0) { // String count = Integer.toString(i); // w.write(StringUtils.leftPad(" ", 10, count)); // w.write('\n'); // } else { // if (i % 10 == 0) { // w.write(' '); // } // } // w.write(c); // } // if (seq.length() % 60 != 0) { // // TODO cope with remainder on last line // int used = seq.length() % 60; // int toPad = 75; // 10 *6 + 1 *5 + 10 // String count = Integer.toString(seq.length()); // w.write(StringUtils.leftPad(" ", toPad, count)); // w.write('\n'); // } // pln(w, "//"); // } // // private static void pln(Writer w, String line) throws IOException { // w.write(line); // w.write('\n'); // } // // private static void exportTab() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // } // // private static void exportHeader() { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // } //}