package org.genedb.db.loading.auxiliary; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.gmod.schema.feature.AbstractExon; import org.gmod.schema.feature.AbstractGene; import org.gmod.schema.feature.Polypeptide; import org.gmod.schema.feature.Transcript; import org.gmod.schema.mapped.Feature; import org.gmod.schema.mapped.FeatureLoc; import org.gmod.schema.mapped.FeatureRelationship; import org.hibernate.Session; public class LocationLoader extends Loader { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LocationLoader.class); private String delimiter = "\t"; private String sourceFeatureUniqueName; private int n = 0; private int nGenes = 0; private class GFFFeature { Integer fmin; Integer fmax; Integer phase; Short strand; String id; public String toString() { return String.format("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s", id, fmin, fmax, phase, strand); } } @Override protected void doLoad(InputStream inputStream, Session session) throws IOException { Feature sourceFeature = sequenceDao.getFeatureByUniqueName(sourceFeatureUniqueName); if (sourceFeature == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find sourceFeature " + sourceFeatureUniqueName); } BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)); String line; // the GFF may have several lines per ID, pertaining to multiple exons LinkedHashMap<String, List<GFFFeature>> features = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<GFFFeature>>(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith("#")) { continue; } if (line.length() > 0 && line.contains(delimiter)) { String[] split = line.split(delimiter); Integer fmin = Integer.parseInt(split[3]); Integer fmax = Integer.parseInt(split[4]); Short strand = null; if (split[6].equals("-")) { strand = -1; } else if (split[6].equals("+")) { strand = 1; } Integer phase = 0; if (!split[7].equals(".")) { phase = Integer.parseInt(split[7]); } String annotations = split[8]; String id = null; for (String annotation : annotations.split(";")) { String[] kv = annotation.split("="); if (kv[0].equals("ID")) { id = kv[1]; break; } } if (id == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find an ID for this line '" + line + "'"); } GFFFeature gf = new GFFFeature(); gf.fmin = fmin; gf.fmax = fmax; gf.strand = strand; gf.phase = phase; = id; if (!features.containsKey(id)) { features.put(id, new ArrayList<GFFFeature>()); } features.get(id).add(gf); } } List<String> warnings = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Entry<String, List<GFFFeature>> entry : features.entrySet()) { String id = entry.getKey(); List<GFFFeature> gffFeatures = entry.getValue(); Feature feature = sequenceDao.getFeatureByUniqueName(id); if (feature == null) { logger.debug("This feature " + id + " does not exist... skipping"); continue; } assert (feature instanceof AbstractGene); if (feature.getFeatureLocs() != null && feature.getFeatureLocs().size() > 0) { logger.debug("This feature " + id + " has locs... skipping"); continue; } assert (feature.getFeatureLocs() == null); final int expectedExonCount = gffFeatures.size(); int exonIndex = 0; int minFmin = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxFmax = 0; for (FeatureRelationship rel : feature.getFeatureRelationshipsForObjectId()) { Feature mRNA = rel.getSubjectFeature(); GFFFeature gf = gffFeatures.get(exonIndex); assert (; if (gf.fmin < minFmin) { minFmin = gf.fmin; } if (gf.fmax > maxFmax) { maxFmax = gf.fmax; } loc(session, sourceFeature, gf, mRNA); if (mRNA instanceof Transcript) { Transcript transcript = (Transcript) mRNA; Polypeptide p = transcript.getPolypeptide(); loc(session, sourceFeature, gf, p); /* * can't use getExons() here: 2011-12-19 15:44:16,295 ERROR * [org.gmod.schema.mapped.Feature] - * <getRankZeroFeatureLoc: Feature 'Tb11.v5.0111.1:exon:1' * has no FeatureLocs> Exception in thread "main" * java.lang.NullPointerException at * org.gmod.schema.feature.Region.loadLoc( at * org.gmod.schema.feature.Region.compareTo( * at * org.gmod.schema.feature.Region.compareTo( * at java.util.TreeMap.put( at * java.util.TreeSet.add( at * org.gmod.schema * .feature.Transcript.getComponents( at * org * .gmod.schema.feature.Transcript.getExons( * :218) at * org.genedb.db.loading.auxiliary.LocationLoader.doLoad * ( at * org.genedb.db.loading.auxiliary * .Loader.load( at * org.genedb.db.loading.auxiliary.Load.load( * at * org.genedb.db.loading.auxiliary.Load.main( * * for (AbstractExon exon : transcript.getExons()) { */ for (FeatureRelationship relation : transcript.getFeatureRelationshipsForObjectId()) { Feature exon = relation.getSubjectFeature(); if (exon instanceof AbstractExon) { // get the next exon location gf = gffFeatures.get(exonIndex); loc(session, sourceFeature, gf, exon); exonIndex++; //; } } } } // the exonIndex gets incremented above AFTER each exon is found, so // you don't need to add 1 to it here if (expectedExonCount != exonIndex) { warnings.add(String.format("The number of GFF lines for %s is %s, but should should equal the number of exons %s. Manual intervention needed.", feature.getUniqueName(), expectedExonCount, exonIndex)); } GFFFeature gf = new GFFFeature(); gf.fmin = minFmin; gf.fmax = maxFmax; gf.strand = gffFeatures.get(0).strand; gf.phase = gffFeatures.get(0).phase; = id; loc(session, sourceFeature, gf, feature); nGenes++; if (n % 50 == 1) {"Clearing session"); session.flush(); session.clear(); } n++; } for (String warning : warnings) { logger.warn(warning); }"Processed " + nGenes + " genes, and " + n + " features"); session.flush(); session.clear(); } private void loc(Session session, Feature sourceFeature, GFFFeature gf, Feature feature) { List<FeatureLoc> locs = feature.getFeatureLocs(); if (locs != null && locs.size() > 0) { logger.warn(feature.getUniqueName() + " already had locs, skipping..."); return; }"%s\t%s", feature.getUniqueName(), gf)); FeatureLoc loc = new FeatureLoc(sourceFeature, feature, gf.fmin, false, gf.fmax, false, gf.strand, gf.phase, 0, 0); session.persist(loc); } @Override protected Set<String> getOptionNames() { Set<String> options = new HashSet<String>(); Collections.addAll(options, "sourceFeature"); return options; } @Override protected boolean processOption(String optionName, String optionValue) {"Setting option: '%s' :: '%s'", optionName, optionValue)); if (optionName.equals("sourceFeature")) { sourceFeatureUniqueName = optionValue; return true; } return false; } }