package org.gmod.schema.mapped; import static javax.persistence.GenerationType.SEQUENCE; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.FetchType; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import javax.persistence.SequenceGenerator; import javax.persistence.Table; import javax.persistence.Transient; @Entity @Table(name="pub") public class Pub implements Serializable { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Pub.class); // Fields @SequenceGenerator(name="generator", sequenceName="pub_pub_id_seq", allocationSize = 1) @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=SEQUENCE, generator="generator") @Column(name="pub_id", unique=false, nullable=false, insertable=true, updatable=true) private int pubId; @ManyToOne(cascade={}, fetch=FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name="type_id", unique=false, nullable=false, insertable=true, updatable=true) private CvTerm type; @Column(name="title", unique=false, nullable=true, insertable=true, updatable=true) private String title; @Column(name="volumetitle", unique=false, nullable=true, insertable=true, updatable=true) private String volumeTitle; @Column(name="volume", unique=false, nullable=true, insertable=true, updatable=true) private String volume; @Column(name="series_name", unique=false, nullable=true, insertable=true, updatable=true) private String seriesName; @Column(name="issue", unique=false, nullable=true, insertable=true, updatable=true) private String issue; @Column(name="pyear", unique=false, nullable=true, insertable=true, updatable=true) private String pyear; @Column(name="pages", unique=false, nullable=true, insertable=true, updatable=true) private String pages; @Column(name="miniref", unique=false, nullable=true, insertable=true, updatable=true) private String miniRef; @Column(name="uniquename", unique=true, nullable=false, insertable=true, updatable=true) private String uniqueName; @Column(name="is_obsolete", unique=false, nullable=true, insertable=true, updatable=true) private Boolean obsolete; @Column(name="publisher", unique=false, nullable=true, insertable=true, updatable=true) private String publisher; @Column(name="pubplace", unique=false, nullable=true, insertable=true, updatable=true) private String pubPlace; @OneToMany(cascade={}, fetch=FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="pub") private Collection<PubAuthor> pubAuthors; @OneToMany(cascade={}, fetch=FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="pubBySubjectId") private Collection<PubRelationship> pubRelationshipsForSubjectId; @OneToMany(cascade={}, fetch=FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="pubByObjectId") private Collection<PubRelationship> pubRelationshipsForObjectId; @OneToMany(cascade={}, fetch=FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="pub") private Collection<PubDbXRef> pubDbXRefs; @OneToMany(cascade={}, fetch=FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="pub") private Collection<PubProp> pubProps; // Constructors public Pub() { // Deliberately empty default constructor } /** minimal constructor */ public Pub(String uniqueName, CvTerm type) { this.uniqueName = uniqueName; this.type = type; } // Property accessors public int getPubId() { return this.pubId; } public CvTerm getType() { return this.type; } void setType(CvTerm cvTerm) { this.type = cvTerm; } public String getTitle() { return this.title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public String getVolumeTitle() { return this.volumeTitle; } public void setVolumeTitle(String volumeTitle) { this.volumeTitle = volumeTitle; } public String getVolume() { return this.volume; } public void setVolume(String volume) { this.volume = volume; } public String getSeriesName() { return this.seriesName; } public void setSeriesName(String seriesName) { this.seriesName = seriesName; } public String getIssue() { return this.issue; } public void setIssue(String issue) { this.issue = issue; } public String getPyear() { return this.pyear; } public void setPyear(String pyear) { this.pyear = pyear; } public String getPages() { return this.pages; } public void setPages(String pages) { this.pages = pages; } public String getMiniRef() { return this.miniRef; } public void setMiniRef(String miniRef) { this.miniRef = miniRef; } public String getUniqueName() { return this.uniqueName; } public void setUniqueName(String uniqueName) { this.uniqueName = uniqueName; } public Boolean isObsolete() { return this.obsolete; } public void setObsolete(Boolean obsolete) { this.obsolete = obsolete; } public String getPublisher() { return this.publisher; } public void setPublisher(String publisher) { this.publisher = publisher; } public String getPubPlace() { return this.pubPlace; } public void setPubPlace(String pubPlace) { this.pubPlace = pubPlace; } public Collection<PubAuthor> getPubAuthors() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(this.pubAuthors); } public Collection<PubRelationship> getPubRelationshipsForObjectId() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(this.pubRelationshipsForObjectId); } @Transient private Object pubDbXRefsLock = new Object(); public Collection<PubDbXRef> getPubDbXRefs() { synchronized(pubDbXRefsLock) { if (pubDbXRefs == null) { pubDbXRefs = new HashSet<PubDbXRef>(); } return this.pubDbXRefs; } } public PubDbXRef addDbXRef(DbXRef dbXRef, boolean current) { synchronized(pubDbXRefsLock) { if (pubDbXRefs == null) { pubDbXRefs = new HashSet<PubDbXRef>(); } for (PubDbXRef pubDbXRef: pubDbXRefs) { DbXRef existingDbXRef = pubDbXRef.getDbXRef(); if (existingDbXRef.equals(dbXRef)) { if (pubDbXRef.isCurrent() && !current) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "The pub '%s' (ID=%d) already has a current DbXRef '%s'; trying to add a non-current one", getUniqueName(), getPubId(), existingDbXRef)); } if (!pubDbXRef.isCurrent() && current) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "The pub '%s' (ID=%d) already has a non-current DbXRef '%s'; trying to add a current one", getUniqueName(), getPubId(), existingDbXRef)); } logger.debug(String.format("The pub '%s' (ID=%d) already has DbXRef '%s'", getUniqueName(), getPubId(), dbXRef)); return pubDbXRef; } } PubDbXRef pubDbXRef = new PubDbXRef(this, dbXRef, current); pubDbXRefs.add(pubDbXRef); return pubDbXRef; } } public Collection<DbXRef> getCurrentDbXRefs() { synchronized(pubDbXRefsLock) { if (pubDbXRefs == null) { pubDbXRefs = new HashSet<PubDbXRef>(); } Collection<DbXRef> dbXRefs = new HashSet<DbXRef>(); for (PubDbXRef pubDbXRef: this.pubDbXRefs) { if (pubDbXRef.isCurrent()) { dbXRefs.add(pubDbXRef.getDbXRef()); } } return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(dbXRefs); } } public Collection<PubProp> getPubProps() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(this.pubProps); } public void addPubProp(PubProp pubProp) { this.pubProps.add(pubProp); pubProp.setPub(this); } public Collection<PubRelationship> getPubRelationshipsForSubjectId() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(this.pubRelationshipsForSubjectId); } }