package org.genedb.db.adhoc; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Insert a leaf phylonode (corresponding to an organism that already exists in the organism table) * into phylotree 1. This code has very few external dependencies: it needs only the PostgreSQL * JDBC driver to run. * <p> * Usage is of the form * <pre>java PhylonodeManager <jdbc URL> <database username> [<parent phylonode label> <organism common name>]</pre> * if the optional arguments are omitted, it just prints a textual representation of the phylotree to standard output. Otherwise it * inserts the new node, then prints the resulting tree. * * You can run it as follows (on one line for ease of copypasta): * * java -classpath lib/postgresql-8.3-603.jdbc4.jar:ant-build/dist/genedb-access.jar org.genedb.db.adhoc.PhylonodeManager jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/pathogens * * @author rh11 * */ public class PhylonodeManager { public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { if (args.length < 3 || args.length > 5) { System.err.println("Usage: java PhylonodeManager <jdbc URL> <database username> list"); System.err.println(" java PhylonodeManager <jdbc URL> <database username> insert <parent phylonode label> <organism common name>"); System.err.println(" java PhylonodeManager <jdbc URL> <database username> delete <phylonode label>"); System.exit(1); } String jdbcURL = args[0]; String databaseUsername = args[1]; String operation = args[2]; String databasePassword = System.getProperty("password"); if (databasePassword == null) { databasePassword = new String( System.console().readPassword("Password for %s @ %s: ", databaseUsername, jdbcURL) ); } Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcURL, databaseUsername, databasePassword); PhylonodeManager phylonodeManager = new PhylonodeManager(conn); if (operation.equals("list")) { System.out.println(phylonodeManager.root); } else if (operation.equals("insert")) { String parentPhylonodeLabel = args[3]; String organismCommonName = args[4]; phylonodeManager.insertBelow(organismCommonName, parentPhylonodeLabel); System.out.println(phylonodeManager.root); } else if (operation.equals("delete")) { String phylonodeLabel = args[3]; phylonodeManager.delete(phylonodeLabel); System.out.println(phylonodeManager.root); } conn.close(); } private Connection conn; private Phylonode root; private PhylonodeManager(Connection conn) throws SQLException { this.conn = conn; this.root = getRootPhylonode(); } private Phylonode getRootPhylonode() throws SQLException { Phylonode root = null; PreparedStatement st = conn.prepareStatement("select * from phylonode order by left_idx"); try { ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { int phylonodeId = rs.getInt("phylonode_id"); int leftIndex = rs.getInt("left_idx"); int rightIndex = rs.getInt("right_idx"); double distance = rs.getDouble("distance"); String label = rs.getString("label"); Phylonode phylonode = new Phylonode(phylonodeId, leftIndex, rightIndex, distance, label); int parentPhylonodeId = rs.getInt("parent_phylonode_id"); if (rs.wasNull()) { root = phylonode; } else { Phylonode parentPhylonode = Phylonode.phylonodesById.get(parentPhylonodeId); if (parentPhylonode == null) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format("Phylonode '%s' (ID=%d) has parent ID=%d, which we cannot find", label, phylonodeId, parentPhylonodeId)); } phylonode.setParent(parentPhylonode); } } } finally { try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } if (root == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No root found!"); } return root; } private void insertBelow(String organismCommonName, String parentPhylonodeLabel) throws SQLException { Phylonode parent = Phylonode.getByLabel(parentPhylonodeLabel); Phylonode child = new Phylonode(0, 0, 0, 1 + parent.distance, organismCommonName); child.setParent(parent); conn.setAutoCommit(false); root.insertNewNodes(conn); root.recomputeIndexes(conn); conn.commit(); } private void delete(String phylonodeLabel) throws SQLException { Phylonode.getByLabel(phylonodeLabel).delete(conn); root.recomputeIndexes(conn); conn.commit(); } } class Phylonode { static Map<String,Phylonode> phylonodesByLabel = new HashMap<String,Phylonode>(); static Map<Integer,Phylonode> phylonodesById = new HashMap<Integer,Phylonode>(); int phylonodeId; int leftIndex, rightIndex; double distance; String label; List<Phylonode> children = new ArrayList<Phylonode>(); Phylonode parent; Phylonode(int phylonodeId, int leftIndex, int rightIndex, double distance, String label) { this.phylonodeId = phylonodeId; this.leftIndex = leftIndex; this.rightIndex = rightIndex; this.distance = distance; this.label = label; phylonodesByLabel.put(label, this); phylonodesById.put(phylonodeId, this); } void setParent(Phylonode parent) { if (parent == null) { throw new NullPointerException("parent is null"); } this.parent = parent; parent.children.add(this); } public void recomputeIndexes(Connection conn) throws SQLException { recomputeIndexes(conn, 1); afterUpdatingIndexes(conn); } private int recomputeIndexes(Connection conn, int previousIndex) throws SQLException { int oldLeftIndex = this.leftIndex; int oldRightIndex = this.rightIndex; int index = previousIndex + 1; this.leftIndex = index; for (Phylonode child: children) { index = child.recomputeIndexes(conn, index); } this.rightIndex = ++index; if (oldLeftIndex != leftIndex || oldRightIndex != rightIndex) { updateIndexesForNode(conn); } return this.rightIndex; } void updateIndexesForNode(Connection conn) throws SQLException { System.out.printf("Updating phylonode '%s' [ID=%d] with left_idx=%d and right_idx=%d\n", label, phylonodeId, leftIndex, rightIndex); /* If we set the left_idx and right_idx directly to the desired values, we can get * uniqueness violation - the combination (phylotree_id, left_idx, right_idx) must * be unique. We avoid this problem by setting them to the negation of the desired * values; then, when all updates have been done, the method afterUpdatingIndexes * is called to make all the values positive. This all happens within a transaction, * so should not be visible to other database transactions. */ PreparedStatement st = conn.prepareStatement( "update phylonode set left_idx = -?, right_idx = -? where phylonode_id = ?" ); try { st.setInt(1, leftIndex); st.setInt(2, rightIndex); st.setInt(3, phylonodeId); int numRows = st.executeUpdate(); if (numRows != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected one row to be affected, not " + numRows); } } finally { try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } } private void afterUpdatingIndexes(Connection conn) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement st = conn.prepareStatement( "update phylonode set left_idx = -left_idx, right_idx = -right_idx "+ "where phylotree_id = 1 and (left_idx < 0 or right_idx < 0)" ); try { st.executeUpdate(); } finally { try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } } void insertNewNodes(Connection conn) throws SQLException { if (phylonodeId == 0) { phylonodeId = insertNode(conn); } for (Phylonode child: children) { child.insertNewNodes(conn); } } private int insertNode(Connection conn) throws SQLException { System.out.printf("Inserting phylonode '%s'\n", label); PreparedStatement st = conn.prepareStatement( " insert into phylonode ("+ " phylotree_id, parent_phylonode_id, left_idx, right_idx, distance, label"+ " ) values ("+ " 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?"+ " )" ); try { st.setInt(1, parent.phylonodeId); st.setInt(2, leftIndex); st.setInt(3, rightIndex); st.setDouble(4, distance); st.setString(5, label); st.executeUpdate(); } finally { try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } st = conn.prepareStatement( " insert into phylonode_organism (phylonode_id, organism_id) ("+ " select currval('phylonode_phylonode_id_seq'::regclass), organism_id"+ " from organism where common_name = ?"+ " )" ); try { st.setString(1, label); // Assume the label is the same as the common_name of the organism st.executeUpdate(); } finally { try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } st = conn.prepareStatement("select currval('phylonode_phylonode_id_seq'::regclass)"); try { ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();; return rs.getInt(1); } finally { try {st.close();} catch (SQLException e) { } } } public void delete(Connection conn) throws SQLException { boolean removed = this.parent.children.remove(this); if (!removed) { throw new RuntimeException("Internal error: phylonode not a child of its own parent"); } System.out.printf("Deleting phylonode '%s'\n", label); PreparedStatement st = conn.prepareStatement( " delete from phylonode"+ " where phylonode_id = ?" ); try { st.setInt(1, this.phylonodeId); st.executeUpdate(); } finally { try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } } public static Phylonode getByLabel(String label) { Phylonode phylonode = phylonodesByLabel.get(label); if (phylonode != null) { return phylonode; } // We can't find a phylonode with that label, so try treating it as a numeric id try { phylonode = phylonodesById.get(Integer.parseInt(label)); if (phylonode != null) { return phylonode; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Ignore for now, because we're about to throw an exception anyway } throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Could not find phylonode '%s'", label)); } @Override public String toString() { return toString(0); } public String toString(int indent) { String spaces = indent == 0 ? "" : String.format("%" + indent + "s", ""); StringBuilder childString = new StringBuilder(); for (Phylonode child: children) { childString.append(child.toString(indent + 2)); } return String.format("%s[%d] %s (left=%d, right=%d)\n%s", spaces, phylonodeId, label, leftIndex, rightIndex, childString); } }