package org.genedb.web.mvc.model; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; //import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAlias; public class FeatureDTO implements Serializable { //private static final transient Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TranscriptDTO.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 3878466785198622703L; private Map<String,Object> algorithmData; private boolean anAlternateTranscript; private List<String> clusterIds; private List<String> comments; private List<FeatureCvTermDTO> controlledCurations; @XStreamAlias("dbxrefs") private List<DbXRefDTO> dbXRefDTOs; private String geneName; private List<FeatureCvTermDTO> goBiologicalProcesses; private List<FeatureCvTermDTO> goCellularComponents; private List<FeatureCvTermDTO> goMolecularFunctions; private long lastModified = Long.MIN_VALUE; private int max; private int min; private List<String> notes; private List<String> obsoleteNames; private String organismCommonName; private String organismHtmlShortName; private List<String> orthologueNames; private List<FeatureCvTermDTO> products; private String properName; private boolean proteinCoding; private boolean pseudo; private List<String> publications; private short strand; private Map<String, List<String>> synonymsByTypes; private String topLevelFeatureDisplayName; private int topLevelFeatureLength; private String topLevelFeatureType; private String topLevelFeatureUniqueName; private String typeDescription; private String uniqueName; private boolean selenoprotein = false; public FeatureDTO() { super(); } public boolean isSelenoprotein() { return selenoprotein; } public void setSelenoprotein(boolean selenoprotein) { this.selenoprotein = selenoprotein; } // public boolean isProperGeneName() { // //<c:if test="${!empty dto.geneName && dto.geneName != dto.uniqueName}"> // // if (getGeneName() == null || getGeneName().length() < 1) { // return false; // } // if (getUniqueName().matches(getGeneName()+":\\w+")) { // return false; // } // if (getUniqueName().matches(getGeneName()+"\\.\\w+")) { // return false; // } // return true; // } public Map<String, Object> getAlgorithmData() { return algorithmData; } public List<String> getClusterIds() { return listOrEmptyList(clusterIds); } public List<String> getComments() { return comments; } public List<FeatureCvTermDTO> getControlledCurations() { return listOrEmptyList(controlledCurations); } public List<DbXRefDTO> getDbXRefDTOs() { return listOrEmptyList(dbXRefDTOs); } public String getGeneName() { return geneName; } public List<FeatureCvTermDTO> getGoBiologicalProcesses() { return listOrEmptyList(goBiologicalProcesses); } public List<FeatureCvTermDTO> getGoCellularComponents() { return listOrEmptyList(goCellularComponents); } public List<FeatureCvTermDTO> getGoMolecularFunctions() { return listOrEmptyList(goMolecularFunctions); } /** * Get a summary of the protein map for this transcript * * @return the details for the protein map, or null if it shouldn't be shown */ // public ImageMapSummary getIms() { // return ims; // } public long getLastModified() { return lastModified; } public String getLocation() { return String.format("%d - %d %s", min, max, (this.strand < 0) ? " (reverse strand)" : "" ); } public int getMax() { return max; } public int getMin() { return min; } public List<String> getNotes() { return notes; } public List<String> getObsoleteNames() { return listOrEmptyList(obsoleteNames); } public String getOrganismCommonName() { return organismCommonName; } public String getOrganismHtmlShortName() { return organismHtmlShortName; } public List<String> getOrthologueNames() { return listOrEmptyList(orthologueNames); } public List<FeatureCvTermDTO> getProducts() { return listOrEmptyList(products); } public String getProperName() { return properName; } public List<String> getPublications() { return listOrEmptyList(publications); } public void setSynonymsByTypes(Map<String, List<String>> synonymsByTypes) { this.synonymsByTypes = synonymsByTypes; } public Map<String, List<String>> getSynonymsByTypes() { return synonymsByTypes; } public String getTopLevelFeatureDisplayName() { return topLevelFeatureDisplayName; } public int getTopLevelFeatureLength() { return topLevelFeatureLength; } public String getTopLevelFeatureType() { return topLevelFeatureType; } public String getTopLevelFeatureUniqueName() { return topLevelFeatureUniqueName; } public String getTypeDescription() { return typeDescription; } public String getUniqueName() { return uniqueName; } public boolean isAnAlternateTranscript() { return anAlternateTranscript; } public boolean isProteinCoding() { return proteinCoding; } public boolean isPseudo() { return pseudo; } public void setAlgorithmData(Map<String, Object> algorithmData) { this.algorithmData = algorithmData; } public void setAnAlternateTranscript(boolean anAlternateTranscript) { this.anAlternateTranscript = anAlternateTranscript; } public void setClusterIds(List<String> clusterIds) { this.clusterIds = clusterIds; } public void setComments(List<String> comments) { this.comments = comments; } public void setControlledCurations(List<FeatureCvTermDTO> controlledCurations) { this.controlledCurations = controlledCurations; } public void setDbXRefDTOs(List<DbXRefDTO> dbXRefDTOs) { this.dbXRefDTOs = dbXRefDTOs; } public void setGeneName(String geneName) { this.geneName = geneName; } public void setGoBiologicalProcesses(List<FeatureCvTermDTO> goBiologicalProcesses) { this.goBiologicalProcesses = goBiologicalProcesses; } public void setGoCellularComponents(List<FeatureCvTermDTO> goCellularComponents) { this.goCellularComponents = goCellularComponents; } public void setGoMolecularFunctions(List<FeatureCvTermDTO> goMolecularFunctions) { this.goMolecularFunctions = goMolecularFunctions; } // public void setIms(ImageMapSummary ims) { // this.ims = ims; // } public void setLastModified(long lastModified) { this.lastModified = lastModified; } public void setMax(int max) { this.max = max; } public void setMin(int min) { this.min = min; } public void setNotes(List<String> notes) { this.notes = notes; } public void setObsoleteNames(List<String> obsoleteNames) { this.obsoleteNames = obsoleteNames; } public void setOrganismCommonName(String organismCommonName) { this.organismCommonName = organismCommonName; } public void setOrganismHtmlShortName(String organismHtmlShortName) { this.organismHtmlShortName = organismHtmlShortName; } public void setOrthologueNames(List<String> orthologueNames) { this.orthologueNames = orthologueNames; } public void setProducts(List<FeatureCvTermDTO> products) { this.products = products; } public void setProperName(String properName) { this.properName = properName; } public void setProteinCoding(boolean proteinCoding) { this.proteinCoding = proteinCoding; } public void setPseudo(boolean pseudo) { this.pseudo = pseudo; } public void setPublications(List<String> publications) { this.publications = publications; } public void setStrand(short strand) { this.strand = strand; } public Short getStrand() { return strand; } // public void setGeneSynonyms(List<String> geneSynonyms) { // this.geneSynonyms = geneSynonyms; // } public void setTopLevelFeatureDisplayName(String topLevelFeatureDisplayName) { this.topLevelFeatureDisplayName = topLevelFeatureDisplayName; } public void setTopLevelFeatureLength(int topLevelFeatureLength) { this.topLevelFeatureLength = topLevelFeatureLength; } public void setTopLevelFeatureType(String topLevelFeatureType) { this.topLevelFeatureType = topLevelFeatureType; } public void setTopLevelFeatureUniqueName(String topLevelFeatureUniqueName) { this.topLevelFeatureUniqueName = topLevelFeatureUniqueName; } public void setTypeDescription(String typeDescription) { this.typeDescription = typeDescription; } public void setUniqueName(String uniqueName) { this.uniqueName = uniqueName; } private <T> List<T> listOrEmptyList(List<T> list) { if (list == null || list.size() == 0) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return list; } }