package org.genedb.web.mvc.model.load; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import org.genedb.web.mvc.model.types.DBXRefType; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.ParameterizedRowMapper; public class DbxRefMapper implements ParameterizedRowMapper<DBXRefType> { public static final String SQL ="select accession,, db.urlprefix " + " from feature_dbxref fdbx, dbxref, db" + " where fdbx.feature_id = ?" + " and fdbx.dbxref_id = dbxref.dbxref_id" + " and dbxref.db_id = db.db_id"; public static final String FEATURE_CVTERM_SQL = "select accession,, db.urlprefix " + " from feature_cvterm_dbxref fcvtdb, dbxref, db" + " where fcvtdb.feature_cvterm_id = ?" + " and fcvtdb.dbxref_id = dbxref.dbxref_id" + " and dbxref.db_id = db.db_id"; @Override public DBXRefType mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowCount) throws SQLException { return new DBXRefType( rs.getString("accession"), rs.getString("name"), rs.getString("urlprefix")); } }