package abbot.tester.swt; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext; import javax.accessibility.AccessibleIcon; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Decorations; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget; import abbot.BugReport; import abbot.Log; import abbot.WaitTimedOutError; import abbot.finder.swt.SWTHierarchy; import abbot.finder.swt.TestHierarchy; import abbot.script.Condition; import com.windowtester.runtime.swt.internal.abbot.SWTWorkarounds; import com.windowtester.runtime.swt.internal.operation.SWTKeyOperation; import com.windowtester.runtime.swt.internal.operation.SWTPushEventOperation; /** * This is the base class for tester objects. WidgetTester primarily contains * three types of methods: * <ol> * <li>action* methods, for executing a particular action on a widget</li> * <li>get* methods, for obtaining info about the current state of a widget from any thread</li> * <li>assert* methods, for making assertions about a widget's state from any thread</li> * </ol> * * @author Kevin Dale * @version $Id:,v 1.5 2007-11-13 23:57:14 pq Exp $ */ /* TODO: * * 1) Where should swt extensions go (as is, in abbot.tester.extensions)? * [for now, we'll leave it in abbot.tester.extensions] * 2) Are we to put waitForIdle() calls here, or not? * [for now, we'll include them only where they were included before] * 3) What params should keyPress,keyRelease,etc take? * [for now, we'll NOT use strings as with ComponentTester] */ public class WidgetTester extends Robot { public static final String copyright = "Licensed Materials -- Property of IBM\n"+ "(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 2003\nUS Government "+ "Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA "+ "ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp."; //!pq: flag to indicate whether to emit verbose trace info to the console private static final boolean TRACE = false; private TestHierarchy hierarchy = null; /* for use in deriveTag across recursive calls */ /** * These getter methods return a particular property of the given widget. * @see the corresponding member function in class Widget */ /* Begin getters */ /** * Proxy for {@link Widget#getData()}. * <p/> * @param w the widget to obtain the data from. * @return the data stored with the widget. */ public Object getData(final Widget w){ Object result = Robot.syncExec(w.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return w.getData(); } }); return result; } /** * Proxy for {@link Widget#getData(java.lang.String)}. * <p/> * @param w the widget to obtain the data from. * @param key the key under which the data is stored. * @return the data associated with the key given. */ public Object getData(final Widget w, final String key){ Object result = Robot.syncExec(w.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return w.getData(key); } }); return result; } /** * Proxy for {@link Widget#getDisplay()}. * <p/> * @param w the widget to obtain the display from. * @return the display associated with the widget given. */ public Display getDisplay(final Widget w){ Display result = (Display)Robot.syncExec(w.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return w.getDisplay(); } }); return result; } /** * Proxy for {@link Widget#getStyle()}. * <p/> * @param w the widget to obtain the style for. * @return the style. */ public int getStyle(final Widget w){ Integer result = (Integer) Robot.syncExec(w.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return new Integer(w.getStyle()); } }); return result.intValue(); } /** * Proxy for {@link Widget#isDisposed()}. * <p/> * @param w the widget to ask. * @return true if the widget has been disposed. */ public boolean isDisposed(final Widget w){ Boolean result = (Boolean) Robot.syncExec(w.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return Boolean.valueOf(w.isDisposed()); } }); return result.booleanValue(); } /** * Proxy for {@link Widget#isListening(int eventType)}. * <p/> * @param w the widget to ask. * @return true if the widget is listening for the given event. */ public boolean isListening(final Widget w, final int eventType){ Boolean result = (Boolean) Robot.syncExec(w.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return Boolean.valueOf(SWTWorkarounds.isListening(w, eventType)); } }); return result.booleanValue(); } /** * Proxy for {@link Widget#toString()}. * <p/> * @param w the widget to obtain the toString from. * @return */ public static String toString(final Widget w){ //@todo: this is static b/c super class Robot overrides toString to be static String result = (String)Robot.syncExec(w.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return w.toString(); } }); return result; } /* End getters */ /* Begin setters/adders */ /** * Proxy for {@link Widget#addDisposeListener(}. * <p/> * @param w the widget to add the listener to. * @param disposeListener the listener to add. */ public void addDisposeListener(final Widget w, final DisposeListener disposeListener) { Robot.syncExec(w.getDisplay(), null, new Runnable() { public void run() { w.addDisposeListener(disposeListener); } }); } /** * Proxy for {@link Widget#addListener(int, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener)}. * <p/> * @param w the Widget to add the listener to. * @param eventType the eventType for which a listener to add. * @param listener the listener to add. */ public void addListener(final Widget w, final int eventType, final Listener listener) { Robot.syncExec(w.getDisplay(), null, new Runnable() { public void run() { w.addListener(eventType, listener); } }); } /** * Proxy for {@link Widget#notifyListeners(int, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event)}. * <p/> * @param w the widgets which listeners should be notified. * @param eventType the eventType to notify. * @param event the event to issue. */ public void notifyListeners(final Widget w, final int eventType, final Event event) { Robot.syncExec(w.getDisplay(), null, new Runnable() { public void run() { w.notifyListeners(eventType, event); } }); } /** * Proxy for {@link Widget#removeDisposeListener(}. * <p/> * @param w the Widget from which to remove the DisposeListener. * @param disposeListener the listener to remove. */ public void removeDisposeListener(final Widget w, final DisposeListener disposeListener) { Robot.syncExec(w.getDisplay(), null, new Runnable() { public void run() { w.removeDisposeListener(disposeListener); } }); } /** * Proxy for {@link Widget#removeListener(int, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener)}. * <p/> * @param w the Widget from which the listener to remove. * @param eventType the eventType being removed. * @param listener the listener to remove. */ public void removeListener(final Widget w, final int eventType, final Listener listener ) { Robot.syncExec(w.getDisplay(), null, new Runnable() { public void run() { w.removeListener(eventType, listener); } }); } /** * Proxy for {@link Widget#setData(java.lang.Object)}. * <p/> * @param w the Widget whichs data should be set. * @param data the data to set. */ public void setData(final Widget w, final Object data) { Robot.syncExec(w.getDisplay(), null, new Runnable() { public void run() { w.setData(data); } }); } /** * Proxy for {@link Widget#setData(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)}. * <p/> * @param w the widget whichs data to set. * @param key the key under shich the data should be stored. * @param data the data to store. */ public void setData(final Widget w, final String key, final Object data) { Robot.syncExec(w.getDisplay(), null, new Runnable() { public void run() { w.setData(key, data); } }); } /* End setters/adders */ /* * TODO: Copied from old DefaultWidgetFinder. Is this the right place for this? */ public String getWidgetText(final Widget widget){ String res = null; Method getText=null; WidgetTester tester=null; Class[] paramTypes = {widget.getClass()}; Object[] params = {widget}; boolean foundMethod = false; Class widgetClass = widget.getClass(); while(!foundMethod && (tester==null||tester.getClass()!=WidgetTester.class)){ try{ //getText = widget.getClass().getMethod("getText",null); tester = WidgetTester.getTester(widgetClass); getText =tester.getClass().getMethod("getText",paramTypes); foundMethod = true; } catch(NoSuchMethodException nsme){ widgetClass = widgetClass.getSuperclass(); paramTypes[0]=widgetClass; } } if(getText==null) return null; try{ res = (String)getText.invoke(tester,params); } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return res; } /** * Get the location of the widget in global screen coordinates **/ public Point getGlobalLocation(Widget w){ return getGlobalLocation(w,true); } /** * Get the location of the widget in global screen coordinates, * optionally ignoring the 'trimmings'. */ public Point getGlobalLocation(final Widget w, final boolean ignoreBorder){ Point result = (Point) Robot.syncExec(w.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return WidgetLocator.getLocation(w,ignoreBorder); } }); return result; } /** * Get the bounding rectangle for the given Widget in global * screen coordinates. */ public Rectangle getGlobalBounds(Widget w){ return getGlobalBounds(w,true); } /** * Get the bounding rectangle for the given Widget in global * screen coordinates, optionally ignoring the 'trimmings'. */ public Rectangle getGlobalBounds(final Widget w, final boolean ignoreBorder){ Rectangle result = (Rectangle) Robot.syncExec(w.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return WidgetLocator.getBounds(w,ignoreBorder); } }); return result; } /** Maps class names to their corresponding Tester object. */ private static HashMap testers = new HashMap(); /** Establish the given WidgetTester as the one to use for the given * class. This may be used to override the default tester for a given * core class. Note that this will only work with widgets loaded by //// * the framework class loader, not those loaded by the class loader for //// * the code under test. //// */ public static void setTester(Class forClass, WidgetTester tester) { testers.put(forClass.getName(), tester); } /** Return the appropriate Tester for the given object. */ public static WidgetTester getTester(Widget widget) { return widget != null ? getTester(widget.getClass()) : getTester(Widget.class); } /** * Factory method. */ public static WidgetTester getWidgetTester() { return (WidgetTester)(getTester(Widget.class)); } /** Find the corresponding Tester object for the given widget class, chaining up the inheritance tree if no specific tester is found for that class.<p> The abbot tester package is searched first, followed by the tester extensions package. */ public static WidgetTester getTester(Class widgetClass) { Log.debug("Looking up tester for " + widgetClass); if (!Widget.class.isAssignableFrom(widgetClass)) { String msg = "Class " + widgetClass.getName() + " is not derived from org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget"; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } WidgetTester tester = (WidgetTester) testers.get(widgetClass.getName()); if (tester == null) { String cname = simpleClassName(widgetClass) + "Tester"; String pkg = WidgetTester.class.getPackage().getName(); tester = findTester(pkg + "." + cname, widgetClass); if (tester == null) { tester = findTester(pkg + ".extensions." + cname, widgetClass); if (tester == null) { tester = getTester(widgetClass.getSuperclass()); } } if (tester != null && !tester.isExtension()) { // Only cache it if it's part of the standard framework, // but cache it for every level that we looked up, so we // don't repeat the effort. testers.put(widgetClass.getName(), tester); } } return tester; } //\/(extensions to swt stuff may go elsewhere) /** Return whether this tester is an extension. */ public final boolean isExtension() { return getClass().getName().startsWith("abbot.tester.extensions"); } /** Look up the given class, using special class loading rules to maintain framework consistency. */ private static Class resolveClass(String testerName, Class widgetClass) throws ClassNotFoundException { // Extension testers must be loaded in the context of the code under // test. Class cls; if (testerName.startsWith("abbot.tester.extensions")) { cls = Class.forName(testerName, true, widgetClass.getClassLoader()); } else { cls = Class.forName(testerName); } Log.debug("Loaded class " + testerName + " with " + cls.getClassLoader()); return cls; } ///\ /** Look up the given class with a specific class loader. */ private static WidgetTester findTester(String testerName, Class widgetClass) { WidgetTester tester = null; Class testerClass = null; try { testerClass = resolveClass(testerName, widgetClass); tester = (WidgetTester)testerClass.newInstance(); } catch(InstantiationException ie) { Log.warn(ie); } catch(IllegalAccessException iae) { Log.warn(iae); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnf) { //Log.debug("Class " + testerName + " not found"); } catch(ClassCastException cce) { throw new BugReport("Class loader conflict: environment " + WidgetTester.class.getClassLoader() + " vs. " + testerClass.getClassLoader()); } return tester; } // /** // * @deprecated // */ // protected abbot.swt.WidgetFinder getFinder() { // return abbot.swt.DefaultWidgetFinder.getFinder(); // } /** Derive a tag from the given accessible context if possible, or return * null. */ protected String deriveAccessibleTag(AccessibleContext context) { String tag = null; if (context != null) { if (context.getAccessibleName() != null) { tag = context.getAccessibleName(); } if ((tag == null || "".equals(tag)) && context.getAccessibleIcon() != null && context.getAccessibleIcon().length > 0) { AccessibleIcon[] icons = context.getAccessibleIcon(); tag = icons[0].getAccessibleIconDescription(); if (tag != null) { tag = tag.substring(tag.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); tag = tag.substring(tag.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1); } } } return tag; } private static final String[] tagMethods = { "getText", "getData" }; private static final Class[][] tagParamTypes = { null, {String.class} }; private static final Object[][] tagArgs = { null, {"name"} }; /** Return a reasonable identifier for the given widget. */ public static String getTag(Widget widget) { return getTester(widget.getClass()).deriveTag(widget); } /** Provide a String that is fairly distinct for the given widget. For * a generic widget, attempt to look up some common patterns such as a * title or label. Derived classes should absolutely override this method * if such a String exists.<p> * Don't use widget names as tags.<p> */ public String deriveTag(Widget widget) { Method m = null; String tag = null; // Try a few default methods for (int i=0;i < tagMethods.length;i++) { // Don't use getText on text components if ((widget instanceof Text) && "getText".equals(tagMethods[i])) { continue; } try { m = widget.getClass().getMethod(tagMethods[i], tagParamTypes[i]); String tmp = (String)m.invoke(widget, tagArgs[i]); // Don't ever use empty strings for tags if (tmp != null && !"".equals(tmp)) { tag = tmp; break; } } catch(Exception e) { // System.err.println("tagMethods["+i+"] = "+m); // System.err.println(tagMethods[i]); // System.err.println(tagParamTypes[i]); // System.err.println(tagArgs[i]); } } // In the absence of any other tag, try to derive one from something // recognizable on one of its ancestors. if (tag == null || "".equals(tag)) { /* To fix this it will be necessary to go back and find the * place in hierarchy where getparent was implemented and * perhaps finish the implementation. * */ // Widget parent = DefaultWidgetFinder.getFinder().getWidgetParent(widget); /* need to keep hierarchy across recursive calls */ //TestHierarchy hierarchy = new TestHierarchy(widget.getDisplay()); if (hierarchy==null) { hierarchy = new TestHierarchy(widget.getDisplay()); } Widget parent = hierarchy.getParent(widget); if (parent != null) { String ptag = getTag(parent); if (ptag != null && !"".equals(tag)) { // Don't use the tag if it's simply the window title; that // doesn't provide any extra information. if (!ptag.endsWith(" Root Pane")) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(ptag); int under = ptag.indexOf(" under "); if (under != -1) buf = buf.delete(0, under + 7); buf.insert(0, " under "); buf.insert(0, simpleClassName(widget.getClass())); tag = buf.toString(); } } } } return tag; } /** * Wait for an idle AWT event queue. Will return when there are no more * events on the event queue. */ public void actionWaitForIdle() { waitForIdle(); } /** * Wait for an idle AWT event queue. Will return when there are no more * events on the event queue for the given display. */ public void actionWaitForIdle(Display d){ waitForIdle(d); } /** Delay the given number of ms. */ public void actionDelay(int ms) { delay(ms); } public void actionSelectMenuItemByText(Menu menu, String text) { selectMenuItemByText(menu, text); } // FIXME do actionSelectMenuItemByName in addition to by component // FIXME do actionSelectMenuItemByPath (for dynamics) which follows labels /** Select the given menu item. */ public void actionSelectMenuItem(MenuItem item) { Log.debug("Attempting to select menu item " + toString(item)); selectMenuItem(item); } /** Open the item's popup menu at the given coordinates of its parent control, and * select the given item. */ public void actionSelectPopupMenuItem(MenuItem item, int x, int y){ selectPopupMenuItem(item,x,y); } /** Click on the center of the widget. */ public void actionClick(Widget widget) { click(widget); // waitForIdle(widget.getDisplay()); // What if the widget is a cancel button? // It will be promptly disposed. if ((widget != null) && (!widget.isDisposed())) { waitForIdle(widget.getDisplay()); } } /** Click on the widget at the given location. */ public void actionClick(Widget widget, int x, int y) { click(widget, x, y, SWT.BUTTON1); // waitForIdle(widget.getDisplay()); // What if the widget is a cancel button? // It will be promptly disposed. if ((widget != null) && (!widget.isDisposed())) { waitForIdle(widget.getDisplay()); } } /** Click on the widget at the given location. The buttons string * should be the org.eclipse.swt.SWT field name for the mask. */ public void actionClick(Widget widget, int x, int y, String buttons) { click(widget,x,y,getModifiers(buttons)); // waitForIdle(widget.getDisplay()); // What if the widget is a cancel button? // It will be promptly disposed. if ((widget != null) && (!widget.isDisposed())) { waitForIdle(widget.getDisplay()); } } /** * Click on the widget at the given location. The buttons string * should be the org.eclipse.swt.SWT field name for the mask. This * variation provides for multiple clicks. */ public void actionClick(Widget comp, int x, int y, String buttons, int count) { click(comp, x, y, getModifiers(buttons), count); waitForIdle(comp.getDisplay()); } /*TODO implement Robot.getKeyCode(String) and change these keyMethods to take * Strings as parameters */ /** * Press the keys contained in the given accelerator */ public void actionKeyPress(int accelerator,Display d){ keyPress(accelerator); waitForIdle(d); } /** * Release the keys contained in the given accelerator */ public void actionKeyRelease(int accelerator,Display d) { keyRelease(accelerator); waitForIdle(d); } /** * Press, and release, the keys contained in the given accelerator */ public void actionKey(int accelerator,Display d){ key(accelerator); waitForIdle(d); } /** * Type the given character. Note that this sends the key to whatever * component currently has the focus. */ public void actionKeyChar(char c,Display d){ key((int)c); waitForIdle(d); } /** * Type the given string. */ public void actionKeyString(String string,Display d){ keyString(string); waitForIdle(d); } /** Set the focus on to the given component. */ /* TODO MAY NEED TO CHECK THAT THE CONTROL DOES INDEED HAVE FOCUS */ public void actionFocus(Widget widget) { TestHierarchy hierarchy = new TestHierarchy(Display.getDefault()); while(!(widget instanceof Control)) widget = hierarchy.getParent(widget); focus((Control)widget); waitForIdle(widget.getDisplay()); } /** Perform a drag action. Derived classes should provide more specific * identifiers for what is being dragged, e.g. actionDragTableCell or * actionDragListElement. */ public void actionDrag(Widget source, int x, int y){ drag(source,x,y,SWT.BUTTON1); waitForIdle(source.getDisplay()); } /** Perform a drag action. Derived classes should provide more specific * identifiers for what is being dragged, e.g. actionDragTableCell or * actionDragListElement. The modifiers represents the set of active * modifiers when the drop is made. */ public void actionDrag(Widget source, int x, int y, int modifiers){ drag(source,x,y,modifiers); waitForIdle(source.getDisplay()); } /** Perform a basic drop action (implicitly causing a preceding mouse * drag). */ public void actionDrop(Widget target, int x, int y){ drop(target,x,y,SWT.BUTTON1); waitForIdle(target.getDisplay()); } /** Perform a basic drop action (implicitly causing a preceding mouse * drag). The modifiers represents the set of active modifiers when the * drop is made. */ public void actionDrop(Widget target, int x, int y, int modifiers){ drop(target,x,y,modifiers); waitForIdle(target.getDisplay()); } /** Return whether the widget's contents matches the given image. */ public boolean assertImage(Widget widget, Image image, boolean ignoreBorder) { Image widgetImage = capture(widget, ignoreBorder); SWTImageComparator ic = new SWTImageComparator(); boolean result = (, widgetImage) == 0); widgetImage.dispose(); return result; } /** Wait for the given condition, throwing an ActionFailedException if it * times out. */ protected void waitAction(String desc, Condition cond) throws ActionFailedException { try { wait(cond); } catch(WaitTimedOutError wto) { throw new ActionFailedException(desc); } } /** Returns whether Decorations corresponding to the given String is * showing. The string may be a plain String or regular expression and * may match either the Decoration's title or name */ public synchronized boolean assertDecorationsShowing(String title) { return assertDecorationsShowing(title, true); } // FIXME provide more options for identifying the window (name, title, // class, nth window) /* Support added to allow a search of either all decorations or just those that * are top-level decorations (root windows) */ public synchronized boolean assertDecorationsShowing(final String title, boolean topOnly) { boolT = false; //System.out.println ("ADS: " + title + " / " + topOnly); if (topOnly) { /* only search top-level decorations */ Display[] displays = DecorationsTracker.getDisplays(); //ArrayList decorationsList = new ArrayList(); for (int i=0;i<displays.length;i++) { Collection decorationsList = DecorationsTracker.getTracker(displays[i]).getRootDecorations(); final Iterator iter = decorationsList.iterator(); Robot.syncExec(displays[i],this,new Runnable(){ public void run(){ while (iter.hasNext()) { Decorations d = (Decorations); if (!d.isDisposed() && d.getText().equals(title)) { boolT = d.isVisible(); } } } }); } } else { // TODO: clean up and document this code // This code basically traverses the widget hierarchy looking for Decorations // We also have to make sure we run the methods that get text and other things // from the correct thread /* search all decorations */ Display[] displays = DecorationsTracker.getDisplays(); ArrayList decorationsList = new ArrayList(); for (int i=0;i<displays.length;i++) { //System.out.println("Display " + i + ": " + displays[i]); SWTHierarchy hierarchy = new TestHierarchy(displays[i]); final Iterator rootIter = hierarchy.getRoots().iterator(); while (rootIter.hasNext()) { decorationsList.addAll(hierarchy.getWidgets((Widget); } decorationsList.addAll(hierarchy.getRoots()); //hierarchy.dbPrintWidgets(); final Iterator decorationsIter = decorationsList.iterator(); ArrayList shellList = new ArrayList(); while (decorationsIter.hasNext()){ Object d =; //System.out.println ("Widget ("+d.hashCode()+") " + i + ": " + d + " belongs to: " + ((Widget)d).getDisplay()); /* remove non-Decorations and those that don't belong to this display */ if ( ( (d instanceof Decorations) ) && ((Widget)d).getDisplay().equals(displays[i])) { shellList.add(d); } } final Iterator iter = shellList.iterator(); Runnable runThread = new Runnable() { public void run(){ while (iter.hasNext()) { Decorations d = (Decorations); if (!d.isDisposed() && d.getText().equals(title)) { boolT = d.isVisible(); } } } }; if (displays[i].getThread().equals(Thread.currentThread())) { /* run in this thread */ while (iter.hasNext()) { Decorations d = (Decorations); if (!d.isDisposed() && d.getText().equals(title)) { boolT = d.isVisible(); } } } else { Robot.syncExec(displays[i],this,runThread); } } } //System.out.println ("ADS returning: " + boolT); return boolT; } /** Convenience wait for a window to be displayed. The given string may * be a plain String or regular expression and may match either the window * title or its Widget name. This method is provided as a convenience * for hand-coded tests, since scripts will use a wait step instead. The * property abbot.robot.component_delay affects the default timeout * (default is 30s). */ public static void waitForFrameShowing(final String title) { wait(new Condition() { public boolean test() { return getTester(Widget.class).assertDecorationsShowing(title); } public String toString() { return title + " to show"; } }, componentDelay); } /** Convenience wait for a shell to be displayed. This method is like * waitForFrameShowing, with the exception that this method searches all * shells in all displays; the former only searches for top-level shells */ public static void waitForShellShowing(final String title) { waitForShellShowing(title, componentDelay); } /** * Convenience wait for a shell to be displayed. This method is like * waitForFrameShowing, with the exception that this method searches all * shells in all displays; the former only searches for top-level shells * * @param delay in millis */ public static void waitForShellShowing(final String title, final int delay) { wait(new Condition() { public boolean test() { return getTester(Widget.class).assertDecorationsShowing(title, false); } public String toString() { return title + " to show"; } }, delay); } // /** Return whether the Widget represented by the given // WidgetReference is available. // */ // public boolean assertWidgetShowing(WidgetReference ref) { // try { // findWidget(ref); // return true; // } // catch(Exception e) { // return false; // } // // } // /** // * Return the Widget represented by the given // WidgetReference. // * @throws MultipleWidgetsFoundException // * @throws WidgetNotFoundException // */ // public static Widget findWidget(WidgetReference ref) throws WidgetNotFoundException, MultipleWidgetsFoundException { // /* should this be nonstatic? */ // /* try to find the widget using finder / matcher */ // Matcher [] widgetToFind = { // ref.getText() != null && !ref.getText().equals("") ? new TextMatcher (ref.getText()) : null, // ref.getName() != null && !ref.getName().equals("") ? new NameMatcher (ref.getName()) : null, // /* new ClassMatcher (ref.getClass() ) */ null // /* TODO: match on other stuff such as tag, etc. // * No tagmatcher currently exists -- necessary? // * */ // }; // WidgetFinder finder = BasicFinder.getDefault(); // Widget result = finder.find(new CompositeMatcher(widgetToFind)); // //getFinder().findWidget(ref); // return result; // } // /** // * Wait for the Widget represented by the given WidgetReference to // * become available. The timeout is affected by // * abbot.robot.component_delay, which defaults to 30s. // * @deprecated Use the new matcher API in abbot.finder.swt. // */ // public static void waitForWidgetShowing(final WidgetReference ref) { // wait(new Condition() { // public boolean test() { // return getTester(Widget.class).assertWidgetShowing(ref); // } // public String toString() { return ref + " to show"; } // }, componentDelay); // } private Method[] cachedMethods = null; /** Look up methods with the given prefix. */ private Method[] getMethods(String prefix, Class returnType, boolean onWidget) { if (cachedMethods == null) { cachedMethods = getClass().getMethods(); } ArrayList methods = new ArrayList(); HashSet names = new HashSet(); Method[] mlist = cachedMethods; for (int i=0;i < mlist.length;i++) { String name = mlist[i].getName(); if (!names.contains(name)) { Class[] params = mlist[i].getParameterTypes(); if (name.startsWith(prefix) && (returnType == null || returnType.equals(mlist[i].getReturnType())) && ((params.length == 0 && !onWidget) || (params.length > 0 && (Widget.class.isAssignableFrom(params[0]) == onWidget)))) { methods.add(mlist[i]); names.add(name); } } } return (Method[])methods.toArray(new Method[methods.size()]); } private Method[] cachedActions = null; /** Return a list of all actions defined by this class that don't depend * on a widget argument. */ public Method[] getActions() { if (cachedActions == null) { cachedActions = getMethods("action", void.class, false); } return cachedActions; } private Method[] cachedComponentActions = null; /** Return a list of all actions defined by this class that require * a widget argument. */ public Method[] getWidgetActions() { if (cachedComponentActions == null) { cachedComponentActions = getMethods("action", void.class, true); } return cachedComponentActions; } private Method[] cachedPropertyMethods = null; /** Return an array of all property check methods defined by this class. * The first argument <b>must</b> be a Widget. */ public Method[] getPropertyMethods() { if (cachedPropertyMethods == null) { ArrayList all = new ArrayList(); all.addAll(Arrays.asList(getMethods("is", boolean.class, true))); all.addAll(Arrays.asList(getMethods("get", null, true))); // Remove getXXX or isXXX methods which aren't property checks Class[] args = new Class[] { Widget.class }; try { all.remove(getClass().getMethod("getTag", args)); all.remove(getClass().getMethod("getTester", args)); all.remove(getClass().getMethod("isOnPopup", args)); } catch(NoSuchMethodException e) { } cachedPropertyMethods = (Method[])all.toArray(new Method[all.size()]); } return cachedPropertyMethods; } private Method[] cachedAssertMethods = null; /** Return a list of all assertions defined by this class that don't * depend on a widget argument. */ public Method[] getAssertMethods() { if (cachedAssertMethods == null) { cachedAssertMethods = getMethods("assert", boolean.class, false); } return cachedAssertMethods; } private Method[] cachedComponentAssertMethods = null; /** Return a list of all assertions defined by this class that require a * widget argument. */ public Method[] getComponentAssertMethods() { if (cachedComponentAssertMethods == null) { cachedComponentAssertMethods = getMethods("assert", boolean.class, true); } return cachedComponentAssertMethods; } /** Quick and dirty strip raw text from html, for getting the basic text from html-formatted labels and buttons. Behavior is undefined for badly formatted html. */ public static String stripHTML(String str) { if (str != null && (str.startsWith("<html>") || str.startsWith("<HTML>"))) { while (str.startsWith("<")) { int right = str.indexOf(">"); if (right == -1) break; str = str.substring(right + 1); } while (str.endsWith(">")) { int right = str.lastIndexOf("<"); if (right == -1) break; str = str.substring(0, right); } } return str; } /** Return the Widget class that corresponds to this WidgetTester class. */ public Class getTestedClass(Class cls) { while (getTester(cls.getSuperclass()) == this) { cls = cls.getSuperclass(); } return cls; } // /** // * Clicks on the control given asynchronously and wait for the shell with the // * title given to open. // * <p/> // * The method is intended to be used with blocking dialogs. // * @param widget the widget to click on. // * @param shellTitle the title of the shell to wait for or <code>null</code> if none. // * @return the shell which has been opened by this action, if findable by the title given. // */ // /* // * TODO The click and keyboard actions should be expanded to an asynchronous call, too. // */ // public Shell actionClickAsync(final Widget widget, final String shellTitle) { // Runnable clickAsync = new Runnable() { // public void run() { // WidgetTester.this.actionClick(widget); // } // }; // widget.getDisplay().asyncExec(clickAsync); // if (shellTitle != null) { // WidgetTester.waitForShellShowing(shellTitle); // Shell openedShell = null; // try { // openedShell = (Shell) BasicFinder.getDefault().find(new TextMatcher(shellTitle)); // } // catch (Exception ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); // } // return openedShell; // } // return null; // } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Alternative event posting actions // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void keyClick(final int keyCode) { new SWTKeyOperation().keyCode(keyCode).execute(); // keyUp(keyCode); // keyDown(keyCode); } // // protected void keyUp(final int keyCode) { // trace("post key down " + keyCode); // Event event = new Event(); // event.type = SWT.KeyDown; // event.keyCode = keyCode; // new SWTPushEventOperation(event).execute(); // } // // protected void keyDown(final int keyCode) { // trace("post key up " + keyCode); // Event event = new Event(); // event.type = SWT.KeyUp; // event.keyCode = keyCode; // new SWTPushEventOperation(event).execute(); // } //!pq: an alternative way to post mouse press events, sidestepping the robot protected void mousePress2(int accelerator) { accelerator &= BUTTON_MASK; Event event = new Event(); event.type = SWT.MouseDown; if((accelerator&SWT.BUTTON1)==SWT.BUTTON1) event.button = 1; if((accelerator&SWT.BUTTON2)==SWT.BUTTON2) event.button = 2; if((accelerator&SWT.BUTTON3)==SWT.BUTTON3) event.button = 3; new SWTPushEventOperation(event).execute(); } //!pq: an alternative way to post mouse press events, sidestepping the robot protected void mouseRelease2(int accelerator) { accelerator &= BUTTON_MASK; Event event = new Event(); event.type = SWT.MouseUp; if((accelerator&SWT.BUTTON1)==SWT.BUTTON1) event.button = 1; if((accelerator&SWT.BUTTON2)==SWT.BUTTON2) event.button = 2; if((accelerator&SWT.BUTTON3)==SWT.BUTTON3) event.button = 3; new SWTPushEventOperation(event).execute(); } //!pq: an alternative way to move the mouse, sidestepping the robot protected void mouseMove2(int x, int y) { Event event = new Event(); event.type = SWT.MouseMove; event.x = x; event.y = y; new SWTPushEventOperation(event).execute(); } protected void trace(String msg) { if (TRACE) System.out.println(msg); } }