package abbot.tester.swt; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import; /* $codepro.preprocessor.if version >= 3.1 $ */ import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Link; /* $codepro.preprocessor.endif $ */ public class LinkTester extends ControlTester { /** * Proxy for {@link Link.addSelectionListener(SelectionListener listener). */ /* $codepro.preprocessor.if version >= 3.1 $ */ public void addSelectionListener(final Link l, final SelectionListener listener) { Robot.syncExec(l.getDisplay(), null, new Runnable() { public void run() { l.addSelectionListener(listener); } }); } /* $codepro.preprocessor.endif $ */ /** * Proxy for {@link Link#getText()}. */ /* $codepro.preprocessor.if version >= 3.1 $ */ public String getText(final Link l) { String result = (String) Robot.syncExec(l.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return l.getText(); } }); return result; } /* $codepro.preprocessor.endif $ */ /** * Proxy for {@link Link.removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener listener). */ /* $codepro.preprocessor.if version >= 3.1 $ */ public void removeSelectionListener(final Link l, final SelectionListener listener) { Robot.syncExec(l.getDisplay(), null, new Runnable() { public void run() { l.removeSelectionListener(listener); } }); } /* $codepro.preprocessor.endif $ */ /** * Proxy for {@link Link.setText(String text). */ /* $codepro.preprocessor.if version >= 3.1 $ */ public void setText(final Link l, final String text) { Robot.syncExec(l.getDisplay(), null, new Runnable() { public void run() { l.setText(text); } }); } /* $codepro.preprocessor.endif $ */ /** * Get link text offset index. * @since 3.9.1 */ public Rectangle getOffset(final Link l, final int index) { Rectangle result = (Rectangle) Robot.syncExec(l.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { try { Class linkClass = l.getClass(); Field field = linkClass.getDeclaredField("offsets"); field.setAccessible(true); Point[] offsets = (Point[]) field.get(l); Field layoutField = linkClass.getDeclaredField("layout"); layoutField.setAccessible(true); TextLayout layout = (TextLayout) layoutField.get(l); Point offset = offsets[index]; boolean synthesized = false; if (layout == null) { /* * in win32, the layout is coming back null. * The remedy is to synthesize our own. */ synthesized = true; layout = synthesizeLayout(l); } Rectangle bounds = layout.getBounds(offset.x, offset.y); if (synthesized) layout.dispose(); return bounds; } catch (Throwable th) { return null; } } }); return result; } protected TextLayout synthesizeLayout(Link l) { TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(l.getDisplay()); layout.setOrientation(SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT); layout.setText(l.getText()); layout.setFont(l.getFont()); return layout; } }