/* * Copyright 2004 Timothy Wall * */ package abbot.util; import java.awt.Window; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import abbot.Log; import abbot.Platform; import abbot.i18n.Strings; import abbot.tester.Robot; /** Provides extant bug characterization of the current platform. For any bug encountered, there should be a static method indicating whether the bug is expected on the current platform, for example {@link #showAWTPopupMenuBlocks()}. See the source for <code> <a href=../../../../test/abbot/util/BugsTest.java>BugsTest</a></code> for the test implementations. @author twall */ public class Bugs { private static java.util.ArrayList bugList = null; private static boolean gotBug1Event = false; private Bugs() { } /** Returns whether AWT menus have enable/disable problems. */ public static boolean hasMenuDisableBug() { return Platform.isOSX() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION >= Platform.JAVA_1_4 && Platform.JAVA_VERSION < 0x1424; // when it got fixed } /** Returns whether KEY_TYPED events are sent to AWT listeners. */ public static boolean hasInputMethodInsteadOfKeyTyped() { return Platform.isOSX() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION >= Platform.JAVA_1_4 && Platform.JAVA_VERSION < 0x1424; // when it got fixed } /** Returns whether windows send mouse motion events to AWT listeners. */ public static boolean hasMissingWindowMouseMotion() { return Platform.isOSX() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION >= Platform.JAVA_1_4 && Platform.JAVA_VERSION <= 0x1425; // most recent tested } /** Returns whether mouse buttons 2/3 are swapped when using Robot. */ public static boolean hasRobotButtonsSwapped() { return Platform.isOSX() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION >= Platform.JAVA_1_4 && Platform.JAVA_VERSION <= 0x1425; // most recent tested } /** Do we get multiple clicks even when the individual clicks are on * different frames? */ // Will we get incorrectly get multiple clicks on rapid robot clicks? // frame1->click,frame2->click // frame1->click,frame1->hide/show,frame1->click public static boolean hasMultiClickFrameBug() { // w32 (1.3.02) will count it even if it was on a different component! // w32 (1.3.1_06) same // w32 (1.4.1_02) same (sporadic) // OSX (1.3.x, 1.4.1) has the same problem // Haven't seen it on linux return Platform.isWindows() || Platform.isOSX() || Platform.JAVA_VERSION < Platform.JAVA_1_3; } /** Returns whether there may be some scenarios in which the robot does not function properly. */ public static boolean needsRobotVerification() { return Platform.isWindows() || Platform.isOSX(); } /** Prior to 1.4.1, hierarchy events are only sent if listeners are added to a given component. */ public static boolean hasHierarchyEventGenerationBug() { return Platform.JAVA_VERSION < Platform.JAVA_1_4; } /** OSX prior to 1.4 has really crappy key input handling. */ public static boolean hasKeyStrokeGenerationBug() { return Platform.isOSX() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION < Platform.JAVA_1_4; } /** Returnes whether there a longer delay required between robot generation and event queue posting for key events. */ public static boolean hasKeyInputDelay() { return Platform.isOSX() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION >= Platform.JAVA_1_4 && Platform.JAVA_VERSION <= 0x1425; } /** Some OSX releases wouldn't restore an iconified Frame. */ public static boolean hasFrameDeiconifyBug() { return Platform.isOSX() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION > 0x1310 && Platform.JAVA_VERSION < 0x1424; } /** OS X (as of 1.3.1, v10.1.5), will sometimes send a click to the wrong component after a mouse move. This continues to be an issue in 1.4.1 <p> Linux x86 (1.3.1) has a similar problem, although it manifests it at different times (need a bug test case for this one). <p> Solaris and HPUX probably share code with the linux VM implementation, so the bug there is probably identical. <p> */ // FIXME add tests to determine presence of bug. public static boolean hasRobotMotionBug() { return Platform.isOSX() || (!Platform.isWindows() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION < Platform.JAVA_1_4) || Boolean.getBoolean("abbot.robot.need_jitter"); } /** Choice popup activates on mouse press, but locks up when the Robot * attempts to post a mouse release. */ public static boolean hasChoiceLockupBug() { return Platform.isOSX() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION < Platform.JAVA_1_4; } /** Robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE doesn't work. */ public static boolean hasEscapeGenerationBug() { return Platform.isOSX() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION < Platform.JAVA_1_4; } /** Returns whether the Java event queue is suspended while an AWT popup is showing. */ public static boolean showAWTPopupMenuBlocks() { return Platform.isWindows() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION <= Platform.JAVA_1_5; } /** Locking key state is reported incorrectly. */ public static boolean reportsIncorrectLockingKeyState() { return Platform.isLinux() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION <= 0x1424; } /** Whether drag/drop requires native events. */ // TODO: needs a test public static boolean dragDropRequiresNativeEvents() { return Platform.JAVA_VERSION <= 0x1425; } /** Returns whether a {@link java.awt.FileDialog} requires an explicit dismiss (ok/cancel). Ordinarily {@link Window#dispose()} will work. */ public static boolean fileDialogRequiresDismiss() { return Platform.isOSX() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION <= 0x1425 || (Platform.isWindows() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION <= Platform.JAVA_1_5); } /** Returns whether a {@link java.awt.FileDialog} misreports its screen location. */ public static boolean fileDialogMisreportsBounds() { return (Platform.isOSX() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION <= 0x1425) || (Platform.isWindows() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION <= Platform.JAVA_1_5); } public static boolean fileDialogRequiresVisibleFrame() { // Subsequent FileDialogs don't show up if the frame isn't visible, // and a previous non-visible frame was disposed. return Platform.isWindows() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION <= 0x1421; } public static boolean hasTextComponentSelectionDelay() { // TODO: write a test for this one // Select TextComponent text, wait for idle, selection end not updated return (Platform.isLinux() || Platform.isWindows()) && Platform.JAVA_VERSION <= 0x1424; } /** Check for certain robot-related bugs that will affect Abbot * operation. Returns a String for each bug detected on the current * system. */ public static String[] bugCheck(final Window window) { if (bugList == null) { bugList = new java.util.ArrayList(); final int x = window.getWidth() / 2; final int y = window.getHeight() / 2; if (Platform.isWindows() && !Platform.isWindowsXP() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION < Platform.JAVA_1_4) { Log.debug("Checking for w32 bugs"); final int mask = InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK; MouseAdapter ma = new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { gotBug1Event = true; // w32 acceleration settings bug if (e.getX() != x || e.getY() != y) { bugList.add(Strings.get("Bug1")); } // w32 mouse button mapping bug if ((e.getModifiers() & mask) != mask) { bugList.add(Strings.get("Bug2")); } } }; window.addMouseListener(ma); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.click(window, x, y, mask); robot.waitForIdle(); window.toFront(); // Bogus acceleration may mean the event goes entirely // elsewhere if (!gotBug1Event) { bugList.add(0, Strings.get("Bug1")); } window.removeMouseListener(ma); } else if (Platform.isOSX() && Platform.JAVA_VERSION < 0x1430) { Log.debug("Checking for OSX bugs"); final int mask = InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK; MouseAdapter ma = new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if ((e.getModifiers() & mask) != mask) { bugList.add(Strings.get("robot.bug3")); } } }; window.addMouseListener(ma); Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.click(window, x, y, mask); robot.waitForIdle(); window.removeMouseListener(ma); } } return (String[])bugList.toArray(new String[bugList.size()]); } }