package abbot.script; import java.awt.Component; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.output.Format; import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter; import abbot.Log; import abbot.Platform; import abbot.finder.AWTHierarchy; import abbot.finder.Hierarchy; import abbot.i18n.Strings; import abbot.script.parsers.FileParser; import abbot.script.parsers.Parser; import abbot.tester.Robot; import abbot.util.Properties; /** * Provide a structure to encapsulate actions invoked on GUI components and * tests performed on those components. Scripts need to be short and concise * (and therefore easy to read/write). Extensions don't have to be.<p> * This takes a single filename as a constructor argument.<p> * Use {@link junit.extensions.abbot.ScriptFixture} and * {@link junit.extensions.abbot.ScriptTestSuite} * to generate a suite by auto-generating a collection of {@link Script}s.<p> * @see StepRunner * @see Fixture * @see Launch */ public class Script extends Sequence implements Resolver { public static final String INTERPRETER = "bsh"; private static final String USAGE = "<AWTTestScript [desc=\"\"] [forked=\"true\"] [slow=\"true\"]" + " [awt=\"true\"] [vmargs=\"...\"]>...</AWTTestScript>\n"; /** Robot delay for slow playback. */ private static int slowDelay = 250; static boolean validate = true; private String filename; private File relativeDirectory; private boolean fork; private boolean slow; private boolean awt; private int lastSaved; private String vmargs; private Map properties = new HashMap(); private Hierarchy hierarchy; public static final String UNTITLED_FILE = Strings.get("script.untitled_filename"); protected static final String UNTITLED = Strings.get("script.untitled"); /** Read-only map of ref IDs into ComponentReferences. */ private Map refs = Collections.unmodifiableMap(new HashMap()); /** Maps components to references. This cache provides a 20% speedup when * adding new references. */ private Map components = new WeakHashMap(); static { slowDelay = Properties.getProperty("abbot.script.slow_delay", slowDelay, 0, 60000); String defValue = Platform.JAVA_VERSION < Platform.JAVA_1_4 ? "false" : "true"; validate = "true".equals(System.getProperty("abbot.script.validate", defValue)); } protected static Map createDefaultMap(String filename) { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put(TAG_FILENAME, filename); return map; } /** Create a new, empty <code>Script</code>. Used as a temporary * {@link Resolver}, uses the default {@link Hierarchy}. * @deprecated Use an explicit {@link Hierarchy} instead. */ public Script() { // This is roughly equivalent to what // DefaultComponentFinder.getFinder() used to do this(AWTHierarchy.getDefault()); } /** Create a <code>Script</code> from the given filename. Uses the default {@link Hierarchy}. @deprecated Use an explicit {@link Hierarchy} instead. */ public Script(String filename) { // This is roughly equivalent to what // DefaultComponentFinder.getFinder() used to do this(filename, AWTHierarchy.getDefault()); } public Script(Hierarchy h) { this(null, new HashMap()); setHierarchy(h); } /** Create a <code>Script</code> from the given file. */ public Script(String filename, Hierarchy h) { this(null, createDefaultMap(filename)); setHierarchy(h); } public Script(Resolver parent, Map attributes) { super(parent, attributes); String filename = (String)attributes.get(TAG_FILENAME); File file = filename != null ? new File(filename) : getTempFile(parent != null ? parent.getDirectory() : null); setFile(file); if (parent != null) { setRelativeTo(parent.getDirectory()); } try { load(); } catch(IOException e) { setScriptError(e); } } /** Since we allow ComponentReference IDs to be changed, make sure our map * is always up to date. */ private synchronized void synchReferenceIDs() { HashMap map = new HashMap(); Iterator iter = refs.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ComponentReference ref = (ComponentReference); map.put(ref.getID(), ref); } if (!refs.equals(map)) { // atomic update of references map refs = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } } public void setHierarchy(Hierarchy h) { hierarchy = h; components.clear(); } private File getTempFile(File dir) { File file; try { file = (dir != null ? File.createTempFile(UNTITLED_FILE, ".xml", dir) : File.createTempFile(UNTITLED_FILE, ".xml")); // We don't actually need the file on disk file.delete(); } catch(IOException io) { file = (dir != null ? new File(dir, UNTITLED_FILE + ".xml") : new File(UNTITLED_FILE + ".xml")); } return file; } public String getName() { return filename; } public void setForked(boolean fork) { this.fork = fork; } public boolean isForked() { return fork; } public void setVMArgs(String args) { if (args != null && "".equals(args)) args = null; vmargs = args; } public String getVMArgs() { return vmargs; } public boolean isSlowPlayback() { return slow; } public void setSlowPlayback(boolean slow) { this.slow = slow; } public boolean isAWTMode() { return awt; } public void setAWTMode(boolean awt) { this.awt = awt; } /** Return the file where this script is saved. Will always be an * absolute path. */ public File getFile() { File file = new File(filename); if (!file.isAbsolute()) { String path = getRelativeTo().getPath() + File.separator + filename; file = new File(path); } return file; } /** Change the file system basis for the current script. Does not affect the script contents. @deprecated Use {@link #setFile(File)}. */ public void changeFile(File file) { setFile(file); } /** Set the file system basis for this script object. Use this to set the file from which the existing script will be loaded. */ public void setFile(File file) { Log.debug("Script file set to " + file); if (file == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("File must not be null"); if (filename == null || !file.equals(getFile())) { filename = file.getPath(); Log.debug("Script filename set to " + filename); if (relativeDirectory != null) setRelativeTo(relativeDirectory); } lastSaved = getHash() + 1; } /** Typical xml header, so we can know about how much file prefix to * skip. */ private static final String XML_INFO = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"; /** Flag to indicate whether emitted XML should contain the script contents. Sometimes we just want a one-liner (like when displaying in the script editor), and sometimes we want the full contents (when writing to file). */ private boolean formatForSave = false; /** Write the current state of the script to file. */ public void save(Writer writer) throws IOException { formatForSave = true; Element el = toXML(); formatForSave = false; el.setName(TAG_AWTTESTSCRIPT); Document doc = new Document(el); XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); outputter.output(doc, writer); } /** Only thing directly editable on a script is its file path. */ public String toEditableString() { return getFilename(); } /** Has this script changed since the last save. */ public boolean isDirty() { return getHash() != lastSaved; } /** Write the script to file. Note that this differs from the toXML for the script, which simply indicates the file on which it is based. */ public void save() throws IOException { File file = getFile(); Log.debug("Saving script to '" + file + "' " + hashCode()); OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), "UTF-8"); save(new BufferedWriter(writer)); writer.close(); lastSaved = getHash(); } /** Ensure that all referenced components are actually in the components * list. */ private synchronized void verify() throws InvalidScriptException { Log.debug("verifying all referenced refs exist"); Iterator iter = refs.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ComponentReference ref = (ComponentReference); String id = ref.getAttribute(TAG_PARENT); if (id != null && refs.get(id) == null) { String msg = Strings.get("script.parent_missing", new Object[] { id }); throw new InvalidScriptException(msg); } id = ref.getAttribute(TAG_WINDOW); if (id != null && refs.get(id) == null) { String msg = Strings.get("script.window_missing", new Object[] { id }); throw new InvalidScriptException(msg); } } } /** Make the path to the given child script relative to this one. */ private void updateRelativePath(Step child) { // Make sure included scripts are located relative to this one if (child instanceof Script) { ((Script)child).setRelativeTo(getDirectory()); } } protected void parseChild(Element el) throws InvalidScriptException { if (el.getName().equals(TAG_COMPONENT)) { addComponentReference(el); } else { synchronized(steps()) { super.parseChild(el); updateRelativePath((Step)steps().get(size()-1)); } } } /** Parse XML attributes for the Script. */ protected void parseAttributes(Map map) { parseStepAttributes(map); fork = Boolean.valueOf((String)map.get(TAG_FORKED)).booleanValue(); slow = Boolean.valueOf((String)map.get(TAG_SLOW)).booleanValue(); awt = Boolean.valueOf((String)map.get(TAG_AWT)).booleanValue(); vmargs = (String)map.get(TAG_VMARGS); } /** Loads the XML test script. Performs a check against the XML schema. @param reader Provides the script data @throws InvalidScriptException @throws IOException */ public void load(Reader reader) throws InvalidScriptException, IOException { clear(); /* try { // Set things up to optionally validate on load SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser", false); if (validate) { URL url = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("abbot/abbot.xsd"); if (url != null) { builder = new SAXBuilder("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser", true); builder.setFeature("", true); builder.setProperty("", url.toString()); } else { Log.warn("Could not find abbot/abbot.xsd, disabling XML validation"); validate = false; } } Document doc =; Element root = doc.getRootElement(); Map map = createAttributeMap(root); parseAttributes(map); parseChildren(root); } catch(JDOMException e) { throw new InvalidScriptException(e.getMessage()); } */ // Make sure we have all referenced components synchronized(this) { synchReferenceIDs(); verify(); } lastSaved = getHash(); } public void addStep(int index, Step step) { super.addStep(index, step); updateRelativePath(step); } public void addStep(Step step) { super.addStep(step); updateRelativePath(step); } /** Replaces the step at the given index. */ public void setStep(int index, Step step) { super.setStep(index, step); updateRelativePath(step); } /** Read the script from the currently set file. */ public void load() throws IOException { File file = getFile(); if (!file.exists()) { if (getFilename().indexOf(Script.UNTITLED_FILE) == -1) Log.warn("Script " + this + " does not exist, ignoring it"); return; } if (!file.isFile()) throw new InvalidScriptException("Path " + getFilename() + " refers to a directory"); if (file.length() != 0) { try { Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8"); try { load(new BufferedReader(reader)); } finally { try { reader.close(); } catch(IOException e) { } } } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { // should have been detected Log.warn("File '" + file + "' exists but is not found"); } } else { Log.warn("Script file " + this + " is empty"); } } protected String getFullXMLString() { try { formatForSave = true; return toXMLString(this); } finally { formatForSave = false; } } private int getHash() { return getFullXMLString().hashCode(); } public String getXMLTag() { return TAG_SCRIPT; } /** Save component references in addition to everything else. */ public Element addContent(Element el) { // Only save content if writing to disk if (formatForSave) { synchReferenceIDs(); Iterator iter = new TreeSet(refs.values()).iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ComponentReference cref = (ComponentReference); el.addContent(cref.toXML()); } // Now collect our child steps return super.addContent(el); } return el; } /** Return the (possibly relative) path to this script. */ public String getFilename() { return filename; } /** Provide XML attributes for this Step. This class adds its filename. */ public Map getAttributes() { Map map; if (!formatForSave) { map = new HashMap(); map.put(TAG_FILENAME, getFilename()); } else { map = super.getAttributes(); // default is no fork if (fork) { map.put(TAG_FORKED, "true"); if (vmargs != null) { map.put(TAG_VMARGS, vmargs); } } if (slow) { map.put(TAG_SLOW, "true"); } if (awt) { map.put(TAG_AWT, "true"); } } return map; } protected void runStep(StepRunner runner) throws Throwable { components.clear(); properties.clear(); // Make all files relative to this script Parser fc = new FileParser() { public String relativeTo() { Log.debug("All file references will be relative to " + getDirectory().getAbsolutePath()); return getDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); } }; Parser oldfc = ArgumentParser.setParser(File.class, fc); int oldDelay = Robot.getAutoDelay(); int oldMode = Robot.getEventMode(); if (slow) { Robot.setAutoDelay(slowDelay); } if (awt) { Robot.setEventMode(Robot.EM_AWT); } try { super.runStep(runner); } finally { Robot.setAutoDelay(oldDelay); Robot.setEventMode(oldMode); ArgumentParser.setParser(File.class, oldfc); } } /** Set up a blank script, discarding any current state. */ public void clear() { setScriptError(null); refs = Collections.unmodifiableMap(new HashMap()); components.clear(); super.clear(); } public String getUsage() { return USAGE; } /** Return a default description for this <code>Script</code>. */ public String getDefaultDescription() { String ext = fork ? " &" : ""; String desc = Strings.get("script.desc", new Object[] { getFilename(), ext }); return desc.indexOf(UNTITLED_FILE) != -1 ? UNTITLED : desc; } /** Return whether this <code>Script</code> is launchable. */ public boolean hasLaunch() { // First step might be a Launch or a Fixture return size() > 0 && (((Step)steps().get(0)) instanceof UIContext); } /** @return The {@link UIContext} responsible for setting up * a UI context for this script, or * <code>null</code> if the script has no UI to speak of. */ public UIContext getUIContext() { synchronized(steps()) { if (hasLaunch()) { return (UIContext)steps().get(0); } } return null; } /** Defer to the {@link UIContext} to obtain a * {@link ClassLoader}, or use the current {@link Thread}'s * context class loader. * @see Thread#getContextClassLoader() */ public ClassLoader getContextClassLoader() { UIContext context = getUIContext(); return context != null ? context.getContextClassLoader() : Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } public boolean hasTerminate() { return size() > 0 && (((Step)steps().get(size()-1)) instanceof Terminate); } /** By default, all pathnames are relative to the current working directory. */ public File getRelativeTo() { if (relativeDirectory == null) return new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")); return relativeDirectory; } /** Indicate that when invoking toXML, a path relative to the given one * should be shown. Note that this is a runtime setting only and never * shows up in saved XML. */ public void setRelativeTo(File dir) { Log.debug("Want relative dir " + dir); relativeDirectory = dir; if (dir != null) { // FIXME ideally, we'd want a more robust "make relative" here. // for now, simply check to see if the relpath is a prefix. // or if the file itself is relative String relPath = dir.getPath(); if (filename.startsWith(relPath) && relPath.length() < filename.length()) { char ch = filename.charAt(relPath.length()); if (ch == '/' || ch == '\\') { filename = filename.substring(relPath.length() + 1); } } } Log.debug("Relative dir set to " + relativeDirectory + " for " + this); } /** Return whether the given file looks like a valid AWT script. */ public static boolean isScript(File file) { if (file.length() == 0) return true; if (!file.exists() || !file.isFile() || file.length() < TAG_AWTTESTSCRIPT.length() * 2 + 5) return false; InputStream is = null; try { int len = XML_INFO.length() + TAG_AWTTESTSCRIPT.length() + 15; is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); byte[] buf = new byte[len];, 0, buf.length); String str = new String(buf, 0, buf.length); return str.indexOf(TAG_AWTTESTSCRIPT) != -1; } catch(Exception exc) { return false; } finally { if (is != null) try { is.close(); } catch(Exception exc) { } } } /** All relative files should be accessed relative to this directory, which is the directory where the script resides. It will always return an absolute path. */ public File getDirectory() { return getFile().getParentFile(); } /** Returns a sorted collection of ComponentReferences. */ public Collection getComponentReferences() { return new TreeSet(refs.values()); } /** Add a component reference directly, replacing any existing one with the same ID. */ public void addComponentReference(ComponentReference ref) { Log.debug("adding " + ref); synchReferenceIDs(); HashMap map = new HashMap(refs); map.put(ref.getID(), ref); // atomic update of references map refs = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } /** Add a new component reference for the given component. */ // FIXME: a repaint (tree locked) which accesses the refs list // deadlocks with cref creation (locks refs, asks for tree lock) // Either get tree lock first or don't require refs lock on read public ComponentReference addComponent(Component comp) { synchReferenceIDs(); Log.debug("look up existing for " + Robot.toString(comp)); Map newRefs = new HashMap(); ComponentReference ref = ComponentReference.getReference(this, comp, newRefs); Log.debug("adding " + Robot.toString(comp)); Map map = new HashMap(refs); map.putAll(newRefs); Iterator iter = newRefs.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ComponentReference r = (ComponentReference); Component c = r.getCachedLookup(getHierarchy()); if (c != null) components.put(c, r); } // atomic update of references map refs = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); return ref; } /** Add a new component reference to the script. For use only when * parsing a script. */ ComponentReference addComponentReference(Element el) throws InvalidScriptException { synchReferenceIDs(); ComponentReference ref = new ComponentReference(this, el); Log.debug("adding " + el); Map map = new HashMap(refs); map.put(ref.getID(), ref); // atomic update of references map refs = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); return ref; } /** Return the reference for the given component, or null if none yet * exists. */ public ComponentReference getComponentReference(Component comp) { if (!getHierarchy().contains(comp)) { String msg = Strings.get("script.not_in_hierarchy", new Object[] { comp.toString() }); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } synchReferenceIDs(); // Clear the component map if any one of the mappings is invalid Iterator iter = refs.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ComponentReference cr = (ComponentReference); if (cr.getCachedLookup(getHierarchy()) == null) { components.clear(); break; } } ComponentReference ref = (ComponentReference)components.get(comp); if (ref != null) { if (ref.getCachedLookup(getHierarchy()) != null) return ref; components.remove(comp); } ref = ComponentReference.matchExisting(comp, refs.values()); if (ref != null) { components.put(comp, ref); } return ref; } /** Convert the given reference ID into a component reference. If it's * not in the Script's list, returns null. */ public ComponentReference getComponentReference(String name) { synchReferenceIDs(); return (ComponentReference)refs.get(name); } public void setProperty(String name, Object value) { if (value == null) properties.remove(name); else properties.put(name, value); } public Object getProperty(String name) { Object value = properties.get(name); // Lazy-load the interpreter, so it's only instantiated when required if (value == null && INTERPRETER.equals(name)) { // Interpreter bsh = new Interpreter(this); // properties.put(name, value = bsh); properties.put(name, "bsh"); } return value; } /** Return the currently effective {@link Hierarchy} of components. */ public Hierarchy getHierarchy() { Resolver r = getResolver(); if (r != null && r != this) return r.getHierarchy(); return hierarchy != null ? hierarchy : AWTHierarchy.getDefault(); } /** Return a meaningful description of where the Step came from. */ public String getContext(Step step) { return getFile().toString() + ":" + getLine(this, step); } /** Return the file which defines the given step. */ public static File getFile(Step step) { String context = step.getResolver().getContext(step); int colon = context.indexOf(":"); if (colon == 1 && Character.isLetter(context.charAt(0)) && Platform.isWindows() && context.length() > 2) colon = context.indexOf(":", 2); if (colon != -1) context = context.substring(0, colon); return new File(context); } /** Return the approximate line number of the given step. File lines are one-based (there is no line zero). */ public static int getLine(Step step) { String context = step.getResolver().getContext(step); int colon = context.indexOf(":"); if (colon == 1 && Character.isLetter(context.charAt(0)) && Platform.isWindows() && context.length() > 2) colon = context.indexOf(":", 2); context = context.substring(colon + 1); try { return Integer.parseInt(context); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { return -1; } } private static int getLine(Sequence seq, Step step) { int line = -1; int index = seq.indexOf(step); if (index == -1) { List list = seq.steps(); for (int i=0;i < list.size();i++) { Step sub = (Step)list.get(i); if (sub instanceof Sequence) { int subline = getLine((Sequence)sub, step); if (subline != -1) { line = countLines(seq, i) + subline; break; } } } } else { line = countLines(seq, index); } return line; } /** Return the number of XML lines in the given sequence that precede the * given index. If the index is -1, return the number of XML lines used * by the whole sequence. */ public static int countLines(Sequence seq, int index) { int count = 1; int limit = index; if (limit == -1) { limit = seq.size(); // Empty sequences take a single line if (limit == 0) return 1; // Otherwise, 2 + the line count of the contents count = 2; } if (seq instanceof Script) { // Add in one line per component reference in the script // Plus two lines for the <xml> and <AWTTestScript> lines count += ((Script)seq).getComponentReferences().size() + 2; } for (int i=0;i < limit;i++) { Step step = seq.getStep(i); // Included scripts take only one line if (step instanceof Script) { ++count; } else if (step instanceof Sequence) { count += countLines((Sequence)step, -1); } else { ++count; } } return count; } }