package abbot.tester.swt; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Sash; /** * Provides widget-specific actions, assertions, and getter methods for * widgets of type Sash. NOTE: All action methods in this class are * platform-dependent */ public class SashTester extends ControlTester { public static final String copyright = "Licensed Materials -- Property of IBM\n"+ "(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 2003\nUS Government "+ "Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA "+ "ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp."; /** * Set the location of the sash to the given location, relative * to the Sash's parent. Note- for horizontal sashes, the location * represents the new y-coordinate, and for vertical sashes, the * location represents the new x-coordinate (where the origin is the * top left-hand corner of the sash's parent). * * Negative values for location are automatically set to 0 , and * those that are larger than the reciever's parent are set to * the width of the parent. */ public void actionSetSashLocation(final Sash sash, int location){ actionFocus(sash); int style = getStyle(sash); final Point p = getLocation(sash); final Rectangle parentBounds = getBounds(getParent(sash)); Point moveFrom,moveTo; if( (style&SWT.VERTICAL)==SWT.VERTICAL){ location = (location<0)? 0 : (location>parentBounds.width)? parentBounds.width: location; final int setTo = location; // convert to global coords moveFrom = getGlobalLocation(sash); moveFrom.y = moveFrom.y+getBounds(sash).height/2; moveTo = getParent(sash).toDisplay(setTo,p.y); moveTo.y = moveFrom.y; } else{//style==SWT.HORIZONTAL location = (location<0)? 0 : (location>parentBounds.height)? parentBounds.height: location; final int setTo = location; // convert to global coordinates moveFrom = getGlobalLocation(sash); moveFrom.x = moveFrom.x+getBounds(sash).width/2; moveTo = getParent(sash).toDisplay(p.x,setTo); moveTo.x = moveFrom.x; } mouseMove(moveFrom.x,moveFrom.y); mousePress(SWT.BUTTON1); mouseMove(moveTo.x,moveTo.y); mouseRelease(SWT.BUTTON1); actionWaitForIdle(sash.getDisplay()); } /** * Moves the sash by the given amount, or to the edge of the * reciver's parent. */ public void actionMoveSashBy(Sash sash, int amount){ int style = getStyle(sash); if( (style&SWT.VERTICAL)==SWT.VERTICAL){ int currentX = getLocation(sash).x; int moveToX = currentX+amount; actionSetSashLocation(sash,moveToX); } else{ int currentY = getLocation(sash).y; int moveToY = currentY+amount; actionSetSashLocation(sash,moveToY); } } /** * Proxy for {@link Sash.addSelectionListener(SelectionListener listener). */ public void addSelectionListener(final Sash s, final SelectionListener listener) { Robot.syncExec(s.getDisplay(), null, new Runnable() { public void run() { s.addSelectionListener(listener); } }); } /** * Proxy for {@link Sash.removeSelectionListener(SelectionListener listener). */ public void removeSelectionListener(final Sash s, final SelectionListener listener) { Robot.syncExec(s.getDisplay(), null, new Runnable() { public void run() { s.removeSelectionListener(listener); } }); } }