package abbot.script; import java.awt.Component; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.*; import abbot.*; import abbot.Log; import abbot.i18n.Strings; import abbot.finder.*; import abbot.script.parsers.Parser; import abbot.tester.*; /** Provide parsing of a String into an array of appropriately typed * arguments. Arrays are indicated by square brackets, and arguments are * separated by commas, e.g.<br> * <ul> * <li>An empty String array (length zero): "[]" * <li>Three arguments "one,two,three" * <li>An array of length three: "[one,two,three]" * <li>A single-element array of integer: "[1]" * <li>A single null argument: "null" * <li>An array of two strings: "[one,two]" * <li>Commas must be escaped when they would otherwise be interpreted as an * argument separator:<br> * "one,two%2ctwo,three" (2nd argument is "two,two") */ public class ArgumentParser { private ArgumentParser() { } private static final String ESC_ESC_COMMA = "%%2C"; public static final String ESC_COMMA = "%2c"; public static final String NULL = "null"; public static final String DEFAULT_TOSTRING = "<default-tostring>"; /** Maps class names to their corresponding string parsers. */ private static Map parsers = new HashMap(); private static boolean isExtension(String name) { return name.indexOf(".extensions.") != -1; } private static Parser findParser(String name, Class targetClass) { Log.debug("Trying " + name + " for " + targetClass); try { Class cvtClass = isExtension(name) ? Class.forName(name, true, targetClass.getClassLoader()) : Class.forName(name); Parser parser = (Parser)cvtClass.newInstance(); if (cvtClass.getName().indexOf(".extensions.") == -1) parsers.put(targetClass, parser); return parser; } catch(InstantiationException ie) { Log.debug(ie); } catch(IllegalAccessException iae) { Log.debug(iae); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnf) { Log.debug(cnf); } return null; } /** Set the parser for a given class. Returns the old one, if any. */ public static Parser setParser(Class cls, Parser parser) { Parser old = (Parser)parsers.get(cls); parsers.put(cls, parser); return old; } /** Find a string parser for the given class. Returns null if none * found. */ public static Parser getParser(Class cls) { Parser parser = (Parser)parsers.get(cls); // Load core testers with the current framework's class loader // context, and anything else in the context of the code under test if (parser == null) { String base = ComponentTester.simpleClassName(cls); String pkg = Parser.class.getPackage().getName(); parser = findParser(pkg + "." + base + "Parser", cls); if (parser == null) { parser = findParser(pkg + ".extensions." + base + "Parser", cls); } } return parser; } private static boolean isBounded(String s) { return s.startsWith("[") && s.endsWith("]") || s.startsWith("\"") && s.endsWith("\"") || s.startsWith("'") && s.endsWith("'"); } private static String escapeCommas(String s) { return replace(replace(s, ESC_COMMA, ESC_ESC_COMMA), ",", ESC_COMMA); } private static String unescapeCommas(String s) { return replace(replace(s, ESC_COMMA, ","), ESC_ESC_COMMA, ESC_COMMA); } public static String encodeArguments(String[] args) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (args.length > 0) { if (isBounded(args[0])) { sb.append(args[0]); } else { sb.append(escapeCommas(args[0])); } for (int i=1;i < args.length;i++) { sb.append(","); if (isBounded(args[i])) { sb.append(args[i]); } else { sb.append(escapeCommas(args[i])); } } } return sb.toString(); } private static class Tokenizer extends ArrayList { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public Tokenizer(String input) { while (true) { int index = input.indexOf(","); if (index == -1) { add(input); break; } add(input.substring(0, index)); input = input.substring(index + 1); } } } /** Convert the given encoded String into an array of Strings. * Interprets strings of the format "[el1,el2,el3]" to be a single (array) * argument (such commas do not need escaping). <p> * Explicit commas and square brackets in arguments must be escaped by * preceding the character with a backslash ('\'). The strings * '(null)' and 'null' are interpreted as the value null.<p> * Explicit spaces should be protected by double quotes, e.g. * " an argument bounded by spaces ". */ public static String[] parseArgumentList(String encodedArgs) { ArrayList alist = new ArrayList(); if (encodedArgs == null || "".equals(encodedArgs)) return new String[0]; // handle old method of escaped commas encodedArgs = replace(encodedArgs, "\\,", ESC_COMMA); Iterator iter = new Tokenizer(encodedArgs).iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String str = (String); if (str.trim().startsWith("[") && !str.trim().endsWith("]")) { while (iter.hasNext()) { String next = (String); str += "," + next; if (next.trim().endsWith("]")) { break; } } } else if (str.trim().startsWith("\"") && !str.trim().endsWith("\"")) { while (iter.hasNext()) { String next = (String); str += "," + next; if (next.trim().endsWith("\"")) { break; } } } else if (str.trim().startsWith("'") && !str.trim().endsWith("'")) { while (iter.hasNext()) { String next = (String); str += "," + next; if (next.trim().endsWith("'")) { break; } } } if (NULL.equals(str.trim())) { alist.add(null); } else { // If it's an array, don't unescape the commas yet if (!str.startsWith("[")) { str = unescapeCommas(str); } alist.add(str); } } return (String[])alist.toArray(new String[alist.size()]); } /** Performs property substitutions on the argument priort to evaluating * it. Substitutions are not recursive. */ public static String substitute(Resolver resolver, String arg) { if (arg == null) { return arg; } int i = 0; int marker = 0; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while ((i = arg.indexOf("${", marker)) != -1) { if (marker < i) { sb.append(arg.substring(marker, i)); marker = i; } int end = arg.indexOf("}", i); if (end == -1) { break; } String name = arg.substring(i + 2, end); Object value = resolver.getProperty(name); if (value == null) { value = System.getProperty(name); } if (value == null) { value = arg.substring(i, end + 1); } sb.append(toString(value)); marker = end + 1; } sb.append(arg.substring(marker)); return sb.toString(); } /** Convert the given string into the given class, if possible, * using any available parsers if conversion to basic types fails. * The Resolver could be a parser, but it would need to adapt * automatically to whatever is the current context.<p> * Performs property substitution on the argument prior to evaluating it. * Spaces are only trimmed from the argument if spaces have no meaning for * the target class. */ public static Object eval(Resolver resolver, String arg, Class cls) throws IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchReferenceException, ComponentSearchException { // Perform property substitution arg = substitute(resolver, arg); Parser parser; Object result = null; try { if (arg == null || arg.equals(NULL)) { result = null; } else if (cls.equals(Boolean.class) || cls.equals(boolean.class)) { result = Boolean.valueOf(arg.trim()); } else if (cls.equals(Short.class) || cls.equals(short.class)) { result = Short.valueOf(arg.trim()); } else if (cls.equals(Integer.class) || cls.equals(int.class)) { result = Integer.valueOf(arg.trim()); } else if (cls.equals(Long.class) || cls.equals(long.class)) { result = Long.valueOf(arg.trim()); } else if (cls.equals(Float.class) || cls.equals(float.class)) { result = Float.valueOf(arg.trim()); } else if (cls.equals(Double.class) || cls.equals(double.class)) { result = Double.valueOf(arg.trim()); } else if (cls.equals(ComponentReference.class)) { ComponentReference ref = resolver.getComponentReference(arg.trim()); if (ref == null) throw new NoSuchReferenceException("The resolver " + resolver + " has no reference '" + arg + "'"); result = ref; } else if (Component.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) { ComponentReference ref = resolver.getComponentReference(arg.trim()); if (ref == null) throw new NoSuchReferenceException("The resolver " + resolver + " has no reference '" + arg + "'"); // Avoid requiring the user to wait for a component to become // available, in most cases. In those cases where the // component creation is particularly slow, an explicit wait // can be added. // Note that this is not necessarily a wait for the component // to become visible, since menu items are not normally // visible even if they're available. result = waitForComponentAvailable(ref); } else if (cls.equals(String.class)) { result = arg; } else if (cls.isArray() && arg.trim().startsWith("[")) { arg = arg.trim(); String[] args = parseArgumentList(arg.substring(1, arg.length()-1)); Class base = cls.getComponentType(); Object arr = Array.newInstance(base, args.length); for (int i=0;i < args.length;i++) { Object obj = eval(resolver, args[i], base); Array.set(arr, i, obj); } result = arr; } else if ((parser = getParser(cls)) != null) { result = parser.parse(arg.trim()); } else { String msg = Strings.get("parser.conversion_error", new Object[] { arg.trim(), cls.getName() }); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } return result; } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) { String msg = Strings.get("parser.conversion_error", new Object[] { arg.trim(), cls.getName() }); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } } /** Evaluate the given set of arguments into the given set of types. */ public static Object[] eval(Resolver resolver, String[] args, Class[] params) throws IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchReferenceException, ComponentSearchException { Object[] plist = new Object[params.length]; for(int i=0;i < plist.length;i++) { plist[i] = eval(resolver, args[i], params[i]); } return plist; } /** Replace all instances in the given String of s1 with s2. */ public static String replace(String str, String s1, String s2) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(str); int index = 0; while ((index = sb.toString().indexOf(s1, index)) != -1) { sb.delete(index, index + s1.length()); sb.insert(index, s2); index += s2.length(); } return sb.toString(); } // TODO: move this somewhere more appropriate; make public static, maybe // in ComponentReference private static Component waitForComponentAvailable(final ComponentReference ref) throws ComponentSearchException { try { ComponentTester tester = ComponentTester.getTester(Component.class); tester.wait(new Condition() { public boolean test() { try { ref.getComponent(); } catch(ComponentNotFoundException e) { return false; } catch(MultipleComponentsFoundException m) { } return true; } public String toString() { return ref + " to become available"; } }, ComponentTester.componentDelay); } catch(WaitTimedOutError wto) { String msg = "Could not find " + ref + ": " + Step.toXMLString(ref); throw new ComponentNotFoundException(msg); } return ref.getComponent(); } /** Convert a value into a String representation. Handles null values and arrays. Returns null if the String representation is the default class@pointer format. */ public static String toString(Object value) { if (value == null) return NULL; if (value.getClass().isArray()) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("["); for (int i=0;i < Array.getLength(value);i++) { Object o = Array.get(value, i); if (i > 0) sb.append(","); sb.append(toString(o)); } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } String s = value.toString(); if (s == null) return NULL; if (isDefaultToString(s)) return DEFAULT_TOSTRING; return s; } /** Returns whether the given String is the default toString() * implementation for the given Object. */ public static boolean isDefaultToString(String s) { if (s == null) return false; int at = s.indexOf("@"); if (at != -1) { String hash = s.substring(at + 1, s.length()); try { Integer.parseInt(hash, 16); return true; } catch(NumberFormatException e) { } } return false; } }