package abbot.finder.swt; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Decorations; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget; import com.windowtester.internal.debug.IRuntimePluginTraceOptions; import com.windowtester.internal.debug.TraceHandler; import com.windowtester.runtime.swt.internal.abbot.IExceptionListener; import com.windowtester.runtime.swt.internal.abbot.ModalShellClosingExceptionListener; import com.windowtester.runtime.swt.internal.display.DisplayExec; import com.windowtester.runtime.swt.internal.finder.legacy.SearchScopeHelper; import com.windowtester.runtime.swt.internal.selector.UIProxy; import com.windowtester.runtime.swt.internal.widgets.finder.SWTWidgetFinder; import com.windowtester.runtime.util.TestMonitor; /** Provides basic widget lookup, examining each widget in turn. Searches all widgets of interest in a given hierarchy. */ public class BasicFinder implements WidgetFinder { private Hierarchy hierarchy; public static final int DFS = 1; // depth-first search public static final int BFS = 2; // breadth-first search private static WidgetFinder DEFAULT = null; private int searchType; private int dbComparisons; /* debug variable to test how many comparisons are made */ private List _listeners = new ArrayList(); private SearchScopeHelper _searchScopeHelper; //used to bound retries private int _attempts; public static WidgetFinder getDefault() { if (DEFAULT==null) { DEFAULT = new BasicFinder(new SWTHierarchy(Display.getDefault())); // TODO: check whether this is the right default } return DEFAULT; } private class SingleWidgetHierarchy implements Hierarchy { //private Widget root; private ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); public SingleWidgetHierarchy(Widget root) { //this.root = root; list.add(root); } public SingleWidgetHierarchy(Composite root) { //this.root = root; list.add(root); } public Collection getRoots() { return list; } public Collection getWidgets(Widget c) { return getHierarchy().getWidgets(c); } public Widget getParent(Widget c) { return getHierarchy().getParent(c); } public boolean contains(Widget c) { return getHierarchy().contains(c); // TODO: find a way to find widgets at all levels in SWT // && SwingUtilities.isDescendingFrom(c, root); } public void dispose(Decorations w) { getHierarchy().dispose(w); } } public BasicFinder(Hierarchy h) { this (h, DFS); } /**Create a new finder specifying the hierarchy that should be * used and the search type to be used (breadth-first or depth-first). * Note that choosing the search type does not make sense if the matcher * is an instance MultiMatcher, since in this case the entire hierarchy * has to be searched anyway. * * @param h Widget hierarchy to use * @param searchAll If true, return only unique matches and throw WidgetNotFound * or MultipleWidgetFound exceptions; otherwise, return the * first match found or a WidgetNotFoundException * @param searchType Type of search (BFS or DFS) */ public BasicFinder (Hierarchy h, int searchType) { hierarchy = h; this.searchType = searchType; if (hierarchy instanceof SWTHierarchy) { SWTHierarchy swtHierarchy = (SWTHierarchy)hierarchy; //if we're running in a testcase, add a special exception handler if (TestMonitor.getInstance().isTestRunning()) addExceptionListener(new ModalShellClosingExceptionListener(swtHierarchy.getDisplay())); _searchScopeHelper = new SearchScopeHelper(swtHierarchy); } } private void addExceptionListener(IExceptionListener listener) { _listeners.add(listener); } private void informExceptionListeners(String description) { for (Iterator iter = _listeners.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ((IExceptionListener); } } protected Hierarchy getHierarchy() { return hierarchy; } /** * Convenience method that makes getting a widget's parent possible through * the finder * @param widget The widget whose parent should be found * @return The parent of the given widget */ public Widget getWidgetParent(Widget widget) { return hierarchy.getParent(widget); } public Widget find(Composite root, Matcher m) throws WidgetNotFoundException, MultipleWidgetsFoundException { return find((Widget)root,m); } /** Find a Widget, using the given Matcher to determine whether a given widget in the hierarchy under the given root is the desired one. */ public Widget find(Widget root, Matcher m) throws WidgetNotFoundException, MultipleWidgetsFoundException { dbComparisons = 0; Hierarchy h = root != null ? new SingleWidgetHierarchy(root) : getHierarchy(); return find(h, m); } /** Find a Widget, using the given Matcher to determine whether a given widget in the hierarchy used by this WidgetFinder is the desired one. */ public Widget find(Matcher m) throws WidgetNotFoundException, MultipleWidgetsFoundException { dbComparisons = 0; _attempts = 0; return findInShellScope(m); } private Widget findInShellScope(Matcher m) throws WidgetNotFoundException, MultipleWidgetsFoundException { /* * SPIKE: root search at active shell or in shell identified by * a ShellComponentMatcher */ Shell shell = _searchScopeHelper.getShellSearchScope(m); return findInShellScope0(shell, m); } private Widget findInShellScope0(Shell shell, Matcher m) throws WidgetNotFoundException, MultipleWidgetsFoundException { Hierarchy h = new SingleWidgetHierarchy(shell); Set found = new HashSet(); /* The list is used in parallel with the set for multimatchers who need * to know in what order elements were added to the list */ java.util.List foundList = new ArrayList(); Collection roots = h.getRoots(); if (searchType==DFS) { Iterator iter = roots.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { findMatches(h, m, (Widget), found, foundList); } } else if (searchType==BFS) { LinkedList searchQ = new LinkedList(roots); while (searchQ.size() > 0) { Widget current = (Widget)searchQ.removeFirst(); dbComparisons++; if (m.matches(current)) { // Matcher should never return multiple or throw MultipleWidgetsFoundException if (!(m instanceof MultiMatcher)) { return current; } found.add(current); if (m instanceof MultiMatcher) { foundList.add(current); } } searchQ.addAll(h.getWidgets(current)); } } //update attempt number and possibly try again if (found.size()!= 1 && _attempts++ < SWTWidgetFinder.getMaxFinderRetries()) { TraceHandler.trace(IRuntimePluginTraceOptions.BASIC, "BasicFinder failed to find widget (" + m + ") relative to shell (" + UIProxy.getToString(shell) +") retrying [" + _attempts + "/" + SWTWidgetFinder.getMaxFinderRetries() +"]"); pause(SWTWidgetFinder.getFinderRetryInterval()); return findInShellScope(m); } if (found.size() == 0) { String msg = "Widget NOT Found:\n" + m.toString() + " in shell: " + UIProxy.getToString(shell); informExceptionListeners("WidgetNotFound"); throw new WidgetNotFoundException(msg); } else if (found.size() > 1) { Widget[] list = (Widget[]) foundList.toArray(new Widget[foundList.size()]); if (!(m instanceof MultiMatcher)) { String msg = "MULTIPLE Widgets Found:\n" + m.toString(); informExceptionListeners("MultipleWidgetsFound"); throw new MultipleWidgetsFoundException(msg, list); } return ((MultiMatcher)m).bestMatch(list); } return (Widget)found.iterator().next(); } protected Widget find(Hierarchy h, Matcher m) throws WidgetNotFoundException, MultipleWidgetsFoundException { //reset attempts _attempts = 0; return find0(h, m); } protected Widget find0(final Hierarchy h, final Matcher m) throws WidgetNotFoundException, MultipleWidgetsFoundException { final Set found = new HashSet(); /* The list is used in parallel with the set for multimatchers who need * to know in what order elements were added to the list */ final java.util.List foundList = new ArrayList(); final Collection roots = h.getRoots(); if (searchType==DFS) { Iterator iter = roots.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { findMatches(h, m, (Widget), found, foundList); } DisplayExec.sync(new Runnable(){ public void run() { Iterator iter = roots.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { findMatches(h, m, (Widget), found, foundList); } } }); } else if (searchType==BFS) { LinkedList searchQ = new LinkedList(roots); while (searchQ.size() > 0) { Widget current = (Widget)searchQ.removeFirst(); dbComparisons++; if (m.matches(current)) { // Matcher should never return multiple or throw MultipleWidgetsFoundException if (!(m instanceof MultiMatcher)) { return current; } found.add(current); if (m instanceof MultiMatcher) { foundList.add(current); } } searchQ.addAll(h.getWidgets(current)); } } //update attempt number and possibly try again if (found.size()!= 1 && _attempts++ < SWTWidgetFinder.getMaxFinderRetries()) { TraceHandler.trace(IRuntimePluginTraceOptions.BASIC, "BasicFinder failed to find widget (" + m + ") retrying [" + _attempts + "/" + SWTWidgetFinder.getMaxFinderRetries() +"]"); pause(SWTWidgetFinder.getFinderRetryInterval()); return find0(h, m); } if (found.size() == 0) { String msg = "Widget NOT Found:\n" + m.toString(); informExceptionListeners("WidgetNotFound"); throw new WidgetNotFoundException(msg); } else if (found.size() > 1) { Widget[] list = (Widget[]) foundList.toArray(new Widget[foundList.size()]); if (!(m instanceof MultiMatcher)) { String msg = "MULTIPLE Widgets Found:\n" + m.toString(); informExceptionListeners("MultipleWidgetsFound"); throw new MultipleWidgetsFoundException(msg, list); } return ((MultiMatcher)m).bestMatch(list); } return (Widget)found.iterator().next(); } protected void findMatches(Hierarchy h, Matcher m, Widget w, Set found, java.util.List foundList) { // Matcher should never return multiple or throw MultipleWidgetsFoundException if (found.size() == 1 && !(m instanceof MultiMatcher)) return; if (searchType==DFS) { Iterator iter = h.getWidgets(w).iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { findMatches(h, m, (Widget), found, foundList); // if (!searchAll && found.size() > 0) return; } dbComparisons++; // for debug purposes: keep track of the number of comparisons done // if (!searchAll && found.size() > 0) return; if (m.matches(w)) { found.add(w); if (m instanceof MultiMatcher) { foundList.add(w); } } } } public void dbPrintWidgets() { if (hierarchy instanceof SWTHierarchy) { ((SWTHierarchy)hierarchy).dbPrintWidgets(); } } public void printWidgets() { dbPrintWidgets(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Timing // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static void pause(int ms) { try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch(InterruptedException ie) { } } }