package abbot.script; import java.awt.Window; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Iterator; import abbot.finder.Hierarchy; import abbot.*; import abbot.i18n.Strings; /** * Provides scripted static method invocation. Usage:<br> * <blockquote><code> * <launch class="package.class" method="methodName" args="..." * classpath="..." [threaded=true]><br> * </code></blockquote><p> * The args attribute is a comma-separated list of arguments to pass to the * class method, and may use square brackets to denote an array, * e.g. "[one,two,three]" will be interpreted as an array length 3 * of String. The square brackets may be escaped ('\[' or '\]') to include * them literally in an argument. * <p> * The class path attribute may use either colon or semicolon as a path * separator, but should preferably use relative paths to avoid making the * containing script platform- and location-dependent.<p> * In most cases, the classes under test will <i>only</i> be found under the * custom class path, and so the parent class loader will fail to find them. * If this is the case then the classes under test will be properly discarded * on each launch when a new class loader is created. * <p> * The 'threaded' attribute is provided in case your code under test requires * GUI event processing prior to returning from its invoked method. An * example might be a main method which invokes dialog and waits for the * response before continuing. In general, it's better to refactor the code * if possible so that the main method turns over control to the event * dispatch thread as soon as possible. Otherwise, if the application under * test is background threaded by the Launch step, any runtime exceptions * thrown from the launch code will cause errors in the launch step out of * sequence with the other script steps. While this won't cause any problems * for the Abbot framework, it can be very confusing for the user.<p> * Note that if the "reload" attribute is set true (i.e. Abbot's class loader * is used to reload code under test), ComponentTester extensions must also be * loaded by that class loader, so the path to extensions should be included * in the Launch class path.<p> */ public class Launch extends Call implements UIContext { /** Allow only one active launch at a time. */ private static Launch currentLaunch = null; private String classpath = null; private boolean threaded = false; private transient AppClassLoader classLoader; private transient ThreadedLaunchListener listener; private static final String USAGE = "<launch class=\"...\" method=\"...\" args=\"...\" " + "[threaded=true]>"; public Launch(Resolver resolver, Map attributes) { super(resolver, attributes); classpath = (String)attributes.get(TAG_CLASSPATH); String thr = (String)attributes.get(TAG_THREADED); if (thr != null) threaded = Boolean.valueOf(thr).booleanValue(); } public Launch(Resolver resolver, String description, String className, String methodName, String[] args) { this(resolver, description, className, methodName, args, null, false); } public Launch(Resolver resolver, String description, String className, String methodName, String[] args, String classpath, boolean threaded) { super(resolver, description, className, methodName, args); this.classpath = classpath; this.threaded = threaded; } public String getClasspath() { return classpath; } public void setClasspath(String cp) { classpath = cp; // invalidate class loader classLoader = null; } public boolean isThreaded() { return threaded; } public void setThreaded(boolean thread) { threaded = thread; } protected AppClassLoader createClassLoader() { return new AppClassLoader(classpath); } /** Install the class loader context for the code being launched. The * context class loader for the current thread is modified. */ protected void install() { ClassLoader loader = getContextClassLoader(); // Everything else loaded on the same thread as this // launch should be loaded by this custom loader. if (loader instanceof AppClassLoader && !((AppClassLoader)loader).isInstalled()) { ((AppClassLoader)loader).install(); } } protected void synchronizedRunStep() throws Throwable { // A bug in pre-1.4 VMs locks the toolkit prior to notifying AWT event // listeners. This causes a deadlock when the main method invokes // "show" on a component which triggers AWT events for which there are // listeners. To avoid this, grab the toolkit lock first so that the // locks are acquired in the same order by either sequence. // (Unfortunately, some swing code locks the tree prior to // grabbing the toolkit lock, so there's still opportunity for // deadlock). One alternative (although very heavyweight) is to // always fork a separate VM. // // If threaded, take the danger of deadlock over the possibility that // the main method will never return and leave the lock forever held. // NOTE: this is guaranteed to deadlock if "main" calls // EventQueue.invokeAndWait. if (Platform.JAVA_VERSION < Platform.JAVA_1_4 && !isThreaded()) { synchronized(java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()) { super.runStep(); } } else { super.runStep(); } } /** Perform steps necessary to remove any setup performed by * this <code>Launch</code> step. */ public void terminate() { Log.debug("launch terminate"); if (currentLaunch == this) { // Nothing special to do, dispose windows normally Iterator iter = getHierarchy().getRoots().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) getHierarchy().dispose((Window); if (classLoader != null) { classLoader.uninstall(); classLoader = null; } currentLaunch = null; } } /** Launches the UI described by this <code>Launch</code> step, * using the given runner as controller/monitor. */ public void launch(StepRunner runner) throws Throwable {; } /** @return Whether the code described by this launch step is currently active. */ public boolean isLaunched() { return currentLaunch == this; } public Hierarchy getHierarchy() { return getResolver().getHierarchy(); } public void runStep() throws Throwable { if (currentLaunch != null) currentLaunch.terminate(); currentLaunch = this; install(); System.setProperty("abbot.framework.launched", "true"); if (isThreaded()) { Thread threaded = new Thread("Threaded " + toString()) { public void run() { try { synchronizedRunStep(); } catch(AssertionFailedError e) { if (listener != null) listener.stepFailure(Launch.this, e); } catch(Throwable t) { if (listener != null) listener.stepError(Launch.this, t); } } }; threaded.setDaemon(true); threaded.setContextClassLoader(classLoader); threaded.start(); } else { synchronizedRunStep(); } } /** Overrides the default implementation to always use the class loader * defined by this step. This works in cases where the Launch step has * not yet been added to a Script; otherwise the Script will provide an * implementation equivalent to this one. */ public Class resolveClass(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException { return Class.forName(className, true, getContextClassLoader()); } /** Return the class loader that uses the classpath defined in this * step. */ public ClassLoader getContextClassLoader() { if (classLoader == null) { // Use a custom class loader so that we can provide additional // classpath and also optionally reload the class on each run. // FIXME maybe classpath should be relative to the script? In this // case, it's relative to user.dir classLoader = createClassLoader(); } return classLoader; } public Class getTargetClass() throws ClassNotFoundException { Class cls = resolveClass(getTargetClassName()); Log.debug("Target class is " + cls.getName()); return cls; } /** Return the target for the method invocation. All launch invocations * must be static, so this always returns null. */ protected Object getTarget(Method m) { return null; } /** Return the method to be used for invocation. */ public Method getMethod() throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException { return resolveMethod(getMethodName(), getTargetClass(), null); } public Map getAttributes() { Map map = super.getAttributes(); if (classpath != null) { map.put(TAG_CLASSPATH, classpath); } if (threaded) { map.put(TAG_THREADED, "true"); } return map; } public String getDefaultDescription() { String desc = Strings.get("launch.desc", new Object[] { getTargetClassName() + "." + getMethodName() + "(" + getEncodedArguments() + ")"}); return desc; } public String getUsage() { return USAGE; } public String getXMLTag() { return TAG_LAUNCH; } /** Set a listener to respond to events when the launch step is * threaded. */ public void setThreadedLaunchListener(ThreadedLaunchListener l) { listener = l; } public interface ThreadedLaunchListener { public void stepFailure(Launch launch, AssertionFailedError error); public void stepError(Launch launch, Throwable throwable); } /** No two launches are ever considered equivalent. If you want * a shared {@link UIContext}, use a {@link Fixture}. * @see abbot.script.UIContext#equivalent(abbot.script.UIContext) * @see abbot.script.StepRunner#run(Step) */ public boolean equivalent(UIContext context) { return false; } }