package abbot.script; import java.util.*; import org.jdom.*; import org.jdom.Element; //import bsh.*; import abbot.AssertionFailedError; /** Provides evaluation of arbitrary Java expressions. Any Java expression is supported, with a more loose syntax if desired. See the <a href=>beanshell documentation</a> for complete details of the extended features available in this evaluator. <p> Note that any variables declared or assigned will be available to any subsequent steps in the same Script. */ public class Expression extends Step { public static final String TAG_EXPRESSION = "expression"; private static final String USAGE = "<expression>{java/beanshell expression}</expression>"; private String expression = ""; public Expression(Resolver resolver, Element el, Map attributes) { super(resolver, attributes); String expr = null; Iterator iter = el.getContent().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object o =; if (o instanceof CDATA) { expr = ((CDATA)o).getText(); break; } } if (expr == null) expr = el.getText(); setExpression(expr); } public Expression(Resolver resolver, String description) { super(resolver, description); } public String getDefaultDescription() { return getExpression(); } public String getUsage() { return USAGE; } public String getXMLTag() { return TAG_EXPRESSION; } protected Element addContent(Element el) { return el.addContent(new CDATA(getExpression())); } public void setExpression(String text) { expression = text; } public String getExpression() { return expression; } /** Evaluates the expression. */ protected void runStep() throws Throwable { /* Interpreter sh = (Interpreter) getResolver().getProperty(Script.INTERPRETER); try { sh.eval(getExpression()); } catch(TargetError e) { throw e.getTarget(); } */ } }