package abbot.editor; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable; import java.awt.dnd.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI; import javax.swing.table.*; import abbot.Log; import abbot.script.*; /** Provides a component to edit a test script. A cursor indicates where insertions will be positioned. Supports drag & drop within the component itself.<p> Actions supported:<br> move-rows-up<br> move-rows-down<br> toggle<br> */ public class ScriptTable extends JTable implements Autoscroll { private int cursorRow = 0; private Sequence cursorParent = null; private int cursorParentIndex = 0; private int cursorDepth = 0; private boolean isDragging = false; private DragSource dragSource; private DragSourceListener dragSourceListener; private static Icon openIcon; private static Icon closedIcon; private static int baseIndent; private static final int MARGIN = 4; static { URL url1 = ScriptTable.class.getResource("icons/triangle-dn.gif"); URL url2 = ScriptTable.class.getResource("icons/triangle-rt.gif"); if (url1 != null && url2 != null) { openIcon = new ImageIcon(url1); closedIcon = new ImageIcon(url2); } else { BasicTreeUI ui = (BasicTreeUI)(new JTree().getUI()); openIcon = ui.getExpandedIcon(); closedIcon = ui.getCollapsedIcon(); } baseIndent = openIcon.getIconWidth(); } private ScriptModel model; public ScriptTable() { this(new ScriptModel()); } public ScriptTable(ScriptModel scriptModel) { super(scriptModel); setSelectionModel(new SelectionModel()); model = scriptModel; TableCellRenderer cr = new ScriptTableCellRenderer(); setDefaultRenderer(Object.class, cr); Dimension spacing = getIntercellSpacing(); spacing.height = 2; setIntercellSpacing(spacing); initDragDrop(); // Detect clicks on the table in order to position the cursor // and expand entries. MouseListener ml = new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me) { if (me.getModifiers() != InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) return; if (me.getClickCount() == 2) { int row = rowAtPoint(me.getPoint()); Log.debug("Toggling row at " + row); toggle(row); } else { click(me.getPoint()); } } }; addMouseListener(ml); // Set up our custom actions; note that there are no default input // bindings ActionMap map = getActionMap(); map.put("move-rows-up", new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { moveUp(); } }); map.put("move-rows-down", new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { moveDown(); } }); map.put("toggle", new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { int selRow = getSelectedRow(); if (selRow != -1) { toggle(selRow); } } }); } /** Toggle the open/closed state of a sequence. */ public void toggle(int row) { int[] rows = getSelectedRows(); if (rows.length > 0) { int anchor = getSelectionModel().getAnchorSelectionIndex(); Step first = model.getStepAt(rows[0]); int lastRow = rows[rows.length-1]; Step last = model.getStepAt(lastRow); Step afterLast = lastRow < getRowCount() - 1 ? model.getStepAt(lastRow + 1) : null; clearSelection(); model.toggle(row); int index0 = model.getRowOf(first); int index1 = model.getRowOf(last); // If the last step in the selection becomes hidden, change the // selection and the cursor position. if (index1 == -1) { index1 = afterLast == null ? row : model.getRowOf(afterLast) - 1; } if (anchor == index0) { Log.debug("Updating selection to " + index0 + " to " + index1); setRowSelectionInterval(index0, index1); } else { Log.debug("Updating selection to " + index1 + " to " + index0); setRowSelectionInterval(index1, index0); } } else { model.toggle(row); } } /** Return the bounding for the given cell. If the step at the given row * is contained within a sequence, the rect will be offset to the right. */ public Rectangle getCellRect(int row, int col, boolean includeBorder) { Rectangle rect = super.getCellRect(row, col, includeBorder); int indent = getIndentation(row); rect.x += indent; rect.width -= indent; return rect; } /** Return the number of pixels offset from the left edge of the table for the given row. */ public int getIndentation(int row) { return getDepthIndentation(model.getNestingDepthAt(row)); } /** Return the number of pixels offset from the left edge of the table for the given level of indentation. */ public int getDepthIndentation(int depth) { return baseIndent * depth; } private void click(Point pt) { int row = rowAtPoint(pt); if (row == -1) { clearSelection(); setCursorLocation(getRowCount()); } else { Rectangle rect = getCellRect(row, 0, true); // If the click is on the open/close icon, then toggle if ((model.getStepAt(row) instanceof Sequence) && pt.x >= rect.x && pt.x < rect.x + baseIndent && pt.y > rect.y + rect.height / MARGIN && pt.y < rect.y + rect.height * (MARGIN-1)/MARGIN) { toggle(row); } else { setCursorLocation(pt); } } } private void initDragDrop() { int action = DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE; dragSource = DragSource.getDefaultDragSource(); DragGestureListener dgl = new DGListener(); dragSource.createDefaultDragGestureRecognizer(this, action, dgl); dragSourceListener = new DSListener(); DropTarget dt = new DropTarget(this, new DTListener()); dt.setDefaultActions(DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE); } /** Determine what the background color for the given step should be. */ protected Color getStepColor(Step step, boolean selected) { return selected ? getSelectionBackground() : getBackground(); } /** Returns the script context of the currently selected row. */ public Script getScriptContext() { int row = getSelectedRow(); if (row == -1) return model.getScript(); return model.getScriptOf(row); } /** Returns the row number of the cursor. The number of cursor locations * is one greater than the number of table * entries. */ public int getCursorRow() { return cursorRow; } /** Returns the target parent of the current cursor location. */ public Sequence getCursorParent() { return cursorParent; } /** Returns the target index within the parent of the current cursor location. */ public int getCursorParentIndex() { return cursorParentIndex; } protected Rectangle getCursorBounds() { Insets insets = getInsets(); Dimension d = getSize(); Dimension m = getIntercellSpacing(); if (m.height == 0) m.height = 1; int width = d.width - insets.left - insets.right; int row = Math.min(cursorRow, getRowCount()-1); Rectangle cellRect = super.getCellRect(row, 0, false); int y = cellRect.y; if (cursorRow == getRowCount()) y += cellRect.height + m.height; int indent = getDepthIndentation(cursorDepth); return new Rectangle(indent, y - m.height, width - indent, m.height); } /** Given an arbitrary point within the table, return the nearest valid row for the cursor to be placed. */ private int getCursorRowAtPoint(Point where) { int row = rowAtPoint(where); if (row == -1) { row = where.y < 0 ? 0 : getRowCount(); } else { Rectangle rect = super.getCellRect(row, 0, true); if (where.getY() > rect.y + rect.height / 2) ++row; } // When dragging, don't put the cursor somewhere which would produce // no effect, or which would be illegal. if (isDragging) { int selStart = getSelectedRow(); int count = getSelectedRowCount(); if (row > selStart && row <= selStart + count) { if (row > count / 2 && selStart + count + 1 < getRowCount()) { row = selStart + count + 1; } else { row = selStart; } } } return row; } // FIXME sometimes the cursor row leads the selected row by two public void setCursorLocation(Point where) { int row = getCursorRowAtPoint(where); setCursorLocation(row, where.x); } /** Set the cursor location, using the given indentation to determine the * appropriate target parent sequence. */ private void setCursorLocation(int row, int indentation) { Rectangle oldRect = getCursorBounds(); Script script = model.getScript(); if (script == null) return; // Can't position the cursor after a terminate step if (script.hasTerminate() && row == getRowCount()) --row; else if (script.hasLaunch() && row == 0) ++row; cursorRow = row; Sequence parent = script; int index = row == getRowCount() ? parent.size() : parent.indexOf(model.getStepAt(row)); int depth = 0; if (row > 0) { // Place the cursor based on the previous step Step prev = model.getStepAt(row - 1); if (model.isOpen(prev)) { parent = (Sequence)prev; index = 0; // Depth is one greater than the depth of the parent depth = model.getNestingDepthAt(row - 1) + 1; } else { parent = model.getParent(prev); index = parent.indexOf(prev) + 1; depth = model.getNestingDepthAt(row - 1); } int indent = getDepthIndentation(depth); // Shift up the hierarchy until we reach the appropriate // indentation level. while (indent > indentation && parent != script) { Sequence nextUp = model.getParent(parent); index = nextUp.indexOf(parent) + 1; parent = nextUp; indent = getDepthIndentation(--depth); } } cursorParent = parent; cursorParentIndex = index; cursorDepth = depth; if (oldRect != null) repaint(oldRect); repaint(getCursorBounds()); } /** Set the cursor location to a reasonable target for the given row. */ public void setCursorLocation(int row) { setCursorLocation(row, 0); } protected void drawCursor(Graphics g, int row) { g.setColor(; ((Graphics2D)g).fill(getCursorBounds()); } /** We paint a cursor where insertions will take effect. */ public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paint(g); drawCursor(g, cursorRow == getRowCount() ? cursorRow-1 : cursorRow); } public void autoscroll(Point pt) { Rectangle bounds = getBounds(); Log.debug("autoscroll at " + pt + " bounds " + bounds); // Figure out which row we're on. int row = rowAtPoint(pt); if (row < 0) return; if (pt.y + bounds.y <= AUTOSCROLL_MARGIN) { if (row > 0) --row; } else { if (row < getRowCount() - 1) ++row; } scrollRectToVisible(getCellRect(row, 0, true)); } private static final int AUTOSCROLL_MARGIN = 12; public Insets getAutoscrollInsets() { // Calculate the insets for the JTree, not the viewport the tree is // in. Rectangle tree = getBounds(); Rectangle view = getParent().getBounds(); return new Insets(view.y - tree.y + AUTOSCROLL_MARGIN, view.x - tree.x + AUTOSCROLL_MARGIN, tree.height - view.height - view.y + tree.y + AUTOSCROLL_MARGIN, tree.width - view.width - view.x + tree.x + AUTOSCROLL_MARGIN); } private class ScriptTableCellRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer { public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean sel, boolean focus, int row, int col) { // We know that the default renderer for a JTable // is a subclass of JLabel JLabel renderer = (JLabel) super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, sel, focus, row, col); Step step = model.getStepAt(row); Icon icon = null; if (step instanceof Sequence) { icon = model.isOpen(row) ? openIcon : closedIcon; } renderer.setIcon(icon); super.setBackground(getStepColor(step, sel)); setOpaque(true); return renderer; } } /** Return the first selected step. */ public Step getSelectedStep() { return getSelectedRowCount() > 0 ? model.getStepAt(getSelectedRow()) : null; } /** Return the set of selected steps, restricted to siblings of the first selected row. */ public List getSelectedSteps() { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); int[] rows = getSelectedRows(); if (rows.length > 0) { Step step = model.getStepAt(rows[0]); Sequence parent = model.getParent(step); for (int i=0;i < rows.length;i++) { step = model.getStepAt(rows[i]); if (model.getParent(step) == parent) { list.add(step); } } } return list; } public boolean canMoveDown() { int[] rows = getSelectedRows(); int max = getRowCount() - (model.getScript().hasTerminate() ? 2 : 1); return rows[rows.length-1] < max; } public boolean canMoveUp() { int row = getSelectedRow(); int min = model.getScript().hasLaunch() ? 1 : 0; return row > min && !(model.getStepAt(row) instanceof Terminate); } /** Move the selected step(s) up. If the previous row is part of an open * sequence, move to the end of the sequence. Otherwise, switch places * with the step at the previous row. */ public void moveUp() { if (!canMoveUp()) return; List list = getSelectedSteps(); int leadRow = getSelectedRow(); Step lead = (Step)list.get(0); Sequence parent = model.getParent(lead); Step prev = model.getStepAt(leadRow - 1); int targetIndex = 0; // If the previous row to the selection is its parent, move previous // to the parent. if (parent.indexOf(lead) == 0) { Log.debug("Move out of sequence"); Sequence newParent = model.getParent(parent); targetIndex = newParent.indexOf(parent); parent = newParent; } // Is the previous step part of an open sequence? else if (model.isOpen(prev)) { Log.debug("Move to previous empty open sequence"); parent = (Sequence)prev; targetIndex = 0; } else if (model.getParent(prev) != parent) { Log.debug("Move to previous open sequence"); parent = model.getParent(prev); targetIndex = parent.indexOf(prev) + 1; } else { Log.debug("Move previous"); targetIndex = parent.indexOf(prev); } moveSelectedRows(parent, targetIndex); } /** Move the currently selected rows down one row. */ public void moveDown() { if (!canMoveDown()) { Log.warn("Unexpected move down state"); return; } List list = getSelectedSteps(); Step lead = (Step)list.get(0); Sequence leadParent = model.getParent(lead); int[] rows = getSelectedRows(); Step next = model.getStepAt(rows[rows.length-1] + 1); Sequence parent = model.getParent(next); // Default behavior moves after the next step int targetIndex = parent.indexOf(next) + 1; // If the next step after the selection is not a sibling, // make the group a sibling to its old parent if (leadParent != parent) { Sequence nextParent = model.getParent(leadParent); targetIndex = nextParent.indexOf(leadParent) + 1; parent = nextParent; } // If the next step is an open sequence, move into it else if (model.isOpen(next)) { parent = (Sequence)next; targetIndex = 0; } moveSelectedRows(parent, targetIndex); } /** Move the currently selected rows into the given parent at the given index. */ public void moveSelectedRows(Sequence parent, int index) { List steps = getSelectedSteps(); Step first = (Step)steps.get(0); if (parent.indexOf(first) == index) return; ListSelectionModel lsm = getSelectionModel(); boolean firstIsAnchor = getSelectedRow() == lsm.getAnchorSelectionIndex(); model.moveSteps(parent, steps, index); int firstRow = model.getRowOf(first); if (firstIsAnchor) lsm.setSelectionInterval(firstRow, firstRow + steps.size() - 1); else lsm.setSelectionInterval(firstRow + steps.size() - 1, firstRow); } private class DGListener implements DragGestureListener { public void dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent e) { Point where = e.getDragOrigin(); int firstRow = getSelectedRow(); if (firstRow == -1) return; if ((e.getDragAction() & DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE) != 0) { Transferable tf = getSelectedRowCount() > 1 ? new StepTransferable(getSelectedSteps()) : new StepTransferable(getSelectedStep()); try { Rectangle rect = getCellRect(firstRow, 0, true); int count = getSelectedRowCount(); rect.height *= count; Point offset = new Point(rect.x - where.x, rect.y - where.y); rect.x = rect.y = 0; BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(rect.width, rect.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE); Graphics2D graphics = image.createGraphics(); graphics.setColor(Color.gray); --rect.width;--rect.height; graphics.draw(rect); graphics.dispose(); e.startDrag(DragSource.DefaultMoveDrop, image, offset, tf, dragSourceListener); isDragging = true; } catch(InvalidDnDOperationException exc) { Log.warn(exc); } } } } /** Listens to events coming from the source of the drag action. */ private class DSListener implements DragSourceListener { public void dragDropEnd(DragSourceDropEvent e) { Log.debug("drag drop end " + e.getDropAction()); // OSX bug makes this fail, so do it in the target listener instead if (!e.getDropSuccess()) { Log.debug("drop failed"); } } public void dragEnter(DragSourceDragEvent e) { Log.debug( "drag enter " + e.getDropAction()); DragSourceContext context = e.getDragSourceContext(); // intersection of the users selected action, and the source and // target actions int action = e.getDropAction(); if ((action & DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE) != 0) { context.setCursor(DragSource.DefaultMoveDrop); } else { context.setCursor(DragSource.DefaultMoveNoDrop); } } public void dragOver(DragSourceDragEvent e) { } public void dragExit(DragSourceEvent e) { } public void dropActionChanged(DragSourceDragEvent e) { Log.debug("action changed " + e.getDropAction()); DragSourceContext context = e.getDragSourceContext(); context.setCursor(DragSource.DefaultMoveNoDrop); } } /** Listens to events coming from the target of the drag action. */ private class DTListener implements DropTargetListener { public void dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent e) { if (!isDragAcceptable(e)) { e.rejectDrag(); } else { e.acceptDrag(DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE); } } public void dragExit(DropTargetEvent e) { } public void dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent e) { if (!isDragAcceptable(e)) { e.rejectDrag(); } else { e.acceptDrag(DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE); } } public void dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent e) { Log.debug("drag over target " + e.getDropAction()); if (isDragAcceptable(e)) { e.acceptDrag(DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE); Rectangle last = getCursorBounds(); setCursorLocation(e.getLocation()); Rectangle current = getCursorBounds(); paintImmediately(last); paintImmediately(current); } else { e.rejectDrag(); } } public void drop(DropTargetDropEvent e) { Log.debug("drop successful " + e.getDropAction()); if (!isDropAcceptable(e)) { e.rejectDrop(); } else { e.acceptDrop(DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE); moveSelectedRows(cursorParent, cursorParentIndex); } e.dropComplete(true); } public boolean isDragAcceptable(DropTargetDragEvent e) { Log.debug("drag action is " + e.getDropAction()); return e.isDataFlavorSupported(StepTransferable.STEP_FLAVOR); } public boolean isDropAcceptable(DropTargetDropEvent e) { Log.debug("drop action is " + e.getDropAction()); return e.isDataFlavorSupported(StepTransferable.STEP_FLAVOR); } } /** If any sub-steps of a sequence are selected, they <i>all</i> must be selected. Also select all children when selecting an open sequence. */ private class SelectionModel extends DefaultListSelectionModel { public SelectionModel() { setSelectionMode(SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION); } private void fixSelection() { if (getSelectedRowCount() == 0 || (getSelectedRowCount() == 1 && !model.isOpen(getSelectedRow()))) { return; } // Ensure the first selection has at maximum the minimum depth // Ensure the row after the last selection has at minimum the // minimum depth. int anchor = getAnchorSelectionIndex(); int lead = getLeadSelectionIndex(); int lo, hi; if (anchor < lead) { lo = anchor; hi = lead; } else { lo = lead; hi = anchor; } int loDepth = model.getNestingDepthAt(lo); int minDepth = loDepth; for (int i=lo+1;i <= hi;i++) { minDepth = Math.min(minDepth, model.getNestingDepthAt(i)); } if (loDepth > minDepth) { for (int i=lo-1;i >= 0;i--) { if (model.getNestingDepthAt(i) == minDepth) { Log.debug("Changing low end to " + i); if (lo == anchor) setSelectionInterval(lo = i, hi); else setSelectionInterval(hi, lo = i); break; } } } int last = hi + 1; while (last < getRowCount() && model.getNestingDepthAt(last) > minDepth) { ++last; } if (last > hi + 1) { Log.debug("Changing hi end to " + (last - 1)); if (hi == lead) setSelectionInterval(lo, last - 1); else setSelectionInterval(last - 1, lo); } } public void addSelectionInterval(int index0, int index1) { super.addSelectionInterval(index0, index1); fixSelection(); } public void removeSelectionInterval(int index0, int index1) { super.removeSelectionInterval(index0, index1); fixSelection(); } public void setAnchorSelectionIndex(int index) { super.setAnchorSelectionIndex(index); fixSelection(); } public void setLeadSelectionIndex(int index) { super.setLeadSelectionIndex(index); fixSelection(); } public void setSelectionInterval(int index0, int index1) { super.setSelectionInterval(index0, index1); fixSelection(); } public void insertIndexInterval(int index, int length, boolean bfore) { super.insertIndexInterval(index, length, bfore); fixSelection(); } public void removeIndexInterval(int idx0, int idx1) { super.removeIndexInterval(idx0, idx1); fixSelection(); } } }