package abbot.tester.swt; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ScrollBar; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Scrollable; import abbot.Log; import com.windowtester.runtime.WT; import com.windowtester.runtime.swt.internal.abbot.SWTWorkarounds; import com.windowtester.runtime.swt.internal.operation.SWTDisplayLocation; import com.windowtester.runtime.swt.internal.operation.SWTMouseOperation; /** * Provides widget-specific actions for testing a scrollBar. * * @version $Id:,v 1.3 2007-11-27 17:17:39 pq Exp $ */ public class ScrollBarTester extends WidgetTester { public static final String copyright = "Licensed Materials -- Property of IBM\n"+ "(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 2003\nUS Government "+ "Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA "+ "ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp."; /** * These getter methods return a particular property of the given widget. * @see the corresponding member function in class Widget */ /* Begin getters */ /** * Proxy for {@link ScrollBar#getEnabled()}. * <p/> * @param bar the bar under test. * @return the enabled state. */ public boolean getEnabled(final ScrollBar bar) { Boolean result = (Boolean) Robot.syncExec(bar.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return Boolean.valueOf(bar.getEnabled()); } }); return result.booleanValue(); } /** * Proxy for {@link ScrollBar#getIncrement()}. * <p/> * @param bar the bar under test. * @return the increment. */ public int getIncrement(final ScrollBar bar) { Integer result = (Integer) Robot.syncExec(bar.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return new Integer(bar.getIncrement()); } }); return result.intValue(); } /** * Proxy for {@link ScrollBar#getMaximum()}. * <p/> * @param bar the bar under test. * @return the maximum. */ public int getMaximum(final ScrollBar bar) { Integer result = (Integer) Robot.syncExec(bar.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return new Integer(bar.getMaximum()); } }); return result.intValue(); } /** * Proxy for {@link ScrollBar#getMinimum()}. * <p/> * @param bar the bar under test. * @return the minimum. */ public int getMinimum(final ScrollBar bar) { Integer result = (Integer) Robot.syncExec(bar.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return new Integer(bar.getMinimum()); } }); return result.intValue(); } /** * Proxy for {@link ScrollBar#getPageIncrement()}. * <p/> * @param bar the bar under test. * @return the page increment. */ public int getPageIncrement(final ScrollBar bar) { Integer result = (Integer) Robot.syncExec(bar.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return new Integer(bar.getPageIncrement()); } }); return result.intValue(); } /** * Proxy for {@link ScrollBar#getParent()}. * <p/> * @param bar the bar under test. * @return the parent. */ public Scrollable getParent(final ScrollBar bar) { Scrollable result = (Scrollable) Robot.syncExec(bar.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return bar.getParent(); } }); return result; } /** * Proxy for {@link ScrollBar#getSelection()}. * <p/> * @param bar the bar under test. * @return the selection. */ public int getSelection(final ScrollBar bar) { Integer result = (Integer) Robot.syncExec(bar.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return new Integer(bar.getSelection()); } }); return result.intValue(); } /** * Proxy for {@link ScrollBar#getSize()}. * <p/> * @param bar the bar under test. * @return the point describing the size. */ public Point getSize(final ScrollBar bar) { Point result = (Point) Robot.syncExec(bar.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return bar.getSize(); } }); return result; } /** * Proxy for {@link ScrollBar#getThumb()}. * <p/> * @param bar the bar under test. * @return the thumb value. */ public int getThumb(final ScrollBar bar) { Integer result = (Integer) Robot.syncExec(bar.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return new Integer(bar.getThumb()); } }); return result.intValue(); } /** * Proxy for {@link ScrollBar#getVisible()}. * <p/> * @param bar the bar under test. * @return the visible state. */ public boolean getVisible(final ScrollBar bar) { Boolean result = (Boolean) Robot.syncExec(bar.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return Boolean.valueOf(bar.getVisible()); } }); return result.booleanValue(); } /* End getters */ // platform-dependent fields based on the rendering of the scrollbar public final static int BUTTON_SIZE = 17; public final static int THUMB_OFFSET = 2; /** * Scroll the given amount, where amount==the number of * times the arrow is pressed. Positive amounts scroll down * for vertical scrollbars and right for horizontal ones. */ public void actionScroll(final ScrollBar bar, final int amount){ actionFocus(bar); final Rectangle bounds = SWTWorkarounds.getBounds(bar); // convert bounds to global bounds Point p = getParent(bar).toDisplay(bounds.x,bounds.y); bounds.x = p.x; bounds.y = p.y; Log.debug("BOUNDS: "+bounds); if(amount<0){ mouseMove2(bounds.x+BUTTON_SIZE/2,bounds.y+BUTTON_SIZE/2); for(int i=amount; i<=0; i++){ // mousePress2(SWT.BUTTON1); // mouseRelease2(SWT.BUTTON1); new SWTMouseOperation(WT.BUTTON1).execute(); } } else if(amount>0){ mouseMove2( bounds.x+bounds.width - BUTTON_SIZE/2, bounds.y+bounds.height - BUTTON_SIZE/2); for(int i=0; i<amount;i++){ // mousePress2(SWT.BUTTON1); // mouseRelease2(SWT.BUTTON1); new SWTMouseOperation(WT.BUTTON1).execute(); } } actionWaitForIdle(bar.getDisplay()); } /** * Page the given amount, where amount==# of times that the * bar is clicked in the page area **/ public synchronized void actionPageScroll(final ScrollBar bar, int amount){ actionFocus(bar); final Rectangle bounds = SWTWorkarounds.getBounds(bar); // convert bounds to global bounds Point p = getParent(bar).toDisplay(bounds.x,bounds.y); bounds.x = p.x; bounds.y = p.y; //System.out.println("BOUNDS: "+bounds); int style = getStyle(bar); if(amount<0){ if((style&SWT.HORIZONTAL)==SWT.HORIZONTAL) mouseMove2(bounds.x+BUTTON_SIZE,bounds.y+BUTTON_SIZE/2); else mouseMove2(bounds.x+BUTTON_SIZE/2,bounds.y+BUTTON_SIZE); for(int i=0; i<amount;i++){ // mousePress2(SWT.BUTTON1); // mouseRelease2(SWT.BUTTON1); new SWTMouseOperation(WT.BUTTON1).execute(); } } else if(amount > 0){ if((style&SWT.HORIZONTAL)==SWT.HORIZONTAL) mouseMove2( bounds.x+bounds.width - BUTTON_SIZE, bounds.y+bounds.height - BUTTON_SIZE/2); else mouseMove( bounds.x+bounds.width - BUTTON_SIZE/2, bounds.y+bounds.height - BUTTON_SIZE); for(int i=0; i<amount;i++){ // mousePress2(SWT.BUTTON1); // mouseRelease2(SWT.BUTTON1); new SWTMouseOperation(WT.BUTTON1).execute(); } } actionWaitForIdle(bar.getDisplay()); } /** * Sets the selection to the given value, or as close as possible, by dragging * the slider. The smaller the ratio of bar.getThumb()/(bar.getMaximum()-bar.getMinimum()), * the less accurate this method is. **/ // TODO FIXME method loses the lock now between calls to syncExec, so // we need to do everything in one big syncExec block public synchronized void actionScrollSetSelection(final ScrollBar bar, final int val){ actionFocus(bar); final Rectangle bounds = SWTWorkarounds.getBounds(bar); // convert bounds to global bounds Point p = getParent(bar).toDisplay(bounds.x,bounds.y); bounds.x = p.x; bounds.y = p.y; // get info about current selection int style = getStyle(bar); int selection = getSelection(bar); int increment = getIncrement(bar); int minimum = getMinimum(bar); int maximum = getMaximum(bar); int thumb = getThumb(bar); actionWaitForIdle(bar.getDisplay()); int setTo = val; if(setTo<minimum)setTo = minimum; else if(setTo>maximum-thumb)setTo = maximum-thumb; if((style&SWT.HORIZONTAL)==SWT.HORIZONTAL){ double thumbEdge = (double)((double)selection/(double)(maximum-minimum)); double thumbWidth = (double)((double)thumb/(double)(maximum-minimum)); // double setEdge = (double)((double)setTo/(double)(maximum-minimum)); double delta = (double)((double)increment/(double)(maximum-minimum)); int stripWidth = bounds.width - 2*BUTTON_SIZE; int thumbLocPixels = (int)(thumbEdge*stripWidth); int thumbWidthPixels = (int)(thumbWidth*stripWidth); // int setEdgePixels = (int)(setEdge*stripWidth); int deltaPixels = (int)(delta*stripWidth+1); //System.out.println(deltaPixels); //System.out.println("THUMB:"+thumb+" MAX: "+max+"SELECTION:"+selection+" THUMBEDGE:"+thumbEdge+" stripWidth:"+stripWidth+" THUMBLOC: "+thumbLoc); Point thumbPoint = new Point(bounds.x+BUTTON_SIZE+thumbLocPixels+thumbWidthPixels/2,bounds.y+bounds.height/2); Point offset = new Point(0,0); // Point moveTo = new Point(bounds.x+BUTTON_SIZE+setEdgePixels+thumbWidthPixels/2,bounds.y+bounds.height/2); mouseMove2(thumbPoint.x,thumbPoint.y); // mousePress(SWT.BUTTON1); // mouseMove(moveTo.x,moveTo.y); // mouseRelease(SWT.BUTTON1); actionWaitForIdle(bar.getDisplay()); int oldSelection = setTo; if(setTo<selection){ while(true){ selection = getSelection(bar); if(oldSelection==selection){ //System.out.println("Exiting b/c oldSelection==selection"); break; } if(selection<=setTo){ //System.out.println("Exiting b/c selection<=setTo"); break; } offset.x-=deltaPixels; // mousePress2(SWT.BUTTON1); // mouseMove2(thumbPoint.x+offset.x,thumbPoint.y+offset.y); // mouseRelease2(SWT.BUTTON1); new SWTMouseOperation(WT.BUTTON1) .at(new SWTDisplayLocation().offset(thumbPoint)) .dragTo(new SWTDisplayLocation().offset(thumbPoint.x + offset.x, thumbPoint.y + offset.y)) .execute(); actionWaitForIdle(bar.getDisplay()); oldSelection = selection; } } else if(setTo>selection){ while(true){ selection = getSelection(bar); if(oldSelection==selection) break; if(selection>=setTo) break; offset.x+=deltaPixels; // mousePress2(SWT.BUTTON1); // mouseMove2(thumbPoint.x+offset.x,thumbPoint.y+offset.y); // mouseRelease2(SWT.BUTTON1); new SWTMouseOperation(WT.BUTTON1) .at(new SWTDisplayLocation().offset(thumbPoint)) .dragTo(new SWTDisplayLocation().offset(thumbPoint.x+offset.x, thumbPoint.y+offset.y)) .execute(); actionWaitForIdle(bar.getDisplay()); oldSelection = selection; } } } else{// style==SWT.VERTICAL double thumbEdge = (double)((double)selection/(double)(maximum-minimum)); double thumbWidth = (double)((double)thumb/(double)(maximum-minimum)); double delta = (double)((double)increment/(double)(maximum-minimum)); int stripWidth = bounds.height - 2*BUTTON_SIZE; int thumbLocPixels = (int)(thumbEdge*stripWidth); int thumbWidthPixels = (int)(thumbWidth*stripWidth); int deltaPixels = (int)(delta*stripWidth+1); //System.out.println("THUMB:"+thumb+" MAX: "+max+"SELECTION:"+selection+" THUMBEDGE:"+thumbEdge+" stripWidth:"+stripWidth+" THUMBLOC: "+thumbLoc); Point thumbPoint = new Point(bounds.x+bounds.width/2,bounds.y+BUTTON_SIZE+thumbLocPixels+thumbWidthPixels/2); Point offset = new Point(0,0); mouseMove(thumbPoint.x,thumbPoint.y); actionWaitForIdle(bar.getDisplay()); int oldSelection = setTo; if(setTo<selection){ while(true){ selection = getSelection(bar); if(oldSelection==selection){ //System.out.println("Exiting b/c oldSelection==selection"); break; } if(selection<=setTo){ //System.out.println("Exiting b/c selection<=setTo"); break; } offset.y-=deltaPixels; mousePress2(SWT.BUTTON1); mouseMove2(thumbPoint.x+offset.x,thumbPoint.y+offset.y); mouseRelease2(SWT.BUTTON1); actionWaitForIdle(bar.getDisplay()); oldSelection = selection; } } else if(setTo>selection){ while(true){ selection = getSelection(bar); //System.out.println((thumbPoint.x+offset.x)+","+(thumbPoint.y+offset.y)); //System.out.println("setTo="+setTo+" selection="+selection); if(oldSelection==selection){ //System.out.println("Exiting b/c oldSelection==selection"); break; } if(selection>=setTo){ //System.out.println("Exiting b/c selection>=setTo"); break; } offset.y+=deltaPixels; mousePress2(SWT.BUTTON1); //actionDelay(500); mouseMove2(thumbPoint.x+offset.x,thumbPoint.y+offset.y); mouseRelease2(SWT.BUTTON1); //actionDelay(500); actionWaitForIdle(bar.getDisplay()); oldSelection = selection; } } } // make sure that we actually changed the scroll position selection = getSelection(bar); // int rangeMin = setTo - increment; // int rangeMax = setTo + increment; // if( !(selection>=rangeMin && selection<=rangeMax) ) // Log.warn("Failed to set scrollbar appropriately (setTo="+setTo+" selection="+selection); actionWaitForIdle(bar.getDisplay()); } }