package abbot.util; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import abbot.Platform; /** Mail and browser launcher which augments {@link Runtime#exec} * functions. Provides for built-in email and web browser support. */ public class Launcher { // TODO: provide an array of known mailto: handlers // for now we assume the browsers will make an attempt to handle mailto: private static final String[] HTTP = { "galeon", "konqueror", "opera", "firefox", "mozilla", "netscape", "mosaic", }; /** Perform trickery to get the right contents into the email handler from a mailto: line. */ private static String encodeForMail(String base) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(base); // Avoid URLEncoder.encode for spaces; it replaces them with plus // signs, which remain pluses when decoded. String SPACE = "--SPACE--"; for (int idx = buf.toString().indexOf(" "); idx != -1;idx = buf.toString().indexOf(" ")) { buf.replace(idx, idx+1, SPACE); } buf = new StringBuffer(URLEncoder.encode(buf.toString())); for (int idx = buf.toString().indexOf(SPACE); idx != -1;idx = buf.toString().indexOf(SPACE)) { if (Platform.isOSX()) { // The "open" command parses spaces buf.replace(idx, idx + SPACE.length(), "%20"); } else { buf.replace(idx, idx + SPACE.length(), " "); } } return buf.toString(); } /** Format a message to the given user with the given subject and message body. */ public static void mail(String user, String subject, String body) throws IOException { mail(user, subject, body, null); } /** Format a message to the given user with the given subject and message body, including a CC list. */ public static void mail(String user, String subject, String body, String cc) throws IOException { mail(user, subject, body, cc, null); } /** Format a message to the given user with the given subject and message body, including CC and BCC lists. */ public static void mail(String user, String subject, String body, String cc, String bcc) throws IOException { StringBuffer mailto = new StringBuffer("mailto:" + user + "?"); if (cc != null) mailto.append("CC=" + cc + "&"); if (bcc != null) mailto.append("BCC=" + bcc + "&"); mailto.append("Subject=" + encodeForMail(subject) + "&" + "Body=" + encodeForMail(body) + ""); open(mailto.toString()); } /** Open the given target URL in the platform's browser. */ public static void open(String target) throws IOException { open(null, target); } /** Use the given command/program to open the given target. */ public static void open(String command, String target) throws IOException { boolean tryBrowsers = false; ArrayList args = new ArrayList(); if (command != null) { args.add(command); } else { if (Platform.isOSX()) { args.add("open"); } else if (Platform.isWindows()) { if (Platform.isWindows9X()) { args.add(""); args.add("/o"); } else { args.add("cmd.exe"); args.add("/c"); args.add("start"); args.add("\"Title\""); } // Always quote the argument, just in case // See MS docs for cmd.exe; &, |, and () must be escaped with // ^ or double-quoted. semicolon and comma are command // argument separators, and probably require quoting as well. target = "\"" + target + "\""; } else { args.add("placeholder"); tryBrowsers = true; } } args.add(target); String[] cmd = (String[])args.toArray(new String[args.size()]); if (!tryBrowsers) { ProcessOutputHandler.exec(cmd); } else { // TODO: choose the appropriate application based on the target // URL format, instead of relying on browsers to do it. for (int i=0;i < HTTP.length;i++) { try { cmd[0] = HTTP[i]; ProcessOutputHandler.exec(cmd); return; } catch(IOException e) { // not found, try another one } } throw new IOException("No target handler found (tried " + Arrays.asList(HTTP) + ")"); } } }