package abbot.editor; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; /** Provide Editor action key names and menu keys. Action names are looked up via {@link abbot.i18n.Strings#get(String)} by prepending the string <code>"actions."</code>. NOTE: to add a new editor action, define a key for it here and an action for it in ScriptEditor. Add to the action map in ScriptEditor.initActions, then (optionally) add it to the menu layout in ScriptEditor.initMenus. */ public interface EditorConstants { String MENU_FILE = "menus.file"; String MENU_EDIT = "menus.edit"; String MENU_TEST = "menus.test"; String MENU_INSERT = "menus.insert"; String MENU_CAPTURE = "menus.capture"; String MENU_HELP = ""; String ACTION_PREFIX = "actions."; String ACTION_EDITOR_ABOUT = "editor-about"; String ACTION_EDITOR_EMAIL = "editor-email"; String ACTION_EDITOR_BUGREPORT = "editor-submit-bug"; String ACTION_EDITOR_WEBSITE = "editor-website"; String ACTION_EDITOR_USERGUIDE = "editor-userguide"; String ACTION_EDITOR_QUIT = "editor-quit"; String ACTION_SCRIPT_OPEN = "script-open"; String ACTION_SCRIPT_NEW = "script-new"; String ACTION_SCRIPT_DUPLICATE = "script-duplicate"; String ACTION_SCRIPT_SAVE = "script-save"; String ACTION_SCRIPT_SAVE_AS = "script-save-as"; String ACTION_SCRIPT_RENAME = "script-rename"; String ACTION_SCRIPT_CLOSE = "script-close"; String ACTION_SCRIPT_DELETE = "script-delete"; String ACTION_SCRIPT_CLEAR = "script-clear"; String ACTION_STEP_CUT = "step-cut"; String ACTION_STEP_MOVE_UP = "step-move-up"; String ACTION_STEP_MOVE_DOWN = "step-move-down"; String ACTION_STEP_GROUP = "step-group"; String ACTION_SELECT_TESTSUITE = "select-testsuite"; String ACTION_EXPORT_HIERARCHY = "export-hierarchy"; String ACTION_RUN = "run"; String ACTION_RUN_TO = "run-to"; String ACTION_RUN_SELECTED = "run-selected"; String ACTION_RUN_LAUNCH = "run-launch"; String ACTION_RUN_TERMINATE = "run-terminate"; String ACTION_GET_VMARGS = "run-get-vmargs"; String ACTION_TOGGLE_FORKED = "toggle-forked"; String ACTION_TOGGLE_SLOW_PLAYBACK = "toggle-slow-playback"; String ACTION_TOGGLE_AWT_MODE = "toggle-awt-mode"; String ACTION_TOGGLE_STOP_ON_FAILURE = "toggle-stop-on-failure"; String ACTION_TOGGLE_STOP_ON_ERROR = "toggle-stop-on-error"; String ACTION_INSERT_LAUNCH = "insert-launch"; String ACTION_INSERT_APPLET = "insert-applet"; String ACTION_INSERT_TERMINATE = "insert-terminate"; String ACTION_INSERT_CALL = "insert-call"; String ACTION_INSERT_SAMPLE = "insert-sample"; String ACTION_INSERT_SEQUENCE = "insert-sequence"; String ACTION_INSERT_SCRIPT = "insert-script"; String ACTION_INSERT_FIXTURE = "insert-fixture"; String ACTION_INSERT_COMMENT = "insert-comment"; String ACTION_INSERT_EXPRESSION = "insert-expression"; String ACTION_INSERT_ANNOTATION = "insert-annotation"; String ACTION_DYNAMIC = "dynamic-actions"; String ACTION_CAPTURE_IMAGE = "capture-image"; String ACTION_CAPTURE_COMPONENT = "capture-component"; String ACTION_SELECT_COMPONENT = "select-component"; String ACTION_CAPTURE = "capture"; String ACTION_CAPTURE_ALL = "capture-all"; }