package abbot.util; import*; import java.util.*; import abbot.Log; import abbot.Platform; /** Provides handling of process output/error streams. */ public class ProcessOutputHandler { public static class ProcessAbnormalExitException extends IOException { private int code; private ProcessAbnormalExitException(String msg, int code) { super(msg); this.code = code; } public int getExitValue() { return code; } } private InputStreamHandler stderr; private InputStreamHandler stdout; private StringBuffer err = new StringBuffer(); public ProcessOutputHandler() { } public ProcessOutputHandler(Process p) { setProcess(p); } public String getError() { return err.toString(); } public synchronized void setProcess(Process p) { stdout = new InputStreamHandler(p.getInputStream()) { public void handleBytes(byte[] buf, int count) { handleOutput(buf, count); } }; stdout.start(); stderr = new InputStreamHandler(p.getErrorStream()) { public void handleBytes(byte[] buf, int count) { err.append(new String(buf, 0, count)); handleError(buf, count); } }; stderr.start(); } /** Override this method to handle stdout output. The default implementation does nothing. */ protected void handleOutput(byte[] buf, int count) { } /** Override this method to handle stderr output. The default implementation does nothing. */ protected void handleError(byte[] buf, int count) { } public synchronized void waitFor() throws InterruptedException { if (stderr != null) stderr.join(); if (stdout != null) stdout.join(); } /** Returns the output of the given command as a String. */ public static String exec(String[] command) throws IOException { return exec(command, null); } /** Returns the output of the given command as a String. */ public static String exec(String[] command, String[] environment) throws IOException { return exec(command, environment, null); } /** Returns the output of the given command as a String. */ public static String exec(String[] command, String[] environment, File dir) throws IOException { final StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(); Log.debug("Running " + Arrays.asList(command)); Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command, environment, dir); ProcessOutputHandler handler = new ProcessOutputHandler(p) { public void handleOutput(byte[] buf, int count) { output.append(new String(buf, 0, count)); } }; try { p.waitFor(); } catch(InterruptedException e) {Log.debug(e);} try { handler.waitFor(); } catch(InterruptedException e) { } int code = p.exitValue(); if (code != 0) { String msg = "Process " + Arrays.asList(command) + " exited with " + code; String err = handler.getError(); if (!"".equals(err)) msg += ":\n" + err; Log.debug(msg); throw new ProcessAbnormalExitException(msg, code); } Log.debug("output=" + output.toString()); return output.toString(); } }