/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012 Google, Inc. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Google, Inc. - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package com.windowtester.swing.recorder; import java.awt.AWTEvent; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; import javax.swing.JInternalFrame; import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent; import abbot.Log; import abbot.script.Action; import abbot.script.Assert; import abbot.script.ComponentReference; import abbot.script.Resolver; import abbot.script.Step; import abbot.tester.ComponentTester; import abbot.util.AWT; /** * Handle the recording of events related to an internal frame * (JInternalFrame). Like instances of Window, we must insert * waits for the showing and hiding of internal frames. * <P> * NOTE: InternalFrameEvents are not normally posted to the AWT event queue. * @author pickens * @author twall * abbot.editor.recorder.JInternalFrameRecorder */ public class JInternalFrameRecorder extends JComponentRecorder { private JInternalFrame frame; private String type; private static final String UNKNOWN = "unknown"; private static final String SHOW = "show"; private static final String HIDE = "hide"; private static final String CLOSE = "close"; private static final String ICONIFY = "iconify"; private static final String DEICONIFY = "deiconify"; private static final String MOVE = "move"; private static final String RESIZE = "resize"; public static final int SE_INTERNAL_FRAME = SE_ACTION_MAP + 1; public static final int SE_DECORATION = SE_INTERNAL_FRAME + 1; /** * Constructor for JInternalFrameRecorder. * @param resolver */ public JInternalFrameRecorder(Resolver resolver) { super(resolver); } protected void init(int rtype) { super.init(rtype); frame = null; type = UNKNOWN; } /** * @see abbot.editor.recorder.ComponentRecorder#accept(java.awt.AWTEvent) */ public boolean accept(AWTEvent event) { int id = event.getID(); Log.debug("Source is " + event.getSource()); if (event.getSource() instanceof JInternalFrame) { if (id == ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_SHOWN || id == ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_HIDDEN || id == ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_MOVED || id == ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_RESIZED || id == InternalFrameEvent.INTERNAL_FRAME_CLOSING || id == InternalFrameEvent.INTERNAL_FRAME_ICONIFIED || id == InternalFrameEvent.INTERNAL_FRAME_DEICONIFIED) { init(SE_INTERNAL_FRAME); return true; } } else if (AWT.isInternalFrameDecoration((Component)event.getSource())) { init(SE_DECORATION); return true; } return false; } public boolean parse(AWTEvent event) { // System.out.println("Internal frame " + event); boolean consumed = true; switch(getRecordingType()) { case SE_INTERNAL_FRAME: consumed = parseInternalFrameAction(event); break; case SE_DECORATION: setFinished(true); break; default: consumed = super.parse(event); break; } return consumed; } protected boolean parseInternalFrameAction(AWTEvent event) { frame = (JInternalFrame)event.getSource(); switch(event.getID()) { case ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_SHOWN: type = SHOW; break; case ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_HIDDEN: type = HIDE; break; case ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_RESIZED: type = RESIZE; break; case ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_MOVED: type = MOVE; break; case InternalFrameEvent.INTERNAL_FRAME_CLOSING: type = CLOSE; break; case InternalFrameEvent.INTERNAL_FRAME_ICONIFIED: type = ICONIFY; break; case InternalFrameEvent.INTERNAL_FRAME_DEICONIFIED: type = DEICONIFY; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized event: " + event); } setFinished(true); return true; } protected Step createStep() { Step step; switch(getRecordingType()) { case SE_INTERNAL_FRAME: step = createInternalFrameAction(frame, type); break; case SE_DECORATION: step = null; break; default: step = super.createStep(); break; } return step; } protected Step createInternalFrameAction(JInternalFrame target, String type) { ComponentReference ref = getResolver().addComponent(target); if (type == SHOW || type == HIDE) { Assert step = new Assert(getResolver(), null, ComponentTester.class.getName(), "assertComponentShowing", new String[] { ref.getID() }, "true", type == HIDE); step.setWait(true); return step; } else if (type == MOVE) { Point loc = target.getLocation(); return new Action(getResolver(), null, "actionMove", new String[] { ref.getID(), String.valueOf(loc.x), String.valueOf(loc.y) }, JInternalFrame.class); } else if (type == RESIZE) { Dimension size = target.getSize(); return new Action(getResolver(), null, "actionResize", new String[] { ref.getID(), String.valueOf(size.width), String.valueOf(size.height) }, JInternalFrame.class); } else { String action = type == CLOSE ? "actionClose" : ((type == ICONIFY) ? "actionIconify" : "actionDeiconify"); return new Action(getResolver(), null, action, new String[] { ref.getID() }, JInternalFrame.class); } } }