package abbot.script; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.util.*; import abbot.Log; import abbot.i18n.Strings; /** Class for script steps that want to invoke a method on a class. * Subclasses may override getMethod and getTarget to customize behavior. * <blockquote><code> * <call method="..." args="..." class="..."><br> * </code></blockquote> */ public class Call extends Step { private String targetClassName = null; private String methodName; private String[] args; private static final String USAGE = "<call class=\"...\" method=\"...\" args=\"...\" [property=\"...\"]/>"; public Call(Resolver resolver, Map attributes) { super(resolver, attributes); methodName = (String)attributes.get(TAG_METHOD); if (methodName == null) usage(Strings.get("call.method_missing")); targetClassName = (String)attributes.get(TAG_CLASS); if (targetClassName == null) usage(Strings.get("call.class_missing")); String argList = (String)attributes.get(TAG_ARGS); if (argList == null) argList = ""; args = ArgumentParser.parseArgumentList(argList); } public Call(Resolver resolver, String description, String className, String methodName, String[] args) { super(resolver, description); this.targetClassName = className; this.methodName = methodName; this.args = args != null ? args : new String[0]; } public String getDefaultDescription() { return getMethodName() + getArgumentsDescription(); } public String getUsage() { return USAGE; } public String getXMLTag() { return TAG_CALL; } /** Convert our argument vector into a single String. */ public String getEncodedArguments() { return ArgumentParser.encodeArguments(args); } protected String getArgumentsDescription() { return "(" + ArgumentParser.replace(getEncodedArguments(), ArgumentParser.ESC_COMMA, ",") + ")"; } /** Set the String representation of the arguments for this Call step. */ public void setArguments(String[] args) { if (args == null) args = new String[0]; this.args = args; } /** Designate the arguments for this Call step. The format of this String is a comma-separated list of String representations. See the abbot.parsers package for supported String representations. <p> @see ArgumentParser#parseArgumentList for a description of the format. @see #setArguments(String[]) for the preferred method of indicating the argument list. */ public void setArguments(String encodedArgs) { if (encodedArgs == null) args = new String[0]; else args = ArgumentParser.parseArgumentList(encodedArgs); } public void setMethodName(String mn) { if (mn == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Method name may not be null"); } methodName = mn; } /** Method name to save in script. */ public String getMethodName() { return methodName; } public String getTargetClassName() { return targetClassName; } public void setTargetClassName(String cn) { if (cn == null) usage(Strings.get("call.class_missing")); targetClassName = cn; } /** Attributes to save in script. */ public Map getAttributes() { Map map = super.getAttributes(); map.put(TAG_CLASS, getTargetClassName()); map.put(TAG_METHOD, getMethodName()); if (args.length != 0) { map.put(TAG_ARGS, getEncodedArguments()); } return map; } /** Return the arguments as an array of String. @deprecated use getArguments(). */ public String[] getArgs() { return getArguments(); } /** Return the arguments as an array of String. */ public String[] getArguments() { return args; } protected void runStep() throws Throwable { try { invoke(); } catch(Exception e) { Log.debug(e); throw e; } } protected Object evaluateParameter(Method m, String param, Class type) throws Exception { return ArgumentParser.eval(getResolver(), param, type); } /** Convert the String representation of the arguments into actual * arguments. */ protected Object[] evaluateParameters(Method m, String[] params) throws Exception { Object[] args = new Object[params.length]; Class[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); for (int i=0;i < args.length;i++) { args[i] = evaluateParameter(m, params[i], types[i]); } return args; } /** Make the target method invocation. This uses <code>evaluateParameters</code> to convert the String representation of the arguments into actual arguments. Tries all matching methods of N arguments. */ protected Object invoke() throws Throwable { boolean retried = false; Method[] m = getMethods(); for (int i=0;i < m.length;i++) { try { Object[] params = evaluateParameters(m[i], args); try { Object target = getTarget(m[i]); Log.debug("Invoking " + m[i] + " on " + target + getEncodedArguments() + "'"); if (target != null && !m[i].getDeclaringClass(). isAssignableFrom(target.getClass())) { // If the class loader mismatches, try to resolve it if (retried) { String msg = "Class loader mismatch? target " + target.getClass().getClassLoader() + " vs. method " + m[i].getDeclaringClass().getClassLoader(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } retried = true; m = resolveMethods(m[i].getName(), target.getClass(), null); i=-1; continue; } if ((m[i].getModifiers()&Modifier.PUBLIC) == 0 || (m[i].getDeclaringClass().getModifiers() & Modifier.PUBLIC) == 0) { Log.debug("Bypassing compiler access restrictions on " + "method " + m[i]); m[i].setAccessible(true); } return m[i].invoke(getTarget(m[i]), params); } catch(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException ite) { throw ite.getTargetException(); } } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { if (i == m.length - 1) throw e; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't invoke method " + m[0].getName()); } /** Return matching methods to be used for invocation. */ public Method getMethod() throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException { return resolveMethod(getMethodName(), getTargetClass(), null); } /** Return matching methods to be used for invocation. */ protected Method[] getMethods() throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException { return resolveMethods(getMethodName(), getTargetClass(), null); } /** Get the class of the target of the method invocation. This is public * to provide editors access to the class being used (for example, * providing a menu of all available methods). */ public Class getTargetClass() throws ClassNotFoundException { return resolveClass(getTargetClassName()); } /** Return the target of the invocation. The default implementation * always returns null for static methods; it will attempt to instantiate * a target for non-static methods. */ protected Object getTarget(Method m) throws Throwable { if ((m.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) { try { return getTargetClass().newInstance(); } catch(Exception e) { setScriptError(new InvalidScriptException("Can't create an object instance of class " + getTargetClassName() + " for non-static method " + m.getName())); } } return null; } /** Look up all methods in the given class with the given name and return type, having the number of arguments in this step. @see #getArguments() @throws NoSuchMethodException if no matching method is found */ protected Method[] resolveMethods(String name, Class cls, Class returnType) throws NoSuchMethodException { // use getDeclaredMethods to include class methods Log.debug("Resolving methods on " + cls); Method[] mlist = cls.getMethods(); ArrayList found = new ArrayList(); for (int i=0;i < mlist.length;i++) { Method m = mlist[i]; Class[] params = m.getParameterTypes(); if (m.getName().equals(name) && params.length == args.length && (returnType == null || m.getReturnType().equals(returnType))) { found.add(m); } } if (found.size() == 0) { throw new NoSuchMethodException(Strings.get("call.no_matching_method", new Object[] { name, (returnType == null ? "*" : returnType.toString()), String.valueOf(args.length), cls })); } // TODO Now sort according to restrictiveness of method arguments Method[] list = (Method[])found.toArray(new Method[found.size()]); //Arrays.sort(list); return list; } /** Look up the given method name in the given class with the requested return type, having the number of arguments in this step. @throws IllegalArgumentException if not exactly one match exists @see #getArguments() */ protected Method resolveMethod(String name, Class cls, Class returnType) throws NoSuchMethodException { Method[] methods = resolveMethods(name, cls, returnType); if (methods.length != 1) { return disambiguateMethod(methods); } return methods[0]; } /** Try to distinguish betwenn the given methods. @throws IllegalArgumentException indicating the appropriate target method can't be distinguished. */ protected Method disambiguateMethod(Method[] methods){ String msg = Strings.get("call.multiple_methods", new Object[] { methods[0].getName(), methods[0].getDeclaringClass() }); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } }