package abbot.editor.editors; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import abbot.Log; import abbot.i18n.Strings; import abbot.script.*; import abbot.editor.widgets.ArrayEditor; import abbot.editor.widgets.TextArea; import abbot.editor.widgets.TextField; /** Provide base-level step editor support with step change notification. */ // NOTE: this should really be done with beans instead... public abstract class StepEditor extends JPanel implements ActionListener, Scrollable, XMLConstants { private Step step; private JLabel label; JTextField description; private LayoutManager layout; private ArrayList listeners = new ArrayList(); protected static final int MARGIN = 4; private boolean fieldChanging = false; protected static Color DEFAULT_FOREGROUND = null; protected static Color ERROR_FOREGROUND =; public StepEditor(Step step) { setBorder(new EmptyBorder(2,2,2,2)); setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); layout = getLayout(); this.step = step; label = new JLabel(step.getXMLTag()); label.setFont(label.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); label.setToolTipText(step.getUsage()); add(label); description = addTextField(null, step.getDescription()); description.setName(TAG_DESC); description.setToolTipText(Strings.get("editor.step.description.tip")); if (DEFAULT_FOREGROUND == null) { DEFAULT_FOREGROUND = description.getForeground(); } } /** Keep a reasonable minimum width. */ public Dimension getMinimumSize() { Dimension min = super.getMinimumSize(); min.width = 200; return min; } /** Keep a reasonable minimum width. */ public Dimension getPreferredSize() { Dimension size = super.getPreferredSize(); size.width = 200; return size; } /** We don't want to become infinitely wide due to text fields. */ public Dimension getMaximumSize() { Dimension max = super.getMaximumSize(); max.width = 400; return max; } protected JCheckBox addCheckBox(String title, boolean value) { JCheckBox cb = new JCheckBox(title); cb.setSelected(value); cb.addActionListener(this); add(cb); return cb; } /** Provide a combo box that short-circuits unnecessary and problem-causing event notifications. */ private class ComboBox extends JComboBox { private JTextField editor; private boolean configuringEditor; public ComboBox() { } public ComboBox(ComboBoxModel model) { super(model); } public ComboBox(Object[] values) { super(values); } public void addImpl(Component c, Object constraints, int index) { if (c instanceof JTextField) { editor = (JTextField)c; TextField.decorate(editor); } super.addImpl(c, constraints, index); } /** Disallow recursive calls, which occur when someone sets the combo box contents in response to the combo box selection. */ public void configureEditor(ComboBoxEditor editor, Object item) { // Avoids IllegalStateExceptions from the text field ("Attempt to // mutate in notification" errors). if (!configuringEditor) { configuringEditor = true; super.configureEditor(editor, item); configuringEditor = false; } } /** Sets the foreground color of the editor text. */ public void setForeground(Color c) { if (editor != null) { editor.setForeground(c); } } /** Overridden to prevent recursive calls. */ public void fireActionEvent() { if (!fieldChanging) { fieldChanging = true; super.fireActionEvent(); fieldChanging = false; } } /** Overridden to prevent recursive calls. */ public void fireItemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (!fieldChanging) { fieldChanging = true; super.fireItemStateChanged(e); fieldChanging = false; } } } private static final String NONE = "<None>"; private class RefModel extends AbstractListModel implements ComboBoxModel { private Resolver resolver; private boolean includeNone; private Object selected; private Collection set; public RefModel(Resolver r, boolean includeNone) { resolver = r; this.includeNone = includeNone; set = resolver.getComponentReferences(); } public Object getElementAt(int i) { checkContents(); if (includeNone) { if (i == 0) return NONE; --i; } return ((ComponentReference)set.toArray()[i]).getID(); } public int getSize() { checkContents(); int size = set.size(); return includeNone ? size + 1 : size; } public void setSelectedItem(Object o) { if (o instanceof ComponentReference) o = ((ComponentReference)o).getID(); else if (o == null) o = NONE; selected = o; checkContents(); } public Object getSelectedItem() { checkContents(); return selected == NONE ? null : selected; } // Always check whether this model is synched with the resolver's set // of references. private void checkContents() { Collection current = resolver.getComponentReferences(); if (set.size() != current.size()) { set = current; if (!fieldChanging) { fieldChanging = true; fireContentsChanged(this, 0, set.size()-1); fieldChanging = false; } } } } protected JComboBox addComponentSelector(String title, String refid, Resolver resolver, boolean allowNone) { // NOTE: the combo box has no method of refreshing its contents when // references are added/removed/changed in the resolver JComboBox cb = new ComboBox(new RefModel(resolver, allowNone)); cb.setSelectedItem(refid); cb.addActionListener(this); add(title, cb); return cb; } protected JComboBox addComboBox(String title, Object value, Object[] values) { JComboBox cb = new ComboBox(values); cb.setEditable(true); cb.setSelectedItem(value); cb.addActionListener(this); add(title, cb); return cb; } protected JTextField addTextField(String title, String value) { return addTextField(title, value, null); } protected JTextField addTextField(String title, String value, String defaultValue) { JTextField field = new abbot.editor.widgets.TextField(value, defaultValue); field.addActionListener(this); add(title, field); return field; } protected ArrayEditor addArrayEditor(String title, Object[] values) { ArrayEditor ed = new ArrayEditor(values); ed.addActionListener(this); // Make sure we resize/repaint when items are added or removed ed.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getActionCommand() != ArrayEditor.ACTION_ITEM_CHANGED) { revalidate(); repaint(); } } }); add(title, ed); return ed; } protected JButton addButton(String title) { JButton button = new JButton(title); button.addActionListener(this); add(button); return button; } protected JTextArea addTextArea(String title, String value) { final TextArea text = new TextArea(value != null ? value : ""); text.setLineWrap(true); text.setWrapStyleWord(true); text.setBorder(UIManager.getBorder("TextField.border")); text.addActionListener(this); add(title, text); return text; } /** Automatically remove the strut spacing and the component. */ public void remove(Component comp) { if (getLayout() == layout) { Component[] children = super.getComponents(); for (int i=1;i < children.length;i++) { if (children[i] == comp) { super.remove(children[i-1]); break; } } } super.remove(comp); } /** Auto-add a label with a component. */ public Component add(String name, Component comp) { if (name != null) { JLabel label = new JLabel(name); label.setLabelFor(comp); add(label); } return add(comp); } /** Automatically add a vertical struct with a component. */ public Component add(Component comp) { if (getLayout() == layout) { super.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(MARGIN)); if (comp instanceof JComponent) { ((JComponent)comp).setAlignmentX(JComponent.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); } } return super.add(comp); } /** Respond to UI changes by updating the step data. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { Object src = ev.getSource(); if (src == description) { // When the description is cleared (but only when entered by ENTER // or FOCUS events), reset it to the default String text = description.getText(); String cmd = ev.getActionCommand(); if ("".equals(text)) { if (!TextField.isDocumentAction(ev.getActionCommand())) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { description.setText(step.getDefaultDescription()); description.selectAll(); } }); step.setDescription(null); fireStepChanged(); } } // Only explicitly set the step data if the data is different // from the default. else if (cmd == TextField.ACTION_TEXT_REVERTED || !text.equals(step.getDefaultDescription())) { step.setDescription(text); fireStepChanged(); } } } public void addStepChangeListener(StepChangeListener scl) { synchronized(listeners) { listeners.add(scl); } } public void removeStepChangeListener(StepChangeListener scl) { synchronized(listeners) { listeners.remove(scl); } } /** This method should be invoked after any change to step data. */ protected void fireStepChanged() { synchronized(listeners) { Iterator iter = listeners.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { StepChangeListener scl = (StepChangeListener); scl.stepChanged(step); } } // The default description may have changed; ensure the text field is // up to date if (!description.getText().equals(step.getDescription())) { description.setText(step.getDescription()); } } /** Return the appropriate editor panel for the given Step. * Custom editors must be named after the step class name, and be defined * in the abbot.editor.editors package, e.g. abbot.script.Launch expects * abbot.editor.editors.LaunchEditor, abbot.script.Assert expects * abbot.editor.editors.AssertEditor. */ public static StepEditor getEditor(Step step) { Class stepClass = step.getClass(); Log.debug("Looking up editor for " + step + " using " + stepClass); String className = stepClass.getName(); className = "abbot.editor.editors." + className.substring(className.lastIndexOf(".") + 1) + "Editor"; try { Log.debug("Trying " + className); Class cls = Class.forName(className); Class[] types = new Class[] { stepClass }; Constructor ctor = cls.getConstructor(types); return (StepEditor)ctor.newInstance(new Object[] { step }); } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { // ignore this one } catch(Exception e) { Log.warn(e); } return null; } /** Always maintain the minimum width. */ public Dimension getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() { return getPreferredSize(); } public int getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle visible, int orient, int direction) { return orient == SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL ? visible.width : visible.height; } public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() { return false; } public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() { return true; } public int getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle visible, int orient, int direction) { return orient == SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL ? 10 : description.getSize().height; } public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + " for " + label.getText(); } }