package abbot; import*; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; /** Various logging, assertion, and debug routines. Typical usage is to include the following code <blockquote><code><pre> public static void main(String[] args) {   args = Log.init(args)   ... } </pre></code></blockquote> at an application's main entry point. This way the Log class can remove its options from the full set passed into the application. See the {@link #init(String[]) Log.init} method for initialization options. <p> General usage notes on public functions:<p> <ul> <li><b>warn</b><br> Programmer warnings; things that you think shouldn't be happening or indicate something might be wrong. Warnings typically mean "Something happened that I didn't expect would happen".<p> <li><b>log</b><br> Important information that might be needed for later reference; things the user or debugger might be interested in. By default, all messages go here. Logs are made available so that the customer may provide us with an accurate record of software activity.<br> All warnings and failed assertions are written to the log. Debug statements are also written to log in non-release code.<p> <li><b>debug</b><br> Any messages which might be useful for debugging (non-release code only).<p> <li><b>assertTrue</b><br> Assumed preconditions for proper execution, also referred to as invariants.<p> </ul> <p> Per-class stack trace depth can be specified when adding a class, e.g. classname[:stack-depth].<p> @author twall @version $Revision: 1.1 $ */ final public class Log { /** No instantiations. */ private Log() { } /** Global final to determine whether debugging code is generated. This should be changed to false to build production code. */ public static final boolean DEBUG_BUILD = true; /** Mnemonic to print all lines of a stack trace. */ public static final int FULL_STACK = 0; /** Mnemonic to print the default number of lines of stack trace. */ private static final int CLASS_STACK_DEPTH = -1; /** Basic warning categories. FIXME use these. public static final int ERROR = 0x0001; public static final int WARNING = 0x0002; public static final int DEBUG = 0x0004; public static final int INFO = 0x0008;*/ private static class LogSynchronizer extends Object { } /** Synchronize message output. */ private static LogSynchronizer synchronizer = new LogSynchronizer(); /** Whether any debugging output is enabled. */ public static boolean expectDebugOutput; /** Enable assert checks. */ private static boolean assertChecks = DEBUG_BUILD; /** Whether to terminate on assertion failures. */ private static boolean exitOnAssertionFailure = false; /** Whether to log messages. Default on so that we capture output until * the log file has been set or not set in {@link #init(String[])}. */ private static boolean logMessages = true; /** Whether to print programmer warnings. */ private static boolean printConsoleWarnings = DEBUG_BUILD; /** Whether to show threads in debug output. */ private static boolean showThreads; /** Default number of lines of stack trace to print. */ private static int debugStackDepth = 1; /** Default number of lines of exception stack trace to print. */ private static int excStackDepth = FULL_STACK; /** Show timestamps in the log? */ private static boolean showTimestamp = true; private static java.text.DateFormat timestampFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyMMdd HH:mm:ss:SSS "); /** Strip this out of output, since it doesn't add information to see it repeatedly. Some projects have <i>really</i> long prefixes. */ private static final String COMMON_PREFIX = null; /** Store which classes we want to see debug info for. FIXME make it a map and make the value the debug level. */ private static HashMap debugged = new HashMap(); /** Store which classes we don't want to see debug info for */ private static HashSet notdebugged = new HashSet(); /** Debug all classes? */ private static boolean debugAll; /** Treat inner/anonymous classes as outer class? */ private static boolean debugInner = true; private static final String DEFAULT_LOGFILE_NAME = "abbot.log"; private static ByteArrayOutputStream preInitLog = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private static PrintStream log = new PrintStream(preInitLog); // Save these for future use static PrintStream systemOut = System.out; static PrintStream systemErr = System.err; /** Debug/log initialization, presumably from the command line. <br>Recognized options: <pre> --debug all | className[:depth] | *.partialClassName[:depth] --no-debug className | *.partialClassName --log <log file name> --no-timestamp --enable-warnings --show-threads --stack-depth <depth> --exception-depth <depth> </pre> */ public static String[] init(String[] args){ if (!DEBUG_BUILD) { // Redirect System.err & System.out PrintStream nullStream = new PrintStream(new OutputStream() { public void write(int b) { } }); System.setErr(nullStream); System.setOut(nullStream); } Vector newArgs = new Vector(args.length); for (int i=0;i < args.length;i++){ if (args[i].equals("--enable-warnings")){ printConsoleWarnings = true; } else if (args[i].equals("--no-timestamp")) { showTimestamp = false; } else if (args[i].equals("--show-threads")){ showThreads = true; } else if (args[i].equals("--stack-depth")) { if (++i < args.length) { try { debugStackDepth = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); } catch(Exception exc) { } } else { internalWarn("Ignoring --stack-depth with no argument"); } } else if (args[i].equals("--exception-depth")) { if (++i < args.length) { try { excStackDepth = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); } catch(Exception exc) { } } else { internalWarn("Ignoring --exception-depth with no argument"); } } else if (args[i].equals("--debug") || args[i].equals("--no-debug")) { // since we're enabling some debugging, set the other settings // to debug defaults... boolean exclude = args[i].startsWith("--no"); // Re-enable stdout/stderr if they were removed if (!DEBUG_BUILD) { System.setOut(systemOut); System.setErr(systemErr); } if (++i < args.length) { if (exclude) removeDebugClass(args[i]); else addDebugClass(args[i]); } else { internalWarn("Ignoring " + args[i-1] + " with no argument"); } } else if (args[i].equals("--log")){ String filename = DEFAULT_LOGFILE_NAME; if (++i < args.length) filename = args[i]; enableLogging(filename); } else { newArgs.addElement(args[i]); } } String[] result = new String[newArgs.size()]; for (int i=0;i < result.length;i++){ result[i] = (String)newArgs.elementAt(i); } return result; } /** Is log output enabled? */ public static boolean loggingEnabled() { return logMessages && log != null; } /** Enable log output to the given file. If the filename given is "-", * stdout is used instead of a file. */ public static void enableLogging(String filename) { logMessages = true; try { if (filename.equals("-")) log = systemOut; else log = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(filename), true); String hostname = ""; try { hostname = getLocalHost().getHostName(); } catch( uhe) { internalWarn("Can't get hostname, using " + hostname); } log("Log started on " + hostname); if (!DEBUG_BUILD) { // Prefer output to go to the log on a release build, since // there may not be any console. if (expectDebugOutput) { systemOut.println("Output redirected. See the log " + "file for debug output."); } System.setErr(log); System.setOut(log); } // Make sure the log gets closed on System.exit Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread("Log shutdown hook") { public void run() { close(); } }); } catch (FileNotFoundException exc){ internalWarn("Can't open log file " + filename); } } /** Sets the debug stack depth to the given amount */ public static void setDebugStackDepth(int depth) { debugStackDepth = depth; } /** Indicate the class name to exclude from debug output. */ public static void removeDebugClass(String id) { setDebugClass(id, false); } /** Indicate that the given class should NOT be debugged (assuming --debug all) */ public static void removeDebugClass(Class c) { notdebugged.add(c); debugged.remove(c); Log.debug("Debugging disabled for " + c); expectDebugOutput = debugged.size() > 0 || debugAll; } /** Indicate the class name[:depth] to add to debug output. */ public static void addDebugClass(String id) { setDebugClass(id, true); } /** Indicate the class to add to debug output. */ public static void addDebugClass(Class c) { addDebugClass(c, CLASS_STACK_DEPTH); } /** Indicate that debug messages should be output for the given class. */ public static void addDebugClass(Class c, int depth){ expectDebugOutput = true; debugged.put(c, new Integer(depth)); notdebugged.remove(c); Log.debug("Debugging enabled for " + c); } /** Parse the given string, which may should be of the format "class[:depth]" */ private static void setDebugClass(String id, boolean enable) { if (id.equals("all")) { debugAll = enable; if (enable) { notdebugged.clear(); expectDebugOutput = true; } else { debugged.clear(); expectDebugOutput = false; } } else { int colon = id.indexOf(":"); String className = colon == -1 ? id : id.substring(0, colon); try { Class c = getClassFromDescriptor(className); try { int depth = colon == -1 ? debugStackDepth : Integer.parseInt(id.substring(colon+1)); if (enable) addDebugClass(c, depth); else removeDebugClass(c); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { if (enable) addDebugClass(c); else removeDebugClass(c); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException exc){ internalWarn("Class '" + className + "' not found"); } } } /** Returns class from given name/descriptor. Descriptor can be either a fully qualified classname, or a classname beginning with *. with client-specific package and classname following. */ private static Class getClassFromDescriptor(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException { if (COMMON_PREFIX != null && className.startsWith("*.")) { className = COMMON_PREFIX + className.substring(1); } return Class.forName(className); } /** Return the requested number of levels of stack trace, not including this call. Returns the full stack trace if LINES is FULL_STACK. Skip the first POP frames of the trace, which is for excluding the innermost stack frames when debug functions make nested calls. The outermost call of getStackTrace itself is always removed from the trace. */ private static String getStackTrace(int pop, int lines) { return getStackTrace(pop, lines, new Throwable("--debug--")); } /** Return the requested number of levels of stack trace, not including this call. Returns the full stack trace if LINES is FULL_STACK. Skip the first POP frames of the trace, which is for excluding the innermost stack frames when debug functions make nested calls. The outermost call of getStackTrace itself is always removed from the trace. Provide an exception to use for the stack trace, rather than using the current program location. */ private static String getStackTrace(int pop, int lines, Throwable thr) { String stack = getStackTrace(pop, thr); if (lines == FULL_STACK) return stack; return trimStackTrace(stack, lines); } /** Return the stack trace contained in the given Throwable. Skip the first POP frames of the trace, which is for excluding the innermost stack frames when debug functions make nested calls. The outermost call of getStackTrace itself is always removed from the trace. */ private static String getStackTrace(int pop, Throwable thr){ OutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream newStream = new PrintStream(os, true); // OUCH! this is a serious performance hit! thr.printStackTrace(newStream); String trace = os.toString(); // Pop off getStackTrace itself // Skip over any calls to getStackTrace; the JIT sometimes puts a // spurious entry, so don't just stop at the first one. int getLoc = trace.lastIndexOf("getStackTrace"); trace = trace.substring(trace.indexOf("\tat ", getLoc) + 3); while (pop-- > 0){ // pop off the calling function int at = trace.indexOf("\tat "); if (at != -1) trace = trace.substring(at + 3); } return trace; } /** Trim the given trace to LINES levels. */ private static String trimStackTrace(String trace, int lines) { // Keep just as many lines as were requested int end = trace.indexOf(")") + 1; boolean all = (lines == FULL_STACK); while (all || --lines > 0) { int index = trace.indexOf("\tat ", end); if (index < 0) break; end = trace.indexOf(")", index) + 1; } return trace.substring(0, end); } /** Return the class corresponding to the first line in the give stack trace. Treat inner/anonymous classes as the enclosing class. */ // FIXME with JIT enabled, stack trace sometimes has spurious junk on the // stack, which will indicate the wrong class... private static Class extractClass(String trace){ String tmp = trace.substring(0, trace.indexOf("(")); String cname = tmp.substring(0, tmp.lastIndexOf(".")); if (debugInner) { int sub = cname.indexOf("$"); if (sub >= 0) cname = cname.substring(0, sub); } try { cname = cname.trim(); return Class.forName(cname); } catch(ClassNotFoundException exc) { internalWarn("Class '" + cname + "' not found"); return null; } } public static boolean isClassDebugEnabled(Class c) { return (debugAll || debugged.containsKey(c)) && !notdebugged.contains(c); } private static int getClassStackDepth(Class c) { Integer depth = (Integer)debugged.get(c); return depth != null && depth.intValue() != CLASS_STACK_DEPTH ? depth.intValue() : debugStackDepth; } private static void internalDebug(Class cls, String msg, int lines) { if (cls == null || isClassDebugEnabled(cls)) { String stack = getStackTrace(2, FULL_STACK); if (cls != null || isClassDebugEnabled(cls = extractClass(stack))) { String tname = showThreads ? ": [" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] " : ": "; if (lines == CLASS_STACK_DEPTH) { lines = getClassStackDepth(cls); } internalWarn(trimStackTrace(stack, lines) + tname + msg); } } } /** Use this version for performance-critical/high traffic areas */ public static void debug(Class c, String event){ if (expectDebugOutput) { internalDebug(c, event, CLASS_STACK_DEPTH); } } /** Print a debug message. */ public static void debug(String event){ if (expectDebugOutput) { internalDebug(null, event, CLASS_STACK_DEPTH); } } /** Print a debug message with the given number of stack lines. */ public static void debug(String event, int lines){ if (expectDebugOutput) { internalDebug(null, event, lines); } } /** Print an empty debug message. */ public static void debug(){ if (expectDebugOutput) { internalDebug(null, "", CLASS_STACK_DEPTH); } } /** Similar to warn(Throwable). */ public static void debug(Throwable thr) { if (expectDebugOutput) { String where = getStackTrace(0, excStackDepth, thr); String here = getStackTrace(1, debugStackDepth); String type = thr instanceof Error ? "Error" : "Exception thrown"; internalDebug(null, type + " at " + where + ": " + thr + " (caught at " + here + ")", 1); if (thr instanceof InvocationTargetException) { thr = ((InvocationTargetException)thr).getTargetException(); where = getStackTrace(0, excStackDepth, thr); internalDebug(null, "Target exception was " + thr + " at " + where, 1); } } } /** Print a debug message using the object given stringified as the message. */ public static void debug(Object obj){ if (expectDebugOutput) { internalDebug(null, obj == null ? "(null)" : obj.toString(), CLASS_STACK_DEPTH); } } /** Replace all occurrences of a given expresion with a different string. */ private static String abbreviate(String msg, String expr, String sub) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(msg); int index = sb.toString().indexOf(expr); int len = expr.length(); while (index >= 0){ sb.replace(index, index + len, sub); index = sb.toString().indexOf(expr); } return sb.toString(); } /** Strip out stuff we don't want showing in the message. */ private static String abbreviate(String msg){ if (COMMON_PREFIX != null) msg = abbreviate(msg, COMMON_PREFIX, "*"); return msg; } /** Issue a warning. All warnings go to the log file and the error stream. */ private static void internalWarn(String message){ synchronized(synchronizer){ internalLog(message); if (printConsoleWarnings && log != systemErr && log != systemOut) { System.err.println(abbreviate(message)); } } } /** Retrieve the given number of lines of the current stack, as a string. */ public static String getStack(int lines){ return getStackTrace(1, lines); } /** Retrieve the given number of lines of stack from the given Throwable, as a string. */ public static String getStack(int lines, Throwable thr){ return getStackTrace(1, lines, thr); } public static String getStack(Throwable thrown) { return getStack(FULL_STACK, thrown); } /** Issue a programmer warning, which will include the source line of the warning. */ public static void warn(String message){ String stack = getStackTrace(1, debugStackDepth); internalWarn(stack + ": " + message); } /** Issue a programmer warning, which will include the source line of the warning, and a stack trace with up to the given number of lines. */ public static void warn(String message, int lines){ String stack = getStackTrace(1, lines); internalWarn(stack + ": " + message); } /** Issue a programmer warning, which will include the source line of the original thrown object. */ public static void warn(Throwable thr) { String where = getStackTrace(0, excStackDepth, thr); String here = getStackTrace(1, debugStackDepth); String type = thr instanceof Error ? "Error" : "Exception thrown"; internalWarn(type + " at " + where + ": " + thr + " (caught at " + here + ")"); if (thr instanceof InvocationTargetException) { thr = ((InvocationTargetException)thr).getTargetException(); where = getStackTrace(0, excStackDepth, thr); internalWarn("Target exception was " + thr + " at " + where); } } /** Base assert method, for use by all others. The description should be a description of the condiction if the test is false. */ private static void assertTrue(String desc, boolean test, int pop){ if (assertChecks && !test){ String stack = getStackTrace(pop + 1, excStackDepth); String msg = "Assertion failed" + ((desc != null) ? ": " + desc : ""); internalWarn(msg); internalWarn(" at " + stack); if (exitOnAssertionFailure) System.exit(1); } } /** Standard assert, with a message provided since java can't easily stringify a boolean expression. */ public static void assertTrue(String desc, boolean test){ assertTrue(desc, test, 1); } /** Basic assertion. Not very useful without a description, though. */ public static void assertTrue(boolean test){ assertTrue(null, test, 1); } /** Assert that the current thread is the swing thread. */ public static void assertSwing(){ assertTrue("Must be invoked in Swing Thread", SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread(), 1); } /** print warning if not invoked on Swing thread, with given number of lines of stack trace. */ public static void warnIfNotSwing(int lines) { if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { warn("Warning: Not running on Swing Thread. Thread=" + Thread.currentThread().toString(), lines); } } /** print warning if not invoked on Swing thread */ public static void warnIfNotSwing() { if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { warn("Warning: Not running on Swing Thread. Thread=" + Thread.currentThread().toString()); } } /** Assert that the current thread is NOT the swing thread. */ public static void assertNotSwing(){ assertTrue("Must not be invoked in Swing Thread", !SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread(), 1); } /** Log an exception. */ public static void log(Throwable thr) { if (loggingEnabled()) { String stack = getStackTrace(0, excStackDepth, thr); internalLog("Exception thrown: " + thr + "->" + stack); } } public static void log(String message, Throwable thr) { if (loggingEnabled()) { String stack = getStackTrace(0, excStackDepth, thr); internalLog("Exception thrown: " + message + ": " + thr + "->" + stack); } } /** Log a message. */ public static void log(String message) { if (loggingEnabled()) { if (debugStackDepth != 1) { String stack = getStackTrace(1, 1); internalLog(stack + ": " + message); } else { internalLog(message); } } } private static void internalLog(String event){ if (loggingEnabled()) { StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(); if (showTimestamp) { msg.append(timestampFormat.format(new Date())); } msg.append(abbreviate(event)); synchronized(synchronizer){ log.println(msg.toString()); } } } public static void close() { if (loggingEnabled()) { log("Log closed"); try { log.close(); } catch(Exception exc) { } } } }