package abbot; public abstract class NoExitSecurityManager extends SecurityManager { private Exception creation; public NoExitSecurityManager() { class CreationLocationException extends Exception { } creation = new CreationLocationException(); } public void checkPermission( perm, Object context) { // allow everything } public void checkPermission( perm) { // allow everything } public void checkExit(int status) { // We only want to disallow Runtime.halt/Runtime.exit // Anything else is ok (e.g. System.runFinalizersOnExit; some VMs do a // check there as well -- 1.3 and prior, I think) String stack = Log.getStack(Log.FULL_STACK); if (stack.indexOf("java.lang.Runtime.exit") != -1 || stack.indexOf("java.lang.Runtime.halt") != -1) { exitCalled(status); String msg = "Application exit denied"; Log.log(msg + " from security manager " + "created at " + Log.getStack(Log.FULL_STACK, creation)); throw new ExitException(msg, status); } } /** Implement this method to do any context-specific cleanup. This hook is provided since it may not always be possible to catch the ExitException explicitly (like when it's caught by someone else, or thrown from the event dispatch thread). */ protected abstract void exitCalled(int status); }