package abbot.tester.swt; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Group; /** * Provides widget-specific actions, assertions, and getter methods for * widgets of type Group. */ public class GroupTester extends CompositeTester { public static final String copyright = "Licensed Materials -- Property of IBM\n"+ "(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 2003\nUS Government "+ "Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA "+ "ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp."; /* Widget properties that are obtainable by member getter functions */ // protected Rectangle clientArea; // protected String text; // /** // * Sets the above properties to their current values for the given widget. // * NOTE: This should be called in a block of code synchronized on this // * tester. // */ // protected synchronized void getProperties(final Group group){ // super.getProperties(group); // Robot.syncExec(group.getDisplay(),this,new Runnable(){ // public void run(){ // clientArea = group.getClientArea(); // text = group.getText(); // } // }); // } // /** // * These getter methods return a particular property of the given widget. // * @see the corresponding member function in class Widget // */ /* Begin getters */ /** * Proxy for {@link Group#getClientArea()}. * <p/> * @param group the group under test. * @return the client area. */ public Rectangle getClientArea(final Group group){ Rectangle result = (Rectangle) Robot.syncExec(group.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return group.getClientArea(); } }); return result; } /** * Proxy for {@link Group#getText()}. * <p/> * @param group the group under test. * @return the text (title) */ public String getText(final Group group){ String result = (String) Robot.syncExec(group.getDisplay(), new RunnableWithResult() { public Object runWithResult() { return group.getText(); } }); return result; } /* End getters */ }