package abbot.editor; import; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; import org.jdom.Element; import abbot.Log; import abbot.i18n.Strings; import abbot.script.*; /** Formats a Script for display in a table. Keeps track of * "open" nodes to create a tree-like display * NOTE: this is a brute-force implementation with no attempts at * optimization. But it's a very simple tree+table implementation. */ class ScriptModel extends AbstractTableModel { private HashSet openSequences = new HashSet(); private HashMap parents = new HashMap(); private Script script = null; private ArrayList rows = new ArrayList(); /** Encapsulate information we need to manipulate a row. Note that Entry * objects exist only for those steps which are "visible", i.e. children * of closed sequences have no Entry. */ private class Entry implements XMLifiable { public Step step; public Sequence parent; public int nestingDepth; public Entry(Step step, Sequence parent, int nestingDepth) { this.step = step; this.parent = parent; this.nestingDepth = nestingDepth; } /** What to display. */ public String toString() { String str = step.toString(); if ((step instanceof Script) && !step.getDescription().startsWith("Script")) { str += " - " + step.getDescription(); } return str; } /** What to edit. */ public String toEditableString() { return step.toEditableString(); } public Element toXML() { return step.toXML(); } } public ScriptModel() { this(null); } public ScriptModel(Script script) { setScript(script); } private void layout(boolean scanParents) { if (scanParents) mapParents(script); rows.clear(); if (script != null) { addSubRows(script, 0); } //Log.debug("Layout finished with " + rows.size() + " rows"); fireTableDataChanged(); } /** Remove the given step from the script. */ public synchronized void removeStep(Step step) { getParent(step).removeStep(step); openSequences.remove(step); layout(true); } /** Remove all the given steps. If any are not found, an exception is thrown before any changes are made. */ public synchronized void removeSteps(List steps) { Iterator iter = steps.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Step step = (Step); getParent(step); } iter = steps.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Step step = (Step); getParent(step).removeStep(step); openSequences.remove(step); } layout(true); } /** Insert the given step at the given index in its parent. */ public synchronized void insertStep(Sequence parent, Step step, int index) { parent.addStep(index, step); layout(true); } /** Insert the steps into the given sequence at the given index. */ public synchronized void insertSteps(Sequence parent, List steps, int index) { Iterator iter = steps.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { parent.addStep(index++, (Step); } layout(true); } private Entry getEntry(int row) { if (row > rows.size() -1 || row < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Row " + row + " out of bounds (" + rows.size() + " available)"); return (Entry)rows.get(row); } /** Returns -1 if the step is not found or not visible. */ public synchronized int getRowOf(Step step) { if (step != script) { //Log.debug("Checking " + rows.size() + " rows"); for (int i=0;i < rows.size();i++) { Entry entry = getEntry(i); if (entry.step.equals(step)) return i; else Log.debug("Not in " + entry.step); } Log.debug("Step " + step + " not found in (maybe not visible)"); } return -1; } /** Return whether the given row is "open". */ public synchronized boolean isOpen(int row) { return openSequences.contains(getEntry(row).step); } public synchronized boolean isOpen(Step step) { return openSequences.contains(step); } /** Toggle the open state of the node, if it's a sequence. */ public synchronized void toggle(int row) { Step step = getEntry(row).step; if (step instanceof Sequence) { if (openSequences.contains(step)) openSequences.remove(step); else openSequences.add(step); layout(false); } } /** Set the script to display. Don't allow any model accesses until this method has completed. */ public synchronized void setScript(Script script) { //Log.debug("Setting table model script to " + script); this.script = script; openSequences.clear(); if (script != null) { openSequences.add(script); } layout(true); //Log.debug("Model has " + rows.size() + " rows"); } public synchronized int getRowCount() { if (script == null) return 0; return rows.size(); } public int getColumnCount() { return 1; } public synchronized Step getStepAt(int row) { return getEntry(row).step; } private void validate(int row, int col) { if (row < 0 || row > getRowCount()-1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid row " + row); if (col != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid column " + col); } /** Returns the step at the given row. */ public synchronized Object getValueAt(int row, int col) { validate(row, col); return getStepAt(row); } /** Assumes value is XML for a script step. */ // FIXME: I don't think this is used any longer now that editors are // available for all script steps. public synchronized void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) { validate(row, col); if (col == 0) { //Log.debug("Setting value at " + row + " to " + value); Entry entry = getEntry(row); if (entry.step instanceof Script) { // FIXME maybe use a file chooser instead? //Log.debug("Set script value to " + value); Script old = (Script)entry.step; Script step = new Script((String)value, script.getHierarchy()); step.setRelativeTo(old.getRelativeTo()); Sequence parent = entry.parent != null ? entry.parent : script; parent.setStep(parent.indexOf(old), step); layout(true); } else if (entry.step instanceof Sequence) { String desc = (String)value; if (!"".equals(desc) && !entry.step.getDescription().equals(desc)) { entry.step.setDescription(desc); } } else { try { Step step = Step.createStep(script, (String)value); Sequence parent = entry.parent != null ? entry.parent : script; parent.setStep(parent.indexOf(entry.step), step); layout(true); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.warn(e); } catch(InvalidScriptException e) { // Edit rejected Log.warn(e); } catch(IOException e) { Log.warn(e); } } } } public String getColumnName(int col) { return ""; } public Class getColumnClass(int col) { if (col == 0) return Entry.class; return Object.class; } public Script getScript() { return script; } public synchronized int getNestingDepthAt(int row) { return row < 0 || row >= getRowCount() ? 0 : getEntry(row).nestingDepth; } public synchronized Script getScriptOf(int row) { validate(row, 0); Entry entry = getEntry(row); Sequence parent = entry.parent; while (!(parent instanceof Script)) parent = getParent(parent); return (Script)parent; } /** Return the parent sequence of the given step. */ public synchronized Sequence getParent(Step step) { Sequence seq = (Sequence)parents.get(step); if (seq == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Step " + step + " not found in " + getScript()); } return seq; } /** Keep track of the parent for any given step to aid in editing. */ private void mapParents(Sequence seq) { if (seq == null) return; else if (seq == getScript()) { parents.clear(); } Iterator iter = seq.steps().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Step step = (Step); parents.put(step, seq); if (step instanceof Sequence) { mapParents((Sequence)step); } } } /** Add row entries corresponding to the contents of the given sequence * if it's toggled open. */ private void addSubRows(Sequence seq, int level) { if (openSequences.contains(seq)) { //Log.debug("Adding " + seq.steps().size() + " rows"); Iterator iter = seq.steps().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Step step = (Step); //Log.debug("Adding " + step); rows.add(new Entry(step, seq, level)); if (step instanceof Sequence) { addSubRows((Sequence)step, level + 1); } } } } /** Move the given steps and all between them to the new location. If the steps are being moved later in the same sequence, the index represents the target index <i>before</i> the move. */ public synchronized void moveSteps(Sequence parent, List steps, int index) { Step indexStep = index < parent.size() ? parent.getStep(index) : null; // Remove all, then insert all; otherwise moving steps down in a // sequence would fail Iterator iter = steps.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Step step = (Step); getParent(step).removeStep(step); } iter = steps.iterator(); index = indexStep != null ? parent.indexOf(indexStep) : parent.size(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Step step = (Step); parent.addStep(index++, step); } layout(true); } }