/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc; import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.IncompatibleRemoteServiceException; import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.IsSerializable; import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.RemoteService; import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.SerializationException; import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.SerializedTypeViolationException; import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.TestSetFactory.ReverseSorter; import com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RPCTypeCheckCollectionsTest.TestHashSet; import com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.testcases.SubtypeUsedTwice; import com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.testcases.SubtypeUsedTwice.Arg; import com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.testcases.SubtypeUsedTwice.TypedHandle; import com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.testcases.TypeVariableCycle; import junit.framework.TestCase; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; /** * Test cases for the type checking code found in server-side RPC * deserialization. */ public class RPCTypeCheckTest extends TestCase { /* * Test that collection classes correctly report when they are not the * expected type, when the other type is a class. * - ArrayList<Integer>: testArrayListSpoofingClass * - ArraysAsList<Integer>: testArraysAsListSpoofingClass * - EmptyList<Integer>: testEmptyListSpoofingClass * - EmptyMap<String, Integer>: testEmptyMapSpoofingClass * - EmptySet<Integer>: testEmptySetSpoofingClass * - HashMap<String, Integer>: testHashMapSpoofingClass * - HashSet<Integer>: testHashSetSpoofingClass * - IdentityHashMap<AClass, Integer>: testIdentityHashMapSpoofingClass * - LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>: testLinkedHashMapSpoofingClass * - LinkedHashSet<Integer>: testHashSetSpoofingClass * - LinkedList<Integer>: testLinkedListSpoofingClass * - SingletonList<Integer>: testSingletonListSpoofingClass * - TreeMap<String, Integer>: testTreeMapSpoofingClass * - TreeSet<Integer>: testTreeSetSpoofingClass * - Vector<Integer>: testVectorSpoofingClass * * Test that primitive classes cannot be interchanged, or can safely. In * general, these do not pose much danger as the serialization for basic types * all perform a strictly finite amount of work and catch invalid * representations. * - Integer for String, and vice versa: testPrimitiveSpoofing * - int for String, and String for int: testValueSpoofing * * Test collections in fields of classes: * - BClass contains a List<Integer>: testClassField * - CClass contains a BClass: testClassField * - KClass<X> contains a DClass<X, Integer> and List<X>: testGenericFields * * Test generic classes that use their generic types in various ways * - DClass<X, Y> extends LinkedList<X>: testGenericClasses * - EClass<X, Y> { HashMap<X, Y> ... }: testGenericClasses * - FClass<X, Y> { List<X> ... List<Y> ... }: testGenericClasses * - GClass<X, Y> { DClass<X, Y>, ... }: testNestedGenericClasses * - JClass<X, Y> { fields of HashMap }: testGenericFields * * * Wildcard types * - (IClass<? extends T> arg1) with * <T extends Set<? super GEClass<Integer, String>>>: testComplexGenerics * - LClass<T implements List<X> & MClass<Y>>: testMethodClassGenerics */ /** * Test custom class. */ public static class AClass extends Object implements IsSerializable { int a = 9876; AClass() { } AClass(int aVal) { a = aVal; } int getA() { return a; } void setA(int newA) { a = newA; } } /** * Test custom class containing a parameterized collection. */ public static class BClass extends Object implements IsSerializable { List<Integer> aList = new LinkedList<Integer>(); BClass() { } BClass(int aVal) { aList.add(aVal); } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public void setList(List newValue) { aList = newValue; } } /** * Test custom class containing a raw collection. */ @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public static class BClassRaw extends Object implements IsSerializable { List aList = new LinkedList(); BClassRaw() { } BClassRaw(int aVal) { aList.add(aVal); } public void setList(List newValue) { aList = newValue; } } /** * Test custom class containing a subclass containing a parameterized * collection. */ public static class CClass extends Object implements IsSerializable { BClass b = new BClass(12345); CClass() { } public void setBClass(BClass newValue) { b = newValue; } } /** * Test custom class containing a subclass containing a raw * collection. */ public static class CClassRaw extends Object implements IsSerializable { BClassRaw b = new BClassRaw(12345); CClassRaw() { } public void setBClass(BClassRaw newValue) { b = newValue; } } /** * A class containing a method used to check type spoofing attacks on RPC * messages containing novel classes. */ public static class ClassesParamTestClass<T extends List<Integer> & MInterface<String>> implements RemoteService { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testAClass(AClass arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testAClassArray(AClass[] arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testBClass(BClass arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testBClassRaw(BClassRaw arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testCClass(CClass arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testCClassRaw(CClassRaw arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static <T extends Set<? super GEClass<Integer, String>>> void testComplexGenerics( IClass<? extends T> arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "rawtypes"}) public static <T extends Set<? super GEClass>> void testComplexGenericsRaw( IClass<? extends T> arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testDClass(DClass<Integer, String> arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testDClassRaw(DClassRaw<String> arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testEClass(EClass<String, Integer> arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testFClass(FClass<Integer, String> arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testFClassRaw(FClassRaw<Integer> arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testGDClass(GDClass<Integer, String> arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testGDClassRaw1(GDClassRaw arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "rawtypes"}) public static void testGDClassRaw2(GDClass arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testGEClass(GEClass<Integer, String> arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testHDClass(HDClass<Integer, String> arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testHEClass(HEClass<Integer, String> arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testJClass(JClass<Integer, String> arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testJClassRaw1(JClassRaw<Integer, String> arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "rawtypes"}) public static void testJClassRaw2(JClass arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings({"unused"}) public static void testKClass(KClass<String> arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "rawtypes"}) public static void testKClassRaw(KClass arg1) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void testWildcardBounds(T arg1) { } } /** * Test custom parameterized class that extends a parameterized class and * includes a field of a parameterized type. */ public static class DClass<X, Y> extends LinkedList<X> implements IsSerializable { Y y; DClass() { y = null; } void setY(Y value) { y = value; } } /** * Test custom parameterized class that extends a parameterized class and * includes a field of a parameterized type, with no actual parameters (raw). */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static class DClassRaw<Y> extends LinkedList implements IsSerializable { Y y; DClassRaw() { y = null; } void setY(Y value) { y = value; } } /** * Test custom parameterized class that includes a field of a parameterized * type, with two types. */ public static class EClass<X, Y> extends Object implements IsSerializable { HashMap<X, Y> map; EClass() { map = null; } void setMap(HashMap<X, Y> value) { map = value; } } /** * Test custom parameterized class that includes two fields, each using one of * the parameterized types. */ public static class FClass<X, Y> extends Object implements IsSerializable { List<X> listX; List<Y> listY; FClass() { listX = null; listY = null; } void setX(List<X> value) { listX = value; } void setY(List<Y> value) { listY = value; } } /** * Test custom parameterized class that includes two fields, one using the * parameter type and the other raw. We wish to ensure that the raw type * does not feel the need to be the parameter type. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static class FClassRaw<X> extends Object implements IsSerializable { List<X> listX; List listY; FClassRaw() { listX = null; listY = null; } void setX(List<X> value) { listX = value; } void setY(List value) { listY = value; } } /** * Test custom parameterized class that extends another custom parameterized * class that extends another parameterized collection. */ public static class GDClass<A, B> extends DClass<A, B> { } /** * Test custom parameterized class that extends another custom parameterized * class that extends another parameterized collection, raw version. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static class GDClassRaw extends DClass { } /** * Test custom parameterized class that extends another custom parameterized * class that has a parameterized collection for a field. */ public static class GEClass<A, B> extends EClass<B, A> { } /** * Test custom parameterized class that uses another custom parameterized * class that extends another parameterized collection. */ public static class HDClass<A, B> extends Object implements IsSerializable { public DClass<A, B> dClass = null; } /** * Test custom parameterized class that uses another custom parameterized * class that has a parameterized collection for a field. */ public static class HEClass<A, B> extends Object implements IsSerializable { public EClass<B, A> eClass = null; } /** * Test class that just holds a single field of a generic type. */ public static class IClass<T> extends Object implements IsSerializable { T a; IClass() { a = null; } IClass(T aVal) { a = aVal; } T getA() { return a; } void setA(T newA) { a = newA; } } /** * Test class that has fields of the same underlying type but different actual * parameters for each type. */ public static class JClass<K, V> extends EClass<K, V> { public HashMap<Long, Double> field1 = null; public EClass<Short, Float> field2 = null; public HashMap<K, V> field3 = null; public HashMap<String, Integer> field4 = null; } /** * Test class that has fields of the same underlying type but different actual * parameters for each type, including raw types. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static class JClassRaw<K, V> extends EClass { public HashMap<Long, Double> field1 = null; public EClass<Short, Float> field2 = null; public HashMap<K, V> field3 = null; public HashMap field4 = null; } /** * Test case for a generic type that extends a generic type with fewer * parameters, used as a field and as an array. * * During testing, instances of DClass are used for all of the fields. */ public static class KClass<X> implements IsSerializable { public DClass<X, Integer> field1 = null; public List<X> field2 = null; public DClass<X, Integer>[] field3 = null; public List<X>[] field4 = null; } /** * Test case for multiple wildcard bounds. */ public static class LClass<X, Y> extends LinkedList<X> implements MInterface<Y>, IsSerializable { public Y field1 = null; public List<Y> field2 = null; @Override public Y echo(Y arg) { return arg; } } /** * An invalid test case for multiple wildcard bounds. * * It does not implement List. */ public static class LClassInvalid1<X, Y> extends IClass<X> implements MInterface<Y> { public Y field1 = null; public List<Y> field2 = null; @Override public Y echo(Y arg) { return arg; } } /** * An invalid test case for multiple wildcard bounds. * * It does not implement MInterface. */ public static class LClassInvalid2<X, Y> extends LinkedList<X> implements IsSerializable { public Y field1 = null; public List<Y> field2 = null; } /** * Test interface for multiple wildcard bounds. */ public interface MInterface<X> { X echo(X arg); } /** * A class containing a method used to check type spoofing attacks on RPC * messages containing primitive types. */ public static class PrimitiveParamTestClass implements RemoteService { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testIntegerString(Integer arg1, String arg2) { } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void testIntString(int arg1, String arg2) { } } private static String generateArrayListSpoofingClass() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testAClass"); ArrayList<Integer> arrayList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); arrayList.add(12345); arrayList.add(67890); strFactory.write(arrayList); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateArraysAsListSpoofingClass() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testAClass"); List<Integer> arrayAsList = Arrays.asList(12345, 67890); strFactory.write(arrayAsList); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) private static String generateBClassSpoofing() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testBClass"); BClass arg1 = new BClass(); LinkedList<HashSet> list = new LinkedList<HashSet>(); list.add(RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashSet()); arg1.setList(list); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateBClassRaw() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testBClassRaw"); BClassRaw arg1 = new BClassRaw(); LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>(); list.add("foo"); arg1.setList(list); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) private static String generateCClassSpoofing() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testCClass"); CClass arg1 = new CClass(); BClass b = new BClass(); LinkedList<HashSet> list = new LinkedList<HashSet>(); list.add(RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashSet()); b.setList(list); arg1.setBClass(b); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateCClassRaw() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testCClassRaw"); CClassRaw arg1 = new CClassRaw(); BClassRaw b = new BClassRaw(); LinkedList<Integer> list = new LinkedList<Integer>(); list.add(9876); b.setList(list); arg1.setBClass(b); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static String generateDClassRaw() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testDClassRaw"); DClassRaw<String> arg1 = new DClassRaw<String>(); arg1.setY("foo"); arg1.add(12345); strFactory.write((Object) arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) private static String generateDClassXSpoofing() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testDClass"); DClass<HashSet, String> arg1 = new DClass<HashSet, String>(); arg1.setY("foo"); arg1.add(RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashSet()); strFactory.write((Object) arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) private static String generateDClassYSpoofing() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testDClass"); DClass<Integer, HashSet> arg1 = new DClass<Integer, HashSet>(); arg1.setY(RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashSet()); arg1.add(12345); strFactory.write((Object) arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) private static String generateEClassXSpoofing() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testEClass"); EClass<HashSet, Integer> arg1 = new EClass<HashSet, Integer>(); arg1.setMap(RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashMap()); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) private static String generateEClassYSpoofing() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testEClass"); EClass<String, HashSet> arg1 = new EClass<String, HashSet>(); HashMap<String, HashSet> map = new HashMap<String, HashSet>(); map.put("foo", RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashSet()); arg1.setMap(map); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateEmptyListSpoofingClass() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testAClass"); strFactory.writeEmptyList(); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateEmptyMapSpoofingClass() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testAClass"); strFactory.writeEmptyMap(); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateEmptySetSpoofingClass() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testAClass"); strFactory.writeEmptySet(); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateFClassRaw() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testFClassRaw"); FClassRaw<Integer> arg1 = new FClassRaw<Integer>(); LinkedList<Integer> fieldX = new LinkedList<Integer>(); fieldX.add(12345); LinkedList<String> fieldY = new LinkedList<String>(); fieldY.add("foo"); arg1.setX(fieldX); arg1.setY(fieldY); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) private static String generateFClassXSpoofing() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testFClass"); FClass<HashSet, String> arg1 = new FClass<HashSet, String>(); LinkedList<HashSet> fieldX = new LinkedList<HashSet>(); fieldX.add(RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashSet()); LinkedList<String> fieldY = new LinkedList<String>(); fieldY.add("foo"); arg1.setX(fieldX); arg1.setY(fieldY); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) private static String generateFClassYSpoofing() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testFClass"); FClass<Integer, HashSet> arg1 = new FClass<Integer, HashSet>(); LinkedList<Integer> fieldX = new LinkedList<Integer>(); fieldX.add(12345); LinkedList<HashSet> fieldY = new LinkedList<HashSet>(); fieldY.add(RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashSet()); arg1.setX(fieldX); arg1.setY(fieldY); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static String generateGDClassRaw1() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testGDClassRaw1"); GDClassRaw gClass = new GDClassRaw(); gClass.setY("foo"); gClass.add(12345); strFactory.write((Object) gClass); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private static String generateGDClassRaw2() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testGDClassRaw2"); GDClass gClass = new GDClass(); gClass.setY("foo"); gClass.add(12345); strFactory.write((Object) gClass); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) private static String generateGDClassXSpoofing() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testGDClass"); GDClass<HashSet, String> gClass = new GDClass<HashSet, String>(); gClass.setY("foo"); gClass.add(RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashSet()); strFactory.write((Object) gClass); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) private static String generateGDClassYSpoofing() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testGDClass"); GDClass<Integer, HashSet> gClass = new GDClass<Integer, HashSet>(); gClass.setY(RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashSet()); gClass.add(12345); strFactory.write((Object) gClass); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"cast", "rawtypes"}) private static String generateGEClassXSpoofing() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testGEClass"); GEClass<HashSet, String> arg1 = new GEClass<HashSet, String>(); HashMap<String, HashSet> map = new HashMap<String, HashSet>(); map.put("foo", RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashSet()); arg1.setMap(map); strFactory.write((Object) arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "cast"}) private static String generateGEClassYSpoofing() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testGEClass"); GEClass<Integer, HashSet> arg1 = new GEClass<Integer, HashSet>(); arg1.setMap(RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashMap()); strFactory.write((Object) arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateHashMapSpoofingClass() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testAClass"); HashMap<String, Integer> hashMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); hashMap.put("foo", 12345); strFactory.write(hashMap); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateHashSetSpoofingClass() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testAClass"); HashSet<Integer> hashSet = new HashSet<Integer>(); hashSet.add(12345); hashSet.add(67890); strFactory.write(hashSet); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) private static String generateHDClassXSpoofing() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testHDClass"); HDClass<HashSet, String> hClass = new HDClass<HashSet, String>(); hClass.dClass = new DClass<HashSet, String>(); hClass.dClass.setY("foo"); hClass.dClass.add(RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashSet()); strFactory.write(hClass); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) private static String generateHDClassYSpoofing() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testHDClass"); HDClass<Integer, HashSet> hClass = new HDClass<Integer, HashSet>(); hClass.dClass = new DClass<Integer, HashSet>(); hClass.dClass.setY(RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashSet()); hClass.dClass.add(12345); strFactory.write(hClass); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) private static String generateHEClassXSpoofing() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testHEClass"); HEClass<HashSet, String> arg1 = new HEClass<HashSet, String>(); arg1.eClass = new EClass<String, HashSet>(); HashMap<String, HashSet> map = new HashMap<String, HashSet>(); map.put("foo", RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashSet()); arg1.eClass.setMap(map); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) private static String generateHEClassYSpoofing() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testHEClass"); HEClass<Integer, HashSet> arg1 = new HEClass<Integer, HashSet>(); arg1.eClass = new EClass<HashSet, Integer>(); arg1.eClass.setMap(RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashMap()); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateIClassRaw() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testComplexGenericsRaw"); /* * Generate an object that is valid for IClass<? extends T> where <T extends * Set<? super GEClass>>. * * EClass is a superclass of GEClass, so we can use that in the thing that * extends Set. */ HashMap<Integer, String> eClassField = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); eClassField.put(12345, "foo"); EClass<Integer, String> geClass = new EClass<Integer, String>(); geClass.setMap(eClassField); TestHashSet<EClass<Integer, String>> set = new TestHashSet<EClass<Integer, String>>(); set.add(geClass); IClass<TestHashSet<EClass<Integer, String>>> arg1 = new IClass<TestHashSet<EClass<Integer, String>>>(set); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateIClassSpoofingA() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testComplexGenerics"); /* * Generate an object that spoofs IClass<? extends T> where <T extends * Set<? super GEClass<Integer, String>>> at the highest level (i.e. * something that does not extend Set). * * EClass is a superclass of GEClass, so we can use that in the thing that * extends Set. But it switched the parameter order, so we need * EClass<String, Integer>. * * LinkedList does not extend Set. * * So we need to construct this: IClass<LinkedList<EClass<String, * Integer>>> arg1 */ HashMap<String, Integer> eClassField = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); eClassField.put("foo", 12345); eClassField.put("bar", 67890); EClass<String, Integer> geClass = new EClass<String, Integer>(); geClass.setMap(eClassField); LinkedList<EClass<String, Integer>> list = new LinkedList<EClass<String, Integer>>(); list.add(geClass); IClass<LinkedList<EClass<String, Integer>>> arg1 = new IClass<LinkedList<EClass<String, Integer>>>(list); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) private static String generateIClassSpoofingB() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testComplexGenerics"); /* * Generate an object that spoofs IClass<? extends T> where <T extends * Set<? super GEClass<Integer, String>>> at the second highest level * (i.e. something that is not a superclass of GEClass). * * Pathological hash set is not a superclass of GEClass, so we can use * that. * * So we need to construct this: IClass<TestHashSet<HashSet<Integer, * String>>> arg1 */ HashSet hashSet = RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashSetHashSet(); IClass<HashSet> arg1 = new IClass<HashSet>(hashSet); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) private static String generateIClassSpoofingC() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testComplexGenerics"); /* * Generate an object that spoofs IClass<? extends T> where <T extends * Set<? super GEClass<Integer, String>>> at the deepest level (i.e. * GEClass parameter types). * * EClass is a superclass of GEClass, so we can use that in the thing that * extends Set. But it switched the parameter order, so we need * EClass<String, HashSet>. */ HashMap<String, HashSet> eClassField = new HashMap<String, HashSet>(); eClassField.put("foo", RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashSet()); EClass<String, HashSet> geClass = new EClass<String, HashSet>(); geClass.setMap(eClassField); TestHashSet<EClass<String, HashSet>> set = new TestHashSet<EClass<String, HashSet>>(); set.add(geClass); IClass<TestHashSet<EClass<String, HashSet>>> arg1 = new IClass<TestHashSet<EClass<String, HashSet>>>(set); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateIClassValid() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testComplexGenerics"); /* * Generate an object that works for IClass<? extends T> where <T extends * Set<? super GEClass<Integer, String>>>. * * EClass is a superclass of GEClass, so we can use that in the thing that * extends Set. But it switched the parameter order, so we need * EClass<String, Integer>. * * HashSet extends Set. * * RPCTypeCheckCollectionsTest.TestHashSet extends HashSet. * * So we need to construct this: IClass<TestHashSet<EClass<String, * Integer>>> arg1 */ HashMap<String, Integer> eClassField = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); eClassField.put("foo", 12345); eClassField.put("bar", 67890); EClass<String, Integer> geClass = new EClass<String, Integer>(); geClass.setMap(eClassField); TestHashSet<EClass<String, Integer>> set = new TestHashSet<EClass<String, Integer>>(); set.add(geClass); IClass<TestHashSet<EClass<String, Integer>>> arg1 = new IClass<TestHashSet<EClass<String, Integer>>>(set); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateIdentityHashMapSpoofingClass() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testAClass"); IdentityHashMap<String, Integer> hashMap = new IdentityHashMap<String, Integer>(); hashMap.put("foo", 12345); strFactory.write(hashMap); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateIntegerSpoofingString() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(PrimitiveParamTestClass.class, "testIntegerString"); Integer i = 12345; strFactory.write(i); Integer j = 67890; strFactory.write(j); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateIntSpoofingString() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(PrimitiveParamTestClass.class, "testIntString"); int i = 12345; strFactory.write(i); int j = 67890; strFactory.write(j); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static String generateJClassRaw1() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testJClassRaw1"); JClassRaw<Integer, String> arg1 = new JClassRaw<Integer, String>(); arg1.field1 = new HashMap<Long, Double>(); arg1.field1.put(123L, 0.12345); arg1.field2 = new EClass<Short, Float>(); HashMap<Short, Float> eClassMap = new HashMap<Short, Float>(); eClassMap.put((short) 567, 0.456f); arg1.field2.setMap(eClassMap); arg1.field3 = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); arg1.field3.put(9876, "foo"); arg1.field4 = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); arg1.field4.put("bar", 765); HashMap<Integer, String> jClassMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); jClassMap.put(4321, "baz"); arg1.setMap(jClassMap); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private static String generateJClassRaw2() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testJClassRaw2"); JClass arg1 = new JClass(); arg1.field1 = new HashMap<Long, Double>(); arg1.field1.put(123L, 0.12345); arg1.field2 = new EClass<Short, Float>(); HashMap<Short, Float> eClassMap = new HashMap<Short, Float>(); eClassMap.put((short) 567, 0.456f); arg1.field2.setMap(eClassMap); arg1.field3 = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); arg1.field3.put(9876, "foo"); arg1.field4 = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); arg1.field4.put("bar", 765); HashMap<Integer, String> jClassMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); jClassMap.put(4321, "baz"); arg1.setMap(jClassMap); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private static String generateJClassSpoofing1() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testJClass"); JClass<Integer, String> arg1 = new JClass<Integer, String>(); arg1.field1 = (HashMap) RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashMap(); arg1.field2 = new EClass<Short, Float>(); HashMap<Short, Float> eClassMap = new HashMap<Short, Float>(); eClassMap.put((short) 567, 0.456f); arg1.field2.setMap(eClassMap); arg1.field3 = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); arg1.field3.put(9876, "foo"); arg1.field4 = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); arg1.field4.put("bar", 765); HashMap<Integer, String> jClassMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); jClassMap.put(4321, "baz"); arg1.setMap(jClassMap); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private static String generateJClassSpoofing2() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testJClass"); JClass<Integer, String> arg1 = new JClass<Integer, String>(); arg1.field1 = new HashMap<Long, Double>(); arg1.field1.put(123L, 0.12345); arg1.field2 = new EClass<Short, Float>(); arg1.field2.setMap((HashMap) RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashMap()); arg1.field3 = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); arg1.field3.put(9876, "foo"); arg1.field4 = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); arg1.field4.put("bar", 765); HashMap<Integer, String> jClassMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); jClassMap.put(4321, "baz"); arg1.setMap(jClassMap); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private static String generateJClassSpoofing3() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testJClass"); JClass<Integer, String> arg1 = new JClass<Integer, String>(); arg1.field1 = new HashMap<Long, Double>(); arg1.field1.put(123L, 0.12345); arg1.field2 = new EClass<Short, Float>(); HashMap<Short, Float> eClassMap = new HashMap<Short, Float>(); eClassMap.put((short) 567, 0.456f); arg1.field2.setMap(eClassMap); arg1.field3 = (HashMap) RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashMap(); arg1.field4 = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); arg1.field4.put("bar", 765); HashMap<Integer, String> jClassMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); jClassMap.put(4321, "baz"); arg1.setMap(jClassMap); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private static String generateJClassSpoofing4() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testJClass"); JClass<Integer, String> arg1 = new JClass<Integer, String>(); arg1.field1 = new HashMap<Long, Double>(); arg1.field1.put(123L, 0.12345); arg1.field2 = new EClass<Short, Float>(); HashMap<Short, Float> eClassMap = new HashMap<Short, Float>(); eClassMap.put((short) 567, 0.456f); arg1.field2.setMap(eClassMap); arg1.field3 = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); arg1.field3.put(9876, "foo"); arg1.field4 = (HashMap) RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashMap(); HashMap<Integer, String> jClassMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); jClassMap.put(4321, "baz"); arg1.setMap(jClassMap); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private static String generateJClassSpoofing5() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testJClass"); JClass<Integer, String> arg1 = new JClass<Integer, String>(); arg1.field1 = new HashMap<Long, Double>(); arg1.field1.put(123L, 0.12345); arg1.field2 = new EClass<Short, Float>(); HashMap<Short, Float> eClassMap = new HashMap<Short, Float>(); eClassMap.put((short) 567, 0.456f); arg1.field2.setMap(eClassMap); arg1.field3 = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); arg1.field3.put(9876, "foo"); arg1.field4 = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); arg1.field4.put("bar", 765); arg1.setMap((HashMap) RPCTypeCheckFactory.generateTestHashMap()); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateJClassValid() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testJClass"); JClass<Integer, String> arg1 = new JClass<Integer, String>(); arg1.field1 = new HashMap<Long, Double>(); arg1.field1.put(123L, 0.12345); arg1.field2 = new EClass<Short, Float>(); HashMap<Short, Float> eClassMap = new HashMap<Short, Float>(); eClassMap.put((short) 567, 0.456f); arg1.field2.setMap(eClassMap); arg1.field3 = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); arg1.field3.put(9876, "foo"); arg1.field4 = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); arg1.field4.put("bar", 765); HashMap<Integer, String> jClassMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); jClassMap.put(4321, "baz"); arg1.setMap(jClassMap); strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static String generateKClassValid(String methodName) { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, methodName); DClass<String, Integer> field1 = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field1.setY(12); field1.add("foo"); DClass<String, Integer> field2 = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field2.setY(34); field2.add("bar"); DClass<String, Integer>[] field3 = new DClass[1]; field3[0] = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field3[0].setY(56); field3[0].add("oof"); DClass<String, Integer>[] field4 = new DClass[1]; field4[0] = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field4[0].setY(78); field4[0].add("rab"); KClass<String> arg1 = new KClass<String>(); arg1.field1 = field1; arg1.field2 = field2; arg1.field3 = field3; arg1.field4 = field4; strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private static String generateKClassInvalid1(String methodName) { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, methodName); DClass<Integer, Integer> field1 = new DClass<Integer, Integer>(); field1.setY(12); field1.add(90); DClass<String, Integer> field2 = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field2.setY(34); field2.add("bar"); DClass<String, Integer>[] field3 = new DClass[1]; field3[0] = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field3[0].setY(56); field3[0].add("oof"); DClass<String, Integer>[] field4 = new DClass[1]; field4[0] = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field4[0].setY(78); field4[0].add("rab"); KClass arg1 = new KClass(); arg1.field1 = field1; arg1.field2 = field2; arg1.field3 = field3; arg1.field4 = field4; strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private static String generateKClassInvalid2() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testKClass"); DClass<String, Integer> field1 = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field1.setY(12); field1.add("foo"); DClass<Integer, Integer> field2 = new DClass<Integer, Integer>(); field2.setY(34); field2.add(90); DClass<String, Integer>[] field3 = new DClass[1]; field3[0] = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field3[0].setY(56); field3[0].add("oof"); DClass<String, Integer>[] field4 = new DClass[1]; field4[0] = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field4[0].setY(78); field4[0].add("rab"); KClass arg1 = new KClass(); arg1.field1 = field1; arg1.field2 = field2; arg1.field3 = field3; arg1.field4 = field4; strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private static String generateKClassInvalid3() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testKClass"); DClass<String, Integer> field1 = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field1.setY(12); field1.add("foo"); DClass<String, Integer> field2 = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field2.setY(34); field2.add("bar"); DClass<Integer, Integer>[] field3 = new DClass[1]; field3[0] = new DClass<Integer, Integer>(); field3[0].setY(56); field3[0].add(90); DClass<String, Integer>[] field4 = new DClass[1]; field4[0] = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field4[0].setY(78); field4[0].add("rab"); KClass arg1 = new KClass(); arg1.field1 = field1; arg1.field2 = field2; arg1.field3 = field3; arg1.field4 = field4; strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private static String generateKClassInvalid4() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testKClass"); DClass<String, Integer> field1 = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field1.setY(12); field1.add("foo"); DClass<String, Integer> field2 = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field2.setY(34); field2.add("bar"); DClass<String, Integer>[] field3 = new DClass[1]; field3[0] = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field3[0].setY(56); field3[0].add("oof"); DClass<Integer, Integer>[] field4 = new DClass[1]; field4[0] = new DClass<Integer, Integer>(); field4[0].setY(78); field4[0].add(90); KClass arg1 = new KClass(); arg1.field1 = field1; arg1.field2 = field2; arg1.field3 = field3; arg1.field4 = field4; strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private static String generateKClassInvalid5() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testKClass"); DClass<String, String> field1 = new DClass<String, String>(); field1.setY("bar"); field1.add("foo"); DClass<String, Integer> field2 = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field2.setY(34); field2.add("bar"); DClass<String, Integer>[] field3 = new DClass[1]; field3[0] = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field3[0].setY(56); field3[0].add("oof"); DClass<String, Integer>[] field4 = new DClass[1]; field4[0] = new DClass<String, Integer>(); field4[0].setY(78); field4[0].add("rab"); KClass arg1 = new KClass(); arg1.field1 = field1; arg1.field2 = field2; arg1.field3 = field3; arg1.field4 = field4; strFactory.write(arg1); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateLClassInvalid1() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testWildcardBounds"); LClass<String, String> arg = new LClass<String, String>(); arg.add("foo"); arg.field1 = "foo"; arg.field2 = new LinkedList<String>(); arg.field2.add("bar"); strFactory.write((Object) arg); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateLClassInvalid2() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testWildcardBounds"); LClass<Integer, Integer> arg = new LClass<Integer, Integer>(); arg.add(12345); arg.field1 = 67890; arg.field2 = new LinkedList<Integer>(); arg.field2.add(45678); strFactory.write((Object) arg); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateLClassInvalid3() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testWildcardBounds"); LClassInvalid1<Integer, String> arg = new LClassInvalid1<Integer, String>(); arg.setA(12345); arg.field1 = "foo"; arg.field2 = new LinkedList<String>(); arg.field2.add("bar"); strFactory.write(arg); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateLClassInvalid4() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testWildcardBounds"); LClassInvalid2<Integer, String> arg = new LClassInvalid2<Integer, String>(); arg.add(12345); arg.field1 = "foo"; arg.field2 = new LinkedList<String>(); arg.field2.add("bar"); strFactory.write((Object) arg); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) private static String generateLClassInvalid5() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testWildcardBounds"); LClass arg = new LClass(); arg.add("oof"); arg.field1 = "foo"; arg.field2 = new LinkedList<String>(); arg.field2.add("bar"); strFactory.write((Object) arg); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) private static String generateLClassInvalid6() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testWildcardBounds"); LClass arg = new LClass(); arg.add(12345); arg.field1 = 67890; arg.field2 = new LinkedList<String>(); arg.field2.add("bar"); strFactory.write((Object) arg); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) private static String generateLClassInvalid7() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testWildcardBounds"); LClass arg = new LClass(); arg.add(12345); arg.field1 = "foo"; arg.field2 = new LinkedList<Integer>(); arg.field2.add(67890); strFactory.write((Object) arg); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateLClassValid() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testWildcardBounds"); LClass<Integer, String> arg = new LClass<Integer, String>(); arg.add(12345); arg.field1 = "foo"; arg.field2 = new LinkedList<String>(); arg.field2.add("bar"); strFactory.write((Object) arg); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateLinkedHashMapSpoofingClass() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testAClass"); LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> hashMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); hashMap.put("foo", 12345); strFactory.write(hashMap); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateLinkedHashSetSpoofingClass() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testAClass"); LinkedHashSet<Integer> hashSet = new LinkedHashSet<Integer>(); hashSet.add(12345); hashSet.add(67890); strFactory.write(hashSet); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateLinkedListSpoofingClass() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testAClass"); LinkedList<Integer> list = new LinkedList<Integer>(); list.add(12345); list.add(67890); strFactory.write(list); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateSingletonListSpoofingClass() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testAClass"); Integer i = new Integer(67890); List<Integer> singletonList = Collections.singletonList(i); strFactory.write(singletonList); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateStringSpoofingInt() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(PrimitiveParamTestClass.class, "testIntString"); String arg1 = "foo"; strFactory.write(arg1); String arg2 = "bar"; strFactory.write(arg2); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateStringSpoofingInteger() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(PrimitiveParamTestClass.class, "testIntegerString"); String arg1 = "foo"; strFactory.write(arg1); String arg2 = "bar"; strFactory.write(arg2); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateTreeMapSpoofingClass() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testAClass"); TreeMap<String, Integer> treeMap = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); treeMap.put("foo", 12345); strFactory.write(treeMap); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateTreeSetSpoofingClass() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testAClass"); ReverseSorter<Integer> sorter = new ReverseSorter<Integer>(); TreeSet<Integer> treeSet = new TreeSet<Integer>(sorter); treeSet.add(12345); treeSet.add(67890); strFactory.write(treeSet); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String generateVectorSpoofingClass() { try { RPCTypeCheckFactory strFactory = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(ClassesParamTestClass.class, "testAClass"); Vector<Integer> vector = new Vector<Integer>(); vector.add(12345); vector.add(67890); strFactory.write(vector); return strFactory.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); return null; } } /** * This checks that ArrayList correctly reports that it is an incorrect type. */ public void testArrayListSpoofingClass() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateArrayListSpoofingClass()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testArrayListSpoofingClass"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*ArrayList.*AClass.*")); } } /** * This checks that a List generated by Arrays.asList correctly reports that * it is an incorrect type. */ public void testArraysAsListSpoofingClass() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateArraysAsListSpoofingClass()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testArraysAsListSpoofingClass"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*Arrays\\$ArrayList.*AClass.*")); } } /** * This checks that generic fields of classes work correctly. */ public void testClassFields() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateBClassSpoofing()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testClassFields (1)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*Integer.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateCClassSpoofing()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testClassFields (2)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*Integer.*")); } } /** * This checks that raw collections fields of classes work correctly. */ public void testClassFieldsRaw() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateBClassRaw()); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unexpected Exception from testClassFieldsRaw (1): " + e.getMessage()); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateCClassRaw()); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unexpected Exception from testClassFieldsRaw (2): " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * This checks that complex generic declarations are both correctly serialized * (no false negatives) and correctly verified. */ public void testComplexGenerics() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateIClassValid()); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unexpected assertion from testComplexGenerics (1a): " + e.getMessage()); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateIClassRaw()); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unexpected assertion from testComplexGenerics (1b): " + e.getMessage()); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateIClassSpoofingA()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testComplexGenerics (2)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*LinkedList.*? extends T.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateIClassSpoofingB()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testComplexGenerics (3)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*? super .*GEClass.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateIClassSpoofingC()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testComplexGenerics (4)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*Integer.*")); } } /** * This checks that a List generated by Collections.emptyList correctly * reports that it is an incorrect type. */ public void testEmptyListSpoofingClass() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateEmptyListSpoofingClass()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testEmptyListSpoofingClass"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*List.*AClass.*")); } } /** * This checks that a Map generated by Collections.emptyMap correctly reports * that it is an incorrect type. */ public void testEmptyMapSpoofingClass() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateEmptyMapSpoofingClass()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testEmptyMapSpoofingClass"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*Map.*AClass.*")); } } /** * This checks that a Set generated by Collections.emptySet correctly reports * that it is an incorrect type. */ public void testEmptySetSpoofingClass() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateEmptySetSpoofingClass()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testEmptySetSpoofingClass"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*Set.*AClass.*")); } } /** * This checks that fields of generic classes work correctly. */ public void testGenericClasses() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateDClassRaw()); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unexpected assertion from testGenericClasses (1-): " + e.getMessage()); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateDClassXSpoofing()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testGenericClasses (1)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*Integer.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateDClassYSpoofing()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testGenericClasses (2)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*String.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateEClassXSpoofing()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testGenericClasses (3)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*String.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateEClassYSpoofing()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testGenericClasses (4)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*Integer.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateFClassRaw()); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unexpected assertion from testGenericClasses (5-): " + e.getMessage()); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateFClassXSpoofing()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testGenericClasses (5)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*Integer.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateFClassYSpoofing()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testGenericClasses (6)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*String.*")); } } /** * This tests that generic class with fields that have the same types but * different actual parameters are correctly handled. * * It also checks classes with fields that have more generic arguments * than the class provides, or that use instances with more parameters than * the field itself requires (i.e List<X> when used as Object). */ public void testGenericFields() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateJClassValid()); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unexpected assertion from testGenericFields (1a): " + e.getMessage()); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateJClassRaw1()); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unexpected assertion from testGenericFields (1b): " + e.getMessage()); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateJClassRaw2()); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unexpected assertion from testGenericFields (1c): " + e.getMessage()); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateJClassSpoofing1()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testGenericFields (2)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*Long.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateJClassSpoofing2()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testGenericFields (3)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*Short.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateJClassSpoofing3()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testGenericFields (4)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*Integer.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateJClassSpoofing4()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testGenericFields (5)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*String.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateJClassSpoofing5()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testGenericFields (6)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*Integer.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateKClassValid("testKClass")); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unexpected assertion from testGenericFields (7a): " + e.getMessage()); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateKClassValid("testKClassRaw")); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unexpected assertion from testGenericFields (7b): " + e.getMessage()); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateKClassInvalid1("testKClass")); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testGenericFields (7c)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*Integer.*String.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateKClassInvalid1("testKClassRaw")); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unexpected assertion from testGenericFields (7d): " + e.getMessage()); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateKClassInvalid2()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testGenericFields (7e)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*Integer.*String.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateKClassInvalid3()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testGenericFields (7f)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*Integer.*String.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateKClassInvalid4()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testGenericFields (7g)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*Integer.*String.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateKClassInvalid5()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testGenericFields (7h)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*String.*Integer.*")); } } /** * Test for <a href="https://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=7779">7779</a>. */ public void testTypeVariableCycle() throws Exception { // Build an RPC request that calls dereference(hello) RPCTypeCheckFactory builder = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(TypeVariableCycle.class, "dereference"); builder.write(TypeVariableCycle.HELLO); String request = builder.toString(); // Make sure we can decode it. RPCRequest decoded = RPC.decodeRequest(request); Object deserializedArg = decoded.getParameters()[0]; assertEquals(TypeVariableCycle.PtrPtr.class, deserializedArg.getClass()); assertEquals("hello", ((TypeVariableCycle.PtrPtr) deserializedArg).get()); } public void testSubtypeUsedTwice() throws Exception { // Build an RPC request that calls send(ARG) RPCTypeCheckFactory builder = new RPCTypeCheckFactory(SubtypeUsedTwice.class, "send"); builder.write(SubtypeUsedTwice.makeArg(123)); String request = builder.toString(); // Make sure we can decode it. RPCRequest decoded = RPC.decodeRequest(request); Object deserializedArg = decoded.getParameters()[0]; assertEquals(Arg.class, deserializedArg.getClass()); IsSerializable thing = ((Arg) deserializedArg).handle.thing.any; TypedHandle handle = (TypedHandle) thing; assertEquals(123, handle.thing); } /** * This checks that HashMap correctly reports that it is an incorrect type. */ public void testHashMapSpoofingClass() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateHashMapSpoofingClass()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testHashMapSpoofingClass"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashMap.*AClass.*")); } } /** * This checks that HashSet correctly reports that it is an incorrect type. */ public void testHashSetSpoofingClass() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateHashSetSpoofingClass()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testHashSetSpoofingClass (1)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(e.getCause().getClass(), SerializedTypeViolationException.class); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*AClass.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateLinkedHashSetSpoofingClass()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testHashSetSpoofingClass (2)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*LinkedHashSet.*AClass.*")); } } /** * This checks that IdentityHashMap correctly reports that it is an incorrect * type. */ public void testIdentityHashMapSpoofingClass() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateIdentityHashMapSpoofingClass()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testIdentityHashMapSpoofingClass"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*IdentityHashMap.*AClass.*")); } } /** * This checks that LinkedHashMap correctly reports that it is an incorrect * type. */ public void testLinkedHashMapSpoofingClass() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateLinkedHashMapSpoofingClass()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testLinkedHashMapSpoofingClass"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*LinkedHashMap.*AClass.*")); } } /** * This checks that LinkedList correctly reports that it is an incorrect type. */ public void testLinkedListSpoofingClass() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateLinkedListSpoofingClass()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testLinkedListSpoofingClass"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*LinkedList.*AClass.*")); } } /** * This checks that we correctly report, or don't report, errors when we * cannot know the actual value of a generic but may have bounds from the * method class. * * In this case, * ClassesParamTestClass<T extends List<Integer> & MInterface<String>> * is the class containing the method, and the method expects an argument of * type T, so the thing in the RPC method should meet the bounds on T. */ public void testMethodClassGenerics() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateLClassValid()); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unexpected assertion from testMethodClassGenerics (1): " + e.getMessage()); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateLClassInvalid1()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testMethodClassGenerics (2)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*String.*Integer.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateLClassInvalid2()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testMethodClassGenerics (3)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*Integer.*String.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateLClassInvalid3()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testMethodClassGenerics (4)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*LClassInvalid1.*T.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateLClassInvalid4()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testMethodClassGenerics (5)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*LClassInvalid2.*T.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateLClassInvalid5()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testMethodClassGenerics (6)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*String.*Integer.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateLClassInvalid6()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testMethodClassGenerics (7)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*Integer.*String.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateLClassInvalid7()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testMethodClassGenerics (8)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*Integer.*String.*")); } } /** * This checks that fields of generic classes work correctly. */ public void testNestedGenericClasses() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateGDClassRaw1()); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unexpected Exception from testNestedGenericClasses (0a): " + e.getMessage()); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateGDClassRaw2()); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unexpected Exception from testNestedGenericClasses (0b): " + e.getMessage()); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateGDClassXSpoofing()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testNestedGenericClasses (1)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*Integer.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateGDClassYSpoofing()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testNestedGenericClasses (2)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*String.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateGEClassXSpoofing()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testNestedGenericClasses (3)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*Integer.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateGEClassYSpoofing()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testNestedGenericClasses (4)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*String.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateHDClassXSpoofing()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testNestedGenericClasses (5)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*Integer.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateHDClassYSpoofing()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testNestedGenericClasses (6)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*String.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateHEClassXSpoofing()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testNestedGenericClasses (7)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*Integer.*")); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateHEClassYSpoofing()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testNestedGenericClasses (8)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*HashSet.*String.*")); } } /** * This checks situations in which an RPC message is modified to replace * arguments of a primitive type with another primitive type. */ public void testPrimitiveSpoofingPrimitive() { try { // An integer can pretend to be a string, and the result will be the // Integer class serialization string appearing as the string value. RPC.decodeRequest(generateIntegerSpoofingString()); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { fail("Unexpected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testPrimitiveSpoofingPrimitive (1)"); } try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateStringSpoofingInteger()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testPrimitiveSpoofingPrimitive (2)"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); } } /** * This checks that Collections.singletonList correctly reports that it is an * incorrect type. */ public void testSingletonListSpoofingClass() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateSingletonListSpoofingClass()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testSingletonListSpoofingClass"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*List.*AClass.*")); } } /** * This checks that TreeMap correctly reports that it is an incorrect type. */ public void testTreeMapSpoofingClass() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateTreeMapSpoofingClass()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testTreeMapSpoofingClass"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*TreeMap.*AClass.*")); } } /** * This checks that TreeSet correctly reports that it is an incorrect type. */ public void testTreeSetSpoofingClass() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateTreeSetSpoofingClass()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testTreeSetSpoofingClass"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*TreeSet.*AClass.*")); } } /** * This checks situations in which an RPC message is modified to replace * arguments of a primitive value type with another primitive type. */ public void testValueSpoofing() { boolean returned = false; try { // When an int appears in place of a string, the result will be the // int value indexing the string table, which will result in // an out of bounds exception if the index is out of bounds, or // an incorrect string if the integer value is within range of the string // table. RPC.decodeRequest(generateIntSpoofingString()); returned = true; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected) { } catch (AssertionError expected) { } if (returned) { fail("RPC.decodeRequest should have thrown."); } try { // When a string pretends to be an int, it simply results in an incorrect // integer value. RPC.decodeRequest(generateStringSpoofingInt()); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Unexpected exception: " + e.toString()); } } /** * This checks that Vector correctly reports that it is an incorrect type. */ public void testVectorSpoofingClass() { try { RPC.decodeRequest(generateVectorSpoofingClass()); fail("Expected IncompatibleRemoteServiceException from testVectorSpoofingClass"); } catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException e) { // Expected to get here assertEquals(SerializedTypeViolationException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); assertTrue(e.getCause().getMessage().matches(".*Vector.*AClass.*")); } } }