/* * Copyright 2008 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ /********************** * * DO NOT FORMAT * * **********************/ package com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test; import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT; import com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptObject; import com.google.gwt.core.client.UnsafeNativeLong; import com.google.gwt.junit.client.GWTTestCase; import java.util.AbstractList; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * Tests several tricky aspects of Development Mode. */ public class HostedTest extends GWTTestCase { /** * Tests that we can use a source level name for a nested type instead of the * binary name. */ static class A { static class B { int b = 1; public native int getUsingBinaryRef() /*-{ return this.@com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.HostedTest$A$B::b; }-*/; public native int getUsingSourceRef() /*-{ return this.@com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.HostedTest.A.B::b; }-*/; } } private static class TestCovariantChild extends TestCovariantSuper { @Override public native String foo(String val) /*-{ return val; }-*/; } private static class TestCovariantSuper { public native Object foo(String val) /*-{ return val; }-*/; } private static enum TestEnum { VAL1, VAL2, VAL3() { @Override public native String foo() /*-{ return "VAL3-foo"; }-*/; }; public static native String sFoo() /*-{ return "sFoo"; }-*/; public native String foo() /*-{ return "foo"; }-*/; } private static class TestGenericList extends AbstractList<Object> { @Override public Object get(int index) { return this; } @Override public int size() { return 42; } } static String sFoo(String s) { return s + "foo"; } private native static JavaScriptObject getBoxedBooleanAsObject(boolean v) /*-{ return new Boolean(v); }-*/; private native static JavaScriptObject getBoxedNumberAsObject(double v) /*-{ return new Number(v); }-*/; private native static double getDouble(double v) /*-{ return -v; }-*/; private static native float getFloat() /*-{ return myFloatValue; }-*/; private static native float getFloatString() /*-{ return Number(myFloatValue.toString()); }-*/; private native static int getInt(int v) /*-{ return -v; }-*/; // this should cause an exception private static native Object getIntAsObject() /*-{ return 5; }-*/; private native static String getJSOAsString(JavaScriptObject jso) /*-{ return "" + jso; }-*/; private native static Object getObject(Object o) /*-{ return o; }-*/; private static native JavaScriptObject getsFooFunc() /*-{ return @com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.HostedTest::sFoo(Ljava/lang/String;); }-*/; private native static String getString(String s) /*-{ return s + "me"; }-*/; // ok to return JS string from an Object method private static native Object getStringAsObject() /*-{ return "test"; }-*/; private native static int getStringLength(String s) /*-{ return s.length; }-*/; private static native boolean jsIdentical(Object o1, Object o2) /*-{ return o1 === o2; }-*/; private static native boolean jsniInstanceFunctionsIdentical(Object o) /*-{ return o.@java.lang.Object::toString() === o.@java.lang.Object::toString(); }-*/; private static native boolean jsniStaticFunctionsIdentical() /*-{ return @com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.HostedTest::sFoo(Ljava/lang/String;) === @com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.HostedTest::sFoo(Ljava/lang/String;); }-*/; private static native String sFooCall(String s) /*-{ var func = @com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.HostedTest::sFoo(Ljava/lang/String;); return func.call(null, s); }-*/; private static native String sFooDirect(String s) /*-{ return @com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.HostedTest::sFoo(Ljava/lang/String;)(s); }-*/; private static native String sFooFuncAsStr() /*-{ var f = @com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.HostedTest::sFoo(Ljava/lang/String;); return "" + f; }-*/; private static native String sFooFuncToString() /*-{ var f = @com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.HostedTest::sFoo(Ljava/lang/String;); return f.toString(); }-*/; private static native String sFooInvoke(String s) /*-{ var func = @com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.HostedTest::sFoo(Ljava/lang/String;); return func(s); }-*/; private static native String sFooRoundTrip(JavaScriptObject fooFunc, String s) /*-{ return fooFunc(s); }-*/; private static native void storeFloat(float f) /*-{ myFloatValue = f; }-*/; @Override public String getModuleName() { return "com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.CompilerSuite"; } public void testAssertionsAlwaysOn() { if (!GWT.isScript()) { assertTrue(HostedTest.class.desiredAssertionStatus()); } } /* * Test that returning JavaScript boxed primitives works as expected. Note * that Boolean and Number cannot be supported properly in Production Mode, so * we do not support it in Development Mode and therefore do not test it here. * Also we no longer support string boxing. */ public void testAutoBoxing() { JavaScriptObject bvo = getBoxedBooleanAsObject(true); assertEquals(getJSOAsString(bvo), "true"); JavaScriptObject nvo = getBoxedNumberAsObject(42); assertEquals(getJSOAsString(nvo), "42"); } public void testBasic() { int iv = getInt(14); assertEquals(iv, -14); double dv = getDouble(31.5); assertEquals(dv, -31.5, 0.0); String sv = getString("test"); assertEquals(sv, "testme"); Object oin = String.class; Object oout = getObject(oin); assertEquals(oin, oout); } public void testByteMarshalling() { byte b = 100; assertEquals(100, byteAsInt(b)); b = -125; assertEquals(-125, byteAsInt(b)); } public void testCovariant() { TestCovariantSuper parent = new TestCovariantSuper(); TestCovariantChild child = new TestCovariantChild(); Object val1 = parent.foo("bar"); assertTrue(val1 instanceof String); assertEquals("bar", val1); String val2 = child.foo("bar"); assertEquals("bar", val2); } public void testEmbeddedNullsInStrings() { String s = "Pre\u0000Post"; assertEquals(s.length(), getStringLength(s)); assertEquals(s + "me", getString(s)); } public void testEnum() { TestEnum val = enumSimple(TestEnum.VAL2); assertEquals(TestEnum.VAL2, val); int ord = enumValue(val); assertEquals(TestEnum.VAL2.ordinal(), ord); String name = enumName(val); assertEquals(TestEnum.VAL2.name(), name); } public void testEnumJsni() { assertEquals("sFoo", TestEnum.sFoo()); assertEquals("sFoo", TestEnum.VAL1.sFoo()); assertEquals("foo", TestEnum.VAL1.foo()); assertEquals("VAL3-foo", TestEnum.VAL3.foo()); } public void testFloat() { storeFloat(Float.MIN_VALUE); float f = getFloat(); assertTrue(f == Float.MIN_VALUE); f = getFloatString(); assertTrue(f == Float.MIN_VALUE); storeFloat(Float.MAX_VALUE); f = getFloat(); assertTrue(f == Float.MAX_VALUE); f = getFloatString(); assertTrue(f == Float.MAX_VALUE); } public void testFunctionCaching() { assertEquals("barfoo", sFooCall("bar")); assertEquals("barfoo", sFooDirect("bar")); assertEquals("barfoo", sFooInvoke("bar")); assertEquals("barfoo", sFooRoundTrip(getsFooFunc(), "bar")); assertEquals("barfoo", fooCall("bar")); assertEquals("barfoo", fooDirect("bar")); assertEquals("barfoo", fooRoundTrip(getFooFunc(), "bar")); String sFooString = getsFooFunc().toString(); assertEquals(sFooString, sFooFuncAsStr()); assertEquals(sFooString, sFooFuncToString()); String fooString = getFooFunc().toString(); assertEquals(fooString, fooFuncAsStr()); assertEquals(fooString, fooFuncToString()); } public void testGenerics() { String s = genericSimple("test"); assertEquals("test", s); String v = genericGet(s); assertEquals("test", v); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add("foo"); Object obj = genericWildcard(list); assertTrue(obj instanceof String); assertEquals("foo", obj); obj = genericSubtype("test"); List<Object> list2 = genericSubtype(new TestGenericList()); assertTrue(list2 instanceof TestGenericList); assertEquals(42, list2.size()); assertEquals(list2, list2.get(0)); String[] array = new String[] {"foo", "bar"}; String[] ret = genericArray(array); assertEquals(2, ret.length); assertEquals("bar", ret[1]); assertTrue(Arrays.deepEquals(array, ret)); } /** * Tests that we are able to use binary and source level names when * referencing a Java identifier from JSNI. */ public void testJavaMemberRefResolution() { A.B b = new A.B(); assertEquals(1, b.getUsingSourceRef()); assertEquals(1, b.getUsingBinaryRef()); } public void testJavaObjectIdentityInJS() { Object o = new Object(); assertTrue(jsIdentical(o, o)); assertTrue(jsniInstanceFunctionsIdentical(o)); assertTrue(jsniStaticFunctionsIdentical()); } public void testJsniFormats() { jsniA(); jsniB(); jsniC(); jsniD(); jsniE(); jsniF(); jsniG(); jsniH(); jsniI(); jsniJ(); jsniK(); jsniL(); } /** * Tests passing primitive type arguments to JSNI methods. See issue 2426. */ public void testJsniParamUnboxedPrimitives() { class Inner { native boolean nativeJsniParamUnboxedBoolean(boolean param) /*-{ return (param == true); }-*/; native boolean nativeJsniParamUnboxedByte(byte param) /*-{ return (param == 99); }-*/; native boolean nativeJsniParamUnboxedCharacter(char param) /*-{ return (param == 77); }-*/; native boolean nativeJsniParamUnboxedDouble(double param) /*-{ return (param == 1234.56789); }-*/; native boolean nativeJsniParamUnboxedFloat(float param) /*-{ return (param == 1234.5); }-*/; native boolean nativeJsniParamUnboxedInteger(int param) /*-{ return (param == 9876543); }-*/; native boolean nativeJsniParamUnboxedShort(short param) /*-{ return (param == 1234); }-*/; } Inner inner = new Inner(); assertTrue("Unboxed boolean", inner.nativeJsniParamUnboxedBoolean(true)); assertTrue("Unboxed byte", inner.nativeJsniParamUnboxedByte((byte) 99)); assertTrue("Unboxed char", inner.nativeJsniParamUnboxedCharacter((char) 77)); assertTrue("Unboxed double", inner.nativeJsniParamUnboxedDouble(1234.56789)); assertTrue("Unboxed float", inner.nativeJsniParamUnboxedFloat((float) 1234.5)); assertTrue("Unboxed int", inner.nativeJsniParamUnboxedInteger(9876543)); // long type intentionally omitted - it is emulated and not usable in JS assertTrue("Unboxed short", inner.nativeJsniParamUnboxedShort((short) 1234)); } /** * More test cases resulting from issue 2426 to show that primitives can be * passed through JSNI methods unmolested. */ public void testJsniPassthroughPrimitives() { class Inner { native boolean nativeBoolean(boolean param) /*-{ return param; }-*/; native byte nativeByte(byte param) /*-{ return param; }-*/; native char nativeCharacter(char param) /*-{ return param; }-*/; native double nativeDouble(double param) /*-{ return param; }-*/; native float nativeFloat(float param) /*-{ return param; }-*/; native int nativeInteger(int param) /*-{ return param; }-*/; @UnsafeNativeLong native long nativeLong(long param) /*-{ return param; }-*/; native short nativeShort(short param) /*-{ return param; }-*/; } Inner inner = new Inner(); assertEquals("nativeBoolean", inner.nativeBoolean(true), true); assertEquals("nativeBoolean", inner.nativeBoolean(false), false); assertEquals("nativeByte", inner.nativeByte((byte) 0), (byte) 0); assertEquals("nativeByte", inner.nativeByte((byte) 1), (byte) 1); assertEquals("nativeByte", inner.nativeByte((byte) -1), (byte) -1); assertEquals("nativeByte", inner.nativeByte((byte) 127), (byte) 127); assertEquals("nativeByte", inner.nativeByte((byte) -127), (byte) -127); assertEquals("nativeByte", inner.nativeByte(Byte.MAX_VALUE), Byte.MAX_VALUE); assertEquals("nativeByte", inner.nativeByte(Byte.MIN_VALUE), Byte.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals("nativeCharacter", inner.nativeCharacter((char) 0), (char) 0); assertEquals("nativeCharacter", inner.nativeCharacter((char) 1), (char) 1); assertEquals("nativeCharacter", inner.nativeCharacter((char) -1), (char) -1); assertEquals("nativeCharacter", inner.nativeCharacter((char) 32767), (char) 32767); assertEquals("nativeCharacter", inner.nativeCharacter((char) -32767), (char) -32767); assertEquals("nativeCharacter", inner.nativeCharacter(Character.MAX_VALUE), Character.MAX_VALUE); assertEquals("nativeCharacter", inner.nativeCharacter(Character.MIN_VALUE), Character.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals("nativeDouble", inner.nativeDouble(0.0), 0.0); assertEquals("nativeDouble", inner.nativeDouble(1.0), 1.0); assertEquals("nativeDouble", inner.nativeDouble(-1.0), -1.0); assertEquals("nativeDouble", inner.nativeDouble(100000000000.0), 100000000000.0); assertEquals("nativeDouble", inner.nativeDouble(-100000000000.0), -100000000000.0); assertEquals("nativeDouble MAX", inner.nativeDouble(Double.MAX_VALUE), Double.MAX_VALUE); assertEquals("nativeDouble MIN", inner.nativeDouble(Double.MIN_VALUE), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals("nativeFloat", inner.nativeFloat((float) 0.0), (float) 0.0); assertEquals("nativeFloat", inner.nativeFloat((float) 1.0), (float) 1.0); assertEquals("nativeFloat", inner.nativeFloat((float) -1.0), (float) -1.0); assertEquals("nativeFloat", inner.nativeFloat((float) 1000000.0), (float) 1000000.0); assertEquals("nativeFloat", inner.nativeFloat((float) -1000000.0), (float) -1000000.0); assertEquals("nativeFloat", inner.nativeFloat(Float.MAX_VALUE), Float.MAX_VALUE); assertEquals("nativeFloat", inner.nativeFloat(Float.MIN_VALUE), Float.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals("nativeInteger", inner.nativeInteger(0), 0); assertEquals("nativeInteger", inner.nativeInteger(1), 1); assertEquals("nativeInteger", inner.nativeInteger(-1), -1); assertEquals("nativeInteger", inner.nativeInteger(2147483647), 2147483647); assertEquals("nativeInteger", inner.nativeInteger(-2147483647), -2147483647); assertEquals("nativeInteger MAX", inner.nativeInteger(Integer.MAX_VALUE), Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertEquals("nativeInteger MIN", inner.nativeInteger(Integer.MIN_VALUE), Integer.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals("nativeLong", inner.nativeLong(0L), 0L); assertEquals("nativeLong", inner.nativeLong(1L), 1L); assertEquals("nativeLong", inner.nativeLong(-1L), -1L); assertEquals("nativeLong", inner.nativeLong(9223372036854775807L), 9223372036854775807L); assertEquals("nativeLong", inner.nativeLong(-9223372036854775807L), -9223372036854775807L); assertEquals("nativeLong", inner.nativeLong(Long.MAX_VALUE), Long.MAX_VALUE); assertEquals("nativeLong", inner.nativeLong(Long.MIN_VALUE), Long.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals("nativeShort", inner.nativeShort((short) 0), (short) 0); assertEquals("nativeShort", inner.nativeShort((short) 1), (short) 1); assertEquals("nativeShort", inner.nativeShort((short) -1), (short) -1); assertEquals("nativeShort", inner.nativeShort((short) 32767), (short) 32767); assertEquals("nativeShort", inner.nativeShort((short) -32767), (short) -32767); assertEquals("nativeShort MAX", inner.nativeShort(Short.MAX_VALUE), Short.MAX_VALUE); assertEquals("nativeShort MIN", inner.nativeLong(Short.MIN_VALUE), Short.MIN_VALUE); } /** * Tests returning primitive type arguments from JSNI methods. See issue 2426. */ public void testJsniReturnUnboxedPrimitives() { class Inner { native boolean nativeJsniReturnUnboxedBoolean() /*-{ return true; }-*/; native byte nativeJsniReturnUnboxedByte() /*-{ return 99; }-*/; native char nativeJsniReturnUnboxedCharacter() /*-{ return 77; }-*/; native double nativeJsniReturnUnboxedDouble() /*-{ return 1234.56789; }-*/; native float nativeJsniReturnUnboxedFloat() /*-{ return 1234.5; }-*/; native int nativeJsniReturnUnboxedInteger() /*-{ return 9876543; }-*/; native short nativeJsniReturnUnboxedShort() /*-{ return 1234; }-*/; } Inner inner = new Inner(); assertTrue("Unboxed boolean", inner.nativeJsniReturnUnboxedBoolean() == true); assertTrue("Unboxed byte", inner.nativeJsniReturnUnboxedByte() == (byte) 99); assertTrue("Unboxed char", inner.nativeJsniReturnUnboxedCharacter() == (char) 77); assertTrue("Unboxed double", inner.nativeJsniReturnUnboxedDouble() == 1234.56789); assertTrue("Unboxed float", inner.nativeJsniReturnUnboxedFloat() == (float) 1234.5); assertTrue("Unboxed int", inner.nativeJsniReturnUnboxedInteger() == 9876543); // long type intentionally omitted - it is emulated and not usable in JS assertTrue("Unboxed short", inner.nativeJsniReturnUnboxedShort() == (short) 1234); } /** * Tests that using the JavaScript toString method results in a call to the * java.lang.Object::toString() method. */ public void testJSNIToStringResolution() { class Foo { @Override public String toString() { return "FOO"; } } assertEquals("FOO", callJSNIToString(new Foo())); } /* * Test that returning strings from methods declared as returning Object * works, and that returning a primitive does not. */ public void testObjectReturns() { String str = (String) getStringAsObject(); assertEquals(str, "test"); try { getIntAsObject(); // should have thrown an exception in Development Mode, // so fail unless we are in Production Mode assertTrue(GWT.isScript()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // expected exception } } public void testVarargs() { String[] strs = varargsHelper("foo", "bar"); assertEquals(2, strs.length); assertEquals("bar", strs[1]); // TODO: not sure if we want to support this or not. // strs = varargsFromJS1(); // assertEquals(2, strs.length); // assertEquals("bar", strs[1]); strs = varargsFromJS2(strs); assertEquals(2, strs.length); assertEquals("bar", strs[1]); } String foo(String s) { return s + "foo"; } private native int byteAsInt(byte b) /*-{ return b; }-*/; private native String callJSNIToString(Object obj) /*-{ return obj.toString(); }-*/; private native String enumName(TestEnum val) /*-{ return val.@java.lang.Enum::name()(); }-*/; private native TestEnum enumSimple(TestEnum val) /*-{ return val; }-*/; private native int enumValue(TestEnum val) /*-{ return val.@java.lang.Enum::ordinal()(); }-*/; private native String fooCall(String s) /*-{ var f = this.@com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.HostedTest::foo(Ljava/lang/String;); return f.call(this, s); }-*/; private native String fooDirect(String s) /*-{ return this.@com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.HostedTest::foo(Ljava/lang/String;)(s); }-*/; private native String fooFuncAsStr() /*-{ var f = this.@com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.HostedTest::foo(Ljava/lang/String;); return "" + f; }-*/; private native String fooFuncToString() /*-{ var f = this.@com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.HostedTest::foo(Ljava/lang/String;); return f.toString(); }-*/; private native String fooRoundTrip(JavaScriptObject fooFunc, String s) /*-{ return fooFunc.call(this, s); }-*/; // Make this a JSNI method calling the Java method when that is implemented. private native <T> T[] genericArray(T[] array) /*-{ // return genericPassthrough(array); return this.@com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.HostedTest::genericPassthrough([Ljava/lang/Object;)(array); }-*/; /* * Since we can't generate a generic instance from within JS, K and V have to * actually be compatible. */ private native <K, V> V genericGet(K key) /*-{ return key; }-*/; @SuppressWarnings("unused") // called by JSNI private <T> T[] genericPassthrough(T[] array) { return array; } // generics helper methods private native <T> T genericSimple(T val) /*-{ return val; }-*/; private native <T, U extends T> T genericSubtype(U val) /*-{ return val; }-*/; private native Object genericWildcard(List<?> list) /*-{ return list.@java.util.List::get(I)(0); }-*/; private native JavaScriptObject getFooFunc() /*-{ return this.@com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.HostedTest::foo(Ljava/lang/String;); }-*/; private native void jsniA()/*-{ }-*/; private native void jsniB()/*-{ }-*/; private native void jsniC() /*-{ }-*/; private native void jsniD() /*-{ }-*/; /** * comment. */ private native void jsniE()/*-{ }-*/; /** comment. */ private native void jsniF()/*-{ }-*/; /** comment. */ private native void jsniG()/*-{ }-*/; /* * comment */ private native void jsniH()/*-{ }-*/; /* comment */private native void jsniI()/*-{ }-*/; // comment private native void jsniJ()/*-{ }-*/; private native void jsniK() /*-{ }-*/; /*-{ try to mess with compiler }-*/ private native void jsniL()/*-{ }-*/; // test that JS can pass a series of arguments to a varargs function // TODO: not sure if we want to support this // private native String[] varargsFromJS1() /*-{ // return // this.@com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.HostedTest::varargsPassthrough([Ljava/lang // /String;)("foo", // "bar"); // }-*/; // test that JS can pass a Java-created array to a varargs function private native String[] varargsFromJS2(String[] arr) /*-{ return this.@com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.HostedTest::varargsPassthrough([Ljava/lang/String;)(arr); }-*/; private native String[] varargsHelper(String... args) /*-{ return args; }-*/; @SuppressWarnings("unused") // called from JSNI private String[] varargsPassthrough(String... args) { return args; } }