/* * Copyright 2008 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test; import com.google.gwt.junit.client.GWTTestCase; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; /** * This test is intended to exercise as many code paths and node types as * possible in the Java to JavaScript compiler. This test is not at all intended * to execute correctly. */ @SuppressWarnings("hiding") public class CoverageTest extends CoverageBase { /** * TODO: document me. */ public class Inner extends Super { public int x = 3; public final int y = 4; public Inner() { // ExplicitConstructorCall this(4); } public Inner(int i) { // ExplicitConstructorCall super(i); } @Override public void foo() { final int z = this.y; new Inner() { { x = z; this.x = z; Inner.this.x = z; next = CoverageTest.this.next; next.foo(); CoverageTest.this.next.foo(); CoverageTest.this.x = z; CoverageTest.super.x = z; } @Override public void foo() { x = z; this.x = z; Inner.this.x = z; next = CoverageTest.this.next; next.foo(); CoverageTest.this.next.foo(); CoverageTest.this.x = z; CoverageTest.super.x = z; } }; class NamedLocal extends Inner { @Override @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void foo() { CoverageTest.this.getNext(); Inner.this.bar(); super.bar(); int x = z; } // JDT bug? This works in 5.0 but not in 1.4 // TODO: will javac compile it? class NamedLocalSub extends NamedLocal { @Override @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void foo() { Inner.this.bar(); NamedLocal.this.foo(); super.foo(); int x = z; } } } testEmptyStatement(); new InnerSub().new InnerSubSub().fda(); new SecondMain().new FunkyInner(); /* * The statement below causes a javac bug in openJdk and sun's java 6. It * produces incorrect bytecode that fails with a java.lang.VerifyError -- * see Google's internal issue 1628473. This is likely to be an hindrance * if and when GWT attempts to read bytecode directly. */ // new NamedLocal().new NamedLocalSub().foo(); } public void bar() { } private void testAllocationExpression() { // AllocationExpression o = new Super(); assertEquals("3", o.toString()); o = new Super(42); assertEquals("42", o.toString()); } private void testAndAndExpression() { // AND_AND_Expression i = 2; z = i == 1 && betterNotEval(); assertFalse(z); } private void testArrayAllocationExpression() { // ArrayAllocationExpression ia = new int[4]; assertEquals(4, ia.length); iaa = new int[4][3]; assertEquals(4, iaa.length); assertEquals(3, iaa[2].length); iaaa = new int[4][3][]; assertEquals(4, iaaa.length); assertEquals(3, iaaa[2].length); assertNull(iaaa[2][2]); } private void testArrayInitializer() { // ArrayInitializer ia = new int[] {i, j}; assertEquals(2, ia.length); assertEquals(j, ia[1]); iaa = new int[][] {{i, j}}; assertEquals(1, iaa.length); assertEquals(2, iaa[0].length); assertEquals(j, iaa[0][1]); iaa = new int[][] { {i, j}, ia}; assertEquals(2, iaa.length); assertEquals(2, iaa[0].length); assertEquals(j, iaa[0][1]); assertEquals(ia, iaa[1]); } private void testArrayReference() { ia = new int[] {i, j}; // ArrayReference i = ia[0]; assertEquals(ia[0], i); ia[0] = i; } private void testAssertStatement() { // AssertStatement if (!CoverageTest.class.desiredAssertionStatus()) { return; } i = 1; try { assert i == 2; throw new Error(); } catch (AssertionError e) { } try { assert i == 3 : true; fail(); } catch (AssertionError e) { assertEquals("true", e.getMessage()); } try { assert i == 3 : 'c'; fail(); } catch (AssertionError e) { assertEquals("c", e.getMessage()); } try { assert i == 3 : 1.1; fail(); } catch (AssertionError e) { assertEquals("1.1", e.getMessage()); } try { assert i == 3 : 1.5f; fail(); } catch (AssertionError e) { assertEquals("1.5", e.getMessage()); } try { assert i == 3 : 5; fail(); } catch (AssertionError e) { assertEquals("5", e.getMessage()); } try { assert i == 3 : 6L; fail(); } catch (AssertionError e) { assertEquals("6", e.getMessage()); } try { assert i == 3 : "foo"; fail(); } catch (AssertionError e) { assertEquals("foo", e.getMessage()); } try { assert i == 3 : new Object() { @Override public String toString() { return "bar"; } }; fail(); } catch (AssertionError e) { assertEquals("bar", e.getMessage()); } } private void testAssignment() { // Assignment i = j; assertEquals(j, i); } private void testBinaryExpression() { // BinaryExpression i = 4; i = i + j; assertEquals(6, i); i = i - j; assertEquals(4, i); i = i * j; assertEquals(8, i); i = i / j; assertEquals(4, i); i = i % j; assertEquals(0, i); i = 7; i = i & j; assertEquals(2, i); i = 0; i = i | j; assertEquals(2, i); i = 7; i = i ^ j; assertEquals(5, i); i = i << j; assertEquals(20, i); i = i >> j; assertEquals(5, i); i = i >>> j; assertEquals(1, i); } private void testBreakContinueLabelStatement() { // BreakStatement, ContinueStatement z = true; i = 0; x = 0; outer : while (z) { ++x; inner : while (z) { ++i; if (i == 1) { continue; } if (i == 2) { continue inner; } if (i == 3) { continue outer; } if (i == 4) { break; } if (i == 5) { break inner; } if (i == 6) { break outer; } } } assertEquals(6, i); assertEquals(4, x); } private void testCaseSwitchStatement() { // CaseStatement, SwitchStatement i = 6; switch (j) { case 1: ++i; // fallthrough case 2: i += 2; // fallthrough case 3: i += 3; // fallthrough case 4: i += 4; // fallthrough default: i += 0; } assertEquals(15, i); } @SuppressWarnings("cast") private void testCastExpression() { // CastExpression o = (Super) o; } private void testCharLiteral() { // CharLiteral i = 'c'; assertEquals("c", String.valueOf((char) i)); } private void testClassLiteralAccess() { // ClassLiteralAccess o = Super.class; String str = o.toString(); // Class metadata could be disabled if (!str.startsWith("class Class$")) { assertEquals("class com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.test.CoverageTest$Super", str); } } private void testCompoundAssignment() { // CompoundAssignment i = 4; i += j; assertEquals(6, i); i -= j; assertEquals(4, i); i *= j; assertEquals(8, i); i /= j; assertEquals(4, i); i %= j; assertEquals(0, i); i = 7; i &= j; assertEquals(2, i); i = 0; i |= j; assertEquals(2, i); i = 7; i ^= j; assertEquals(5, i); i <<= j; assertEquals(20, i); i >>= j; assertEquals(5, i); i >>>= j; assertEquals(1, i); } private void testConditionalExpression() { // ConditionalExpression z = false; i = z ? 7 : j; assertEquals(j, i); } private void testDoStatement() { // DoStatement i = 3; z = false; do { i += j; } while (z); assertEquals(5, i); } private void testEmptyStatement() { // EmptyStatement ; } private void testEqualExpression() { // EqualExpression i = 3; assertFalse(i == j); assertTrue(i != j); assertFalse(i < j); assertFalse(i <= j); assertTrue(i > j); assertTrue(i >= j); } private void testForeachStatement() { ia = new int[] {i, j}; // Array of primitive. for (int q : ia) { i = q; } // Array of primitive with unboxing. for (Integer q : ia) { i = q; } // Array of object. for (String str : sa) { s = str; } // Iterable. for (Object obj : Arrays.asList(new Object(), new Object())) { o = obj; } // Iterable with unboxing. for (int q : Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)) { i = q; } // Iterable with generic cast. for (String str : Arrays.asList(sa)) { s = str; } // Iterable with array element. for (String[] stra : Arrays.asList(sa, sa, sa)) { s = sa[0]; } // Iterable Iterator subclass. class SubIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> { private final Iterator<T> it; public SubIterator(Iterator<T> it) { this.it = it; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return it.hasNext(); } @Override public T next() { return it.next(); } @Override public void remove() { it.remove(); } } class SubIterableString implements Iterable<String> { @Override public SubIterator<String> iterator() { return new SubIterator<String>(Arrays.asList(sa).iterator()); } } for (String str : new SubIterableString()) { s = str; } } private void testForStatement() { // ForStatement i = 0; for (int q = 0, v = 4; q < v; ++q) { i += q; } assertEquals(6, i); for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { } assertEquals(4, i); } private void testIfStatement() { // IfStatement z = false; if (z) { fail(); } if (z) { fail(); } else { assertFalse(z); } if (!z) { assertFalse(z); } else { fail(); } } private void testInstanceOfExpression() { // InstanceOfExpression Object o = CoverageTest.this; assertTrue(o instanceof CoverageBase); } private void testLiterals() { // DoubleLiteral d = 3.141592653589793; assertEquals(3, (int) d); // FalseLiteral assertFalse(false); // FloatLiteral f = 3.1415927f; assertEquals(3, (int) f); // IntLiteral i = 4; // IntLiteralMinValue i = -2147483648; // LongLiteral l = 4L; // LongLiteralMinValue l = -9223372036854775808L; // NullLiteral o = null; // StringLiteral s = "f'oo\b\t\n\f\r\"\\"; assertEquals(s, "f" + '\'' + 'o' + 'o' + '\b' + '\t' + '\n' + '\f' + '\r' + '"' + '\\'); // TrueLiteral assertTrue(true); } private void testOrOrExpression() { // OR_OR_Expression i = 1; assertTrue(i == 1 || betterNotEval()); } private void testPostfixExpression() { // PostfixExpression i = 1; assertEquals(1, i++); assertEquals(2, i--); } private void testPrefixExpression() { // PrefixExpression i = 1; assertEquals(2, ++i); assertEquals(1, --i); } private void testQualifiedAllocationExpression() { // QualifiedAllocationExpression o = new Inner(); o = CoverageTest.this.new Inner(); o = new CoverageTest().new Inner(); } private void testQualifiedNameReference() { // QualifiedNameReference CoverageTest m = new CoverageTest(); ia = new int[2]; assertEquals("1", 2, ia.length); assertEquals("2", 2, m.j); assertEquals("3", 4, m.y); assertEquals("4", 2, new CoverageTest().j); assertEquals("5", 4, new CoverageTest().y); assertEquals("6", 2, m.next.j); assertEquals("7", 4, m.next.y); assertEquals("8", 2, new CoverageTest().next.j); assertEquals("9", 4, new CoverageTest().next.y); assertEquals("A", 2, m.getNext().j); assertEquals("B", 4, m.getNext().y); assertEquals("C", 2, new CoverageTest().getNext().j); assertEquals("D", 4, new CoverageTest().getNext().y); } private void testReferenceCalls() { // MessageSend, QualifiedSuperReference, QualifiedThisReference, // SuperReference, ThisReference Inner other = new Inner(); foo(); this.foo(); other.foo(); CoverageTest.this.foo(); super.foo(); Inner.super.foo(); CoverageTest.super.foo(); sfoo(); this.sfoo(); CoverageTest.sfoo(); Inner.sfoo(); Super.sfoo(); other.sfoo(); CoverageTest.this.sfoo(); super.sfoo(); Inner.super.sfoo(); CoverageTest.super.sfoo(); } private Inner testReferences() { // FieldReference, QualifiedSuperReference, QualifiedThisReference, // SuperReference, ThisReference Inner other = new Inner(); i = 3; i = i + j + x + y; assertEquals(12, i); i = this.i + this.j + this.x + this.y; assertEquals(21, i); i = CoverageTest.i + CoverageTest.j; assertEquals(8, i); i = Inner.i + Inner.j; assertEquals(10, i); i = Super.i + Super.j; assertEquals(12, i); i = other.i + other.j + other.x + other.y; assertEquals(21, i); i = Inner.this.i + Inner.this.j + Inner.this.x + Inner.this.y; assertEquals(30, i); i = CoverageTest.this.i + CoverageTest.this.j + CoverageTest.this.x + CoverageTest.this.y; assertEquals(15, i); i = super.i + super.j + super.x + super.y; assertEquals(25, i); i = Inner.super.i + Inner.super.j + Inner.super.x + Inner.super.y; assertEquals(35, i); i = CoverageTest.super.i + CoverageTest.super.j + CoverageTest.super.x + CoverageTest.super.y; assertEquals(10, i); return other; } private void testReturnStatement() { // ReturnStatement assertEquals("foo", doReturnFoo()); if (true) { return; } fail(); } private void testSynchronizedStatement() { // SynchronizedStatement synchronized (inner) { inner.i = i; } } private void testTryCatchFinallyThrowStatement() { // ThrowStatement, TryStatement try { i = 3; if (true) { throw new Exception(); } fail(); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { i = 7; } assertEquals(7, i); try { try { i = 3; } catch (Throwable t) { fail(); } } catch (Throwable t) { fail(); } finally { i = 7; } assertEquals(7, i); } private void testUnaryExpression() { // UnaryExpression i = 4; assertEquals(-4, -i); assertEquals(-5, ~i); z = true; assertFalse(!z); } private void testWhileStatement() { // WhileStatement z = false; while (z) { fail(); } } } /** * TODO: document me. */ public static class Super { public static int i = 2; public static final int j = 2; // Initializer static { Super.i = 1; } // Initializer static { Super.i = 3; } protected static void sfoo() { } public int x = 2; public final int y = 4; // Initializer { x = 1; } // Initializer { x = 3; } public Super() { } public Super(int i) { x = i; } public void foo() { } @Override public String toString() { return String.valueOf(x); } } private static class InnerSub extends Inner { private class InnerSubSub extends InnerSub { { asdfasdfasdf = InnerSub.this.asdfasdfasdf; InnerSub.this.asdfasdfasdf = asdfasdfasdf; asdfasdfasdf = super.asdfasdfasdf; super.asdfasdfasdf = asdfasdfasdf; } void fda() { asdfasdfasdf = InnerSub.this.asdfasdfasdf; InnerSub.this.asdfasdfasdf = asdfasdfasdf; asdfasdfasdf = super.asdfasdfasdf; super.asdfasdfasdf = asdfasdfasdf; } } private int asdfasdfasdf = 3; InnerSub() { new CoverageTest().super(); } } private static class SecondMain { private class FunkyInner extends Inner { FunkyInner() { new CoverageTest().super(); } } } public static double d; public static float f; public static int i = 1 + 2 + 3; public static int[] ia; public static int[][] iaa; public static int[][][] iaaa; public static final int j = 2; public static long l; public static Object o; public static String s = "foo"; public static String[] sa = new String[]{"foo", "bar", "bar"}; public static CoverageTest singleton; public static boolean z; public static boolean betterNotEval() { fail(); return false; } @Override public void gwtSetUp() throws Exception { super.gwtSetUp(); x = 3; d = 0; f = 0; i = 1 + 2 + 3; ia = null; iaa = null; iaaa = null; l = 0; o = null; s = "foo"; sa = new String[]{"foo", "bar", "bar"}; z = false; } protected static void sfoo() { } private static String doReturnFoo() { if (true) { return "foo"; } fail(); return "bar"; } public final Inner inner = new Inner(); public CoverageTest next; public int x = 3; public final int y = 4; public CoverageTest() { if (singleton == null) { singleton = this; } next = this; } @Override public void foo() { } @Override public String getModuleName() { return "com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.CompilerSuite"; } public CoverageTest getNext() { return next; } public void testAllocationExpression() { inner.testAllocationExpression(); } public void testAndAndExpression() { inner.testAndAndExpression(); } public void testArrayAllocationExpression() { inner.testArrayAllocationExpression(); } public void testArrayInitializer() { inner.testArrayInitializer(); } public void testArrayReference() { inner.testArrayReference(); } public void testAssertStatement() { inner.testAssertStatement(); } public void testAssignment() { inner.testAssignment(); } public void testBinaryExpression() { inner.testBinaryExpression(); } public void testBreakContinueLabelStatement() { inner.testBreakContinueLabelStatement(); } public void testCaseSwitchStatement() { inner.testCaseSwitchStatement(); } public void testCastExpression() { inner.testCastExpression(); } public void testCharLiteral() { inner.testCharLiteral(); } public void testClassLiteralAccess() { inner.testClassLiteralAccess(); } public void testCompoundAssignment() { inner.testCompoundAssignment(); } public void testConditionalExpression() { inner.testConditionalExpression(); } public void testDoStatement() { inner.testDoStatement(); } public void testEmptyStatement() { inner.testEmptyStatement(); } public void testEqualExpression() { inner.testEqualExpression(); } public void testForeachStatement() { inner.testForeachStatement(); } public void testForStatement() { inner.testForStatement(); } public void testIfStatement() { inner.testIfStatement(); } public void testInstanceOfExpression() { inner.testInstanceOfExpression(); } public void testLiterals() { inner.testLiterals(); } public void testOrOrExpression() { inner.testOrOrExpression(); } public void testPostfixExpression() { inner.testPostfixExpression(); } public void testPrefixExpression() { inner.testPrefixExpression(); } public void testQualifiedAllocationExpression() { inner.testQualifiedAllocationExpression(); } public void testQualifiedNameReference() { inner.testQualifiedNameReference(); } public void testReferenceCalls() { inner.testReferenceCalls(); } public void testReferences() { inner.testReferences(); } public void testReturnStatement() { inner.testReturnStatement(); } public void testSynchronizedStatement() { inner.testSynchronizedStatement(); } public void testTryCatchFinallyThrowStatement() { inner.testTryCatchFinallyThrowStatement(); } public void testUnaryExpression() { inner.testUnaryExpression(); } public void testWhileStatement() { inner.testWhileStatement(); } } abstract class CoverageBase extends GWTTestCase { public static int i = 1; public static final int j = 2; protected static void sfoo() { } public int x = 3; public final int y = 4; public void foo() { } }