/* * Copyright 2010 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.vm; import com.google.web.bindery.autobean.shared.AutoBean; import com.google.web.bindery.autobean.shared.AutoBean.PropertyName; import com.google.web.bindery.autobean.shared.AutoBeanFactory; import com.google.web.bindery.autobean.vm.impl.BeanMethod; import com.google.web.bindery.autobean.vm.impl.TypeUtils; import com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.shared.BaseProxy; import com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.shared.InstanceRequest; import com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.shared.JsonRpcContent; import com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.shared.JsonRpcWireName; import com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.shared.Request; import com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.shared.RequestContext; import com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.shared.impl.AbstractRequest; import com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.shared.impl.AbstractRequestContext; import com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.shared.impl.RequestData; import com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.shared.impl.SimpleProxyId; import com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.vm.impl.Deobfuscator; import com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.vm.impl.OperationKey; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.Collection; /** * An in-process implementation of RequestContext. */ class InProcessRequestContext extends AbstractRequestContext { class RequestContextHandler implements InvocationHandler { public InProcessRequestContext getContext() { return InProcessRequestContext.this; } public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, final Object[] args) throws Throwable { // Maybe delegate to superclass Class<?> owner = method.getDeclaringClass(); if (Object.class.equals(owner) || RequestContext.class.equals(owner) || AbstractRequestContext.class.equals(owner)) { try { return method.invoke(InProcessRequestContext.this, args); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw e.getCause(); } } /* * Instance methods treat the 0-th argument as the instance on which to * invoke the method. */ final Object[] actualArgs; Type returnGenericType; boolean isInstance = InstanceRequest.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType()); if (isInstance) { returnGenericType = TypeUtils.getParameterization(InstanceRequest.class, method.getGenericReturnType(), method.getReturnType())[1]; if (args == null) { actualArgs = new Object[1]; } else { // Save a slot for the this argument actualArgs = new Object[args.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(args, 0, actualArgs, 1, args.length); } } else { returnGenericType = TypeUtils.getSingleParameterization(Request.class, method.getGenericReturnType(), method.getReturnType()); if (args == null) { actualArgs = NO_ARGS; } else { actualArgs = args; } } Class<?> returnType = TypeUtils.ensureBaseType(returnGenericType); Class<?> elementType = Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType) ? TypeUtils.ensureBaseType(TypeUtils .getSingleParameterization(Collection.class, returnGenericType)) : null; final RequestData data; if (dialect.equals(Dialect.STANDARD)) { StringBuilder descriptor = new StringBuilder("("); for (Class<?> param : method.getParameterTypes()) { appendDescriptor(descriptor, param); } // Don't care about the return type descriptor.append(")V"); OperationKey operation = new OperationKey(context.getName(), method.getName(), descriptor.toString()); data = new RequestData(operation.get(), actualArgs, returnType, elementType); } else { // Calculate request metadata JsonRpcWireName wireInfo = method.getReturnType().getAnnotation(JsonRpcWireName.class); String apiVersion = wireInfo.version(); String operation = wireInfo.value(); int foundContent = -1; final String[] parameterNames = args == null ? new String[0] : new String[args.length]; Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = method.getParameterAnnotations(); parameter : for (int i = 0, j = parameterAnnotations.length; i < j; i++) { for (Annotation annotation : parameterAnnotations[i]) { if (PropertyName.class.equals(annotation.annotationType())) { parameterNames[i] = ((PropertyName) annotation).value(); continue parameter; } else if (JsonRpcContent.class.equals(annotation.annotationType())) { foundContent = i; continue parameter; } } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No " + PropertyName.class.getCanonicalName() + " annotation on parameter " + i + " of method " + method.toString()); } final int contentIdx = foundContent; data = new RequestData(operation, actualArgs, returnType, elementType); for (int i = 0, j = parameterNames.length; i < j; i++) { if (i != contentIdx) { data.setNamedParameter(parameterNames[i], args[i]); } else { data.setRequestContent(args[i]); } } data.setApiVersion(apiVersion); } // Create the request, just filling in the RequestData details final AbstractRequest<BaseProxy, Object> req = new AbstractRequest<BaseProxy, Object>(InProcessRequestContext.this) { @Override protected RequestData makeRequestData() { data.setPropertyRefs(propertyRefs); return data; } }; if (!isInstance) { // Instance invocations are enqueued when using() is called addInvocation(req); } if (dialect.equals(Dialect.STANDARD)) { return req; } else if (dialect.equals(Dialect.JSON_RPC)) { // Support optional parameters for JSON-RPC payloads Class<?> requestType = method.getReturnType().asSubclass(Request.class); return Proxy.newProxyInstance(requestType.getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[] {requestType}, new InvocationHandler() { public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { if (Object.class.equals(method.getDeclaringClass()) || Request.class.equals(method.getDeclaringClass())) { return method.invoke(req, args); } else if (BeanMethod.SET.matches(method) || BeanMethod.SET_BUILDER.matches(method)) { req.getRequestData().setNamedParameter(BeanMethod.SET.inferName(method), args[0]); return Void.TYPE.equals(method.getReturnType()) ? null : proxy; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException(method.toString()); } }); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Should not reach here"); } } private void appendDescriptor(StringBuilder descriptor, Class<?> param) { // Arrays aren't actually used anywhere in RequestFactory, but it's trivial to // implement and might be useful later on. while (param.isArray()) { descriptor.append('['); param = param.getComponentType(); } if (param.isPrimitive()) { if (param == Boolean.TYPE) { descriptor.append('Z'); } else if (param == Byte.TYPE) { descriptor.append('B'); } else if (param == Character.TYPE) { descriptor.append('C'); } else if (param == Double.TYPE) { descriptor.append('D'); } else if (param == Float.TYPE) { descriptor.append('F'); } else if (param == Integer.TYPE) { descriptor.append('I'); } else if (param == Long.TYPE) { descriptor.append('J'); } else if (param == Short.TYPE) { descriptor.append('S'); } else { assert param == Void.TYPE; descriptor.append('V'); } } else { descriptor.append('L').append(param.getName().replace('.', '/')).append(';'); } } } static final Object[] NO_ARGS = new Object[0]; private final Class<? extends RequestContext> context; private final Deobfuscator deobfuscator; private final Dialect dialect; protected InProcessRequestContext(InProcessRequestFactory factory, Dialect dialect, Class<? extends RequestContext> context) { super(factory, dialect); this.context = context; this.deobfuscator = factory.getDeobfuscator(); this.dialect = dialect; } @Override public <T extends RequestContext> T append(T other) { RequestContextHandler h = (RequestContextHandler) Proxy.getInvocationHandler(other); super.append(h.getContext()); return other; } @Override protected <T extends BaseProxy> AutoBean<T> createProxy(Class<T> clazz, SimpleProxyId<T> id, boolean useAppendedContexts) { if (deobfuscator.isReferencedType(clazz.getName())) { return super.createProxy(clazz, id, useAppendedContexts); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown proxy type " + clazz.getName()); } @Override protected AutoBeanFactory getAutoBeanFactory() { return ((InProcessRequestFactory) getRequestFactory()).getAutoBeanFactory(); } }