/* * Copyright 2007 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.dev.javac.typemodel; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.typeinfo.JType; import com.google.gwt.core.ext.typeinfo.NotFoundException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; abstract class AbstractMembers { protected final JClassType classType; private JMethod[] cachedInheritableMethods; private JMethod[] cachedOverridableMethods; public AbstractMembers(JClassType classType) { this.classType = classType; } public JConstructor findConstructor(JType[] paramTypes) { JConstructor[] ctors = getConstructors(); for (JConstructor candidate : ctors) { if (candidate.hasParamTypes(paramTypes)) { return candidate; } } return null; } public abstract JField findField(String name); public JMethod findMethod(String name, JType[] paramTypes) { JMethod[] overloads = getOverloads(name); for (JMethod candidate : overloads) { if (candidate.hasParamTypes(paramTypes)) { return candidate; } } return null; } public JClassType findNestedType(String typeName) { String[] parts = typeName.split("\\."); return findNestedTypeImpl(parts, 0); } public JConstructor getConstructor(JType[] paramTypes) throws NotFoundException { JConstructor result = findConstructor(paramTypes); if (result == null) { throw new NotFoundException(); } return result; } public JConstructor[] getConstructors() { return doGetConstructors().toArray(TypeOracle.NO_JCTORS); } public JField getField(String name) { JField field = findField(name); assert (field != null); return field; } public abstract JField[] getFields(); public JMethod[] getInheritableMethods() { if (cachedInheritableMethods == null) { Map<String, JMethod> methodsBySignature = new TreeMap<String, JMethod>(); getInheritableMethodsOnSuperinterfacesAndMaybeThisInterface(methodsBySignature); if (classType.isClass() != null) { getInheritableMethodsOnSuperclassesAndThisClass(methodsBySignature); } int size = methodsBySignature.size(); if (size == 0) { cachedInheritableMethods = TypeOracle.NO_JMETHODS; } else { Collection<JMethod> leafMethods = methodsBySignature.values(); cachedInheritableMethods = leafMethods.toArray(new JMethod[size]); } } return cachedInheritableMethods; } public JMethod getMethod(String name, JType[] paramTypes) throws NotFoundException { JMethod result = findMethod(name, paramTypes); if (result == null) { throw new NotFoundException(); } return result; } public abstract JMethod[] getMethods(); public JClassType getNestedType(String typeName) throws NotFoundException { JClassType result = findNestedType(typeName); if (result == null) { throw new NotFoundException(); } return result; } public JClassType[] getNestedTypes() { return doGetNestedTypes().values().toArray(TypeOracle.NO_JCLASSES); } public abstract JMethod[] getOverloads(String name); public JMethod[] getOverridableMethods() { if (cachedOverridableMethods == null) { JMethod[] inheritableMethods = getInheritableMethods(); ArrayList<JMethod> methods = new ArrayList<JMethod>( inheritableMethods.length); for (JMethod method : inheritableMethods) { if (!method.isFinal()) { methods.add(method); } } int size = methods.size(); if (size == 0) { cachedOverridableMethods = TypeOracle.NO_JMETHODS; } else { cachedOverridableMethods = methods.toArray(new JMethod[size]); } } return cachedOverridableMethods; } protected abstract void addConstructor(JConstructor ctor); protected abstract void addField(JField field); protected abstract void addMethod(JMethod method); protected abstract List<JConstructor> doGetConstructors(); protected abstract Map<String, JClassType> doGetNestedTypes(); protected JClassType findNestedTypeImpl(String[] typeName, int index) { JClassType found = doGetNestedTypes().get(typeName[index]); if (found == null) { return null; } else if (index < typeName.length - 1) { return found.findNestedTypeImpl(typeName, index + 1); } else { return found; } } protected void getInheritableMethodsOnSuperclassesAndThisClass( Map<String, JMethod> methodsBySignature) { assert (classType.isClass() != null); // Recurse first so that more derived methods will clobber less derived // methods. JClassType superClass = classType.getSuperclass(); if (superClass != null) { superClass.getInheritableMethodsOnSuperclassesAndThisClass(methodsBySignature); } JMethod[] declaredMethods = getMethods(); for (JMethod method : declaredMethods) { // Ensure that this method is inheritable. if (method.isPrivate() || method.isStatic()) { // We cannot inherit this method, so skip it. continue; } // We can override this method, so record it. String sig = computeInternalSignature(method); methodsBySignature.put(sig, method); } } /** * Gets the methods declared in interfaces that this type extends. If this * type is a class, its own methods are not added. If this type is an * interface, its own methods are added. Used internally by * {@link #getOverridableMethods()}. * * @param methodsBySignature */ protected void getInheritableMethodsOnSuperinterfacesAndMaybeThisInterface( Map<String, JMethod> methodsBySignature) { // Recurse first so that more derived methods will clobber less derived // methods. JClassType[] superIntfs = classType.getImplementedInterfaces(); for (JClassType superIntf : superIntfs) { superIntf.getInheritableMethodsOnSuperinterfacesAndMaybeThisInterface(methodsBySignature); } if (classType.isInterface() == null) { // This is not an interface, so we're done after having visited its // implemented interfaces. return; } JMethod[] declaredMethods = getMethods(); for (JMethod method : declaredMethods) { String sig = computeInternalSignature(method); JMethod existing = methodsBySignature.get(sig); if (existing != null) { JClassType existingType = existing.getEnclosingType(); JClassType thisType = method.getEnclosingType(); if (thisType.isAssignableFrom(existingType)) { // The existing method is in a more-derived type, so don't replace it. continue; } } methodsBySignature.put(sig, method); } } protected JClassType getParentType() { return classType; } private String computeInternalSignature(JMethod method) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.setLength(0); sb.append(method.getName()); JParameter[] params = method.getParameters(); for (JParameter param : params) { sb.append("/"); sb.append(param.getType().getErasedType().getQualifiedSourceName()); } return sb.toString(); } }